[13] Resting Easy
Your POV:
Markus took me to the nearest hospital. Some people didn't take too kindly to seeing Markus and I. Some were very welcoming and glad to help us. I luckily got a good nurse who was glad to see us.
But through it all Markus was there and kept me calm. After getting all my necessary medicines and such I was sent home. It was advised however that we go somewhere else considering there are still prejudice people still around and someone could attack my house. Just to be sure Markus and I went by the house and someone had indeed left a message on my door in spray paint saying:
You should really watch your back
"So do you want to go to Kamski's house?" Markus asked as we were driven by the car after I picked some stuff up from home.
"It's the only place we can go." I say shrugging.
Soon we arrived at Kamski's house. I knocked on the door and Kamski answered this time.
"Again you come to me injured." He said smirking.
"I went to the hospital this time. I need somewhere to stay. Apparently my place might not be the safest for a while." I mutter.
"Come in, make yourself at home." Elijah says stepping aside. Markus and I went inside. "Please no 'adult fun' around here." Elijah teased.
"She's on bed rest for 9 weeks. Too many injuries to attempt anything." Markus says.
I rolled my eyes. "I'm too tired to be sassy right now." I mutter. I go take a shower and out on some clean clothes before laying down in bed. Markus of course laid beside me.
"I'm sensing deja vu." I say quietly giving Markus a sleepy smile.
He kissed my forehead. "Except this time you won't be going anywhere."
"Aaand you still have to." I say a very tiny bit annoyed. I just wanted one night with him before we have to start getting down to business.
"Yes...They need me."
"Please come back to me when you can." I sigh.
"I'll be as swift as possible." he said giving me a kiss. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. Markus began to caress my curves. He began to kiss my neck.
"Stay for tonight." I say in a flirtatious voice.
"You're a temptress love." He says kissing my jawline to my neck. "But I am your tempter. I know your tactics." He said in a deep voice near my ear.
Oh dear god he's gonna be the death of me..
"10 minutes?" I say biting my lip.
"5 minutes." Markus bargained.
"9," I suggest.
"8 at the most,"
"8 minutes..you drive a hard bargain Ms.Kamski."
The very small amount of time we had was spent making out like two horny teenagers though. There was only one really.
*cough cough* me
8 minutes was over too quickly.
Markus pulled away. "I have to get going now." He says climbing off the bed.
"Now a minute more and you wouldhave been asking for something else...something you don't need right now. Now get some rest." He said putting his jacket on.
"Yes Deviant Leader." I say
"Mother of Deviants." Markus shot back.
"I still don't know how to feel about that name." I sigh.
"Think on it maybe you can come up with something better." He says before kissing my forehead and leaving.
I sigh and take a deep breath knowing I could for once rest easy.
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