[15] Sex Machine [XXXX]
[WARNING: Sex. Lots and lots of sex in one chapter.]
January 5th, 2039 9:30am
Your POV:
Today was the day that Markus and I were getting back to work...even though we were supposed to got baxk to work on the eighth I couldn't wait so I persuaded Markus to go in early...and we wasted no time diving right into it. We woke up at around 7:30. I took a shower and ate breakfast before Markus and I went to the refuge which had became more like an office of sorts for us.
There were some Androids still around a couple of hundred to be exact.
I was currently reading emails that needed to be looked up. Some were fanmail some were huge day show host and youtubers wanting to interview us.
"So I just got finished talking to the president's secretary and turns out we don't have to look for a place we just have to show up with a couple of years worth of clothing she already has a place secured for us." Markus said walking towards me.
I smiled before continuing to check the emails. "That's great."
"Is there any big news?" He asked sitting beside me.
"Well besides the typical interviews and fan mail..nope." I sigh.
"What kind of interviews?"
"Some from day show host and some from youtubers which of course I told them I would love to but I have to get conformation from you before agreeing."
"I think we should keep them in suspense. Not too many interviews before we launch the new program of course."
"How many interviews before then?"
"4 and then we can start doing more after the program is launched so we can start get more publicity." Markus says.
"Ok..speaking of publicity I was thinking we should some sort of big event to celebrate the launching and not only that but have celebrity supporters come out. Maybe make it a concert thing. That way not only will we be able to raise money. But then we can't get the youth involved. If they see some of there favorite influencers donating and supporting they will want to do it as well." I say smiling "I mean it's not exactly and innovative thought. How ever it's an older trick that never fails."
Markus smiled."That's a good idea. We should start trying to get in contact with people to see who we can get on board. It's perfect...we are still very relevant we should take advantage of our status." Markus said.
"Exactly...speaking business...me likely." I say in a flirtatious tone.
"No fraternizing in the work space love." Markus reminded me.
"I know...I know."
"Speaking of which there is something I wanted to talk about with you. Later of course away from prying eyes."
"Okay..." I said smiling.
"Great... I won't stop your work flow please continue." Markus said giving me a kiss on the cheek before leaving me to work.
As Markus had mentioned on our way home he decided to bring up something we haven't talked about and haven't had time to really talk about even during the break.
"So. I talked to Elijah about getting that upgrade you talked about that allows me to experience sexual pleasure." Markus said bluntly.
My eyes popped out of my head. "Markus you don't have to. I didn't really think you would do it. It was a heat of the moment suggestion." I ramble
"I want to, sex is also a good and easy way to reduce stress. Something I have have a feeling you and I are gonna be dealing with a lot during these next couple of years. It's a win-win," Markus said.
"As long as you are perfectly OK with it then I am as well." I say holding his hand and smiling.
"Great," He said kissing my hand.
As soon as we came home we told Kamski
"You really want to do it?" Elijah asked.
"Yes. (Y/n) and I talked about it and I want the upgrade."
"How soon?" He questioned.
"As soon as possible before we go to DC." Markus says.
Elijah raised his eyebrows. "Well in that case follow me." He sighed walking away.
Markus and I followed him into another side of the house downstairs into the basement. Which also happened to be his lab. I wasn't surprised since I've been down here before but Markus seemed amazed.
"I've reviewed the floor plans and blueprint for this house many times... A basement was never included." Markus says to Elijah.
"It was included in the final detail of the house. The final detail was never updated on my request." Elijah confessed.
I smiled. "He doesn't like other humans so much. So once he got the money he had the house built and added his own lab so he didn't have to go to cyberlife." I tell Markus.
Markus furrowed his eyebrows but nodded.
"Alright Markus I'm going to need you to lay down and shut down all of your systems for me because I'm going to have to do some rewiring and adding to your systems." Elijah said putting on his gloves.
"(Y/n) feel like getting your hands dirty today?" Elijah asked raising an eyebrow.
"It's been a while... I know you have to miss it a little bit." He teased.
