Episode 29: How I got here
I swept Setsuko's bangs out of her hair. She looked spent. Well, she did fly to Xian and likely joined in the battle there.
"You really shouldn't have pushed yourself this far," I whispered.
"We should take her to the tent," Hideaki said. "She can recover there."
I looked over my shoulder at the village of tents outside of a town smaller than the dukedom's capital. The capital itself had been destroyed by what appeared to be an ice storm of epic proportions. Doubted it was of natural causes. Even in Kuroyuki no San, such ice storms were unheard of.
"How did ya get here, cuz?" Teresa asked. "Did you create a vortex like the princess to cross dimensions?"
My eyes fell back on my fiancée. She did that? No wonder she was exhausted. Wait, was that how she got to Abyssia?
"Aster brought me back here." I pointed toward the Kuroki mountains. On top of there are several ruins connected to Abyssia, much like the tower in Xeleria.
"The one that we sealed?" a voice called out. I turned and saw Zafir. He wore white shirt and blue shorts.
"You're here?" Nico asked, surprised.
Zafir leered at him. "What, don't want me?"
"No, that's not it. I'm just surprised is all." He glanced at Teresa for a bit and lowered his head. Did something happened between the three while me and the others were gone?
"Not that it matters. I am one of the Seven Sea Knights after all. It's my duty to support the war effort, even if it's here in Makkuroyama."
Nico glared at him. The redhead raised his arms in front of him and jumped back.
Zafir smiled. "What's with the defensive pose?"
"Your words, I sense hostility in them. If you want to fight then fight. I can handle punches and dish them out all the same."
The prince of Mizu no Kin shrugged. "Doubt you would last long. You're not even at the same level as Eita and Hideo."
Nico smirked. "I don't need overwhelming power to defeat someone as cocky as you." He dashed forward and appeared behind Zafir.
"You mi-" The prince gasped and grabbed his stomach. "How did you...?"
Nico twirled his left arm. "I-I've been training. Y-You underestimated me, thinking that I was the same Nico who fought alongside you at Grand Crater," Nico said, panting.
Zafir smiled. "You might've hit me, but at what cost? Look at yourself, you burned out all of your energy."
"I spent the past hours flying!" Nico snapped.
The prince of Mizu no Kin crossed his arms and smirked. "Excuses."
"Zafir. Ya shouldn't be saying a thing. Considering ya burned yourself out flying when we met. Also, why are ya being so hostile toward Nico anyway?" Teresa asked, glaring at Zafir. She gasped. "Is it because of what I said back at the beach?"
"What did you say about me?" Nico asked.
Silas mumbled something, but Etsuo kept holding a hand over his mouth.
Teresa shot her maternal cousin a glare as her face turned red. "N-nothing. What makes you think it was about ya?" she said, turning to look back at Nicolas.
"Well, you sort of implied it."
"N-no I didn't!"
"He is clearly a narcist," Zafir said, scoffing.
I could see the relation between Zafir and Hyosetsu now. Both hated to admit their feelings. Though, considering what happened when Zafir asked Akari to marry him, perhaps he was right to be cautious.
"I-I'm not!" Nico snapped.
"Guys, now isn't the time to argue amongst ourselves," Hideaki said, sighing.
"You should've stepped in sooner," Amun mumbled.
"And why didn't you?" Kiara asked.
Amun coughed. "Well, it was kind of entertaining."
"True, but your father is right. We have to come together. There's a new threat that we must prepare for," I said.
Everyone gasped.
"A-a new threat?" Camila asked, furrowing her purple brows.
"Who is it?" Etsuo asked.
"It's one that you'll need to face too," I said.
"Me?" Etsuo asked.
"Yeah, the demons. They're plotting against both Zionia and Abyssia."
"Oh, them. We know. We had an encounter with them back at the palace," Kiara said.
My eyes widened. "Is everyone there okay?"
"Yeah. Setsuko and Dad managed to protect it. Your dad did too."
My body tensed. Dad was at the palace? Maybe it was a good thing I had Aster take me here instead.
"So, why did you decide to come through here? Couldn't Aster have brought you through the holy mountain?" Kiara asked. Though, I had a feeling she was actually dine.
"About that..."
[A while earlier]
I opened my eyes and found myself on top of a bed. My hand rubbed against something soft as I stood up. A black dog's tail blanketed me. "Doggo?" I asked, surprised.
The dog opened its eyes and licked my face.
My arms flung toward its neck. "Doggo! I missed you!" I lowered my arms, remembering what I had realized earlier. The reason for why I'd never seen her and Mom together. "Mom."
"So, you realized it," Mom said, jumping off of the bed.
"Why didn't you ever tell me that you could turn into a dog? Or that I could turn into a tiger?" I asked, standing up.
