Chapter 3
Chapter 3
My alarm woke me up earlier today since we were all meeting at a certain time and I like being prepared with these kind of things.I took out a pink and white striped strapless bikini , I put it on then put on a loose dress over the top. I put on some shoes and a threw a bunch of essentials into my bag like suncream and sunglasses.
''Wake up'' I yell
When I get into Laurens room , she moves around in her sleep and then finally sits up giving me a death glare.
You gotta love teenagers...
''Morning Lauren''
''Uh...I hate you'' she whines pushing the covers back over her head.
''Love you too!'' I laugh , I walk towards Ashtons room next and bang my hand on the door.
''GET UP LAZY!!'' I shout
The door opens and Ashton walks out yawning , he was already changed and ready to go... strangely surprising.
''Go get Harry up'' I order , Ashton rolls his eyes but obliges and walked towards Harrys room.
We arrived at Bondi beach , and it was scorching hot , Australia was having another one of its freak heatwaves. Which contrasted to last nights cold weather that had me wearing a coat , god Australia was bipolar sometimes.
''Hey Ash , I'm just going to go meet with Matt we'll be down soon'' I say he looks up from his phone and nods his head.
I walk off towards the ice cream van where Matt told me he was waiting , I find him quickly and smile seeing a little girl who must be his niece. She was adorable she had brown curly hair and was wearing a cute pepper pig bathing suite. I smile and wave at Mathew who waves back and begins walking over to me.
''Hey'' he smiles pecking me on the cheek causing me to blush again.
''Hi.Who is this little cutie?'' I smile , tapping the little girls nose gently , she giggles in reply.
''This is Lucy'' he smiles , looking at her proudly.
''Aw Hi Lucy i'm Becky'' i said , she nods.
We begin walking down the steps to the beach and walk along the sand where I finally spot our group setting up everything like the umbrellas and towels.
''Guys this is my old high school buddy Matt and his neice Lucy'' I say introducing him to everyone.
''Hey'' he waves awkwardly , the boys all said something along the lines of ''Hi'' or,'' Hey , ''.
I lay down my towel and sit there , I look around the pretty surroundings then back at everyone they have all stripped down to their bathing suits. I take off dress revealing my bikini and catch Calum staring when he saw I caught him he laughs and looks away. I sit down on my towel and just take in everything It was such a beautiful place , A few girls noticed the boys and were whispering to each other... fans I had assumed they were by their excited giggles and shrieks.
Michael , Luke , Ashton and Calum were already in the water. Matt was laying next to me sun bathing, and I had managed to get Lauren to take both Harry and Lucy down to the kids rock pool area.
''Matthew stop , '' I laugh as his hands came connecting down into the sides of my stomach.
'No'' he laughed , I continued laughing even more swatting his hand away from me.
Our faces were not that far apart I felt him leaning in and he kissed me... just like that. I was a bit taken back by the kiss but I eventually kissed back , but I couldn't get into it so I pushed him back a little and bit down into my lip awkwardly.
''Did I do something wrong?'' he asks... he follows my gaze and I know he has caught me staring at the tanned boy in the water.
''No Matt , its just i dont- ... I didn't think we were that close. I thought we were just friends.'' I whisper. I want to slap myself in the face for doing this to him.
''I'm sorry I don't want you to think I lead you on or anything'' I say even though we both know I clearly have and a pang of guilt hits me like a ton of bricks.
''It's fine , can we just forget about it '' He says and stands up
''You don't have to leave...'' I say standing up also.
''I'm going to go check on Lucy'' he mumbles and walks away.
I sigh running a hand through my hair, why did i do that, that was my chance of having a guy that Ashton didn't want to murder.
''Hey you gonna come in?'' Michael asks snapping me out of my thoughts ,
''Maybe later'' I say putting my dress back on , maybe I should go talk things out with Mathew.
''Nah , how about now?'' he says raising and eyebrow. Michael picks me up , throwing me over his shoulder , and begins running towards the ocean as I scream and kick like a little child trying to make him put me down.
''At least let me take off my dress'' I yelp , he puts me down halfway but still holding my arms.
''Hurry up then'' He says all serious then bursts out laughing , I take this as a escape route and run from his arms.