I sigh before grabbing some gloves. Markus laid down on the examination table and he shut down.
"This operation is gonna take a good 5 hours." I say to Elijah sighing as I put in my surgical glasses with a flashlight on the side.
"Yes possibly two hours since we're doing this together. So are we do what we did with project X?" He questioned.
I nodded. "Where is project X anyway?" I questioned.
"Still hidden away waiting to be used." He sighed while opening Markus's panel.
"I still feel like we might be getting ahead of ourselves with the idea..." I say as I prepared the tools.
"Well let's just hope that we will never have to use her." Elijah said.
"Ready doctor?" I ask Elijah.
"If you are," Elijah smirked.
4 hours later...
Your POV:
Markus opened his eyes and looked around.
"Hello Markus, how do you feel?" Elijah asked.
"I feel...a bit strange." Markus admitted.
"That might be a good sign." Elijah muttered.
"Markus stand for me please." I asked.
Markus got up and his eyes widened before he looked down.
"You feel it don't you?" I asked Markus.
He nodded.
"We did it right then." Elijah smiled pridefully. "Alright so a few things you need to know. I added the ability to feel throughout your body. You can feel everything except pain. When it come to peaking during intercourse I couldn't add semen or a substitute. So you will just feel the sensation of it but nothing will actually come out. You are now able to do actions that require " breathing" such as sighing and whispering and etc. still don't understand why your series of android doesn't have that feature but I added it. That's everything I can tell you. Everything else is up to the two of you." Elijah said taking off his gloves.
"Thanks Elijah," Markus said.
"No problem... Still no fraternizing in my house." Elijah said.
"We won't." I sigh.
2 weeks later... January 24th, 2039 (Monday)
"(Y/n)..." Markus cooed in my ear before kissing my neck. "Wake up."
I groaned. "5 more minutes..." I mumbled.
"Nah-ah you'll be more tired than you were before. We have to get up for the flight."
"Can I tell madam president to kindly fuck off and we can catch a commercial flight?" I mutter. "It's 6am... I haven't gotten up this early since high school and I hated high school!" I grumbled.
"Afraid not, you can sleep on the flight." He reminded me.
I sighed before getting up and getting ready:
"Do you have everything you need?" Markus asked me.
"I believe so." I say looking around.
"We have to be at the airport in two hours." Markus said wrapping his arms around my waist from behind.
"Yes we do." I said smiling.
"How about we test this new upgrade?" He said before kissing my neck while slithering his hand into my pants to run his finger through my folds.
"But Elijah said no fraternizing... I thought you were a stickler for the rules." I teased.
"What is it you humans say? Rules were made to be broken? Yea that's the one." He smirked against my ear as he began to rub my clit. I let out a breathy yet quiet moan.
"Shhhh." He said in my ear as he bent me over the dresser against him. He continued to play with me. I felt his dick against my lower lips and I gasped as I pressed against him and he groaned.
"Fuck..." Markus grumbled.
Until there was a knock on the door.
"Shit..." He sighed. Before taking his hand out of my pants and I whimpered.
There was another knock. "Hey you two. There is a presidential ride out here to take you to the airport." Elijah said through the door.
I furrowed my eyebrows at Markus.
"I wasn't aware we were being sent a car." He said to me.
"We'll be right out!" I say.
"I'll get the clothes." Markus said walking towards our bag of clothes.
"And I will get the toiletries." I say walling toward the bathroom. Soon we got our bags and two men take them and put them into the back of the black car.
A woman in a black suit much similar to them two burley men loading our things into the car approached us.
"Good Morning Ms.Kamski and Mr.Manfred my name is Eliessia Barnums part of secret services. I'm here to escort you to your jet. I am aware we are early but that is to throw off anyone that maybe a potential threats to you." She rambled.
"Oh...that's smart." I say smiling.
"Yes...I will allow you to say your good byes but it must be quick we have to get there before 8am." She said before walking towards the car.
I turned to Elijah. "Well brother this is where we hug and cry." I joke.
