Chapter 9 ✔
- Rebecca -
''Wake up!!'' i heard my mother say as she shook me , I was about to protest when I looked at the time on my digital clock that sat on my desk ....5am ?! Has my mother gone mad?
''Mom its 5am.. go away'' I whined ,
''Sweetie its time to go ... your plane is in two hours'' she said , I groaned and rolled over hitting the coldness of my bedroom floor.
''Get up already , go take a shower and get changed and put your bags in the car!!'' she yelled and walked out the room shutting the door.
I groaned again but eventually got up , I had a quick shower ... I hate taking cold showers but it defiantly woke me up. I placed on my underwear , some grey sweatpants and a long sleeve black t-shirt. I walked out of my bathroom rather slow , I am super tired...I was up all night packing. I yawned and grabbed some socks and placed them on and tied up some converse. I grabbed a beanie and placed it on my head , picking up my glasses and placing them over my face.
I grabbed my suitcase and bag and walked out of my bedroom , i pushed the suitcase down the stairs and iT landed at the bottom with a loud bang. I chuckled and strolled down the stairs.
''Ready?'' my mother asked , i nodded and grabbed my headphones from the kitchen counter.
Harry and Lauren were already up and ready too take us there i felt bad when i looked at there sad little faces its one thing to see your brother leave for god knows how long but now i'm leaving them too at the same time. I took Harry's hand and he gave me a small smile as we walked to the car.
We arrived at the airport after a half a hour drive , we then went for breakfast then , we met the others. Me and Ana did a bit of shopping in the airport duty free. We were all now waiting in the waiting area and the staff were nice enough to let our families wait with us.
''Flight 456 flying too Brisbane ... is now departing will first class passangers in seats 4A-5F please make your way to the departure gate'' the lady announced.
I looked over at Lukes mother Liz and she nodded , Liz was our parental supervisor on this tour so it was nice to have a motherly figure i can talk too in need.
''Right... then time to say goodbye'' my Mum sniffed , pulling me into a big hug. She kissed my forehead and pulled away with tears in her eyes. My eyes started to water and i swallowed hard.
''Mum don't cry or you'll start me off'' i said , she chuckled and moved on to Ashton squeezing him tight.
I walked over to Harry and bent down on my knees and smiled , i gave him a huge hug and he began sobbing into my shoulder... gosh this kid i love him so much.
''Don't go'' he whispered , by now i was crying harder hugging him tighter.
''Listen i'll promise too visit soon okay?'' i whisperd.
''You promise?'' he sniffed
'I promise'' i smiled and linked my pinky with him , he smiled a bit then went and hugged Ashton i walked over to Lauren and held my arms out she ran into them and hugged me gently.
''Thanks for everything sis'' she sniffed , i nodded and smiled.
''Make sure ... you look after Harry and Mom , You have my number if you need me'' i smiled and pulled her into another hug.
''I will , and remember what i told you Becky... if you love Cal don't let Ash stop you'' she whisperd , i nodded and placed my finger on her nose. She chuckled and i kissed her forehead , i gave Harry another hug then moved on to my mother.
''I promise i wont leave it 5 years until i see you'' i chuckled
''I promise too sweetie ...have fun call me when you land and when you get to melbourne okay?'' i nodded and looked at the others who were all ready too go.
We all turned around and waved to our loved ones before walking on to the plane... this is going to be a long ride. I wiped the few tears that were left rolling down my cheek and took a deep breathe as we walked into the plane and into first class.
The first thing i noticed was all the seats were in sets of two in three rows, i looked over to Ana about to ask her too sit with me but she had already sat down with Luke... shocker? Liz and John sat with each other. (John was there tour manager...John Delf)
I looked towards Calum , Michael and Ashton who were talking well looks like they were arguing at where too sit. I shrugged and just took a seat behind Ana and Luke. I placed down my bag ...soon enough Ashton sat next to me and let out a huff.
''Nice too see you too?'' i say as more of a question
''Shh.. i was meant to sit with Micha-''
''Ashton... i can sit with Calum you know , there is nothing going on'' i let out a huge sigh , Ashton just shakes his head heavily.
''No... i didn't mean that i was about to say , i was meant to sit with Michael...but Calum didn't want to ugh move?'' he said
''You mean he didn't want to sit with me... thats fine'' i muttered and looked back out the window.