She turned her head away. "About that, it's because people might confused you for a Xelerian. They aren't exactly welcomed back home. Though, that wouldn't have been as bad as them thinking you were a member of the Kyuu Hyaku clan."
"Oh, right," I said, remembering what I had overheard back in Xeleria. Despite centuries having passed since the war, our peoples still hated one another. Likewise for Wynaga. I thought that this war could bring us together, and while it seemed like that for us fighting it, the general population might not bridge the gap. After all, could a war truly end what millennia of ill feelings had bred? Even to this day, Kuroriku and Kasai no Ki have disdain toward one another despite having fought together in a handful of conflicts.
"Shi was thought to be one after he turned into a cat out of rage," Mom said, walking around in circles. "The people who saw him as comrades feared him. Even the girl he loved did to some extent."
"Aunt Anis?"
She shook her head. "No. Back then, his heart belonged to another."
"Wait, aunt Sofia?" I asked.
She laughed. "I forgot that she was your aunt-in-law too. Has your father's family treated you well despite the disgrace your father brought upon it?"
"Yeah. I mean, Uncle Osamu did have moments where he looked down at me, but I think that was because he expected more of me." I lowered my head. Back when I was a teen, I tried my best to live up to them. I didn't want to fail him, Setsuko, Rosa, nor the kingdom. Even up to now, I didn't want to make a fool out of myself. Sadly, I had accumulated a handful of losses in this latest conflict.
Part of it was also to impress Setsuko. I hated her disdainful stare, so I'd tried my best to get stronger and defeat her. I'd managed to do so a couple of times in those early years, though that wasn't enough. She continued to give me a look as if I had failed. I detested it so much, nothing I did felt right to her nor Uncle. If it weren't for Rosa's support, I probably would've gone mad in that place, just like I did under the weight of mother's expectations.
No, it wasn't only those three. Tetsu had his own for me. Though, while heavy at first, they felt different. It was more of the supportive kind, like that of my college track coach.
"I see," Mom said. She rubbed her neck against my right arm. "I'm sorry, son. For all of the weight I put on your shoulders and your brother's. If I hadn't, he probably wouldn't have gotten sick in the first place."
Did she read my mind?
I lowered my head. "It's fine." Pushed myself up and strode over toward the door. "Anyway, I got a little brother to save."
"About that. Itou's taken over his body."
"I figured, but I won't give up. Neither the Pillars of Destruction nor the Seven Archdemons will stop me from getting him back."
"Serra, you're in no state to fight! Rest."
I sighed. "Fine, but I'll do so back home."
"You're returning to Zionia?"
"Yeah. I already passed Uncle Mason's trial. Since Conrad is no longer here, there's not much reason for me to stick around. Is there?"
She strode over to me. "I guess not," Mom said in a sad tone.
I petted her soft head. "You can come with me if you want. Know that you're one of the Pillars, but we want the same thing, don't we?"
She wagged her tail rapidly. "T-that would be nice."
I chuckled. Doggo could never hide her excitement. Though, it did feel a bit weird that Mom and her were the same person.
Her fluffy black tail fell to the floor. "I need to talk to Dad first."
The door of the room creaked open.
"You may go if you want," Grandfather said as he stood outside. "For now, our biggest focus is on rooting out the rebels. Since Margaret's allies are plotting against Zionia too, we best keep on eye on them. We can't allow them to steal our objective."
Mom sighed. "Dad, you don't have to pretend with me. I know that you're worried about it for other reasons."
Grandfather chuckled. "What an uncanny ability you have."
"So that's the Dog Pillar's special ability?" I asked.
"Nope, it's not. It's not. I had it even before I became the Dog Pillar. The Dog's special ability is creating a rift to the three lower worlds, dragging one's enemies down into them."
"Three lower worlds?"
"Abyssia, B, and Cianio," Grandfather answered for her. She can call upon armies of abysmals, the dead, and demons too."
My eyes widened. "The dead and demons?"
Mom nodded. "Those I summon drag one into one of the three, never to return again. Well, unless if they can open gateways. Of the three, B is the hardest to escape."
"Nami would never allow another to leave. It doesn't help that the longer one spends in that realm, the weaker one becomes. Only ones I know of who have escaped it are the Nagi, the Sky Father, and Daisaru."
My eyes widened. "Daisaru? So the legend that he tricked the judges of the dead is true?"
Reginald smiled and nodded. "Indeed. Hard to tell if that guy smart or just lucky."
"Hey! I resent that!" a voice called out.
Grandfather smiled and waved as his son-in-law. "Hey there, Wukong! Did you need me for something?"
Daisaru crossed his arms and kept an eye on me. "Yeah, but it's not something we can discuss in the open."
"Is it related to how to defeat you?" I asked, smiling.
The Monkey King smiled. "Quiet the cocky kid you grew up to be. Hard to believe you were that sniveling child who hid behind his mom."