"I don't cry...Call me when you can. Visit on holidays and know I'll be watching out for you when I turn on the TV." Elijah said before hugging me.
"I will." I say pulling away.
Markus and I were on the private jet in no time and in Washington DC just as fast. We were driven to a nice house not too far from the white house and it was fully decorated:
"Madam President was sorry she couldn't welcome you herself but is glad that she will be working with you soon.The fridge is stocked the Wi-Fi pass code is on the back of the TV. " Eliessia said.
"Tell her it will be an honor working with her as well." Markus said.
"Thank you so much for keeping us safe." I add on.
"It's my job to do so." She said smirking pridefully "Have a good day Mr.Manfred...Ms.Kamski." She nodded before leaving.
I sighed and looked around the house. "This is home for a while huh?" I say.
"Yes and I will unpack while you rest you must feel jetlagged." Markus said taking the bag down the hall. I get two with bags and do the same.
"How do you know which room is the master bedroom?" I questioned as I follow him.
"When we arrived I took note of the address and looked up the house on the internet." Markus admitted.
"Oh makes sense." I say as I put the bags down. Markus picked me up and put me on the bed.
"Get some rest maybe we can do a little bit of sight seeing later if you're feeling up to it." Markus said before giving me a kiss.
"Yea that would be fun."
"I love you,"
"I love you too." I said smiling.
January 25th,2039 9:30am
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. I walk into the kitchen to see Markus cooking. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around him.
"Good Morning Love." He said.
"Hi...you didn't have to cook for me you know?" I say resting my head on his back.
"I know...I didn't have anything to do so I guess I reverted back to my old ways.." He said turning off the stove"...I miss him...." Markus sighed.
I kiss his shoulder. "I know...me too." I sigh.
I let him go and he put the food on the plate. He put it on the table and I ate.
"How is it?" He asked leaning s the bar in front of me.
"Of course it's delicious." I say.
"Good. Eat. Shower and we can leave as soon as you're ready." He says before kissing me.
"Yes sir." I say smiling.
After 5 hours of tourism...
We walked inside our new home.
"That was fun." I sigh as I collapse on the couch.
"It was very nice to see the Lincoln Memorial in person." Markus confesses as he sits beside me.
"Seeing all those historical sights was very amazing. I've always been a history buff! When I was 12 I went to a revolutionary war site in south carolina and it was amazing!" I ramble excitedly.
He gave me his usual small smile before getting up and throwing me over his shoulder and I squeal.
"Hey! Mr.Manfred I demand to be put down!!" I say laughing.
Markus only responded with a slap to my behind and I let out a squeal.
"Markus!" I chirped.
"I suddenly see why humans find the butt appealing it's very squishy and mesmerising. Especially yours." Markus said as he continued walking to the room.
"You're wearing tights? Hm..do you know what seeing you in tights does to me? It gives me the urge to do this." He said calmly. I suddenly felt his strong hand tear the cheap material apart and his fingers slide the lacey material to this side before dipping a finger in my core and I gasped holding on.
"Markus!" I squeaked.
"You're wearing grey too? You must have been anticipating this." He said as he continued to tease me and I whimpered.
I didn't bother to fight against him be cause it would be pointless to fight. He threw me on the queen sized bed and I bounced a bit. I slid back against the headboard while Markus crawled between my legs. He gave me a passionate kiss as he removed his shirt.
"Are there any boundaries for you?" Markus asked.
"No butt stuff or anything that could potentially injure me. Other than that..you can do whatever you want me." I say and he growls like an animal before he started kissing and assaulting my sweet spot.
"Say it again." He commanded.
"I'm all yours. Do what you want ." I say in a flirtatious tone.
He grabbed my thighs to slide me down on my back.
He kissed me forcefully and roughly as he pulled off my torn tights taking my lacey garment with it before tossing it on the floor.
He spread my lower lips dipping his finger into my core gathering my lubricant from the source. I whined before bucking my hips against his finger desperately he held my hips still.
"You're already wet and I barely touched you." He teased before pulling his finger away. "I'm curious to see if you can get any wetter than this. Let's experiment." He said before licking my lower lips lightly.
