Chapter 18 ✔️
Chapter 18.
- Rebecca / Becky's P.O.V -
My eyes fluttered open as something , someone breathed warm air into my ear. The bright light hit my eyes blinding me. I squinted my eyes shut and cursed under my breath and the hangover had started to kick in. I yawned and turned around to face the beautiful boy sleeping peacefully next to me.
His chest bare showing off his well built body , his hair all messy and sticking up in multiple spots , his calm breathing as he slept silently.I smiled at the boy before me , and laid back down snuggling closer to the warm body.Memories flooded back from last night's events.
I slept with Calum.
I slept with Calum Hood from 5 seconds of summer.
I slept with my brothers best friend!!
Oh my god...Michael!! I remember Michael saw me and Calum coming out of the room , as soon as I tried to approach him he sped off down the halls , disappearing into the sweaty dancing bodies! What if he tells Ashton? well he has no proof. Other than the fact we were both half dressed , smiling had messy hair and covered with love bites , while walking out a bedroom that most of the party heard moans and screams come from.I need to talk to Michael today!
How we ended up in my room you may be wondering. Well after the party finished we all headed to my house , the boys crashed in the living room and i went to my room. Calum obviously sneaked upstairs last night and crawled into my bed. The other boys were out of it to even notice if I'm honest.My brain was over thinking too much to fall back to sleep.
"Calum, get off" I whimpered , shoving his arm that was hung around my waste, trapping me from getting up. No matter how much i tried to shove his arm away or shift and squirm underneath him i couldn't get out.
"Calum please wake up!" I said a little more louder , Calum might as well been deaf. It didn't matter how much i pushed , kicked at him under the duvet , his grip didn't loosen.
After what felt like forever of , pulling and shoving , I managed too free my right arm and I smacked the sleeping beauty as hard as I could on the head. He let out a slur of moans and assorted grunts but his hold around my waist loosened up. I sat up on the bed and chuckled as Calum flipped over to lay on his stomach letting small snores out.My head was killing me , Everything was way too bright as i looked around the familiar room.
I turned to look at the boy beside me and i couldn't help the smile that spread as i stared at him. He was passed out on his back once again , chest rising and falling slowly as he snored. A pillow covered over his head held there with his arms above his head.
I slowly straddled his waist , blushing as i left feather soft kisses down his chest. He shifted under me , making me grin slightly. I ran kisses up his chest towards his neck and jaw , a quiet moan sounded from beneath the pillow and knew he would wake up soon.
I let my fingers explore lower , tracing his body , down his v-line , before skimming the band of his boxers. My eyes never leaving his covered face.
"You know, i could get used to this," he moaned , his voice deep, raspy and thick from sleep.
"Finally he wakes up!" I giggled , trailing my lips back up his chest. sucking lightly on his collarbone
"Mhm... maybe I was awake all this time" he mumbled , removing the pillow from his face. A smirk plastered on his face
"Or maybe I should of stayed asleep to see what else you had planned to wake me up.'' He winked.
I blushed and hit Calums chest lightly.Calums eyebrows raised and gripped my wrists in his hands , in a playful way.
"Your going to pay for that Missy!!" he smirked. Flipping us over so i was underneath him , he kissed my plumb lips softly then started to leave small butterfly kisses up my neck.
"I like these..." he pointed at my neck. I scrunched my eyebrows together.
"What?" I asked. Calum laughed and rolled off of me exiting the room.
Well that was strange , i hopped up from my bed and walked towards my wardrobe getting out some shorts and a baggy grey t-shirt that had 'Real Life' printed on it. I opened my bathroom door and undressed , hopping into the shower and back out.
Once i changed into clean underwear and clothes I made my way out of the room sitting in front of my dressing table a gasp leaving my mouth. I stared in the mirror at the purple marks left along the side of my neck and collarbone. I knew he gave me a few but this was like a whole art piece.
Applying make up to cover up the purple bruises marked on my neck and collarbone so Ashton wouldn't get suspicious. Once i was sure they were covered up i got up and ran down the stairs.
The boys were all still sleeping in the living room , I rolled my eyes and made my way to the kitchen. I poured myself some orange juice and made some toast. I noticed a note on the fridge so i unpinned it and read it.
'' Taken out Harry and Lauren to visit their dad.. forgot to tell you sorry hun. We will be back Christmas eve. Call me if you need me , i left some money in my room love you !! - Mummy "
In a way i was happy that she was gone. I placed the note back on the fridge and made my way to grab the toast out of the toaster. I spread the butter on both pieces of toast when two strong arms snaked around my waist.
"Morning beautiful" Calum smirked against my neck.
"Calum get off... before the make up smudges" I said.
"Aw... i liked them on your neck why did you cover them up" he pouted
"You know why cal" i squirmed in his grip. Calum let go and grabbed a peice of my toast.
"HEY!!" I yelled out. Calum laughed and made his way back to the living room.
I ate the other piece of toast before anyone else could pinch it and made my way to the living room. The boys were now all up and i wondered where Ana was.
"Hey guys where's Ana?" i asked
"She went home, had to look after her brother!" Luke said , I nodded and sat down in between Michael and Calum. Michael shifted uncomfortably and I could sense the tension rising in the room.