My cheeks warmed up. I was a scaredy cat.
"Leave him alone, Daisaru. Let's go, Serra!" Mom said, walking on ahead.
"If you're returning to Zionia, have Aster take you," Grandfather said. "She can activate the sacred stones to transport you though the tree."
Tree? What tree?
Mom grumbled. "Alright."
Why did she dislike Aster? She seemed nice. Conrad seemed to think so too. They appeared close when I met them in Xeleria.
"Did I hear my name?" Aster asked, walking toward us from the opposite direction. Her eyes widened upon seeing Mom. "Oh, there's a sight I hadn't seen in years. What do you call yourself now in that form? Poggy? Doggo?"
Mom bared her fangs at her. "What do you care?"
"Selena, be nice. She's your mom now."
"She's not my mom! I only had one mom and she's gone now!" Mom said, glaring at him.
Reginald sighed. "I know, but please give Aster a chance at least?"
Mom shook her head. "Never!"
Did Mom just revert to a child?
"It's alright. I'm used to it," Aster said, turning around. "Come, I'll take you to Zionia."
"You overhead us?" I asked.
"She's more vicious than she lets on," Mom said, continuing to glare as she followed her.
"I wouldn't call that vicious," I mumbled.
"Well, she's definately a fake. Acting like she hadn't overhead a thing."
"I'm not sure she did that either."
Mom barked at me. "Whose side are you on?"
"On no one's side." I averted my gaze. Perhaps, it was best to stay out of it. For my own sanity's sake.
Mom and I followed Aster out of the castle. Buildings that appeared to be made out of black steel dotted the landscape. Over us was a dome around the city. Where exactly were we?
"Serra, before we return back, I have to tell you something," Mom said as we walked several meters behind Aster.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Your dad was here, as was Setsuko."
I gasped. "Dad and Setsuko were here? How did they get here?"
"Itou brought him her. As for Setsuko, I'm not completely sure, but she managed to find a way."
"She came alone?" I asked. She should've been in Zionia with the others.
"Yeah. I'm not sure why, she must've known it was dangerous. Then again, she was a daredevil even as a child."
True, she always had been and probably always would be.
"Say, where is it that you want to go?" Aster asked.
"Wherever we can get away from you," Mom snapped.
"Mom, be civil," I said. "Well, I was thinking the palace, but could you perhaps take us to Makkuroyama? There's something there that I want to check out?" I had to find out more about the situation with Roa. Plus, inform the others if they didn't already know.
"And that's how I got here," I said.
"You came here with Aunt Selena? Where is she?" Teresa asked, looking around.
A dog came out of hiding and wagged her tail.
"So cute!" Marina said. "Zafir, can we get a dog like that one?"
"I don't think that's a normal dog," Zafir said, scratching his head. "Something about it feels off."
"Doggo!" Teresa said, running toward her. "It's been so long since I'd seen you! But, where's your owner?"
"She's her own owner. Doggo is my mom."
Teresa's eyes widened. "What? Wait, that's why we never saw them together!"
I nodded. "Yeah."
Zafir nodded his head. "Thought something was odd about it. It came out as soon as Teresa mentioned your mother."
"Nice detective skills, Sherkey," Nico said with a smirk.
Zafir shot him a glare.
"Hey, don't start again!" Teresa snapped. "If you do, I'll have Doggo bite you!"
Doggo jumped forward and barked, causing the two boys to freeze.
Marina laughed. "Brother's scared!"
"Oh, like you don't get scared either," Zafir said, rolling his eyes at her.
Marina tackled her brother and giggled. The prince smiled and patted her head.
"Let's go get Setsuko to the tent," I said. "Our bickering and laughing probably aren't doing her any good."
"You should rest too," Mom said.
"It talked!" Marina said, pointing at Mom.
"Yeah, like I said, she's not a normal dog. She's an abysmal," Zafir said, ruffling his sister's hair. "The same species as our enemy. Though, Serra and his cousins appear to be trust worthy. Apart from Roa, that is."
Etsuo chuckled nervously.
I smiled. "Don't worry. I'll get some rest too." It'd been a long day. My eyes shifted to the sunset sky. Hopefully, Tetsu and the others would be here soon. There was a lot we had to discuss, about the upcoming holy war.
My eyes widened as I felt a tug against my shirt. I looked down and saw Setsuko stare at me with partially opened eyes.
"Serra, I'm sorry... for calling you weak," she mumbled before closing her eyes again.
I snickered. "It's alright, Princess. You were right. Actually I still am weak, but that's fine. I shall prosper despite it." Like the sacred texts that Xime loved to quote said, weakness wasn't something to fear but to rejoice in. It allowed the spirit of truth to rain over a person once they admitted to it. The result was a strange peace, a peace that the world couldn't give.
**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the chapter ^^. Thoughts? Predictions?**
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