I whimpered. "Please..." I begged.
He slipped his tongue between my lips teasingly running his tongue between my folds before sucking my clit harshly.
I cried out and grabbed the bedsheets. He continued for a bit before stopping and surveying my watery hole.
"I feel like you can do better than this darling." He said before kissing me deeply allowing me to taste myself. I moaned as he sunk to fingers into my weeping core. Hooking them into my gspot prodding at it without stopping. I threw my head back out of the kiss.
"Ngh please don't stop." I whined.
"Look at you so desperate...I wonder what'll happen if I sped up." He questioned before thrusting his fingers in at a super fast pace. I was at a lost for words and proper vision as colorful dots clouded my vision.
"Oh my god!!" I yell arching my back.
He abruptly pulled out. He licked off his fingers before humming in satisfaction. "Sweet and look at that you're soaking."
I sat up and pushed him onto his back. I sat between his legs.
"What do you think you're doing?" He questioned.
I looked at the tent in his jeans smirking deviously at him before running my hand over his oh so obvious erection.
"Fuck!" He groaned.
I unbuttoned his pants and pulled his boxer briefs down enough to let his member out.
I straddled his hips grinding on his member and he immediately grabbed my hips.
"Shit. Don't stop." He muttered as I continued. I bit my lip as I continued to work us both to our high.
"You feel so good. Fuck...don't stop.." He moaned trying to control movement and I wouldn't let him. I watched as his face contorted and he basked in his pleasure. I felt it too. I felt like I was on cloud twenty and I was just going higher. As much as it pained me to. I stopped and he automatically looked at me in frustration.
"Keep going." He said.
I shook my head "I can be a tease too." I said biting my lip and he growled before chuckling.
"You think this is cute?" He flipped me over. "Making me feel good like that for the first time and taking it away from me?" He fingered me hard and fast hitting my gspot rapid. I couldn't even breathe for a moment.
"Oh....fuuuuck!" I squeal.
"Feels good doesn't it?" He asked.
"Yesyesyes! Please don't stop! I'm gonna cum!" I cried.
"Well guess what sweetheart?" He asked before pulling out. "You don't get to cum until I say so." He growled into my ear.
I whimpered as my legs shook slightly and my core ached desperately for more attention. I needed him so bad.
He got off the bed and took off his pants and boxer briefs before getting back on. He flipped me onto my stomach roughly pulling my hips towards his. He slowly sunk his member into my aching pussy. Groaning and cursing with every inch that went in.
"You're so. fucking.tight." He groaned before slamming into me hard and fast.
"Oh Markus!" I moaned out loud.
He continued slamming into me without faltering in stature. I grabbed the sheets tightly as he continued to fuck me. Soon he began hitting a spot in me I didn't no existed.
"Oh god Markus shit!" I cried out as my walls clenched around his throbbing member.
"Fuck! You're gonna come huh?" He asked.
"Yes! please please please don't stop baby you fuck my pussy so good!" I cried out.
He continued until I felt my end coming near. I panted fast and heavily before I let out a loud moan as I convulsed. Markus cried out as well. I fell to the bed immediately after he was done. I laid on my back taking a moment to breathe.
Little did I know that-that moment changed Markus forever.
Two days later...
Once again I woke up to the smell of breakfast. I went into the kitchen to see Markus with a plate of pancakes with a side of bacon.
"For the 100th time Markus you don't have to cook for me. I feel bad because I can't do the same for you." I say wrapping my arms around his waist. He kissed me passionately.
"Don't worry about me. Are you feeling any better since Tuesday?" He asked kissing my neck.
"Yes I do." I say smiling and slightly aching at the memory.
He hummed before whispering "Go eat before you tempt me to bend you over every piece of furniture in this house before we leave for the first meeting." He said before slapping my ass. I squealed.
I ate my breakfast but the whole time Markus was staring at me.
"Is there something wrong?" I asked taking the last bite of my food.
"Are you done?" Markus asked.
