Episode 19: Demonic Plot
"Look at what the cat dragged in," a voice called out as I exited the teleportation room after reforming. It was a black-haired guy with deep red eyes and the appearance of a teenager. "What happened to you taking care of all of the doves by yourself? Don't worry. You likely will only get a demotion for this failure."
I glared at the guy. A snicker escaped my lips. "Mocking me to make yourself feel better about your own loss? Eh, Camio? At least I didn't lose at full power like a certain someone I know."
Camio's pale cheeks reddened. "Wait, you didn't go all out?"
I placed a finger on his lips and smirked. "I didn't. This time, I simply wanted to gauge what it is we're be up against. Most of them aren't anything special, but there are a couple out there like the ones who did you in."
Camio let out an angry sigh. "I'll get my revenge on them. Dad will then see that he was right to put his trust in me."
I patted his shoulder and giggled. "Still a daddy's boy, I see."
He slapped my hand away. "Shut up!"
I snorted. "What a kid."
He reached out and grabbed my arm. "Hey, I'm not a kid!"
I caressed his hot face. "Then prove it by killing those who wronged you, dear."
"I will," he said, staring at me with intense eyes.
I smiled and let go of him. "Well, I'm off to report to my boss."
Camio averted his gaze as he continued to hold on to me. "Can't that wait? I wanted to talk some more to you."
I grabbed his right horn and chuckled. He really did act as old as he looked. "Sorry, dear. You know how your mom is about timely reporting."
He clicked his tongue and let go of me. "Alright. Don't want Mom to pester me about not letting one of her workers do her job right."
I patted his chest and giggled. "There, there. Don't look so glum, old chap! We can go to the cafeteria and have tea later."
One of his fangs poked out as his lips curled into an awkward but cute smile. "Okay, I'll be waiting," he said, sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
I waved and ran off. He still needed to grow up a lot more, but Camio was a great guy to talk to.
I gasped as I saw a door deeper in the hall open. It was Bylet's room. I poked my head in and saw that he was in a tank on his bed, covered in a red fluid.
"What happened to you?" I asked, closing the door behind.
Bylet directed his eyes at me and groaned. "Why did they leave the door open?"
I giggled. "What? Didn't want me to see you in this state?"
"Don't you have a job to do?"
"Oh, right. I have to file a report with Mammon."
"Well, you probably won't find her in her office right now. She and the other bosses are in a meeting."
I rubbed the side of my neck. Then I could've had that tea with Camio after all.
He rose from the crimson water, shirtless. "So, how did your job go?"
I turned away. Great, he didn't know. I could avoid a repeat of the situation with Camio.
"It went well! I got some important information?" I said, looking over my shoulder.
I smiled. "Liar. I can see it in your eyes, plus you don't have your pipe on you. You lost as badly as Camio and me, didn't you?"
I waved my hand. "No, not as badly as the two of you. I escaped after a smack against the chin and a stab to the chest. So, what exactly happened to you to end up inside of that tank like a giant handsome fish?"
He groaned. "I... I got destroyed by the dove who nearly killed my little brother a few weeks back. If not for Audrey, I might've died."
"Satoru nearly died at his hands?" I smiled. "Who is this guy? I want to face him."
"His name is Serrano. He doesn't look all that strong, but he is."
I rubbed my chin. "You underestimated him too?"
He turned his head away. "At first I did, but even at full power, I was nothing against him."
I gasped. "He destroyed your dragon form? Now I really have to fight this guy!"
"You probably won't be able to. Mom said she stabbed the guy in Abyssia. He should be at death's door still if he's not dead already."
I sighed. "Great, Margaret always has all the fun. Well, I better get going. Camio is waiting for me."
Bylet raised a brow at me. "You two are surprisingly close for people who verbally jab one another."
"Hey, we are too," I said, walking over to him. I patted him on the shoulder. "Once you're feeling better, come with me to do some training. I don't like seeing you looking so glum."
He smiled. "Me, glum?"
"Yeah, you sounded defeated just now. It's so unlike you."
He puffed out his chest. "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me. I'm stronger than Camio."
"Oh, yeah?" Camio said, entering the room.
"You were here all this time, weren't you?" I asked, smirking.
"Only when you asked why he was inside that giant fish tank."
"It's a regeneration tank," Bylet said, leering at us. He pushed himself up, causing crimson droplets to rain down on me.
"Hey! Don't spray me with your dirty bathwater!" I snapped, rubbing my eyes.
Bylet snickered. "That's what you get for calling me a fish earlier."
I shrugged. "Well, you are the grandson of the great ruler of the sea." I opened my eyes and watched as he put on a black robe.
"Where are you off to?" Camio asked.
"To train. Like you said, I'm not the type to be glum." He curled his hands into fists. "I'll get my revenge on those doves. If the blue-haired one is dead, then I'll just have his equally annoying cousin take his place."
Camio put a hand on his hip. "I'll join you. I have a few doves I want to pluck out of the air too."
