Episode 80: Unworthy
I stared at Eiya and the rest of my siblings. Eita and Ei-ei hugged our little brother as our mother scattered half of father's ashes into the wind from on top of the cathedral. As a free spirited man, this is how he would've wanted it. The remaining half would be buried near the garden gazebo.
My eyes widened as the wind took up the ashes, forming a bird. The avian flew higher and higher.
I turned around and stared at Alabaster. Tears stained his face. Why was he doing that? Reno said that he and Father had a history, but what exactly was it? Were they friends? Rivals? Or something else?
The bird disintegrated, carried away by the desert winds. Father loved this land despite how arid it was. Sadly, I failed to realize until he was gone. What made me realize it was the number of people who came at the cathedral. People from all classes and walks of life were mourning my father.
I asked a woman why she had come as far as the western frontier to view a dead noble and she said it was because Father wasn't a mere Grand Duke. He was a caring man. It was funny given how coarse he was.
My eyes dropped to the crowd. A memory flashed before my eyes. I was riding on Father's back, barely much older than Eiya. A man begged father for some water. Instead of giving him the water, Dad told him that the best place to build a well is in the north of town. He then gave the man the tea he had bought earlier, saying it'll help with his trip.
Days later, we saw that same man, more full of life than when we had met. He told Father that after some trial and error, with the help of some friends, he managed to dig up some water and build a well. The man and his colleagues had decided to leave it open to the public rather than keep it to themselves.
If it were me, the one from a month ago, I probably would've thrown a cup of spit at the man.
Mom handed me the urn and placed her head against my shoulder.
"It'll be alright, Mom," I said, patting her back.
"Let her cry for now," his Majesty said as he passed me by. "She still has a lot to get out of her system."
Did he think I didn't get that?
Mom pushed herself up and wiped her tears. "No, I said that I was done crying."
The king turned away. "No need to pretend, Eiko. No one will judge you if you cry some more. At least I won't."
It was strange to hear that from the man who didn't cry at his own wife's funeral. Unlike Miyuki, the so called-ice queen who anyone with a brain could tell was trying to hold back tears as her husband was buried.
"I-I got to be strong," Mom mumbled. Her eyes darted to my younger siblings. "For Eiya and the others."
I sighed. "No need to Mom, they have me to play that role," I said with a slight smile.
Mom furrowed her brow at me. "Eii, you're holding back, aren't you?"
I looked down at the golden roof of the cathedral. It shimmered like Father's armor. "I've already cried what I can at the forest."
"Eii, are you still on the belief that you don't deserve to be sad because of what you've done?" She placed her hands on my shoulders.
I smiled slightly. "It's true, though. Someone who produced so much tears isn't worthy of shedding them."
The king scoffed. "Is that your form of repentance? How pathetic. That won't help you at all. Believe me, I've seen and experienced it."
Was that why he didn't show emotion when Sofia died? No, as far as I'd known him, he'd been a solemn man. Or was that all an act? It wasn't unheard of for people to take on a stoic persona in an attempt to seem strong. Then, what was the real Osamu like?
"The king is right," Hideo said, walking over to us. "You shouldn't hide your pain as a form of repentance. It won't help you nor those you harmed."
I shook my head and chuckled. "What has the world come to, for the chibi to be giving me advice."
"Who are you calling chibi?" Hideo said, shaking his fist in the air.
I snorted as I dodged his punch. He might've grown, but he was still the same short-fuse guy deep down.
"Stand still, jerk!"
"Come on, you aren't even trying. I know you can do better than this. Or have I overtaken you already?"
He gritted his teeth and sped up his punches, throwing a few kicks into the mix occasionally.
I dodged and blocked a couple more of his attacks before going around him. With my hand outstretched, I patted his head. "Thanks, Hide. For being the only one who cares," I said in a low voice.
His cheeks reddened. "Who said that I care?" Hideo snapped as he crossed his arms.
"Words aren't always a requirement to communicate feelings," Alabaster said, smiling slightly.
"That's true!" Kiara said, running over and tackling her brother from behind.