"Good, I'm hungry." He said picking up me and putting me on the counter. He undid my robe exposing ththe fact that I was in nothing but my undergarments.
"You're so beautiful," He muttered as he kissed me and ran his hands over my curves.
"Markus...we can't." I sigh.
"It won't take me long to make you cum. You know that." He teased as he pulled my panties down. He got down in front of me.
"Markus I don't know about thi-ah~"
He licked my clit which still was a little sensitive. He moaned against my clit and my legs clenched around his head.
"Markus..." I moaned.
He only answered with a moan as he ran his tongue through my folds,over my clit in and out of my core. Driving me crazy. I felt the ever familiar coiling feeling derive in my lower stomach.
"Markus I'm gonna cum." I warned.
Markus began to finger me while sucking on my clit. I whimpered and held onto his shoulder.
"Cum." He commanded.
My body listened and I..squirted.
Markus smirked at me before staring me in the eyes as he sucked on my clit as I continued to come down from my high. He released my clit kissing it a few times before licking up my release. I panted as he continued. After he was finished he kissed me passionately allowing me to taste myself on his tongue.
"Even though I've cleaned you with my tongue." He teased. "I reccomend you take a shower and get ready. The car will be here in 30 minutes." Markus said before kissing my forehead.
I took my shower and got dressed. Markus did the same:
"You look very beautiful Dr.Kamski." He said wrapping his arms around my waist.
"And you Mr.Manfred are looking very handsome." I say adjusting his tie.
"I apologize for earlier I...lost control of myself...I swore I could hold off until tonight-" he rambled.
I put my finger to his lips. "It's ok," I say smiling. "I enjoy it." I say quietly before kissing him.
Markus smiled. "I'm glad that you do." He said before stroking my head. "I love you."
"I love you too." I say.
He kissed me again much softer and lovingly. One kiss lead to one more then another.
There was knock on the door. "To be continued?" I say.
"I would love to continue this later on tonight." He said giving me a small smile before we left our new house to meet the president.
Needless to say I was a little nervous. Even if I didn't show it but of course Markus could tell.
"Your stress levels are elevating love." Markus said grabbing my hand.
"I'm meeting the president of the united states... Not exactly a phrase you would say everyday..." I chuckle. "I've already left a bad taste in her mouth. I just hope I don't slip up." I sigh.
Markus smiled. "You are the same woman that pulled her stitches yet in the face of danger helped my people dodge bullets. Yet you're afraid of one woman?" He chuckled and I have to admit I was amazed yet again insulted.
"Markus...did you just?" I questioned.
"I believe I did." He said giving me a small smile.
"And yes I fear that woman she has high authority. I have enough reason to fear her."
"You'll do amazing you should know that. We're going to convince to give my people the rights they deserve. You've gotten very far using just your words you can continue that path I know that you can." Markus said before kissing my forehead.
I smiled a little bit and we arrived at the white house.
We were searched before we were allowed in the conference room with the women in charge herself.
She smiled warmly at me. "Dr.Kamski it is an honor to meet you. You are truly a remarkable woman." She says shaking my hand.
"Same to you Madam President. Being first female president is a remarkable achievement." I say. "Madam President as you already know this is Markus Manfred." I say introducing Markus.
He have her a small smile before shaking her hand. "Hello madam president. It's an honor to meet you." He said.
"The honor is mine Mr. Markus...I have many questions about well...everything." She said smiling.
"We don't mind telling our story we'll do it a thousand times so getting in some practice in now." I say smiling.
"Please take a seat and get comfortable I have a feeling that this is gonna take a while." She commented and she was right to assume so because it was a long story.
Markus and I sat besides each other at the long conference table. The president sat at the very end close to us."
"Before we begin...would first like to apologize for not being able to meet with you sooner as you know we are dealing with foreign affairs and war." She sighed.
"It's fine we understand you are a busy woman. We took time to get settled and and went to go visit the popular sites." I say smiling.
"I'm glad to hear that." She said smiling.
"So um, where do you want us to start?" I asked.
"I have a question...are you two actually together?" She questioned.
