Chapter 21
A/N Firstly Chapter dedicated too myworld1d777 , for being an amazing reader and guessing the right answer to what Calum got Rebecca. Go follow her she is great and has some wonderful fanfictions.
Chapter 21
- Calum
I opened up my present from Becky and i couldn't believe my eyes... she got me the new Bass i wanted. I was gutted when i didn't get this present this morning when i was opening my gifts and i thought nobody got it for me. I handed her an envelope and a box wrapped in silver paper with a red bow on top. I watched as she opened the gift up first and her eyebrows knitted together when she unwrapped it. I don't blame her if somebody got me a suitcase for christmas i would be confused as fuck too.
''Calum why have you go-"
"Shh" i whispered placing my fingers on her lips to shut her up and pointed to the envelope. She proceeded and opened the envelope...her eyes grew wide and my mouth dropped open.
"Merry Christmas beautiful" i whispered and kissed my cheek delicately.
- Rebecca
"Merry Christmas beautiful" he whispered and kissed my cheek delicately.
''What... i can't take these" i said under my breathe staring down at the plane ticket too London.
"Yes you can... and you will!" he said wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug
"Me and the boys are going back there to do some recording and a few gigs. I don't want to be away from you and you're Ashtons sister so its fine with management and Ashtons pleased you're coming ... " he said , my head rested on his chest still in the tight hug.
"I..I-I don't know what too say" I whispered
"Say you'll come with me ," Calum said pulling away from the hug his arms still around my waste but his head leaning back to look at my face.
"I can't..." i choked out
"What?" Calum's voice cracked
"I... I can't just go...I have a job and my dad." i whispered
"Oh...'' Calum sighed , pulling away his arms away.
"It's not like i don't want too come.. i do bu-"
"Then come..."
"I can't"
"Or you wont?"
"Leave it...'' he interrupted and walked away from me. I caught his wrist and tried too pull him back but he wiggled out of my grip and walked into the living room. I let out a deep breath i didn't know i was holding in and a tear left my eye. This wasn't meant to end like this... it was the perfect christmas. I can't just go can i? my dad wont mind will he... My dad?! I quickly wiped my tears and took out my phone clicking on his name i rang a few times , no answer it just went straight to voice mail. I carried on ringing until i soon began giving up , i placed the phone in my pocket but for it too only start ringing i took it out again and accepted it.
"Hello dad?"
"Hi sweetheart , sorry i didn't realize you was calling" he chuckled down the end of the phone
"Thats okay , merry Christmas dad" i said
"Merry christmas darling'"
"I miss you" i sighed
"Me too...are you alright?" He must of heard the hurt in my voice or something he could always read me like a book i took a deep breathe and nodded my head... forgetting he couldn't see me.
"You don't look like it..."
"Dad i'm f-... wait what?" i said
"Turn around sweetheart" I twirled around in a circle until i scanned back and saw my father standing in the kitchen smiling. I ran up too him and jumped in his arms smiling like a little kid.
"Surprise" he chuckled
"What are you doing here!" i squeaked
"Well a certain lad told me you missed me" he said ,
"No... " he chuckled ,
"Then who..." i looked around searching for somebody...anybody that could of got my dad here thats when it all clicked i realized who had sent him
"He... didn't"
"a very nice lad you've chosen there" he chuckled , I blushed a light shade of pink and pulled away from his hug.
"Merry Christmas darling''
"Merry Christmas dad..." i smiled back giving him another hug. I'm so glad he came I haven't had a Christmas without him since I moved to Melbourne.
"So what's going on with you and calum?'' Mum asked walking up to where me and my father were standing.
"He asked me to go to London with him but i said no because i have work and i didn't want too leave dad'' i sighed
"You don't have too worry about me" my father piped in " - Calum's a nice lad i trust him to look after you and Ashton will be there with you too"he said
"Are you scared?" my mother asked
"Scared me? Why would i be scared?" i chuckled
"Scared things are not going to work out..." she said ,
"Are you sure?"
"No... i mean yeah ... i don't know" i sighed
"What should i do?" i muttered
"Do what you think it right." she smiled
"Great advice mum...what would you do?" i asked
"Take a risk ... take a chance... make a change" she said
"Mum... did you just steal Avril Lavigne lyrics for your advice" i stifled a laugh
"Hey i thought they were Kelly Clarkson lyrics..." she laughed
"Kelly sang the song... Avril wrote them" i said
"Alright smart ass" she laughed sipping her wine , She was drunk... yeah defiantly drunk.
"Now go get him and make your Christmas the best Christmas ever!!" she sang and danced away over to John. I face palmed and let out a giggle , my mother was honestly insane.
"Go on" i jumped at the voice
"Ashton?" i said
"Yeah... go and get him before you lose him. He was stressing all last week trying to figure out if you'd like the present"
"He was..."
"As much as i hated you both dating at the start i can tell he cares for you more then anybody before and i can tell you both love each other" Ashton laughed
"Thank you" i smiled and hugged him.
- Calum
I realized running away from Rebecca wasn't the best idea i mean i should of asked her before i booked he tickets in the first place. I went back through the house to find her but i realized she was in the dining room talking to her mother and father... its weird even though Ann and her dad had gotten a divorce they were still great friends. Daniel was a great man and was surprised when i got him tickets to fly here for christmas the tickets weren't cheap but i wanted to do this for her. I watched the conversation between her and her parents and she seemed quite upset... I walked away from the dining room and sat outside on one of the porch chairs.
- Rebecca
I searched the entire house for Calum and sighed... when i couldn't find him. Did he leave already? i must of really hurt him. For god sake why is everything always so messed up in my life. I pushed through the people dancing around in my living room too old Christmas songs and opened the door , i saw somebody sitting down on one of the chairs recognizing the messy hair , tight black jeans and tanned skin. I walked towards him and before i tapped his shoulder he stood up and turned around.
"Fuck!!" he cursed and jumped back
"Oops sorry" i tried not to let out a laugh
"Rebecca... is that you?" he squinted his eyes
"Yup..." i let out the laugh i was holding
"What's so funny?"
"Your face... priceless" i giggled
"Shut up" he pouted and pulled me into his arms
"I'm sorry" he mumbled into my hair , kissing my head delicately.
"Me too" i sighed
"I was being stupid and you don't have too come i should of asked first...and i'll go refund your ticket and buy you a better gift an-" before he could ramble on about anything else i leaned up on my tip toes, and kissed him long and hard slightly surprising him , once he figured what was going on he responded by licking my lip to gain access. I smiled into the kiss and granted him access as we began exploring each others mouths. I pulled away and rested my hand on his chest taking a deep breathe , Calum smirked and Lent his forehead against my own.
"Thats a nice way of telling me to shut up" he chuckled
"I thought so" i giggled , Calum leaned down and pecked my lips again , pulling away with a smile.
"I love you" i whispered
"I love you" he returned the gesture
"I'm going to come " i whispered , Calum wiggled his eyebrows and my eyes widened realizing his perverted thoughts i slapped him on the chest playfully and shook my head
"Not like that" i laughed into his chest my cheeks heating up.
"I'm only messing with you" Calum laughed as well pulling my into a hug and kissing my head
"I'm going to come to London with you" i corrected myself
"REALLY?" Calum pulled away looking at me wide eyed and a huge smile plastered on his face
"Yeah really!" i returned the smile.
''So when do we leave?" i asked
"Tomorrow." he muttered
"WHAT!!" I squealed... Calum laughed and pulled me back into his arms i pulled away again
"Right i need to go pack!" i said turning around
"WAIT FOR ME I'LL HELP!!" He yelled
"Catch me if you can" i winked and ran inside.
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