Both Calum and Michael sat in the middle row , too our right. Calum sat on the side closest to Ashton but i forced myself not too look at him... ugh!! One minute he's all like 'I love you' 'Your not leaving' then he's like 'I ain't sitting with her'. I sighed again and pulled out my ipod and my headphones placing them on my head and clicking shuffle.
''Where are we even going and how long till Melbourne?'' i asked , i don't even know myself i knew its the Australian tour but i didn't know how long i was on it for and where the first place we were going.
Ashton looked at me and seemed in deep thought for a moment before he spoke
''Well firstly i don't want you too go , and secondly we're heading to Brisbane... and thirdly we have six or maybe more shows before we head to Melbourne'' he said , i nodded.
''I know you don't but i want to go home Ash ... i'll be back before you know it and ugh... whats the order of places we're going?''
''We head to Brisbane ... and then when we get there we get a tour bus then we travel to Adelaide then Perth then finally Melbourne then we... us guys go back to Sydney then we head over to New Zealand'' he tells me , i nod and look back out the window.
The plane finally leaves the airport and WOOSH we're in the sky. I'm currently listening too some Rita Ora...or should i say Whora , listening to music for a long period of time always makes me feel sick i dont know why i just cant listen to music for hours through headphones when something is moving for example a car , a train etc.
I sigh heavily and unplug my headphones from my ipod and place them both in my bag. I guess next time i shouldn't listen too music all the way too the airport...any who , i can't use my phone too play candy crush either because it only has 20% because i forgot to charge it last night and i need that battery to call Mom when i land in Brisbane. Oh and i didn't have any games on my Ipod because i filled the memory up with music and photos.
I look out the window and see we're pretty high ... oh lord we're very high , i have like a fear of flying! On the way to Sydney i sat in the middle away from the windows and i still managed to have a panic attack. My breathing hitched as i stared out the window
''You alright?'' Ashton whispers , i turn around and nod at him heavily.
''O alright , i'm going to go sit with Mike'' he points to the empty chair next to Michael , wheres Calum gone... i thought to myself.
''Ash your not meant to move around when the planes moving'' i said
''Becky... the light says we can move around silly'' he points to the seat belt sign above us which was turned off meaning you could get up and move around. I nodded slowly , and pulled down the window shutter... i really couldn't look outside that. Ashton unbuckles his seat belt and before he moves he gives me one last glance.
''Are you sure you're alright , you look a bit pale?''
''Yeah yeah i'm fine ... just travel sick'' i chuckled , he nodded and got up and sat next to Michael.
I sighed again and unbuckled my seatbelt... well this is a first , normally i'm too scared to unbuckle the belt.. okay okay i didn't really realize you could unbuckle it. I place my head on the back of the seat and close my eyes , maybe i can get some sleep?
- Calum -
I come back from the bathroom to find Ashton and Michael talking and laughing at something.... great Ashtons in my seat. I walk over to them and glare at Ashton.
''Move'' i say
''Nah i'm talking to Mike'
''Dude just sit with Rebecca'' Ashton moans.
Really? So he tells me to back off her now he's telling me to go sit with her , i shake my head fast and sit on top of Michael. We all begin laughing until a air hostest walks up to us and shakes her head.
''Excuse me sir , could you please go sit down... your disrupting other people's travel experience'' she said , we all laughed and Liz looked over at us.
''Calum behave'' she scolds , i jump up and the boys start to laugh. You never want to wind up Mrs Hemmings. I look around and walk up to Luke and Ana
''Want to swap seats?'' i ask Ana , she shakes her head and i sigh.
''Oh Calum just go make up with her you're being pathetic'' Luke says.
I sigh again and nod , when i move over to the seat Becky was sitting she was ... asleep? Well her eyes were shut. I sit down and reach over opening the window shutter so some light was coming in. Becky stirred a little before her head fell on my shoulder , i let out a small smile , and moved a strand of her hair behind her ear.
Its been nearly a hour now , Becky was now laying across me her head on my lap. We have about ten minutes left of the flight , a flight attendant came up to me and told me too wake Becky up i nodded and looked at her. I smiled again before whispering.
''Wake up...Becky'' no reply
''Becky'' i whisper again , she didn't even move. I sigh and poke her cheek she mumbles something and stirs around. I sigh again and think of a way too wake her up the first thing that pops into my mind was too tickle that would be too evil. I do the next thing that comes into mind i look around and Ashton is fast asleep and so is Michael , i bend down and kiss her soft lips...god i missed these.
