Chapter 13 ✔
- Rebecca's P.O.V -
These last three day's and the whole entire time on this short Australian tour has been so amazing. The boys have nearly finished it and we should be in Melbourne in about half a hour.
Then the boys travel back up too all the places and play again before heading over to New Zealand. Of course this is my stop. I don't travel back with them to Sydney. I stay here in good old Melbourne.
My date with Calum? ... My dinner with Calum , AS FRIENDS!! Was great , he took me to a fancy Italian restaurant and we just talked and ate and goofed around. I really am going to miss him and i've fallen for the boy hard. But never the less today we both go back to our old lives and move on.
Yesterday me and Ana went out for lunch then me Ana and the rest of the boy's explored Perth. These guys are so strange but i love them with all my heart. Don't worry this wont be the last time i'll see them i'm defiantly going to visit Sydney again perhaps next year?
I don't know but no way am i ever not seeing these guys again. Well Ashton's my brother so of course i'm going to see him. But i mean this whole band and Ana are the best friend's i've ever had and i'm happy i met them.
The boys have two more shows to play here in Melbourne then theyre off. Even though i'm back home now i'm still staying on this stupid bus. I need to spend every second with everyone before they have to go , so thats why i'm still on here.
My father came home a few days ago but he doesn't mind me staying with the boys for the last couple of days. I've tried to persuade Ashton to go see my father with me but he wont budge at all! But to my surprise he had agreed to go see him alone without me which will be interesting.
''WAKE UP ,bRISE AND SHINE... THE FLIGHT IS IN TWO HOURS'' Liz calls , i groan and roll over. Wait flight? that's today?!! Where the hell did the time go. I roll out of the bunk and hit the ground with a loud thump.
''Ouch'' I whine. I roll over and stare at Calum looking down at me laughing. He's already dressed , in grey sweat's and a 5SOS baseball merch top , a black hoodie... black converse and a beanie on his head.
''Need some help?'' he smirks , I reply with a shake of my head.
''I'm going to stay here forever and ever!!'' i yell be over dramatic. Calum laughs again and grabs my hand pulling me up.
I've dropped all my stuff back home so i only have one outfit that i picked the other night. I throw on my blue jeans , rolling stones crop top and grabbed my bag stuffing in my phone , pj's and everything else that i owned on this bus since today was the day we left this bus everything had to be taken back.
I quickly curled the ends of my hair with Ana's curling wand. I put on some bright red lipstick and a bit of mascara and i was done. I grabbed one of Ashton's beanies and placed it on my head... okay now i'm done.
We all got into a mini bus and make our journey towards the airport , i sat next to Calum at the back , Ashton , Ana and Michael in the middle and Luke called shotgun in the front. Liz and John had to take the other car with the luggage so it was just us and the driver.
I sighed as i realized we were getting closer and closer to the airport , Calum seemed to notice and placed his hand on my thigh. I look up at him and he gave me a small smile , i returned the smile and laid my head on his shoulder , i took in his warmth and his beautiful scent. How am i going to live without this boy , I closed my eyes and relaxed.
The car came to a stop and my eyes fluttered open , i let out a yawn and stretched my arms. We all climbed out of the car and the cold air hit me , what the hell its meant to be Summer?? Calum seemed too notice my coldness i mean i had goosebumps the size of pumpkins... okay i'm so over dramatic. Calum took off his hoodie and placed it on my shoulders , i smiled and put it on.
''Thanks'' i smiled , he nodded
We made our way inside the airport there were a few fans who the boys greeted. When they finished they asked the fans to give them some space so they could say goodbye to me.
We all made our way over to the departure gate the staff kindly let me in the waiting room with them. We all collapsed along the chairs , me laying my head on Calum's lap and my legs sprawled across Michael and Ashton. Calum started playing with the ends of my hair which made me let out a small laugh.
''Hey thats my hat!!'' Ashton whined , reaching over to get it.