I smiled. "Not that I need training since I didn't go all out, but I'll join too." Plus, I did say that I wouldn't underestimate the enemy next time. They might be stronger when we meet again.
"You should probably change into something more fitting, though," Camio said, pointing at Bylet's robe.
"I can just form clothes out of the darkness once we're there," he said, yawning.
Why didn't he do that in the first place? I shrugged and followed him and Camio out.
A figure in purple spandex walked past us. A black helmet covered his head.
"Dad?" Camio asked.
"Oh, you recognized me?" the figure said, turning around. The vizor of his helmet went up, revealing the face of a young boy with red eyes. He resembled the princess.
"Yeah, even if your body changed, I can still tell it's you. Your aura stayed the same."
Sir Ifrit laughed. "That's because this body bears the same aura. If you were to meet its owner, you would likely confuse him for me."
"So, that's the boy my mom spoke of," Bylet said. He smiled. "Looks like we succeeded."
"Yes. I must thank your brother and you. As a reward, I'll give you this." He formed a card out of darkness and threw it at Bylet.
Bylet stared at the purple card. On it was the drawing of a tower.
"What's this?" Bylet asked.
"It's one of the abilities of the Rabbit Pillar. I'm lending it to you. Use it to get your revenge on my 'big bro' and cousin. That's what you're after, no?"
Bylet smiled as he slipped the card into the pocket of his robe. "Thanks, sir."
Ifrit chuckled. "Thank me by getting results. I want to see Zionia burn to the ground." He raised his hands into the air. "I want to see my father crying as all that he created comes crashing down! The despair in his face as people give in to their dark impulses. It's so beautiful, but the real thing will be better!" He laughed and continued on walking.
"Thought you said they were in a meeting," I said, glancing at Camio.
"That's what I heard, but maybe it ended already."
Camio's father turned around. "Indeed, it did. You three have to sharpen your skills, not just your raw power, but your minds too. The enemies we're up against have many tricks up their sleeves. If you underestimate them, you'll die."
I gritted my teeth. It would've been nice if he had said that earlier.
"Once you're ready, I want you to attack Kuroriku and Kasai no Ki. There are ruins in the Kuroki mountains you can use to speed things up."
"There's not much there to attack, so why start there?" Bylet said. "Isn't our aim to inflict maximum damage."
Sir Ifrit smirked. "Oh, we are! We're going to shred their temporary alliance."
"So, we're doing a false flag?" I asked.
"Would they believe it?" Camio asked. "The angels might suspect something."
"That's right," Bylet said.
"Don't worry, uncle. You have me to help," a voice called out. A red-haired man in thick robes walked toward us.
"Uncle?" Bylet asked. He gasped. "You're Audrey's brat, aren't you?"
The man smiled. "Yes. It's nice to finally meet you, uncle. I'm the king of Kasai no Ki."
"The king?" I asked.
"Wait, you're Audrey's son?" Camio asked.
"My brother mated with a dove," Bylet said, laughing.
"Can we really trust him?" I asked.
"I might be part angel, but I desire the destruction of Kuroriku as much as you." He eyed Sir Ifrit. "Things were set up to allow me to win in the previous war, but things didn't quite play out that way, did they?"
Sir Ifrit raised his hands and chuckled. "Hey, don't blame me. Your son was the one who decided to end the war. Plus, General Saffron saw through me, so I couldn't even lift a finger to help out a fellow demon. You're lucky that your oldest even managed to reclaim any land. I wonder how far he would've gotten if he had gone all in."
He sighed. "I don't blame him. I left him a country still amid a civil war."
"Wait, you left him the country? So are you king or not?"
He scoffed. "Technically, but I gave all power to my children. If I were to ask for it back all of a sudden, it could cause suspicion."
"So, how will you help us?" I asked.
The former king of Kasai no Ki smirked. "That's where you come in. Power gravitates toward the king in times of war. My sons are smart, but they lack the will to fight a war against their fellow Zionians unless provoked. The people will need me. Plus, we can use the remaining rebel elements in Makkuroyama to stir things up."
Bylet smiled. "There's no denying it. You really are my nephew."
Sir Ifrit laughed. "Speaking of stirring things up and nephews, there's something I must go see."
"What?" Camio asked.
He formed a black marble. The image of a man resembling his new body popped into the screen. A woman in a black and purple dress approached the startled man.
"Those two..." Bylet's nephew whispered.
"They're the siblings of the two who did you in," Sir Ifrit said, chuckling.
The former king huffed. "So that's why they resemble them. But what's so interesting about them?"
Sir Ifrit laughed. "Watch and see. I'm sure you'll enjoy the show."
*Character Section*
King Takibi Arturius I- Titles/epithets: (former) King of Kasai no Ki, Flame Ruler, The Living Inferno, Orlin's Rival, 'Mao' (a.k.a. Demon King) Age: 70+ Species: Mixed (Angel, Demon, Human, Kitsune, Abysmal)
**Solar Note: Hope that you enjoyed the chapter. A bit ironic to publish this at the start of Holy Week, but perhaps oddly fitting too.**
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