Episode 75: Mistake
I sat down and watched as Conrad rushed at his big brother. After cooking his fiancee her food, Serra had taken over from me.
Tetsuya had formed barriers around them and the others who were sparring. Setsuko and Rosa had decided to team up and fight their maternal cousins. The latter's coordination was wanting.
Onami meanwhile taught her younger sister how to transform into a giant tanuki, while Naoru sparred with Nico and Teresa. Tetsuya seemed to be at peace as he maintained the barriers, despite all of the chaos going on within them. None of them seemed to bend either.
"They're still at it?" Juniper said as she walked out of the kitchen. The sun set over the western mountains.
I chuckled. "Yeah, they're pretty determined." My smile faded. "Our enemies likely are too, at least my in-laws."
"My sisters and you sure married into messy families. Makes me glad for once that I'm single."
"You're still single?" I asked, leaning back on the steps.
She crossed her arms. "Yeah, but it's fine. I'm in no rush to marry. Wouldn't even mind staying single for life."
I laughed nervously as I stared at her poker face. "I doubt you actually mean that."
She poked my chest with her index finger. "Oh, what makes you think that?"
"You seem annoyed when saying it. It's fine to keep looking for love."
She rubbed her arms. "I don't know. Seeing what happened to all of you makes me..." My cousin stopped and looked away.
"A little. Plus, not like I've been able to keep a relationship for more than half a year."
"Wonder if that's why Akari's afraid," Takuya whispered as he appeared behind us.
"Akari?" Juniper asked, looking over her shoulder. She looked ahead. "Why does that name sound familiar..."
I smiled at Taku. "Is this Akari girl someone you like?"
Takuya's face flushed. "Uh, uh... I got to go check on the tea Dossie's making!" He turned around and ran off.
"He's surprisingly shy," Juniper said, giggling. "I'm glad to see that he's finally moving on."
I raised an eyebrow at her. "Did he have a bad breakup?"
Juniper stared at her knees. "No. It was worse than that."
"How so?"
"If they had broken up, there would still be a chance to amend things." She shook her head. "I rather not say."
Wait, Conrad apologized to Takuya earlier. H-had Itou hurt the one he loved?
"I see," I said, sighing.
No wonder Con reacted that way.
"Is there anyone you like, though?"
She put a hand on her chin. "Someone I like, huh?" My cheeks suddenly reddened.
I smirked. "Ah so there is someone!"
Juniper scratched her hand and grumbled. "No. Argh, why did I think of that kid?"
"A childish guy around Tetsuya's age. He was a snot nosed brat when I first met him. I trained him for some time back when I was working as a tutor. I saw him again when he was around Rosa and Kohri's age. He was one of the few who passed my training camp."
"You had a training camp? Poor kids," I said, laughing.
Juniper looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah, most of them ran out of the door, crying." She glanced up at the sky. "At the graduation ceremony for those who passed, he asked me out. I rejected him at the time because it felt wrong to date a student, even if he had graduated. Despite that, he continued to visit me from time to time, asking me for tips on how to perfect his mana control. But, those visits changed after I made a mistake."
"Huh? A mistake?"
She covered her face with one hand. "I rather not say."
"So, you never saw or heard from him again?"
"I did, from my brother. He told me the kid had become a knight like your son."
"Oh, of what order?"
"The Seven Flames."
My eyes widened.
She closed her eyes and sighed. "See the issue? That's another reason why I'd rejected him. The angel tool he used at the camp seemed suspicious, it was only later that I confirmed my suspicions."
"So, you're not okay with dating a Kasai no Ki?"
"Maybe if he were a normal one, but a Seven Flame? That's pushing it."
"I know that we've had bad blood, but I don't think that should stop you if you like him."
Juniper looked away. "I told you, I don't like him."
I snickered. "Lies. You wouldn't react like you are now if that were true."
"You like one of the Seven Flame Knights?" Rene said.
Jun jumped as soon as she looked behind her shoulder. Her sister had a giant grin on her face.
"Hey, will it kill you to not sneak up on people?" Juniper asked, huffing.
Rene giggled. "So, which one do you like? I know two of them, but one of them doesn't fit the criteria you mentioned, so it has to be Kiyoshi or one of the others I've yet to meet."
"You ignored my question. W-wait, you know Kiyo?"
Rene gave her big sister a sly grin. "Oh, so you call him 'Kiyo', I see."