- Rebecca -
I was in a deep sleep when suddenly a pair of soft plumb lips come in contact with mine , i scrunch up my eyebrows and kiss back until i realize... i'm kissing someone?! My eyes flutter open and i am staring right up at.... Calum? Oh crap!
''Oh um...Calum what are you doing?'' i say
''Sorry that was my fault ... um i-i- couldn't think of a um uh way of waking you up and you had to wake up and ... um im sorry'' he stuttered out , i chuckled noticing i had made him nervous.
''So are you comfy?'' Calum said wiggling his eyebrows , i then notice i am laying with my head on his thighs. I raise my eyebrows and my cheeks grow a lot hotter then before ...great i'm blushing.
''Sorry'' i whisper and quickly sit up and get back into my seat. I look out the window and oh here comes the sick feeling again.
''Are you alright?'' he asks , as i realize my breathing is becoming un-even again.
''Yeah i'm just.. um nothing'' i reply back
''Hey come on tell me'' Calum says
''Alright... i'm afraid of flying''
''Oh thats okay you'll be safe with me'' he winks. I giggle but still im not very sure i can keep this sick in my stomach for any longer.
Calum places his hand on my thigh and begins running it up and down , at first i tense up but then it kinda feels reassuring and nice. I smile at Calum and he gives me a smile back. My breathing evens out and i'm kinda happy Calum came and sat next to me , he lets go of my thigh and speaks.
''Hey Becky , can i ask you something'' he whispers , I nod and look at him waiting for him to talk he takes a deep breath and looks at the ground fiddling with his fingers. I buckle up my seatbelt as Calum does the same.
''Cal.. you still there?'' i chuckle and Calum looks up at me and pulls a small smile.
''Oh yeah..'' he stifles a nervous laugh
''Well..?'' i ask , getting impatient with all this suspense
''Um... can we um start over? Friends? So there's no more awkward tension'' he asks , i smile genuinely happy with his question.
''Of course'' i smile brightly , even though I'm a little disappointed we can only just be friends.
I walk off the plane and the screams immediately hit us ,
''ANA!! ''
''WHOS THAT OTHER GIRL...?'' one of them yell , i widen my eyes they must be talking about me.
I decide to walk out of the crowd so that the boys and Ana can take a few photos and sign stuff. Liz and John walk over to security and baggage. So i wait patiently outside the crowd. One girl pulls on my arm... and four others surround me
''Who are you?'' the first one asks
''Um... Rebecca?'' i say
''What are you doing with our boys?'' another yells at me , right in the face. Say it dont spray it i think to myself.
''I'm pretty sure they arn't 'your boys' '' i explain ,
''Who are you?'' another group of girls surround me... oh fuck.
''Um.. i told you''
''She means how do you know the guys'' another one says. I sigh heavily and give in i mean they cant hurt me if i tell them the truth.
''I'm Ashton's sister'' i say , all the girls laugh and i scrunch up my eyebrows in confusion.
''Don't lie.. 'Rebecca' we all know Ashton's sister is thirteen and called Lauren , you're not Lauren and defiantly not thirteen'' one giggles , i roll my eyes at them.
''Whatever , i am okay you don't have to believe me'' i say. The girl that pulled me into the group rolls her eyes at me and looks up and down at my outfit.
''Ugly bitch'' she coughs all the other girls laugh.
''Um what did you just say to my sister?'' ... Ashton says. The girls eyes widen and i smirk ,
''Oh um... she's your um sister?'' one girl stutters out
''Yeah she is , and i do not like the way you're all treating her...'' he says pulling my arm and making me stand behind him.
''Even if she was dating a guy in the band you shouldn't ever treat anyone like that its disrespectful , I thought you girls would know better? You have to be nice... or we will loose all respect in you'' Ashton lectures , all the girls bite there lips and drop there heads nodding.
''Alright bye girls'' he waves off , Ashton turned around and sighed.
''You alright?'' he asks , i nod and smile up at my brother. We walk out of the airport and get into the black range rovers that were sent to us by Management. We get in and i sit next too Calum and Ana explaining to them what just happened.
Just a filler... boring chapter i know but it had to be done :-) VOTE , COMMENT , SHARE
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