"We are we just prefer to keep to ourselves. Maintain a professional look." I say
"OK now I would like to know everything you could possibly tell me."
Markus is the one who told our story while I would occasionally bud in to add in a detail or two. But it wasn't long until we finished the story.
"I am personally moved by your story and I regret my pass judgement calls I made against your people Markus but there is only so much I can do...all decisions have to be put through congress. I believe you have a chance to get the rights you deserve... looking at your numbers. Public opinion has been in your favor and that favor continues. If you can continue your popularity and you tell them your story. We can convince them." She said smiling. "If it were up to me in a heart beat we'd be working together on getting every android a home and job.. A decent start and the justice for all the wrong we have committed against your kind." She sighed. "But it's not that easy. Not as easy as they make it seem."
"So what can we do?" I asked
"I'm gonna give you two and a half months to get your cause out there. I will even help by approving each message. Right now you are looking at almost half of the population in your favor the other half...are gonna need convincing. If you can get to 80% or higher the odds may be in your favor."
"We've been talking about that. We've had numerous ideas that we're putting into action." Markus buds in.
"Yes we have. We've talked about launching a campaign for those willing to donate for the better lives of androids." I say smiling at him.
"We've even discussed turning possibly Carl Manfred's house into an exhibit. All proceeds going towards the campaign." Markus says.
"It's just still hard to do since...we're still kind of grieving.." I confess.
"I understand but it is good you are considering all possibilities and I wish we could talk more but I have a meeting with the Prime Minister of Canada tomorrow
Feel free to contact my assistant anytime to get in contact with me. I will help wherever I can." She said
"Thank you Madam president." Markus said shaking her hand as we all stood to leave.
"No problem," She shook my hand as well.
When we left two bodyguards escorted us to our car. We went home and went to the office and got to work right away. Contacting anyone we could. We had finally found someone willing to work with us on the campaign. We met with a man named Arthur King to discuss our ideas all of which he agreed were well thought out. He agrees to help us start our campaign.
After meetings with him we went home.
The next morning I got up and fixed myself some cereal because Markus was too busy working out the details of the campaign to cook and I wasn't upset about it at all. After I got done eating I decided to get dressed so I can driver around and look for somewhere to have the concert once we launch the campaign.
Once I was dressed I went in the office where Markus was still looking for places. Which really just looked like he was just staring into space.
"Markus.." I say and he blinked at me.
"Hey...It's morning? Why didn't you notify me? I should have made you breakfast-"
"Markus! It's fine... I ate cereal. I'm all good. I'm going to look around for somewhere to hold the benefit concert. Once we launch of course." I say smiling.
Markus took my hand and pulled me into his lap. "Be safe and be back before nightfall please. I'm not saying you aren't handle yourself-" Markus started.
I kissed him. "Shhhhhh I know." I say smiling.
Markus sighed before smiling. "Good...then I'll see you later. Call me if you find something."
"I will." I say getting out of his lap. He slapped my ass once I was up. I yelped before turning to him narrowing my eyes.
"I told you it's mesmerizing." Markus smirked.
I rolled my eyes before leaving.
Hours later I came back thoroughly exhausted but it was so worth it because I had found a few parks that could be perfect for our launch.
Markus greeted me at the door. "Hello love," he said before giving me a kiss.
"Hi," I said smiling.
"Found any places?" He asked.
"Yes I'll show you in my laptop once I get settled in." I sigh as I walk into them master bathroom and taking my clothes off before hopping into the shower.
"Did you eat?" Markus asked standing out side of the door which was still open.
"Sure did I had taco bell on the way home. Don't worry I threw the trash inside the garbage bin before I came inside." I say as I quickly washing up.
"Today I talked to Arthur and we are good to go on starting up the campaign." Markus said his
I got dried off and threw on my robe before comimg out of the bathroom. I wrap my arms around his waist looking at him while smiling. "Really?" I say.
"Yes he even gave me a couple of websites to help us."
I was so excited I nearly squealed like an overexcited fan. "This is great I can't wait. This is gonna be so amazing!" I say smiling.