Jun stood up. "I better go see if the tea is done. Could really use some with this headache."
I wrapped an arm around her. "Hey, don't think we'll let you run off."
My cousin pushed me. "Hey, let go. You reek of sweat, Aza!"
I let go of her and smelled my shirt. She had a point there. Though, didn't think that I had broken much of one during the fight. Seemed Con pushed me further than I'd thought.
"Think I'll go take a bath. Rene, keep applying pressure!" I yelled, running down the stairs.
"Wait, you're not coming in?" Rene asked.
"Yeah, the bathroom is indoors, dummy," Jun said, crossing her arms.
"I'm going to the lake."
"Huh, had no idea that you were the outdoorsy type."
I smiled. "Well, you could say it's become a bit of a habit."
Jun and Rene frowned.
"It's alright. Living on the streets taught me a lot. Well, see ya in a bit!" I dashed off.
"Wait, you have no spare clothes," Serrano said as he walked toward us.
"Oh, right."
Serrano sighed. "As irresponsible as Tetsu."
"Hey!" Tetsu snapped.
He smirked at his cousin. "I'm teasing, cuz."
Tetsuya crossed her arms and narrowed his eyes. "Yeah, right."
"I'll get daddy some clothes! Think Mommy kept some!" Conrad said, running into the house.
She did? Thought that she got rid of all the stuff I'd left behind.
"Mom still cared for you," Serrano whispered as he passed me by.
"Aza," Rene said, putting a hand on my shoulder.
My face hurt as I smiled. "See you in a bit."
Mason moved the last of the floating monoliths. "There, that should take us to Zionia. Assuming they haven't beefed their security."
"It'll take a while to find Conrad. They left the area of the Kuroki mountains," I said.
The kid wagged his finger and grinned. "Oh? Who said that this is going to lead to the Kuroki mountains?"
"It's not?" Plu asked, tilting her head.
"No, this will lead you back home."
The two of us gasped. "Why there?" I asked.
"That's where the current Rabbit Pillar is," a voice called out. We turned around and saw a pink-haired girl hugging a stuffed bunny in a dress.
"Kagu-Kagu," Plu said.
The little girl held out her hand, causing the monoliths to glow. "Hurry. Mason and I will open the path. Retrieve the Rabbit Pillar."
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to," I said, stepping toward the stones.
"That's fine. He'll play his role, regardless."
"What do you mean?"
"She means that he'll be drawn to the war by the hands of destiny," Mason said. "Same goes for you, should you think of going your own way."
I shook my head. "I don't plan to."
My half-siblings smiled. "Good," they said in unison.
Such strange kids. Was this the result of their travels through time? But, then, wouldn't they already know the outcome of all of this? Why then do they appear unsure?
"Cio said that the future isn't assured, there's multiple paths with varying outcomes," Plu whispered.
Had she read my mind or was I being easy to read again?
"Yup," Mason said, swinging his hands behind his head. He gave us a toothy grin. "But that's what makes this all the more fun. It would be bland if we knew what would happen for sure. Now, show us the path you plan to carve, big sisters."
My eyes widened. Were they trying to push us to change the future? But, why? Was the one they experienced unfavorable to us?
Then again, Dad did foresee Shi dying in this war. That's why he went ahead and sealed him. But, would that really work? The future wasn't something so easily changed once its path had been decided.
"Sel-Sel, let's go!" Plu said, grabbing my hand. She pulled me into the platform as the stones started to speed up.
"Safe travels," Kaguya said, waving at us.
"Say hi to our nephew for us!" Mason said, grinning.
I smiled. They were odd, but they didn't seem malicious. Still, could I trust them?
My eyes widened as I found myself on a mountain, surrounded by the stars and the shine of the moon.
"It's night already? Wait, is it even the same day?" I asked, staring at the tiny shrine. It was an eerie one with broken dolls spilling out. This gateway had been in use by the demons for ages. As a puppy, Mom would warn me and my siblings not to come to close to this place for that very reason. Was this where the monster that killed mom came from?
"Let's go and find out!" Plum said, transforming into her pig form. She dashed down the mountain like a wild boar.
"Hey, wait for me, Plu!" I yelled. Turning back into my dog form, I chased after her. Much to my shock, Plum vanished.
"Plu! Be careful! Don't get lost! There's demons around these places!"