''Noooo!!'' i cried out
Calum took it off my head and tossed it too Luke , who tossed it too Michael. It was like piggy in the middle me chasing wherever it went , i soon gave up and went back to my laying down position.
''Now i have all messy hair!'' i explained , Ashton poked his tongue out at me and i returned it. The boys laughed at our childish behaviour.
''Flight 651 to Sydney please start boarding... thats flight 651 to Sydney'' the women called out , i sighed knowing this was there flight. I jumped up with the rest of the boys and we made our way over to the gates where the staff were taking the tickets. Liz came over and gave me a small hug.
''Bye sweetie we'll see you soon okay be good'' she smiled , i nodded and shot her a small smile back.
''Bye Lizzy woo'' i joked making her let out a chuckle , she stood back and the one and only John Delf came up to me shaking my hand.
''Lovely too meet you Rebecca... we'll be happy to have you as a helping hand on any more upcoming tours...concerts etc'' he said , i smiled and pulled him into a hug. He hugged back thankfully it wasn't me just hugging him...that would be awkward. He smiled and walked into the tunnel with Liz.
I look at my five new best friends as a tear escaped from my eye , i quickly wiped it away.
''GROUP HUG!!!'' Michael screamed , earning weird looks from everyone. I laughed and we all huddled together. We all pulled away so i had the chance to hug everyone individualy...saving the best till last of course.
I was pulled into a hug by Luke first ,
''Aw Lukey pookey... i'll miss chu!!'' i said in my adorable cute baby voice
''Don't call me that Becky wecky... and i'll miss you too'' he said kissing the top of my head.
''Move out my way peasant!!'' Ana mumbled to Luke , Luke chuckled and moved aside.
I through my arms around my best friend and squeezed her tightly , she started to sob into my shoulder and my tears broke out as well.
''Don't stay come with us please'' she begged me ,
''I-i-i can't Ana , i'll see you soon i promise'' i cried
''You better'' she sniffled , pulling away only too pull me back into another hug. I chuckled and squeezed her tighter.
''MY TURN!!'' Michael whined , pulling Ana off me and throwing his arms around me. I laughed at him and burried my head into Michael's chest.
''LOVE CHU!!'' Michael said
''Love you too... and remember i beat you at COD... haha!!'' i laughed , Michael pulled away and scrunched up his eyebrows shaking his head and letting out a slight giggle.
I smiled at his cuteness and hugged him tighter , i pecked him on the cheek and moved on too Ashton.
Ashton had red , puffy eyes and stared at the floor.
''The floor isn't that interesting...Ash?'' i giggled , Ashton snapped his head up and let out a small smile before opening his arms wide. I smiled and wrapped my arms around him ,
''I love you sooooo much Lil' sis'' he said
''Love you more... i'll be back soon i promise!!''
''You better or i'm coming to get you myself'' he joked
''Yeah , Yeah... oh did you make things up with dad?'' i asked
''Yeah i guess so'' he smiled
''YAY... now i'm happy!!'' i sqeauled hugging him tighter. Ashton laughed , someone coughed which caused us to break apart i looked at Calum who had a slight smirk on his face.
''My turn?'' he questioned , Ashton nodded walking over to the others who were talking to the staff to give us 5 more minutes.
''Hm... don't know if i want to hug you?'' i said
''Too bad!! '' he said , wrapping his arms around me , i giggled and wrapped my arms around his his hands made there way around my waist. I rested my head in the crook of his neck and sighed deeply.
He pulled away and cupped my face in his hands , i began crying... i couldn't hold back these tears much longer. He placed his lips gentely on mine at first i was taken back by the gesture but i kissed back after a few seconds , our lips moved in sync. I licked his bottom lip begging for entrance... i was needy at this point. He smirked against my lips and pulled back.
''Can i ask you something?'' he whisperd , i nodded.
''Did you mean what you said that night... about you not loving me?'' he said , avoiding my eye contact.