"Hey Michael can i talk to you ?" i asked
"Yeah" he said casually. I stood up and gestured for him to follow.
"Alone... " i say , Michael nods and walks with me out to the kitchen.
"Look about what you saw yest-"
"Hey... it's fine. It's not any of my business" he chuckled
"So what's going on between you guys?" Michael wiggled his eyebrows. I laughed nervously and hit his chest.
"Did yo- , No... you didn't did you? Yeah you did!! Oh my god!!" Michael said dramaticly holding his hand to his chest to try and stop himself from laughing.
"SHUT UP !! " I giggled. Michael just laughed harder and i couldn't help but blush and laugh with him.
"Michael... you won't tell Ashton will you?" i asked
"Of course not!! It's none of my business , its your decision to tell Ashton in your own time" He smiled.
"Tell Ashton what?" A voice growled. Both our heads snapped up to Ashton who looked slightly angry.
"Uhm, ugh i'll see you later Rebecca" Michael said awkwardly and walked back inside the living room.
There was a moment of silence before we spoke again , the tension was drowning us right now. What am i meant to say to him? Do i come out with the truth or lie?
"Tell me what?" Ashton spoke again , sitting down on the stairs. I sat next to him and let out a deep breathe.
"Ashton..." i breathed out
"Tell me!"
"Promise me you won't get mad" i sighed
"What no... what's going on Be-"
"Ashton!! Promise me please" I begged
"Fine... i promise , i wont get mad at you"
"Fine i won't get mad" he sighed.
I shifted slightly and began to think of a an excuse to tell him , i was never good at lying but i could't tell him could i? not like this.
"BECKY TELL ME" He shouted
"ME AND CALUM HAVE BEEN SEEING EACH OTHER BEHIND YOUR BACK OKAY?" I yelled out , i shot my hand over my face and gasped into my mouth. Ashton's eyes widened and his hands balled into fist.
"What did you say?"
"You heard me Ashton. I love him and you cannot do anything about it" I stood my ground , i wasn't going to let him make decisions for me again.
"You don't know what you're doing!! He's using you Becky what don't you understand" Ashton said
"No i'm not... how could you think that" Calum said appearing out of nowhere.
"HOW COULD YOU" Ashton screamed at Calum , Calum stood back and held his hands up in defence. Ashton was about to pounce on him when Luke and Michael stepped in holding Ashton back , dragging him into the kitchen.
"I'M GONNA KILL HIM" Ashton yelled.
"Ashton you promised you wouldn't get mad" i muttered
"Save it Becky... just leave. Get out of my house!"
"I live here t-"
"No you don't you live here when Dad has had enough of you and leaves you alone" How could Ashton have said that , why would he say that. My vision came blurred as a few tears fell down my eyes.
"Calm down mate... you don't wanna do that" Michael said
So thats what we did. We all got up and walked out and left him to go calm down.
"It will be alright Becky" Luke said , I wiped the tears from my eyes and sighed.
"I've never seen him so angry" i sniffled. Michael hopped in the car and we followed him in.
"I'm sorry he's mad at you guys" i sighed
"It's alright... it wasn't your fault" Michael smiled through the mirror.Calum got in the back of the car with me , Luke called shotgun and Michael was driving.
"Michael... can you drive slow. I don't want us getting killed today" Luke laughed. I let out a small smile and Michael huffed and started the car going very slowly.
"I'm sorry Calum" i whispered as i rested my head on his shoulder.
"Don't apologise "
"Don't apologies!" he said again , kissing the top of my head and pulling me closer to him.We dropped Luke off at home and i realized i had nowhere to go.
"You're coming with me" Calum smiled poking my cheek answering my thoughts for me.
We pulled up outside Calum's house and said our goodbyes to Michael. Walking up to the front door , Mrs Hood answered and smiled warmly at me. Calum told her i would be staying for a few days and she said it was fine and if i needed anything i should just give her a shout.
- Calum's P.O.V -
It hurt. It hurt so bad that Rebecca was hurt. She tried to put on a smile and pretend everything was okay but i know she was breaking inside. I don't see why Ashton don't trust us. We love each other and nobody can get in the way of that.
We need to prove to him that we are good for each other because i can't do this. I can't be the one that is ruining a brother and sisters relationship. I can't have him hating and being disgusted around us. I need to speak too him alone and figure this shit out. I can't loose her and i can't loose him.
Right now , Rebecca is sleeping peacefully in my arms. I told my mum about 'Us' awhile ago , she wished us all the happiness so she didn't mind that she was staying. Watching Becky try too sleep , she looks so fragile yet so broken. I run my finger up and down her arms tracing shapes as a few tears leave her eyes.
"Shh.. baby its alright" i coo into her ear. I wipe my thumbs over her eyes and wipe the tears away. She turn's over so shes facing me and i leave a slight peck on her nose. Making her smile a little. A genuine smile not a forced one. She relaxes in my arms and buried her face into my chest.
"What if he doesn't come around... what if he hates me" she sobbed
"Listen.." i said , hooking my fingers under her chin to make her look up at me.
"He don't hate you... your his little sister okay? He just needs time to calm down. I promise we will make it work okay... i love you"
"I love you too Calum" she sighed and a few minutes later i could hear her soft snores.
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