"Before we do anything we should probably discuss the layout of the website and Arthur is helping us out doing a couple photo shoots but we're gonna need a couple of others to join."
"We may be the founders of this campaign but we had help in the revolution...I still want to try to find North."
"We tried she doesn't want to be found she made that clear. She is a strong woman very capable of handling herself. Don't worry about her like you worry about Vee."
"Markus she helped us she should at least be apart of the photo shoot." I argued.
"We can't find her (Y/n). Remember once we were off break we would come from the office and search every street in Detroit for hours in end until you could barely keep your eyes open. I know...her situation isn't ideal and I wish we could help her but I believe she doesn't want help. You can't help someone who doesn't seek the help. If it makes you feel any better about the situation we can mention her on the website and talk about her heroic deeds." Markus suggests.
I sighed before laying my head on his chest. "Yea we can do that."
"Why do I feel like this constant search for North is coming from you feeling guilty?" He questioned looking me in the eye.
I averted my gaze.
"(Y/n)..." He started in a warning tone. "We've talked about this..."
"Will you really love me when I'm 86 with barely enough hair to make a wig? When I've got enough wrinkles to put an elephant to shame? When I'll be more of a liability than an asset? When I won't be able to satisfy your needs? When..I'm on my death bed?" I say on the verge if tears.
"Yes to every single on of those questions. Why do you do this to yourself? You love me knowing what I am yet expect less of me. Why?...did she say something to you?"
"Answer me." He said sternly.
I looked at him and nodded. "She told me I was a weak and fragile human and I'll eventually die. But when I did you would need someone to run to and she's right..she right." I say crying.
Markus pulled me closer. "Don't you dare listen to her. I will love you forever."
"I'm not gonna last like you will. How could you love me in a state like that?" I questioned.
"I don't care what you look like when I met you I didn't fall for your looks. I fell for your personality. I fell for your soul, your heart and mind. Not your body that was just a bonus." He teased. "I could never love a woman like her. You hear me? I don't care what happens...when I say I love you and everything you stand for I mean that. I will love and protect you for as long as you live. If you die I'll lay by your grave everyday until I shut down... I might as well because I refuse to live without you. No one will ever be able to take your place.North could....North could die and it would even phase me as much. But if you died....oh god...I-i c-can't." He said crying he held me tighter.
I hugged him back. Tightly.
"North and I may be may be the same with the same motives but we aren't compatible. You and I are compatible in ways beyond even my comprehension." He said putting his forehead to mine.
"What are you saying? That we're oddly compatible?" I say smirking and he chuckled softly.
"That is precisely what I am saying." He said smiling before he kissed me passionately.
He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist as he walks me to the bed.
He laid me down and continued to kiss me ad nibble at my neck and ear. Soon we pulled away.
"Let's forget North....we can mention her on the website out of respect but let's stop looking for her.." Markus told me.
I nodded. "Yea..." I say.
"Now let's talk about those parks." Getting comfortable on top of me.
"West Potomac park is perfect for a concert and possibly more." I say as I rub Markus's head.
"I see what you mean...the land is very flat and wide. We could have amusement rides for children and food venders."
"Food venders are a must of course." I say.
We soon talked about every thing including the design for the website.
3 weeks later...
We have been working our ass off to get everything together. We got Simon,Josh,Connor,Rafael and with my constant bugging even Elijah who told me right after the photoshoot he was taking the quickest flight back to Detroit. It was my long before Markus and I were fancily dressed and on the way to the photohrapher's studio:
We met up with the bunch and got the photos done before showing them around. We were all sitting in a restaurant to get Kamski and I something to eat. Markus and I were of course sitting next to reach other. While we were all talking Markus had managed to get his hand up my skirt and he was massaging my clit. I pulled his hand away swiftly and I sigh.
"You OK (Y/n)?" Markus asked feigning innocence.
"Yea I just need to go to the little girl's room." I say getting up and walking into the bathroom.
It wasn't too long before Markus came in behind me.