Hide scratched his right check and grumbled.
I smiled even though I knew deep down that I was less worthy of it than crying.
The king stared at me and sighed. "You're just like your father and that guy," he mumbled before walking away.
My father and who else?
"So your father had regrets after all," Hideaki said as he approached. "Rene said as much when he came over to our place concerning the rebels." He averted his gaze, staring at the ground intensely.
"You hated Eiji?" Alabaster asked, putting a hand on Hideaki's shoulder.
The older Hide sighed. "I'm not sure if hate is the right word, but I do hold him responsible for what happened to our family."
Alabaster glanced around. Their sister was nowhere to be seen. "I wasn't around, so I won't say your feelings are wrong or right. If anything, it's hard to think about Eiji that way. It's as if I didn't know the real Eiji."
"Uncle," Reno said, putting a hand on his djinn's shoulder.
The true side of my father, huh? It was the same for me. There was so much more I wished I could've learned about him.
I turned around and walked away. Learning the truth was harder now with him gone. But maybe all those sides we saw were the real Eiji Raiyama.
"Akari?" I heard a voice call out as I descended the Cathedral. I turned and saw Tetsuya's brother talking to Rosa's friend. The girl, something about her felt familiar. Was it her looks? In terms of appearance, she was similar to Mom.
"Takuya?" Akari said. She turned away. "W-why are you here?"
"I was goin' to ask ya that." He smiled. "It's been awhile."
Akari snickered. "Not really. It's only been a week or so."
Takuya's cheeks reddened. "I-I guess that's true. Feels like forever, though."
I laughed at the awkwardness. That guy was almost as bad at picking up girls as his chibi cousin. Seemed that the peasant was the only one with any talent on that front, but it was wasted by his indecision.
I leaned on the wall and snickered bitterly. Who was I to judge on indecision? I would play around with girls in my late teens. Nor did I care if they found out as there were more to choose from.
Akari once told me that I should be more kind to girls. Yet, she went ahead and hurt Zafir's feelings. So, what was she playing at?
Takuya ran off frantically.
"What was that?" I asked, snickering.
Akari turned around and narrowed her eyes at me. "Oh, it's you. What do you want? I'm not interested in seeing anyone."
I scoffed. "Please, I've never once asked you out."
She tilted her head. "That's true."
Come to think about it, it was odd that I hadn't. Akari was beautiful. Maybe it was because of her physical resemblance to my mother and sister.
I chuckled as I got closer to the edge of the cathedral. "I know it's not my place, but you should clean up your act, before you hurt more people."
She sighed. "Sir Eiji told me the same thing last we met."
Dad had? That man sure loved getting involved in other people's business, didn't he?
"Why did he?"
She pressed her back against the wall and brought her legs up to her chest. "I think he saw that I was sad. He asked me why I was. I told him that I wasn't sure what to do. Being raised by a single mother, I know how hard it can be. But at the same time, I'm scared of entering a serious relationship."
"Zafir thought it was," a voice called out. I turned and saw Teresa making her way over with Nicolas.
Akari looked away. "I know, but then again, that guy takes everything seriously. Sometimes I wonder how two people as different as us ended up dating."
"So ya never liked him, huh?"
"I thought I did, at least enough to date him. He's not a bad guy, but the more I reflect on it, the more I doubt we're a good match."
Teresa put a hand on her nose bridge and sighed.
"I've started to feel the same way," a voice called out as Zafir appeared behind Nicolas and Teresa. "That said, don't feel alone. I'll still help you raise our child, regardless of what happens to us as couple."
Akari looked up and nodded. "I understand. Thanks, Zaf."
The prince of Mizu no Kin shook his head. "No need, it's my duty."
She snickered and turned to look at me. "See what I meant?"
I scratched my head. "Yeah, the guy's a lot like his cousin, Hyosetsu."
Zafir coughed. "Enough gossiping. Your mother told me that we'll be moving on to the palace. It's time for the birth of a new Grand Duke of Raiyama."
"Alright. I'll be there in a bit."
