Prologue: Nearing the End
Several days have passed since Keiko's birthday. I've yet to hear more of the story of the Five Knights, though.
I sigh as I put down a pile of wood inside of our shed.
"You okay, big bro?" Erika asks as she adds her batch of wood into the pile.
"Yeah, I'm fine." I lower my head and ruffle my hair. "It's just, I've been thinking about the story of Tetsu and the others a lot lately. I want to know what happened next. Especially what became of Serrano after Tetsu and he went on their separate ways."
Erika sits down on the wood and sighs. "I do too, but both Mommy and Daddy have been busy. We must prepare for the winter. They say that it's going to be a harsh one."
I rub my shoulders as a cold breeze blew into the shed. It's unusual for me to feel cold at this time of year. Most autumns, I could wear shorts and short sleeve shirts and not shiver a bit. But this one felt like winter had come early. We had already gotten frosts. The corn we planted in mid-spring perished, meaning that we're pretty strapped for money.
More cold air pours into the shed as the door creaks open. My sister and I look over our shoulders and see Dad standing by the half-opened door.
He leans against the doorframe and grins. "There you two are. I was starting to think that you got lost in the forest."
"I know my way around the forest just fine," I say, crossing my arms over my chest.
He smiles. "I know that. I meant your sister."
Erika fidgeted. She had gotten lost once while chasing after a frog. I had to look for her. She didn't even appear to have noticed that she had wandered off our typical stomping grounds.
"Let's go back inside, you two. Your mom has hot chocolate ready for you."
"Yay! Let's go, Ashi!" Erika yells, running past Dad. "Last one there doesn't get a slice of carrot cake!"
"Wait for me!" I yell, chasing after her.
It doesn't take me long to catch up to her. Erika moves her feet as fast as she can in an attempt to get back the lead, but it's no use against my speed.
A strong gust of wind blows past us. We gasp and see Dad standing by the door of the house, waving at us.
"Hurry up, slowpokes!" he yells as he opens the door.
"He's so quick!" Erika says, slowing down.
I nod. "Yeah." What kind of training did Dad do to become that fast? Come to think about it, I wonder if I should try out Tetsu's weight-training method.
"I won!" Erika yelled.
I blink and see that Erika made it to the door.
"Hey, no fair! I blanked out!" I yell, running toward her.
She giggles. "Excuses!"
I huff. "It's not an excuse!"
Mommy stuck her head out of the doorway and giggled. "Ashi's as much of a daydreamer as your daddy."
I scratch my cheek and blush. "Wait, Dad's daydreaming when he zones out?"
"Yeah, what else do you think your daddy is doing?"
"Good point."
She grins. "Come on inside, Ashi. You're going to get sick if you continue to stay out in this cold. Mommy made you hot chocolate and carrot cake."
My mouth salivates. "Hot choco and cake."
Erika laughed. "Brother, stop that!"
I blink and shake my head. "Oops, lost myself there for a moment!" Again...
I hum as I walk inside the house. Dad is already in the kitchen, eating with Taichi and Rui. Taichi golfs down his cake and hot chocolate.
"Slow down, Chi. You're going to choke," Dad says.
"Yeah!" Rui says, furrowing her brow at our brother.
Taichi gives her a chocolate-covered grin. "I'm fine."
Dad chuckles. "Slowing down a bit won't hurt. It allows you to enjoy the food longer."
Taichi glances at his empty plate and mug. He rubs his stomach and sighs. "That's true..."
"Here," Dad says as he stretches toward the remaining half of the cake. He cuts a slice and puts it on my brother's plate. "Try to eat it slowly this time."
Taichi beams. "Okay!" He grabs his spoon and scoops up a small piece.
I rush over to my seat.
"You finally made it. Thought that you slowpokes would take forever," Dad says, grinning.
I hold my empty plate toward him, ignoring his teasing.
"Here's your cake, rabbit boy," he says, cutting me a big slice.
"Thanks, Dad," I say before digging into my cake.
"Say, Daddy," Erika says as she takes a seat next to me.
"Yes?" Dad asks as he cuts her a slice.
"Can you tell us the rest of the story of the Five Knights?"
The knife shook in Dad's hand. "You really wish to hear it? The knights have already suffered several losses."
There are more cases like Dan, Takeshi, and Eiji?
"Yeah," Erika says with determined eyes. Even I'm afraid to hear what else is to come, but she didn't seem to bat an eye.
Dad sighs. Mom puts a hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright, dear? If you like, I can tell them the rest of the story."
Dad closed his eyes. "I'll do it, I'll tell you the rest of their story. Just don't say that I didn't warn you."
I bit my lip. What is to come?
**Solar Note: It's been awhile, but it's finally here! The 4th (and possibly last) book of the Legend of the Five Knights Series! Hope that you enjoy it :). Be sure to click on the star and maybe leave a comment or two ^^**
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