Chapter 6
(The song kinda fits perfectly with the chapter)
Chapter 6
We arrived at Calums house quickly as it was only a short distance away. Ashton told me about how our old house was so far away and he had to ride his bike to Calums everyday for band practise. My mum knocked on the door and Luke opened it up.
''Hey'' he smiled to everyone,
Soon enough Ana ran up to me and gave me a tight squeeze. She looked beautiful as always. I said my his to the boys and their families then went to place the gift I got for Mali on the gift table. She thanked me with a gentle hug then went off to socialize with some guests.
I walked over to my little sister Lauren and nudged her as I saw a young boy about her age standing a short distance away talking to a older guy who I recognized as Mali's boyfriend , I figured the younger lad was the boy she was talking about so I nudged her again and pointed. She nodded and walked over to him , they soon became chatting and laughing.
''Hello beautiful'' a all too familiar voice whispered in my ear , I bit my lip and turned around smiling at Calum , I gave him a small hug then quickly pulled back.
''Why'd you pull back'' he pouted ,
''Because we're not the only ones here'' I mumbled looking towards Ashton who was in deep conversation with Lukes brother Ben.
Calum surprised me by grabbing my hand and pulling me back inside his house , I yelp but gradually let him pull me along.
''Calum what the hell are you doing?'' I say in between giggles ,Soon enough we were in Calum's room and I was pushed down on his bed , someone was eager.
''Sorry I couldn't resist not kissing you'' he blushed ,
I smiled and poked his cheek. His lips touched mine , the kiss full of passion and lust. I looked up into his eyes only to be met by Dark lust filled eyes.
He leaned down and began leaving a trail of kisses from my jaw down my neck , I let out a shaky moan. I could sense the smirk on his lips as he lifted his head back up , still hovered over me staring into my eyes. He let out a smile and opened his lips to say something ...
''What the fuck?'' I shot my head to the side and there standing in the doorway was Ashton. Calums face dropped and paled he rolled off in pure shock falling on the floor. I sat up fast and the anger that showed on Ashtons face scared me.
''I need to speak with Calum for a minute ...Rebecca'' he said in a serious voice , I looked at Calum and he gave me a weak smile looking back down at the ground.
''No..'' I said my voice was shaking , I was terrified I don't know what Ashton was capable of In this angry state.
''GET OUT...'' Ashton barks making me jump , I stand frozen in place.
''Go , Rebecca he just wants to talk okay?'' Calum quietly says to me , I finally give in with a sigh and walk outside of the room. I stay outside the door and listened in to the conversation so if Calum did get beaten up i could try and stop it.
Just as I was about to ask Rebecca to be my girlfriend. Ashton walks in and chooses now of all moments to find out about us. Once Rebecca left the room it was quiet... quiet for a few moments before Ashton spoke up.
''Why though...Cal? Why my sister?... What if you get together , break up and then I have too choose between you ? You know who I'll have to choose. I can't let this happen the band is before girls remember. Calum shes my sister and you're supposed to be my best mate!! When I told you to stay away I meant it. '' He shouts
''Why? Because shes perfect her laugh , her personality... everything. The way she twirls her hair when she's nervous , she hides her blushing by biting her lips and looking down at the floor ....the way when people compliment her she doesn't believe a single word! The fact she listens behind the door because she cant bear me seeing her face while i'm saying all of this''I say
At the point i walked over towards the door and opened it , she fell in but i caught her from falling too the floor.
''How perfect she is for me'' I whispered ,
''You think i'm perfect?'' she blushes
''I think you're absolutely mental ...but that's perfect for me'' I say.
I could not believe the cute things that were leaving Calums mouth. Right there in front of my brother he kissed me... it was amazing like seriously amazing! But everything was about to change when a fist broke us apart and came crashing down on Calums face. Calum staggered backwards but didn't fall , I screamed in pure shock and horror seeing Ashton standing there , his face full of emotion , sadness , anger , shock I've never seen him so angry.
''WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!'' I screamed at Ashton.
''Just shut up!'' he spat back.
''What was that for? '' Calum asked , clutching his jaw ... his nose was now bleeding. The droplets of blood dripping to the floor.
''Calum , I dont care how in love you are with my sister , I know you wont last !! You are not going anywhere near her and defiantly are not kissing her Right in front of me. You will stay the fuck away from her!!'' he yelled.
''That goes for you too Becky , stay away from him Got it?!'' he says turning around to face me.
''No'' I say
''What?'' he half laughs
''No , you're not my dad you cant tell me who I can and who I cant go out with?'' I laugh in return gesturing to Calum on the floor.
''This is not about your ... our dad. So I can tell you and I am you two are not seeing each other any more and I forbid you to date!''
''You forbid me? Who the hell do you think you are?!'' I yelled once again at him.
I can't believe the words that were spilling out of my brother mouth... forbid me? This isn't romeo and fucking juliet. If I want to be with someone I'm going to be with them and he's going to have to deal with it because I'm sick of being treated like a child.
''I mean it... grow up and stay away! And Calum if you come near her again I swear I will either get you kicked out of the band or I will leave myself!! Oh and also your face wont be the only thing busted up next time'' he says ignoring my question.
''Calum say somthing'' I whisper
''I-I'm sorry...'' he choked out ,
Oh no.
''What about us..''
''There cant be a us.'' he said ,
He walks up to me and places his hands on my cheeks cupping them softly ,
''I'm sorry we can't do this anymore. Ashtons my friend .... and i shouldn't of done any of this!! This meant nothing to me it was a mistake okay a mistake!!'' , he mumbled.
''Just because we can't be together doesn't mean I don't want to be.. You cannot lie and say you do not feel the same Calum'' I say holding back the tears that were ready to explode out of me.