"Are you crazy you know how noisy I am why you you attempt to arouse me in front of our friends?" I asked and he pushed me against the sink before sitting me on top of it.
"Seeing you in that skirt hard been killing me all day. I was trying to wait till we get home but I'm so aroused right now it tingles." He confesses.
"OK well dinner is over anyway we can go home and I can take care of your boner when we get home." I say.
"I can't wait that long." He said pulling me against his boner. I was just a little aroused from feeling how big he was.
"Please can we do it here?" He begged.
"I'm not quiet you know that....OK fine." I got off the sink and pushed him against it before getting on my knees. I unzip his pants I pull his member out of his pants and suck on the tip before I slowly started taking more of him in my mouth and he covered his mouth.
"Shit.." He whispered as he bucks into my mouth. "That's it...fuck.." He moans quietly. He grabbed my head and shoved more of his length into my throat which hurt but at the same time felt so good. I felt kind of turnt on by it. He continues to fuck my mouth. I tapped on his thigh when I couldn't breathe and he let up. I coughed while I pumped his length as I caught my breath. Before shoving his length back down my throat and he groaned as I bobbed my head onto his length. It was arousing in itself.
"I'm close...." He moaned quietly and I kept going until he let out a strained groaned.
He pulled me up and kissed me roughly.
"Let's go home." He said Markus and I came out of the bathroom only to be teased. We finally got home and I got ready for bed before actually going to bed.
A couple of hours later I was awoken by the sudden wave of need that washed over me. I moaned and clung to my pillow as I felt fingers pumping in and out of my core.
Markus chuckled in my ear before kissing my neck. "About time you woke up." He said in a flirtatious tone. "I was beginning to think I would have to start without you."
"Markus." I moan.
"I know love its very late and you were sleeping but...Even though seeing your beautiful lips wrapped a round my huge cock is enthralling and mind blowing. I need a lot more. I need to feel the walls of your pussy clenching around me while you moan my name like a damn whore." He growled turning me off my side and on to my stomach. He roughly brought my hips up before between my legs. I knew what he wanted me to do.
"No way...I could be too heavy." I whine.
Markus forced my hips down onto his face his tongue went inside of me and I whimpered before fighting against him. He growled and slapped my ass. I yelped in response.
"C'mon let me get a face full of this beautiful pussy." Markus pushed my hips back down and continued to suck on my clit and run his tongue through my folds. I didn't fight him instead I grind against his tongue causing a moan of satisfaction to come from the both of us.
"That's it." He encouraged before continuing. He began to hit my gspot.
"Ah! Markus." I moaned as he move his tongue rapidly against my gspot and I continued to grind on his tongue. "Fuck! Markus I'm going to cum!" I exclaimed and he didn't stop until I did so. He got from underneath me and kneeled behind me.
He slid his fingers through my lips.
"I love wet you get for me." He moaned while he used my slick as lubricant rubbing it all over his length before plunging into me. We moaned as he went deeper.
He soon began to thrust into me at a medium pace. But he was so deep he began to my gspot.
I moaned. "Markus that's it please don't stop." I beg.
"Fuck.." He moaned as he began to pick up the pace.
"Markus!" I moaned louder.
"Oh fuck!" He groaned. He continued to rush us both to our highs before I came. He groaned as he finished as well. He pulled out and collapsed beside me.
He pulled me into him. "My god Markus." I pant smiling.
"I don't get how do you stop? How do you find the will to stop? Sex is..."
"I know..." I say turning on my side to feacr him"Some people find it addictive. They say that sex can be very addictive with the right person." I say biting my lip.
Markus gave me a lopsided smirk before running his hands along my curves. "That seems to be true...I feel like nothing else in the world matters in that moment but you and I....I feel powerful and....free."
I smile at him and cozy into him. "Well free to do that whenever because we don't have to stop. We just can't let it interfere with work." I chuckle.
"I'll resist when I can just don't tempt me with those sexy clothes they induce me to have you where you stand." He teased and I laughed before he kissed me. "I love you." He said.
"I love you too."
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