I glanced up at the clear blue sky as Akari and the others left for the palace. The air was filled with people flying to the direction of the palace like one giant flock of humanoid birds.
My skin tingled as I felt long, slim fingers wrap around mine. I turned and saw Sabine standing next to me, also staring up at the sky.
"Sorry for not having done this earlier," she whispered.
"Sabine, you don't have to."
She turned to look at me and smiled. "Not sure how you nobles are raised, but not everything has to be a requirement, you know."
I reached a hand for her face and pressed my forehead against hers. She jumped and turned around. "Uh, we better hurry. You have a busy schedule ahead of you today." Sabine shot up into the air.
What was I going to do? Kiss her? Stupid Eiichi. You scared her away.
I took to the skies and went straight for the palace. Once I returned home, I saw the priest who had presided over the requiem, the king, my mom, my uncle, my aunt, my cousins, and my siblings. They were hidden by the shade on the dark side of the balcony overlooking the driveway.
"It's time," Eita said with a thin smile as I tucked my wings.
The king adverted his gaze. It was obvious he didn't want to do this. Then why hadn't he rejected my ascension? As the king of Kuroriku, that was his prerogative.
"Try not to ruin things as Grand Duke, brother," Ei-ei said with a smug grin.
Bora chuckled. "Yeah."
"That's a funny way of wishing me good luck," I said, ruffling my sister's hair.
"Argh! Stop it!" she snapped, slapping my arm.
I chuckled and let go of her. "I'll get you later, Bora."
Bora laughed. "I'll be ready for you!" he said, swapping the air in front of him.
"Bora," my aunt said, sighing. Her usually spotless black mascara was smeared.
He lowered his head like a kid. "Alright."
I laughed and peered at the growing crowd. Sabine landed on top of a statue of a giant holding up a globe and blinked as if surprised that I beat her here. I waved at her, but she quickly looked away.
Was she shy? Or was the cause behind the awkwardness unease with me?
Mom cleared her throat and draped a red fur cape on my shoulders. "Go, son," she said, nudging me forward. The priest had gone on ahead and was starting his speech.
I buttoned the golden necklace-like chain of my cape and emerged from the shadows.
"While we've lost a great leader, we aren't rudderless. By the blessing of the divine couple, we have a young man here who will take the helm. Bringing to Raiyama the promise of greater blessings and glory. Today, with the blessing of our mortal king, Osamu, and the divine rulers, we crown Eiichi Ajmal Adil Raisei Raiyama-Kuroichi as the Grand Duke of Raiyama," the priest said, turning to look at me. He raised a crown with dangling golden flowers with different gems up to my bowed head.
The crowd burst into cheers, but they paled in comparison to the cries of sadness my father had received. Those who were from this city knew of my more obvious imperfections. I could only hope to be as half as good of a Grand Duke as my father.
I walked to the edge of the balcony and raised a hand to the air. As the crowd grew silent, I started to wish that I'd bothered to write a speech. But I had thought of one in my head when trying to gather my thoughts. It was best of this to be authentic, to give people insight to their new ruler.
"As some of you know, I'm Eiichi Ajmal Adil Raisei Raiyama-Kuroichi, once the duke of Sanadria, and now the Grand Duke of all of Raiyama! I don't plan to rule for long, and nor do I think that I'll surpass the legacy of my father, but I will do my best as both Grand Duke and as a knight to safe guard this land and its people!" I lowered my head to them. "So please, put up with this spoiled brat of a man for as long as it take, before someone more worthy of the position can take over."
The crowd broke into murmurs, but also a few cheers. The loudest coming from a black haired boy with emerald eyes.
"You can do it, jerk!" Hideo yelled at the top of his lungs.
My own lungs contracted. Hide... thanks, really.
I gasped as I stared at the one yelling next to him. It was Rosa. Why was she cheering for me? After all I'd done to her, to her family, and to the man she loved?
"Brother," Ei-ei said, coming closing.
I reclined my head toward the ground. The white stone became stained with tears.
**Solar Note: Chapter 80 already! Eighteen remain to go, so only a little longer left in this now penultimate book.**
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