''No of course not!! It slipped out ... of course i frickin' love you Calum Hood!'' i said truthfully , Calums head snapped up and the smile grew wide on his face.
''I knew it , please please please be mine ...again? !!'' he said
''But that doesn't change anything Calum... we'll be gone without each other and i can't deal with a long distance relationship ,it wont work. We're good friends Cal!'' i sighed , Calum nodded and pulled me back into another hug.
''You never know the future , We'll be together someday... maybe , oh and heres your hoodie!'' i whispered in Calums ear.
''Last call for flight 651 too Sydney... that's 651 to Sydney...Last call'' the women announced.
I sighed and pulled away from Calum , i was about to take off his hoodie when Calum stopped me ,
''Keep it...'' he smiled , i nodded and returned the smile.
''Well this is it ...'' Ashton spoke.
I nodded slowly and broke out in tears again.
''Don't cry please!!'' Calum said , pulling me into a hug , rubbing circles on my back to calm me down which it did. I pulled away and nodded.
''Well you guys...go and rock out in Sydney and New Zealand and i'll see you whenever okay?! Don't foget me!'' i said
''How could we foget you you're my damn sister'' Ashton chuckled , now thinking about it Ashton was right i'm so stupid.
I laughed and pulled them all into one last group hug.
''Okay go before i cry again'' i said shooing them out. They all nodded and made there way through the gates. I sighed and a tear rolled down my eye... i brushed it off and made my way outside the airport.
My father came by to pick me up , i took a few photos with some nice fans. Spotting my fathers black
BMW i jogged over to it opening the door , dropping my bag inside. Slipping into the seat , buckling up my belt and resting my head on the window.
''No Hello?'' he chuckled
''Sorry...Hi!'' i whispered
''Its fine love ... how about we go get some ice cream , my treat?'' he suggested
''Sure...'' i smiled. This is what i love about dad , its how he understands and knows the right things too do and say.
We spent the rest of the afternoon catching up , eating ice cream and listening to my fathers awful jokes. We then went back home and ordered some Chineese ... after that i went up for a early night. I took out my phone , and looked too see i had seven new messages.
From : Mikey
MISS YOU!! But Calum insists he misses you more !! hehe - Mike x
I chuckled at Michael's text , and replied back
To Mikey
Aw... love you too!! and i'm sure you love me equally ...I hope ;) x - Beckstaaa
The next one was from Ashton
From Ash :)
Hey sissy woo!! Just landed hope your alright... missing you like mad!! - Ash (aka batman)
To Ash:
Wooo , yeah i'm fine just spent night with dad Miss you more!! Give hugs and kisses to Harry , Lauren and Mum :) x - Your sissy woo
The next from Ana.
From Ana-is-the-best
I HATE YOU SO MUCH!! LEAVING ME WITH ALL THESE SMELLY BOYS!! Jk's love and miss you bub's p: Luke also misses you but is too lazy to text you - Ana & Lukey
To Ana-is-the-Best
Hate you too Biatch ;) , miss chu both more x
The next four were from the one and only Calum Thomas hood , i smiled and opened them up each text within 5 minutes apart from each other.
From Calum <3 :
Hi , I Miss you... - Cal
Still miss you - Cal
Miss you even more... - Cal
I fuckin' miss you :( xxxxxxxxxx - Cal
To Calum:
Hi.. :) Miss you so much :'( , xx <3 - Becky
Almost straight after sending the text i got a reply
From Calum <3 :
Love you Princess... go too sleep beautiful it's late xx
To Calum:
Night , talk to you tomorrow or something hehe :) <3 xx
From Calum <3:
I'll be waiting x
I placed my phone on my bedside table and quickly changed into my PJ'S i put Calum's hoodie over the top of me and sighed snuggling into it and dropping myself on to the bed. I fell asleep within was a long day.
20+ reads.
Votes welcome :P
Sophie xxx
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