Chapter 15 ✔️
- Chapter 15
-Rebecca's P.O.V-
I walked out of the airport , the warm Sydney heat filling the air. I looked around when i spotted a very familiar little blonde boy and a dirty blonde haired teenager. I smiled and ran up to them giving both my half siblings a tight squeeze.
''I missed you guys!!'' I cooed
''You promised you'd come back!'' Harry whispered , i smiled and ruffled his hair.
''I told you i keep my promises'' i winked , I gave Lauren a quick hug and pulled away and smiled at Liz.We walked towards the silver BMW , Liz helping me with my bags and got in. Lauren called shotgun so i sat in the back next to Harry.
''So where's my Mum?'' i asked letting out a soft laugh.
''Oh she got called into work this morning , she did book the day off but they were running short with staff and she couldn't refuse, so I offered to pick you up '' Liz told me.
Once we arrived 'Home' , Lauren helped me with my suitcases dragging them up the stairs behind me.
''So are the boys he-'' before i could say another word my eyes fell on five bodies that were sprawled out along the floor and my bed. I chuckled and shook my head.
''Never mind'' I smiled.
''BECKY!!!!'' Ana squealed running up to me and squeezing me too almost death. I hugged back and she smiled letting go.
''I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!'' She squealed again.
''ME TOO!!'' I yelled back. I turned to the other boys who had weird expressions on their faces and began bursting out laughing.
''No hug?'' I pouted.
''CUDDLE!!'' Luke screamed throwing his arms around me , i chuckled and hugged him back.
''MY TURN!!'' Michael yelled , hugging me , gently lifting me off my feet and twirling me around , i laughed in return and screamed playfully.
''MIKE PUT ME DOWN!!'' I whined.
''No i missed you... nobody else was good at playing COD with me!'' he pouted and placed me back down on my feet.
''Aw... well how about later i kick your ass'' i said proudly of my gaming abilities
''You're on Irwin!'' he smirked
''Okay my turn'' a voice came forward , that voice Calums!
''CALUM!!'' I screamed and jumped on top of him , he caught me and laughed hugging me tightly. He placed me down and wrapped his arms back around me resting his chin on my shoulder , i giggled and took in the smell of his gorgeous cologne.
''Alright... enough of that , come on she's my sister!!'' Ashton whined , i pulled away from Calum and Calum looked down at his feet smirking.
''ASH!!'' I smiled and pulled him into a bone crushing hug , its weird... the last time i came i hadn't seen him in what seven years? but even our hug then wasn't as meaningful i guess i've missed all of them too much.
Once i pulled away from his hug , i looked at them all and smiled happily.
''GROUP HUG!!'' Michael yelled , pulling all of us into a hug. I was in the middle and was in fits of giggles at how these boys behave. I swear Harry and Lauren are more mature then them.
I had spent the last hour unpacking all of my clothes , i walked down the stairs and joined the boys in the living room. Sitting in between Calum and Michael. Ana and Luke was on the other sofa , Ashton on the recliner.
''So what's been happening?'' i asked
''Well we finished the One Directions take me home tour , which was pretty emotional we grew strong bonds with the boys but we cant be a opening act forever you know?'' Luke started. I nodded towards his answer .
''So after that we went off to London to do some headline gigs for our tour we're meant to be doing , then we came back home for Christmas'' Ashton says.
''London? Really thats amazing!!'' i smiled.
''It's cold though!'' Calum pouted , i poked his cheek and he let out a small laugh.
''You should come to London with us sometime?'' Michael said
''OH MY GOD YES!!'' Ana screamed
''Again with the screaming Ana? , '' I glared at her then let out a laugh.''- And... yeah why not?'' I finished
We spent the next couple of hours watching films and eating a huge amount of Junk food.
''So what do you wanna do?'' i asked as 17 Again's credits started to role
''Well , me and Luke are going out to dinner but your welcome to join us'' Ana smiled warmly
''No , thats fine have fun!'' i smiled. They nodded and said their goodbyes and walked out hand in hand , gosh they were so damn cute... cute as a button as Harry Styles would say.
''What about you guys?'' i asked.
''I've gotta babysit my cousin'' Michael huffed waving us off and jumping up to grab his shoes.
''I'll let you have some family time'' Calum smiled
Aw...that was nice of him but i didn't want him too go!! I wanted to scream out and tell him to stay but i figured i'd see him tomorrow.
''Yeah thanks man'' Ashton said.
''Byeeee!!'' i waved as Calum got up from the sofa.
''I need the bathroom'' i said and walked towards it.
''ASHTON!! YOUR SISTER WILL BE HOME ANY MINUTE LOOK AT THE STATE OF THIS PLACE!!'' i heard my mother curse as I exited the bathroom.
''But Mu-''
''Mum she's alread-''
''Mum Rebecca is al-''
''I KNOW SHE'S GOING TO BE HERE IN A MINUTE SO CLEAN UP!!'' I watched them argue back and fourth from the doorway and held in a giggle at when Ashton tried to explain i was already here.
''Here'' i finished his sentence.
My mother spun around quickly and a smile grew on her face , she walked up to me and hugged me tight. I returned the hug , She turned back around and looked at Ashton.
''Why didn't you tell me she was already here?'' she asked. Ashton threw his hands up in the air.
''I tried but... never mind'' Ashton huffed and sat back on the sofa. I let out a small giggle
''Mum , you don't have to make it all clean and fancy when i come round. I'm your daughter not the queen'' Mum chuckled and shook her head.
''I'll go order pizza , i can't be bothered to cook'' she laughed walking out the room
I smiled and shook my head at my mother , she was so silly sometimes. I dumped myself next to Ashton and leaned my head on his shoulder;Breathing out softly.
There was a quick pause of silence before Ashton spoke up
''Do you still love him?'' he asked , my heart began to beat fast.
''Who?'' i asked trying to pry him away from this subject
''You know who Becky...'' he sighed
''Nope , no clue'' i put my hands up.
''Calum!'' Well shit a brick i can't say i don't know who he is.
''Um , Uh , Well you see... I um. Uh , no? Yes? Maybe ? I don't know'' i stuttered looking anywhere but his eyes.
''Alright...'' It was my turn to ask the questions.
''Why did you say i could date Calum when we was on tour , but not when we were together at the start and now you seem pretty dodgy with the whole subject.'' i explained hoping It didn't sound as complicated as it did in my head. Thankfully he replied straight away ,
''Um... i don't want you dating him at all. If you dated on the tour then you would of eventually had to break it up because you were going to Melbourne and then you wouldn't of gotten back together i guess. I don't want you too date him Becky'' he said
''Why...'' i whined
''Because i don't okay?!'' his voice abit louder then normal. He stood up and marched towards his room. Mum came in and her face dropped from the big smile when she saw Ashton walk off.
''Do i want to know?'' she asked
''You don't want to know!'' i sighed , she nodded and walked back out the room..
I wasn't too hungry at this point so i said my good nights and went up to 'my room'. God Ashton is so bipolar sometimes I think I need to get him seen by a doctor.
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