Episode 65: Reawaken
I panted as I finished my sparring session with Cio and Woolsey. This had been the longest one since my Poggy-years.
Cio gasped as a bright glow came from the stone in her husband's hands.
"Are the boys calling again?" she asked as she appeared next to him. She sure was energetic for someone who had just woken up. Or concerned. Not that I blamed her. I would be too if my sons were calling me. Not that I had one of those stones on me.
Daisaru raised the blue stone for us to see better. The image of two boys appeared out of it like a hologram. One of the two youths resembled Etsuo. He'd gotten so tall since I last saw him, which admittingly was as a toddler.
"Hey, you two look well," Daisaru said, grinning. "Sorry that I didn't get to answer your previous call. Had a few things to clean up here."
"That's alright," Etsuo said, sighing.
"Has something happened?" Cio asked.
"Yeah. Conrad still hasn't woken up, but he was taken by his father. He's relocating him to somewhere he believes will be safer," Man-kin said, crossing his arms.
I sighed. At least he was well.
"Con-con is fine!" Plum said, letting out a sigh of her own.
"Do you know when he would be able to wake up?" Rocio asked.
"We aren't sure. We will inform you when we can," Man-kin said.
"Uh, on the topic of waking up, do you know how Roa is doing?"
Skah lowered his head. "He still unconscious. His mom and little siblings are currently watching over him."
"I should go too," Skah's little girl said. "Got to cheer on Row's recovery!"
I giggled. It was so adorable how she messed up her brother's name. When I was little, I used to call my big brother 'She'.
Etsuo smiled slightly. "Your big brother Row would love that."
"Row?" Kiara said as she appeared behind the boys.
Rocio narrowed her eyes at her. "Why are you talking in front of that girl?"
The brown-haired girl smiled. "Don't worry, Lady Rocio. It's me, Dine. That said, Kiara is aware of what's going on. But she isn't exactly an enemy. All she wants is to help Etsuo get back home, not fight him."
My sister scoffed. "That can't be guaranteed, unfortunately. Not until this war comes to a close. At the moment, that means the end of that girl's home. I doubt she would stand for that."
Kiara nodded. "Yeah, I wouldn't. But, I can tell that you want your sons back."
My sister turned aside. "How can you? Are you like your mom? Can you peer into the hearts of others?"
She blinked. "Mom can do that?"
Cio sighed. "Figuratively speaking, yes. An introspective yet odd girl that one was."
"Come to think about it, you're around her age. Since your older siblings were co-workers and eventually married, you must've interacted with Mom. Right? Were you two friends?"
"Rene tried to be, but Cio resisted opening up. I think they eventually reached something akin to friendship, not that my sister would admit it," I said, chuckling.
"Selena!" Rocio said as her ears turned red. She sighed and turned her eyes back to the boys. "Since Conrad is gone, would you like me to go get you?"
"Free us you mean?" Man-kin asked, grinning.
"We aren't really imprisoned, though," Etsuo said.
Man-kin nodded. "True, true. But we are still guarded by a figurative fence. We can't be too far from the Makkuroyama without getting tied up."
Etsuo sighed. "Yeah, but we can't go back without breaking the vine binds first."
I smiled and stepped closer to the crystal. "I can be of some assistance." A plant root formed in my palm.
"It's alright. While Conrad is gone, there's someone of interest still around," Etsuo said.
The girl who Conrad had risked his life for... According to Azami, Mammon had taken over her body.
"She's still alive? I thought it was a possessed dead body Mammon was using," I said.
"I'm not sure what she is, but that's why I want to keep an eye on her. We will be fighting the demons, no?"
Rocio nodded. "Yes. Guess it won't hurt to watch over her. If things look like bad in regard to her, exe-" My sister's eyebrows twitched. "Seems that I have to end the call here. Remembered there's something I must do."
"Huh? But I can at least talk to them, no?" Daisaru asked.
"I'm going to need your help with it."
Daisaru sighed. "Don't remember you mentioning a thing, but fine."
"It's fine. We were going to train anyway, no?" Man-kin said.
"Oh, right. Hideaki should be here at anytime," Etsuo said.
