Chapter 19 :
Chapter 19
Me and Ashton have never really been like this with each other , not growing up with him meant no arguments and the things that took place the other day shocked me a little. I spent a week at Calums house . before we sorted things out. I didn't mind living with Calum but i felt awkward there , like i was taking advantage of his home. Calum's a great guy and i love him this week has been amazing and has brought us even closer....but i want to go home , my home.
*DAY 1*
My eyes fluttered open as i felt the bed dip down and a body remove itself from next too me , i yawned softly and took in my surroundings of the unfamiliar but familiar room.
''Calum'' I whispered , Calum was heading towards the door but spun around when i spoke.
"did i wake you up?" he panicked
"No... it's fine , why'd you leave" i asked
"Oh , i was going to make you some breakfast " he smiled pointing towards the door
"I'm fine... come cuddle!" i let out a small smile , Calum let out a wide grin and walked back over pulling up the duvet and crawling in next to me.
"Why are you so smiley" I laughed poking his cheek.
"Because you smiled" he said , I let out a sigh and cuddled closer to Calum taking in his warmth , the events of last night flashed back into my mind. Ashton was so angry i never knew he could get like that.
"Sorry i shouldn't have brought that up" he whispered
"No... its fine. "
"He'll come around"
"How'd you know Calum?"
"Because... nobody would stay mad at a girl as..." he began ,
"Perfect...- " he pecked my nose
"Beautiful" he pecked my forehead
"Intelligent" he pecked my cheek
" you" he whispered , lastly connecting his lips with mine in a passionate kiss.
"I love you Calum" i whispered , unattaching our lips.
"I love you Becky" he smiled laying his head back down , i took this opportunity too rest my head on his chest and listen to the fast heartbeat pound through his chest.
*DAY 2*
''Calum... i don't want to get up!!'' I pouted
"Well you've got to eat princess" he smiled , making my heart melt. Princess... that name was still foreign to my ears no matter how many times he called me it.
"No but's ... now hurry up or I will get you up myself" he smirked, I replied by grabbing the duvet and covering myself underneath the warmness.
"Right... thats it" he said , scooping me up and throwing me over his shoulder. I squealed as he ran down the stairs , we must of looked like complete idiots too Cals parents but all they did was smile at us.
*DAY 3*
''Morning sweetheart'' Cals mum greeted
"Morning , thanks for letting me stay" I smiled
"Oh that's fine , stay as long as you need."
"Thank you." ,
"No thank you" she said , taking a sip of her coffee I had just made her.
"For what?" I chuckled , scrunching up my eyebrows in confusion. Calum was at band practice which Ashton finally agreed to attend so i was standing in the kitchen having a nice chat with Cals Mum.
"For... making my son happy-"
"Oh i dont think tha-"
"No seriously , Becky. I've never seen anybody make my boy smile as much as you do. He's never been so happy and i'm so glad that its you making him happy!!"
"Really? thanks?" I blushed.
"Seriously , sweetheart ... he loves you so much. Forever talking about you , blushing when Mali or any of us bring you up. Talking on the phone hours at night too you...-"
"You know we talk at night?" i questioned
"I may be old , but i'm not deaf" she laughed. I giggled and brought the warm cup of coffee to my lips , taking a sip of the warm substance.
"Thank you..." she said again.
"My pleasure" i smiled.
*DAY 4 - *
The fourth day was when realization hit me , Ashton did not want to speak to me at all. No phone calls , no message ... nothing. I knew i had to be returning home soon because mum was home in a weeks time and i couldn't spend Christmas day at Calums no matter how much i wanted too.
I was major upset on this day , just upset that Ashton didn't care about me and is not willing to make up with his sister ; Calum was great this day. He comforted me and told me things were going to work out , i napped most of the day and when i awoke calum was wearing a captain america outfit... I wish I was joking.
"Hello. I am here to save you from sadness." He scooped me up in his arms and ran to the living room with me laughing the whole way there. He laid me on the couch and hovered over me to kiss my lips.
"Cal not trying to ruin this...heroic and cute moment but I'm hungry. I hope you have food." His hand connected to his forehead and he groaned.
Calum insisted in wearing the costume to the store not matter how many times I said not to , when we got there, he practically brought half the store and ran around in his Captain America suit making little kids freak out. It was cute seeing him interact with the kids. When we got back to his house, Calum and i made tons of snacks to eat while we watched one of my favorite disney films.
*DAY 5 *
This was our third movie in a row to watch. I wasnt really in the mood for a movie marathon, but if it made Calum happy, I didnt mind. I leaned my head in his lap as his hands occasionally went from my stomach to my thighs.
"Calum.." I wined and looked up at him, his eyes glued to the tv as a 'funny' moment occurred.