"I'll be fine!" Plu yelled back. "I'll call you on the crystal."
A crystal went flying my way. I sighed as I caught it with my mouth. Well, at least we had a way to communicate. If something bad happened to her, I'm not sure how I would be able to face the others.
My ears went up as they picked up a faint sound. It was hard to tell the lyrics, but they gave off a sad vibe.
The further we descended the mountain, the more audible it became.
"Plu, can you hear that?" I asked as I walked beside her.
"No, I don't hear a thing."
Was I imagining things? "Go on ahead, I'm going to go investigate it."
"You sure? Isn't it dangerous?"
"Leaving it be might be worse, if it turns out to be a demon."
"Maybe I should go with you."
"No. Go and find Con. Keep him safe."
"Okay!" she said, nodding her pig head. She turned to the left while I went right. This singing, it sounded familiar. Where had I heard it from before? It'd been so long since I'd heard music like this that I'd lost my touch.
My tail wagged as the music continued. Whoever had singing had changed to a more hopeful song.
I stopped at the edge of a lake and watched as the moonlight struck the pool of water. My eyes widened at the sight of silver hair, shining as brightly as the moon itself.
My sorta ex stopped singing and turned to look at me. He swam over fast. "Oh, a dog? Did you get lost, big girl?" He ran a hand through my head and smiled. "You know, you remind me a lot of my wife. Well, former wife? I'm not really sure what we are."
So, he wasn't certain either.
He pressed his head against my neck. "I'm sorry, Selena."
"So you know it's me," I said.
He let go of me and chuckled. "I figured. It didn't help that you were salivating while watching me bathe. You're still the same perverted girl."
I transformed back to my humanoid form. "I-I wasn't salivating, you narcissistic jerk!"
He turned his back to me. It was as muscular as I remembered it, if not more. Great, maybe I was still the same shallow girl I used to be when I fangirled over his entertainment persona after all.
Azami swam over to the edge and emerged from the lake.
I turned away. It was oddly silent other than the sound of buttons and zippers.
"Selena, why did you keep this shirt?" Azami said.
I looked up at him and saw he had on the white shirt of his I'd kept in my room. The same one I would often cry into following the days of his abandonment. Truth be told, I had torn that shirt up multiple times.
"I'm not sure," I said, standing up.
"You tore it, didn't you? Then, why did you sew it back up?"
"I'm not sure about that either. I just did, okay?"
He walked over to me and put his hands on my shoulders. "Was it because of lingering attachment?"
I kept my focus on his chest.
"Hey, perverted girl, I'm talking," he said, smiling at me.
I pushed him away. "I'm not checking you out! I just don't want to see your face!"
He gulped. "Oh. I see. Sorry about that. Well, I better head back. Think I've been gone long enough."
"I did it because I loved you!" I snapped. "I foolishly did!"
"Past tense, huh?" he said as he picked up a set of clothes from the ground.
My heart sank. Was it truly past?
Azami stepped closer and grabbed my chin, forcing me to look up at his eyes. "It's not, is it?"
My eyes sunk into the sea of blue. "I-" Before I could respond, Azami's lips pressed against my own.
I put my hands against his chest, but didn't push him back. His kisses weren't the same rage filled ones he gave me in the last days of our marriage. They weren't exactly like the ones from our happy days either. They were mature, like those of someone who had lost everything and found himself. Yet, they were still as loving and passionate as when we were newly weds.
"S-sorry," Azami said as he broke away from me. He looked away. "I shouldn't have forced myself on you like that."
I put my hands against his face. "It's alright," I said before pulling him in for another kiss.
He put his hands on my waist and moved his lips to my neck.
"Sorry. I'm moving too fast, aren't i?"
I laughed. What was with him? He seemed more like a dog than me.
Stepping toward him, I grabbed his shirt and unbuttoned the next highest button. "No, it's alright. Just, let me take the lead this time, okay?" I said, running my hand down to his abdomen.
He smiled. "I'm not sure if I'll be able to," he whispered into my ear before kissing me again. His fingers tickled by body. They were rougher than before, but more gentle than ever. As if he were afraid to break me.
If Cio were here, she probably would say that I was making a big mistake. But, I wanted to forget everything that we'd been through under the beauty of the stars and the moon above. Azami likely thought the same thing.
**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the chapter ^^. Thoughts? Theories? Predictions?**
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