I felt cold my heart breaking right at this moment, but before he could reply I was being dragged away by my older brother. I began kicking and screaming , earning looks from everyone. My tears began running furiously down my face and I could no longer stop the pain inside of me.
''Ashton LET GO!!'' I screamed , Ashton dragged me outside and my mothers eye widened in shock
''Ashton what are you doing?'' she snapped ,
''ASK HER'' He yells letting go of my arm , my mother looked towards me along with many other people.
''He... I like Calum okay. We like eachother Ashton is being a dick about it!'' I say in between sobs.
''NO YOU CAN'T I ALREADY TOLD YOU THAT!'' Ashton shouts in my face.
''Both of you stop making a scene , GO! Car Now !'' she said , and grabbed my hand roughly pulling me out of the house.
As soon as I got home I ran to my room I closed the door and fell to the floor. I ran my hands through my hair pulling on it and began sobbing harder then I knew I could. I felt my eyes starting to get heavy so I got up and walked over to my bed , seconds later my disgusting , evil , horrible brother walks In.
''I'm sorry'' he whispered sitting down on the edge of my bed , I felt like punching him , kicking him doing something to cause him the same pain.
''You're sorry? then why did you just stop the only thing that has made me happy?'' I snap
''I...'' he's speechless and again I'm sick to my stomach with him. How dare he do all this then apologizes expecting me to understand him fuck him and his apologies.
''Don't make me out to be the evil one. I told you not to date any of my friends from the start'' he mutters
''I MIGHT AS WELL BE LOCKED UP. I-I I HATE YOU - '' I shouted back , at the point we're both standing up and I take the advantage and with one hand I slap him right across the face.
I grabbed my phone and quickly clicked on to Calum's name ... no answer. So i rang again ...Still no answer , I rang the phone about 10 time before he finally answered.
''Yeah?'' his voice was cracked. I could tell he had been crying and it pained me.
''It's me'' i whisper
''I know..''
''Did you mean what you said? That this was a mistake and i meant nothing to you''
It was quiet for a few moments before he spoke up
''No...of course you mean everything to me , but we can't be together and this has been a mistake and we cant be anything more then friends you have to understand that im your brothers friend ,''
''I'm sorry'' Calum whispered , I could hear him sniffling on the phone.
''Calum. I've fallen for you so hard. I've been falling for you since the first day you kissed me. I can't do this whole friend thing please. If you have any real feelings for me at all. I know the band is your career but we can make it work. Make Ashton see sense eventually please don't let this be goodbye.'
''I'm sorry I can't.''
Then the phone line made a beeping noise signalling he had hung up on me. I tossed the phone on the end of my bed and paced around my room crying. Thats all I could do , all I seemed to do for the next two days.
I'm sick of crying two days straight of being locked in my room blocking out everyone even Ana. I couldn't face being around the band knowing that Calum would be there everywhere I look.
The third night , I lay in bed staring at the ceiling I heard a creek to my door opening. I looked up and stared at my Mother and sighed laying my head back down on the pillow. She came in and sat at the edge of my bed.
''Sorry I thought you were awake '' she sighs. I re-position myself so I'm sitting up and facing her as I nod my head.
''I wasn't.'' I whisper back
My mum got up and I opened up the covers so she could squeeze in , I lay my head on her shoulder and she fiddled with my hair. It felt like I was a little five year old girl again , I remember laying like this when I was smaller ...after my fish died. But now I wasn't a five year old girl and my fish didn't die. I was a seventeen year old who has just been told by the person she really liked that he doesn't like her enough to fight for her.
I opened up to her and told her every detail of what happened at Calums house and about the phone call I had. Moments later two new familiar faces came into my room... Lauren and Harry.
''Right well i'm going to bed night sweetheart'' my mother coo'd and kissed each of us on the head. I sat up in bed again this time facing my back to the wall making more room. Harry jumped in and sat on my right and Lauren sat on my left.
''What happened between Ash and Cal?'' Harry asked ,
''Oh... nothing for you to worry about. Why don't you get some sleep its getting late.'' Harry nodded and got up.
''It didn't seem like nothing, You've been locked in your room for three days now.'' Lauren said as he left the room, i replied with a sigh.
''Its nothing honestly.'' I reply
''Becky...don't let Ash tell you what to do , '' she says surprising me.
''I know about it all...'' she says answering my thoughts.
''Thanks , but its over between me and Cal. Not that it ever really started to be honest.. get some sleep okay'' I smiled and gave her a hug.
Everything Calum said was probably a lie. I will not cry over him no more I said to myself. I got out of bed and walked towards Ashtons room.I knocked on the door faintly and i heard someone shifting around in the room , so i knew he was in there.
''Come in''
I opened the door and walked in. His head shot up and his eyes were all puffy, red and bloodshot he looked as if he'd been crying?
'Have you been crying?'
''I'm sorry... i'm such a crap brother I'm just sorry okay i've ruined everything for you and the band.I Just don't want you to get hurt!! '' he blurted out.
I swallowed hard and tried to form some words to reply... I should of just listened to Ashton the first time he told me to stay away and everything would be okay now.
''No you're not.''
''What ?'' he says he finally meets my gaze then looks down at his feet again.
''You're the best brother... sure you get things wrong but I shouldn't of gone against your orders. They were your friends... bandmates and I hate that I've gotten in the way of things.''
''I hope you understand why i did this...'' he whispered , I pulled away from him and I nodded.
''Its okay i've spoken to Calum... its sorted'' I said forcing out a smile.
''So your going to be just friends?'' he empathizes the 'friends' and it makes me want to punch him in the face but I decide against that violent idea.
''Um... maybe not friends , just acquaintances'' I mumble
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