I poked at his cheek and tugged on the hem of his shirt to get his attention, he didnt budge. I took the remote from his side and paused the film. "Babe! It was getting to the good part! Just a few more minutes!" He pleaded with me.
"No." I shook my head and straddled him, pushing him back into the seat cushions of the couch with a smirk. His eyes widened and looked at me curiously, showing a bit of amusement. His hands found my waist and pulled me towards him. Calum's parents were out at some dinner so we had the house to ourselves.
"Still worried about that movie?" I smirked and murmured into his neck, teasingly nipping at the sensitive skin. He let out a heavy groan and shook his head.
"Good." I smiled and kissed up to his jaw.
His hands tightened around my waist, moving slowly to my hips.
"Ah, ah, ah. You kept me waiting, so you get to wait." I bit my lip to hold in a moan that was coming shortly.
His eyes grew darker with lust, now turning so that he was on top of me, allowing only half of his weight to lay on top of me.
"You wanted me. So you got me. No taking it back now." He growled, allowing his lips to travel from mine, all the way down to my collarbones, allowing the feeling of his lips to linger on my skin, sucking hard at the most sensitive spots.
"Calum." I moaned quietly into his ear, tugging gently at the hair on the nape of his neck.
"Yes, baby?" He smirked, looking up to me, moving his hands down further to my jeans, stopping when a knock on the door interrupted us I sighed.
"Ignore it " Calum whispered and re-attached his lips to mine , the knocking got louder and louder.
"Calum just get it , " i sighed pulling away from the kiss. Calum nodded and rolled off , i heard the door open and muffled voices from the hallway.
"Calum who was i-"
"It's for you" he said
"Okay?" i shrugged , getting up and walking towards the door.
I opened the door and there stood Ashton.
"Um Hi" i said back awkwardly. I walked out of the door and closed it sitting down next to him on the step.
"How are you?"
"Fine . . . i guess , what about you?" i asked
"Good. I'm Fine too."
''Thats good'' i smiled , looking down at my feet.
There was a few moments of silence before we both spoke up at the same time
"I'm Sorry" i said
"I'm sorry'' he said.
We both chuckled and Ashton shook his head sighing
"Why are you sorry?"
"Because . . . i didn't tell you. I should of told you sooner i guess" i sighed
"Well , i'm sorry for saying everything i said to you. I was just scared i would lose you and Calum but i guess i've already done that" he sighed
"Hey..." i nudged him
"You'll never lose me. As much as i would like . . .kidding!" Ashton chuckled
"Forgive me?" he said
"Mmm only on one condition"
"I get too set you up on a date." i smiled brightly
"N-No way"
"Then i'm not going to forgive you" i smiled
"Uh i hate you sometimes , "
"You love me" i smiled
"So... will you let me set you up?"
"Yeah i guess." he mumbled
I stood up and held my hands out pulling him up.
"Are you still going to be weird around me and Calum?" i asked
"You still have too break up with him." Ashton said seriously , my eyes widened and my heart sank"I'm joking... its fine. I'll have too deal with it" he chuckled. Relief rushed over me and i hit him on the chest and smiled giving him a tight hug.
"I missed you"
"I missed you too sis!!"
"So what took you so long to open the door ?" Ashton asked , i blushed and looked down at my feet.
"Actually don't tell me , i dont want to know" he scrunched up his eyebrows making me burst out in laughter.
*DAY 6 *
"You seem happy" Calum smiled , pealing the cover away from my face.
"Yeah... me and Ash worked it out" i smiled
"I told you so" he replied , kissing my nose.
"So i suppose your going home soon" he sighed
"Well i cant stay here forever Calum"
"I wish you could." he pouted, I wrapped my arms around his waist and took in his scent , the vanilla and chocolate smell that always clung to him filled my nose.
"Will you go on a date with me tonight?" he asked
"Mhm..." i mumbled against his skin.
There was a few hours until mine and Calums date. I didn't know what the plans were but i got Ana too come over and help me get ready. We went back to my house so i could choose some better clothes. Me and Ana agreed on the coral colour dress that came up just above my knee. It was short and simple but elegant and pretty , Ana decided to go light on my makeup only adding a bold lipstick to my lips.
''Oh my god that was so much fun" i laughed , walking out of the restaurant.
Calum took me to a new stake house that had just opened near the beach , and we had this waiter who was gay. He kept flirting with Calum and winking , i tried to tell Calum but he was oblivious to it. Until we got the bill and scribbled on the back was the mans number.
"That was so awkward" he cringed , i chuckled and laced our fingers together walking with him.
"That was a perfect date" i whispered
"Ah but its not over" Calum smirked , dragging me along the street.
We arrived at the beach , and i scrunched up my nose "Calum , you could of told me we were going too the beach i wouldn't of worn heels"
"Take them off then"
"Okay" i said , slipping the shoes off. I held them in my hands as we walked along the dark beach.