I yell to him that I need to put on some sun cream and would be back in a second... but I lie. I sit back on the towel and close my eyes , I feel myself being lifted again and scream Michaels name to put me down.
''Liar you said you would come''
It surprises me when it isn't Michael but its Ashton. He swings me back and fourth a few times before... SPLASH , I'm in the water.
''I.. was'' I say pouting , sitting in the shallow water pulling a strand of seaweed that made itself into my hair and flinging it at the boys.
''Oh i'm sorry..'' I say as it hits Calum in the facing causing the other guys to laugh and Luke to slip over.
After hanging out in the sea a little while I went back to our spot on the beach and sat down, I must of fallen asleep because the next thing I know I feel someone poking my arm, when I open my eyes all of the stuff was packed up.
''Did I fall asleep?'' I laugh standing up and looking around at the half empty beach.
''Yeah'' Ashton laughs ,I shrug my shoulder and pack my stuff away.
''Did Mathew come back?'' I ask , Calum scoffs and walks away.
What is his problem?
''He left , didn't say why...he seemed pretty pissed'' Ashton said turning back to face me.
''Oh right , I kinda turned him down'' I mumbled ,
''Made my job easier there sis.'' He jokes , I roll my eyes throwing a empty water bottle at him.
The car ride home was pretty silent , the boys were coming back with us too spend the night at ours. Ana had some family stuff so it was just us five. But they all didn't fit in the car so Michael drove him and Luke and Calum joined the car with me Ashton , Lauren and Harry.
''I'm going too drop Lauren and Harry off at their friends , I don't know where Luke and Michael went but they'll be here any minute... no funny business.'' Ashton says , I nod and open the door letting Calum walk in behind me.
I notice a note on the fridge from my mom saying she wouldn't be home until midnight and pull out a bottle of water from the fridge.
'So what you wanna d-'' before I could finish my sentence I was pushed up against the wall , and Calums soft lips soon connected with my own...
I was a bit taken back at first but as soon as i figured out what was happening i kissed back... dropping the water bottle on the floor to place my hands on the side of his face. I pulled away for a second and looked into his beautiful brown eyes , a smirk formed on his lips.
''I've wanted to do that for so long'' he says out of breath , I blush a little and nod my head.
''Did i kiss you better than that Matt kid'' he whispers into my ear, his warm breath sending shivers down my skin.
I nod and bite my lip , he moved his head lower and begins , kissing down my neck...finding my weak spot he nibbled down on it and I let out a small moan. I could picture him smiling against my skin as he pulls way. He smiled at me once more and kisses me on the cheek once more ,I smile but then I frown slightly.
''Whats wrong ?'' he asked
''Just...what are we going to do , I can't do this with you Cal , Ash would kill me'' I say honestly.
''He would kill me too , '' Calum sighs ,
there was a moment of silence before Calum spoke again , he lifts up my chin so I would look at him and says
''He wouldn't have to know , we could just...sneak around'' he suggested
'-I mean we don't know if this is even gonna work and if it does... then we'll figure out what to do with him.''
''Good Idea'' I nod , he cups my face gently with his hands and pressed his lips to mine once more.
''The others will be here In a minute'' Calum winks as he breaks the connection between our lips, and walks into the living room. I stood there in the hallway shocked , surprised , happy and confused. There was a knock at the door so I opened it up revealing Ashton , Luke and Michael. I smile at them all and they all make their way into the living room.
After I take a quick shower and change into something more comfortable I join the guys downstairs sitting next to Calum on the sofa.
''Becca can I talk to you please'' Ashton says his eyes looking towards me then to Calum , I nod my head and follow him out to the hallway.
''I told you and Calum that I don't want anything going on between you too... I can see their is.''
''Ash we're just friends honestly ,'' I say.
Lets just say I am a bit of a good liar.
''Uh... yeah just friends right?'' he confirms it again and I nod my head , we walk back into the living room. Ashton sitting down on top of Michael; I laugh as they begin to playfight.
'What did he say'' Calum whispers into my ear ,
''If we were together?'' I laugh ,
''I said we were friends and that i like someone else'' I whisper
'' better not'' he smirks
''Well that Mathew guy is quite appealing you know ?'' I giggle
'Then i'll have to change that'' he smirks,shaking his head.
