Chapter 4
Chapter 4
I stepped out of the car and smiled at Calum. I turned my head and realized we were on top of a cliff that overlooked the beach , kind of cheesy but kind of beautiful.
''Wow'' I breathed out taking in the surroundings.
''I know'' Calum smiles ,
I turn around and noticed a blanket and a few pillows set up on the ground. There was a picnic basket in the middle of the blanket with a pizza box on top. I rose my eyebrows at Calum and he smiles again.
''I know it's not a 5 star restaurant , I hope your not disappointed.. My sister helped me out'' he said awkwardly , I brushed him off with a smile and then turned back to face him.
''Don't be stupid Calum , this is beautiful and thoughtful. I'm kind of glad you didn't take me to some restaurant. This is much better '' I tell him and give him a small hug.
I sat down on the blanket next to Calum , he opened the box of pizza's and we just ate and talked. It was pretty chill and I was thankful for it , I hate first dates they are normally awkward with twenty questions but because me and Cal have already formed a friendship It felt okay.
''So , tell me something about you'' I ask after I finish chewing up my food ,
'' Like what?''
''Anything and everything'' I smile , i just wanted to know more about him...he knew everything about me after that awkward session of 20 questions that we played the first night I got to Sydney.
''Alright , my full names Calum Thomas Hood , I'm 18 ...uh i love music obviously! If i wasn't a performer i would be a footballer. I was actually asked to play football for Australia in Rio , I did do it I got so homesick and well I realized while i was out there that I wanted to do this... The band meant more.'' he said. With every word to his story he made a little hand gesture in which I found adorable.
''Wow , really? '' I said , eyes widening at the story. He gave up one dream to proceed another one , I wonder if he had regretted that decision or not.
''But how did you know everything would work out , like you guys could still of been on YouTube now doing covers and you would of let your football dream slowly disappear'' I ask , their was a moment of silence a short pause before he spoke again.
''Well , I don't know. I just did what my heart thought was right and i just kinda had that feeling i knew that someday something would come along for us if we worked hard... I never expected it to get to this level. It was hard telling my parents because they were big supporters with my football they gave me everything and to tell them I didn't want to do it anymore was hard. But they supported me and now i'm playing to hundreds...thousands every night with my three best mates''
I smiled at Calum , the story was really sweet his answer was much more detailed then I thought it would be which made me think he has thought about it before.
''Thats beautiful Cal'' I nudged him and he laughs.
''Just one more strawberry'' Calum waves the strawberry in front of my face , I shake my head laying down on my back.
''I cant eat no more or i'll explode'' I over exaggerated , Calum laughs and lays down with me holding the strawberry in the air.
''How do you know this isn't the best damn strawberry in the just might miss out'' he teases.
'' Are you seriously quoting high school musical right now?'' I laugh shaking my head and leaning into his chest.
''...Busted.'' He laughs harder , I move back and he shoves the strawberry further into my face.
''Fine! Half each.'' I said taking a bite of the strawberry , it just tasted like a ordinary strawberry.
''I like spending time with you Cal'' I whisper , rolling over to face him. He turned to lean on his side so he was facing me also his elbow supporting him as he looked down at me.
''Me too'' he whispers , our lips came in contact and a small peck was left on my lips. I smile and snuggled closer to him.
It was starting to get dark now , and Calum had promised to be back at half seven to do band practise.
''I hate too say this but we got to go'' Calum sighs , I whimper and snuggle deeper into Calums chest.
''I don't want to go'' I whined , Calum kisses my forehead.
''Come on.'' he says and got up , taking my hand and helping me up.
We packed everything back into the car and emptied our trash into the bins. I took one last look of the beautiful view of the beach and took a photo for my blog.
I let out a deep breath and got back into the passenger seat of the car. We were driving in a comfortable silence the only sound was our calm breathing and the light voices of the greenday playing on the radio we decided to take the highway so we could get stuck in traffic In order to spend more time together. We could of easily avoided the traffic but something about Calum taking the longer way home made me get butterflies knowing that he wanted to spend more time with me.
I look at Calum and watch him as he drove he looked so cute with his eyebrows scrunched up in concentration his eyes locked onto the road. I giggled and his facial expression soon changed to a more relaxed one as a smirk crept up on his face.
''What are you laughing at'' he asks , his eyes still fixed on the road.
''Nothing , you just look cute when you're in concentration mode'' I confessed , Calum smiled again.
I couldn't take any more of this cuteness , I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his head to face me and kissed his lips. Probably not the safest thing to do when someones driving but Calum still kissed back , before turning his attention back to the road. I smiled and rested my head back on the passengers seat.
Calum dropped me off around the corner so Ashton wouldn't be suspicious. I arrived home and changed into something more comfortable , I sat in the living room and soon enough the rest of the band came into the room as well. They began practicing some songs and me and Calum were forced to act like nothing happened tonight. Why is my life so complicated??
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