We came to a stop and sat down on the sand.
"Guess what?" Calum spoke
"Guess?" he whined
"Hmm... you're not going to tell me your secretly a wearwolf are you?" i laughed pointing to the full moon.
"No , i'll save that for another time" Calum chuckled and winked , i giggled and let my head rest on his shoulder.
"Tell me then"
"Your beautiful and i love you" he smiled , i blushed furiously and let out a small smile.
"I love you too Calum , and this is the best date i've ever been on" i said pecking him on the cheek.
"Good." he said , I stared into his deep brown eyes as the moonlight reflected into them making his eyes look like they were sparkling. He leaneed in and i followed his lead , connecting our lips into a powerful kiss. The fireworks started in my mind and the sparks flew through my brain . . . Cheesy and cliche' i know but it was the truth! The fireworks were as if they were actually the-. . . Wait a minutue.
I pulled away from the kiss ,
"Why'd you pull awa-" Calum began i moved his chin to face the sky. There were fireworks going off in the distance , beautiful sparks of pink , green , blue and red.
After a few minutes , once the fireworks we decided to go too the frozen yogurt store , after a 5 minutue argument of who would pay i managed to pay for both of us , we sat in there and talked for awhile.
We were walking back towards Calums house. I got tired so Calum offered to carry me back , he said the date wasn't over so we were going back to his too finish it. I know what your thinking ... i was thinking the same thing but it wasn't. Calum placed me back to my feet and unlocked the door , i walked inside Calum linking hands with me and he lead me into the garden. The trees were decorated with fairly lights and there was a blanket on the grass with pillows. I furrowed my eyebrows but sat down next to him.
"Calum wha-" i began
"Shh, just stay there i'll be back" he said
I nodded and waited for him too return , Calum was defiantly the one for me. No doubt about it , maybe i can move here and live with mum. I wonder if dad will mind? or maybe i can get an apartment down here. I dont know but i know i have too make us work somehow i mean he's everything to me.
Calum returned with a guitar in hand , he smiled and sat down in front of me.
"What are you-"
Calum pecked me on this lips softly , pulling away with a grin on his face
"That shut you up!"
I was about to reply with a snappy comeback when Calum began strumming the guitar , looking straight into my eye's he began too sing ''its all about you'' by mcfly. His voice was beautiful and i couldn't help but smile at him. He was perfect Absolutely perfect and he was mine.
Once the song had finished , i leaped up and wrapped my arms around his neck.
"Did you like it?" he chuckled
"Loved it" i smiled , sitting back down.
"Becky you're honestly so fucking beautiful" he says
Just then he leans in his lips connected instantly with my own. The kiss was soft, but urgent at the same time. I deepen the kiss and move both my hands to his hair, tugging lightly. His hands travel hastily down my body, from my neck to my hips, where he then kneads the bones there with his thumbs gently.
"Cal," I moan softly as soon as his lips leave mine , only to travel and explore the skin of my neck. I gasp slightly when he brushes over my sweet spot. I felt him smirk a little into my chest as he begins to suck harshly at the skin there.He pulls back from me slightly and licks over the purple mark he just above my left collarbone. Calum's eyes meet mine and I instantly melt inside. How could someone this sexy, be so sweet? I thought to myself before urgently grabbing his hand and pulling him through the house and up the stairs towards his room.
He stepped in front of me and pushed open the door to his room, He held the door open for me and all I could do was blush at that moment. He was incredible, I couldn't even. I was awoken from my trance when I felt strong hands grasp my waist.
I looked into those big brown eyes before he reconnects our lips, and I can't help but imagine all the kinds of beautiful he can make me feel. I walk us over to the bed in the corner of the room and Calum sits down on the edge, not breaking the kiss. I sit on top of him, my legs on either side of his and pull his black button up shirt up over his head. I kiss across his chest and just below his neck, and he lets out a shaky breath. He smiles at me again and pushes my jacket off my arms, connecting our mouths once again.
"You're so cute." I manage in between kisses. I can feel his lips curve up into the kiss and he pulls away, biting my lip as he goes.
"No.." He starts,
"You're so cute." He mocks my tone playfully and unzips the back of my dress.
He motions for me to stand, and I detach my body from his only long enough to shrug the dress off, so it piles nicely around my feet. I look up at Calums' face and see his mouth hung open and his eyes wide.
"I'm literally speechless." He says, not bothering to tear his eyes from the sight of me in only the small black fabric of my underwear. I giggle, at the simplicity of his words and then jump to him from where I'm standing. He catches me, and pulls me into an enormous hug and then flips me over so he's on top of me. Our lips connect again and I get lost in the kiss for what feels like the millionth time tonight.
"Cal," I moan softly.
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