Kiara turned around and stared at a partially opened door. No one was there, at least that I could see. Had Rocio noticed it too? Was that why she was cutting the conversation short?
"Bye, Etsu-Etsuo! Man-man! Di-di!" Plum said, waving at her nephew.
Man-kin smiled slightly. "Take care, Piggy."
Plum smile faded somewhat. "You two should too. You're still in the camp of the enemy. Though, if Rosa is there, you should be safe."
"You know Rosa?" Kiara asked.
"Yeah. She's my best friend! B-but I might have to fight her soon. Hopefully, I won't have to."
Kiara frowned. "I see."
Woolsey put an arm around our little sister and pulled her to his chest. "If you want, I can fight her. My wool will only tire her out, not hurt her."
"That's assuming you have the patience," Rocio said, raising an index finger up. "You could've done so in your original spar with Selena, but failed as you got impatient."
He gulped and sighed. "Good point, Sis."
"Rosa gets tired easily, so maybe you can do it," Plum said, smiling hopefully.
"She's been training hard, though," Etsuo said.
Plum lowered her head and sighed. "Thought so..."
Skah patted her head. "Cheer up, Plu. I can just duel her again."
Our sister grinned through her tears. "Yeah."
Rocio turned her attention back to the stone and reached her hand toward it. "Be more mindful of what you say," she whispered before cutting off the link.
"Hey! I didn't even get to say goodbye!" Daisaru said.
Rocio glanced up at him. "Someone was watching the kids, Dine, and Kiara."
Daisaru scratched his head. "Really? I didn't see anyone there."
"Yeah, that door was open," I said, stroking my chin. "Kiara seemed alarmed there for a bit too."
Cio looked over her shoulder and smiled at me. "Surprised that you noticed, two brain-cell dog."
I crossed my arms and grumbled. "I might not be the brightest, but I do have good instincts. Dogs must protect their owners after all, so we developed abilities to pick up things that are amiss."
"Nice skill," Woolsey said.
I smiled. "Thanks. You might know a few if you train that wolf side of yours."
"You think so?" He bit his lip. "Well, not like I can control it yet. I still go on a rampage in it."
"Sey is scary as a woof," Plum said.
I laughed. "Did you pick that up from Rosa?" Azami told me his niece called wolves woofs.
Plum giggled and nodded.
"Speaking of Rosalba, wish to go see your son?"
Felt bad as Cio couldn't be with hers and Skah's oldest was still recovering, but I did wish to see my bunny. Yet, what if my presence reawakened Ifrit?
I glanced up and stared at the white stone house where Selena and I used to live. After our engagement, I had it constructed so it would be ready for when we married.
The interior was spacious with a lot of room. We thought that we would have a big family, but that didn't happen thanks to my career.
It was heart breaking to see Serrano alone on sibling day. In the end he got his little brother, but given how Conrad was made...
"This place is cleaner than I thought. I expected cobwebs," Osamu said as he followed behind me.
I smiled. "Guess that Serra cleaned it up."
"Oi. He's rarely been here to my knowledge."
"Yeah. He usually avoids this place," Takuya said.
Ximena sighed. "Probably brings the guy bad memories..."
Bad memories, huh? Sounds about right. This once happy place became a prison for him. If not Serrano, then who else could have cleaned this place? Anis? She was the only other person who came to mind. Selena seemed to have barely gotten out, so I doubted it was her. Likewise for Conrad.
"Why did we come here?" Eiko asked. "Not that I necessarily mind." She turned her head away. "It buys me some time."
Miyu put her hands on her shoulders. "It's tough, I know."
My brother nodded. "Yeah."
All three had lost a sprouse. My cousin had as well, or at least I had thought so.
I walked over to the couch and laid down my youngest son. He continued to sleep.
"Big bro, Mommy," Conrad mumbled.
I patted his head. "Hey, kid. You forgot Daddy!"
Osamu smirked. "Maybe he isn't as attached to you."
I grumbled. But he was supposed to be my Rosa. Serrano already hated me.
"Daddy?" Conrad said as his eyes fluttered open.
I hugged him. "You're awake!"
He yawned. "I want carrots."
Miyuki giggled. "Boy is a bunny."