We watched a couple of movies , until we were all tired. We dragged ourselves up the stairs and the three boys said goodnight to me apart from Calum who was in the bathroom. I smiled and walked into my own room , quickly changing into my shorts and a tank top. I went and brushed my teeth and sat on the edge of my bed. I heard footsteps then saw Calums head pop around my door , I put my phone down and give him a small smile.
''What are you doing Cal?''I ask raising my eyebrows
''Saying goodnight to the most beautiful girl ever'' he smiles
''Oooh where is she?'' I tease,
''No kiss?'' he says , I pause for a moment pretending to think then laugh and walk towards him giving him a quick peck on the lips
Before I could get away he wraps his arms around me and pulls me into him. His lips meet mine and soon we're kissing with all the passion we could give out. We pull away as we hear Luke , calling Calums name to play FIFA.
''Night.'' Calum smiles once more and kisses me the final time.
''Night'' I return the smile and wave him off , getting in to bed and pulling the covers over me.
The room is cold ; the air conditioning is up way too high. I woke up early , to realize Calum's arms are wrapped lazily around me. Wait...when did he get in here? I bite my lip and force back a smile. I huddled up against his body , face buried in his bare chest. His body giving off heat on to me , instantly warming me , it eels nice to be snuggled up next to him...I don't even care if Ashton was too walk in.
Light snoring is all that could be heard which tells me he's still asleep , I try to get out of his embrace without waking him. Luckily , his arms are relaxed around me , making it easy for me to pull away. As i do he stirs a bit but doesn't wake.I walk out of the room and across the landing , it seems everyone is still asleep...well it is 9am , i walk back into my room and open the bathroom door. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the shower.
''Morning!'' a voice pops up from behind me ,
''Morning , you're lucky I wasn't already naked'' i laugh ,
''More like unlucky'' Calum says wiggling his eyebrows , I shake my head and laugh.
''Out..'' i say , Calum pouts and pecks me on the cheek
''Oh by the way...i'm taking you on a date today , be ready before 2pm'' he smiles and walks out of the bathroom and probably back to Ashtons room before anyone notices he has been gone.
I got out of the shower in just my underwear and brushed down my brunette hair , I towel dried my hair and walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit. I looked at the time and still had two hours , I pulled out a simple but cute outfit and some shoes.
I hopped down the stairs and walked into the living room where the boys were watching spongebob,yeah grown up teenagers watching spongebob...weird right? I dumped myself next to Michael and stared at the yellow sponge like cartoon character.
''What are our plans for today then?'' Michael asks everyone , me and Calum exchanged looks and I look away before anyone catches on.
''I'm spending the day with Ana , I should actually go'' Luke says looking at the time , he gathers up his things then leaves the room.
''I guess it's just us then'' Michael said throwing his legs on me , I shove them off and roll my eyes at him.
''I'm actually going out''
''Where?'' Ashton asks
''Just doing a few jobs'' I smile , Ashton nods and turns his attention back to the t.v. he seems to be really into this cartoon.
''Yeah , i'm busy as well , Mum wants to spend time with me or something like that'' Calum chuckles.
''Aw... then its MASHTON TIME'' Michael squeales , I laugh at the colorful haired kids reaction and shake my head.
''I'm gonna head home now , see you all later'' Calum says getting up and walking out sending me a wink out on the way.
A few more minutes of watching spongebob and eating pancakes my phone finally buzzes and i take out my phone checking the message and sure enough its from Calum telling me he is outside and waiting to pick me up.
I place my phone away and grab my shoes , I quickly tie them up and say a goodbye to the two weirdos wrestling on the floor...they mumble out a bye and I run off out the front door , I walk around the corner like me and Calum organized and he leans over the seat to unlock the door.
''HI Beautiful'' Calum says
''Hey'' I smile
''So where are you taking me?'' I ask , Calum doesn't reply he's just sitting their smiling.
''You're not going to tell me are you?'' I ask , Calum doesn't speak he just shakes his head smiling.
I reach over to turn up the radio bobbing my head along to the beat. Calum laughs and start's doing a little dance to the songs making me laugh at the dork beside me. After a few minutes of singing , laughing and awful dance moves the car comes to a stop , Calum rushes around the door and opens it for me.
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