Chapter 24
- Rebecca
As soon as the car parked outside what was going to be our home for a few weeks ; Everyone rushed out of the car and ran inside when Liz unlocked it. Clearly there was no order and everyone just called shotgun on the rooms , I grabbed one of my bags and walked into the house. It was quite big ... a two story house with a living room , two bathrooms , downstairs ; a kitchen , dining room , and a rather large garden. I walked up the stairs again there was another living room followed by four bedrooms and another bathroom which was situated in the attic. Luke and Michael were sharing and Ana shared with Luke , Liz got the master bedroom in the attic with her own bathroom.
"We're in here" Calum smiled , i nodded and dragged my suitcase into the average sized room , it was a little smaller than my one back home but it will do. Calum opened his suitcase and emptied it all over the bed , i shook my head and chuckled.
''What?" he smiled
"Nothing , i'll unpack"
"I'll do it"
"I'd rather do it so its tidy" i chuckled
"Okay...but i'll help"
"If you like" i smiled
"Yes i would like that" he grinned and wrapped his arms around my back looking into my eyes , i smiled back , he leaned down and placed his lips on mine in a short sweet kiss. We pulled away and stared at each other for a few minutes
''I love you" he said , there goes the butterflies in my stomach again no matter how many times he says it too me it still makes me feel like jelly inside
"I love you" i replied , i pulled away from his grip and began to unpack my suitcase and putting mine and Calum's clothes away tidly.
''Hey Calum!" i called from our bedroom , after 2 and a half hours i've finally unpacked and found a place for everything
"Yeah?" he called back
"Come here a minute please" i yelled back ,
''Finally your done... it looks nice"
"I know... i was thinking we could go into town and just explore" i offered
"Oh... me and the guys were going to head down to the park... but i can tell the-"
"Its fine , go have fun" i smiled
"You sure... because you can come with us or i can just tel-"
"Calum i'm fine , i could use some time with Ana anyway and i still have too talk to my agent about my job"
"You sure... ?" he asked , I nodded my head with a small smile and waved him off.
"Okay , good luck with the work thing , i'll see you soon baby" he said and kissed me on the cheek.
I would be lying if i said i didn't mind Calum going out... i mean i love the boys and he needs to spend more time with them and we do need time apart and not be together 24/7 but its my first time here in london really wanted to go out and walk around the streets.
I went downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee ,
"Liz , Ana do you want one?" i asked
"Yes please sweetie"
I made the three cups of coffee and gave Liz and Ana one first , they thanked me and i walked back to the kitchen grabbing the coffee cup and sat down with them in the living room. We small talked for awhile until i excused myself.
"Hello Shelby?" I said into the phone as i finally had the guts to call her after about twelve missed calls from her.
"Rebeccca!! Where have you been i've been trying to contact you for ages , it's like you've disappeared from the face of the earth"
"I u-"
"Shh! Now tomorrow you have a photosho-"
"Don't interupt me... like i said you have a ph-"
''Photoshoot at Clarkson studio's for te-"
"SHELBY I'M IN LONDON" i yelled , the other end went silent and i could hear Shelby curse under her breathe
"What do you mean you're' London? Are you crazy or just dumb"
"Excuse me? I've been working my ass off for months i think i deserve a break" i spat back
"Watch you attitude missy"
"Or what? Your going to fire m-"
"Yeah i am.. you're fired!! You're too immature , you don't take your work seriously''
''I don't even need you and you can't fire me because i quit!" i yelled
"Really? well that was easy nobody wanted you in the agency anyway they all thought you were getting a bit overweight and everyone said you was giving a bad impression to the agency i guess they was right'' she muttered... ouch that hurt like a bitch.
"Yeah whatever , Goodbye Rebecca! I'll send your last check in the post" and with that she hung up.
- Calum
Me and the guys were messing around in the local park we had find a short distance away from the house, we took a few photos too post of twitter and just goofed around.
"You love her don't you" a voice broke me out of my thoughts , i looked up from my phone , i was staring at my lockscreen a photo of me and Rebecca we took at the beach; I nodded at Ashton.
"Yeah i do... i'm sorry it's your sister but she just makes me so happy you know?" i smiled at the thought of her
"Its alright, i was a bit overprotective but that's just brothers huh?" he laughed , i nodded again.
"It's not going to be awkward between us right?" he asked , i shook my head.
"Nah of course not" i said and hugged Ashton
"Cashton forever mate" i laughed , Ashton laughed and sat down next to me on the swings.
"What about your love life?" i asked
"Ah , well Becky set me up with some girl from her modeling agency but she wasn't for me... i like being single" he said , i nodded.
"Me and Michael are going to walk into town , coming?" Luke asked
"Sure lets go" Ashton jumped up and walked off towards Michael
''What about you?"
"Huh what?" i asked looking up from my phone
"Are you going to come ..."
"Where?" i scrunched up my eyebrows
"You're deaf i swear... to town" he laughed
"Nah , i'm going to head back" i said
"Alright , i might go back and get Ana anyway" he said and yelled for the others.
We got back to the house and i went to the living room where Liz and Ana were talking
''Upstairs" Ana smiled , i nodded and smiled at the fact they knew what i was asking. I ran up the stairs missing one step at a time. I opened up the door and my smile grew as i saw Rebecca sleeping on the bed , she laid down on the bed hanging half off. I moved her body on to the bed and tucked her in kissing her head.
I turned back around and walked out of the door ,
"Cal?" a voice spoke , i turned around from my spot and poked out my tongue
"Come lay with me" she said her eyes still closed. I walked back over to the bed and climbed inside the covers laying next to her. She moved closer intertwining our bodies together they fit like two jigsaw pieces. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed the top of her head.
"You smell like apples" i blurted out " - I like apples"
"Shut up i'm tired" she groaned trying to contain her laughter
"Go to sleep then" I laughed
"But you cann't go to sleep otherwise you will wake up at like 3am"
"But i'm tired" she whined
"Can i just nap?"
"I found you napping when i came home" i chuckled
"No i was resting my eyes"
"We both know you don't snore when you rest your eyes" , she let out a giggle and stopped herself from laughing further
"I do not snore" she snapped
"'s quite cute to be honest" i laughed
"Shut up" she giggled hitting my chest , her eyes now open and staring into mine
"Make me" i whispered and placed my lips on hers
- Rebecca / Becky's P.O.V -
I must of fallen asleep after my intense phone call with my agent , me and Calum were now discussing why i should be allowed to sleep when he was telling me i shouldn't be asleep because i would wake up at a ridiculous time which is probably accurate.
"Shut up" i giggled with him hitting his chest , i opened my eyes and stared into his.
"Make me" he whispered and placed his lips on mine.
The kiss was full of lust and i could tell it was going to lead somewhere else , the kiss got heated and heated as time went on and we were in a heavy make out session for at least 30 minutes. We broke away and i rolled us over and straddled him leaning down too kiss him again. He sat up as i pushed his top up leaving butterfly kisses up and down his chest , making his breath hitch. I made my way down and tugged out the belt of his jeans pulling it off.
"Hey Becky Mum Calle-... Shit oh god!!" Ashton cursed , i stopped what i was doing and looked up at Ashton who was covering his eyes.
"Oh my gosh" i burst out laughing laying back down and hiding under the covers the embarrassment...
"I'll come back later..." he groaned and walked out
"Thats awkward" Calum laughed , i giggled and rested my head back on his chest
"Back to work" he winked
"Aw moment ruined!" i giggled and jumped up running after Ashton. Leaving Calum to groan and call my name for me to finish him off.
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