I picked him up from the sofa. "That he is!" I said, chuckling.
Eiko stared at him. "Something seems off."
Conrad stared at her and tilted his head. "You look familiar."
She looked away. Was she upset because of what her son had done to him and Piedad? I should've been mad at Eiichi for what he did, but I wasn't exactly innocent either. I'd taken advantage of Selena and also physically abused her, which made me no different from him. Though, I never once tried to kill someone to silence them.
Osamu got closer to him.
"Uncle?" he said, blinking.
My brother smiled slightly. "So you do remember me. Was thinking that you might've lost your memory."
"Why would you think that?" He gasped. "Piedad. Where is she? Is she alright?" His eyes widened and he grabbed his head. "I remember now. You lady look like that guy! The one who tried to kill Piedad!"
Eiko sighed. "Yeah, I'm his mother."
Conrad scoffed. "And my mommy calls me a bad boy. She should meet your son."
She gritted her teeth. "Indeed. You weren't a bad kid. My son was."
"Con, are you alright?" I asked, alarmed. Why was he acting off? He saw Eiko before he had fallen asleep. Hopefully it was only grogginess.
He patted his tummy. "Just hungry is all. Feel as if I haven't eaten in days."
I smiled. Right, perhaps it was hunger causing him to act weird. Serra would do it whenever he got cookie withdrawal.
"Conrad, do you remember meeting me in Abyssia?" Osa asked.
He grasped his head and closed one eye. "I... I'm not sure. Memory is a bit fuzzy."
"There, there. I'll go whip you up a carrot stew. You'll probably feel better once you've eaten."
"I'll go get the carrots. Mom should have some in storage," Taku said, smiling at he turned around and ran to the door.
Ximena chased after him. "Wait for me!"
Did she not wish to be left alone with us?
"He probably just wants to see his mom," Eiko said, sighing.
Miyuki nodded. "Yeah, but I don't blame him. Wonder how she's doing right now."
Eiko closed her eyes and furrowed her brow. "As do I. With my husband gone, we might need her assistance in this war after all."
"But she's pregnant."
"True, but she can at least have her guardian angel fight in her place. Palatine is the strongest of the Seven Hill Angels after all."
"True, but doing so will still tax her mana," Osamu said. He grumbled. "Not that I care much for her, but we can't have her dying either."
"Tsundere," I whispered.
Conrad giggled. "Reminds me of Setty!"
My brother rubbed the back of his neck as his cheeks reddened. "Oi, she is my daughter."
I smiled. "So you do admit you're like her."
He sighed. "Have I denied it?"
Con and I both stroked our chins. "Can't recall," I said.
Osa smirked. "You must be hungry too."
I laughed. "Well, last thing I had were the waffles Nana gave me."
Miyuki gasped all of a sudden and looked up the stairs. A brown blur rushed toward my brother.
"R-Rosa?" my brother said, gawking as his daughter snuggled him. "What are you doing here? And why are you covered in dust and cobwebs?"
"Because she went ahead and decided to clean this place," a voice called out from the top of the stairs.
"Hyo," Miyuki said, smiling as her son descended the steps.
Hyosetsu sighed as he removed his black mask with a green latex gloved hand. He had his hair tied up in a ponytail. A once white apron covered him.
"Didn't expect to see you here," he said.
Miyuki chuckled. "Nor did I. Think you being here is more shocking."
He turned his head away. "That so? I wouldn't, but the princess went ahead and followed her prince charming through a portal. Then she decided to clean up this place for her cousins and uncle."
I smiled at Rosa. "You did that for us?"
Rosa grinned and nodded. "Yeah. I remember hearing Serra mumble in his sleep. He would say he's home." She interwove her gloved fingers together. "Think he didn't come back to this place after his brother died as there was no one there for him."
Conrad gasped. "Huh? But I'm alive."
I gulped. "Con, you really don't remember?"
He looked up at me with childlike eyes. "Remember what?"
"That you died once."
His red pupils dilated as he grasped his head. "I-I... died?"
**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the chapter ^^. Pardon the late release. Meant to have it done yesterday, but went past midnight. Any thoughts? Theories/predictions?**
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