Chapter 1
Falling For You
Chapter 1
I walk outside the airport and take a deep breath, before turning and walking towards the magazine stand, where I had arranged to meet mum. I haven't seen my mother since she visited me on my thirteenth birthday. I've missed her, don't get me wrong I love her and we never had a bad relationship, but we both had new lives, we had spoken on the phone a couple of times, but other than that, we kept to ourselves. I know she remarried and got divorced, and had 2 more children; Lauren who is thirteen, and Harry, who is eleven, but I've never met them, I've seen pictures through social media, but that's it.
As for Ashton ; I never really kept tabs on my brother or his band, I haven't been to a concert, I heard a few songs on the radio but thats it. A hand on my shoulder snapped me out of my thoughts. I froze, before turning around, and coming face to face with my mother.
"Mum..." I whispered as she pulled me into a hug.
"Look at you Rebecca, all ... grown up! I expected you to arrive in a summer dress and uneven ponytails, and here you are looking like a woman!" She laughed, wiping the tears from her eyes. She's so overemotional, still the same old mum.
"Well, I am older now." I replied with a smile. She grabbed one of my bags and we made our way over to her car, I placed my bags in the boot, and climbed into the passenger seat, buckling my seatbelt once I was settled. Th drive home was filled with small talk, filling each other in on our lives now.
"Ashton came home 2 weeks ago; I'm so happy your back as well, now the family is finally complete." She smiled.
"No it's not." I mumbled, she didn't hear me, I'm pretty sure she's got selective hearing.
"So, how is your father?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, like she actually gives a shit.
Sighing, I replied "Uh, he's fine... busy with work I guess."
"Great... are you working or at college?" She questions, trailing off at the end.
"I do online schooling. I started a blog, and it kinda blew up the same time Ashton got recognized.", ''there are some fans of his band who have a theory I'm his secret sister or something." I said laughing at the irony.
"Oh wow, that's wonderful sweetheart, I'm so proud! I have a rock star and a internet sensation, we're so talented!" She joked; I let out a laugh and nodded.
I let my head rest on the car window and closed my eyes. After about 10 minutes the car came to a stop, and I reopened my eyes, squinting at the brightness of the sun. "We're here." My mother told me. I yawned and sat up, unbuckling my seat belt and opening the door to get out.
I grabbed my handbag and one of my suitcases, while my mum got the other. I walked up the driveway and looked up at the house. "Hold on, this isn't our house!" I exclaimed, laughing a little.
"No, we didn't have enough room so we upgraded about two years ago." She explained.She unlocked the door and entered the house; I followed her and put my suitcase down, shutting the door.
"ASHTON! HARRY! LAUREN!" My mother called as I looked around the house. Two vaguely familiar faces came down the stairs, and 1 very familiar face came out of the room to my left.
"Ashton!" I squealed as I jumped into his arms.
"Ah... I've missed you kiddo!" He said as he placed me down. I raised my eyebrow questioningly when he called me 'kiddo'.
"I'm not a kid anymore Ashton, and if you missed me, you should've visited" I snapped.
"I know, I've just been kinda busy being a rock star and all." He laughed, which received an eye roll from me.
"I'm Harry." A voice broke Ashton and me out of our reunion. I looked around and saw a little boy with blonde hair and blue eyes; I flashed him a smile and introduced myself;
"Well, hello Harry. It's nice to meet you, I'm Rebecca but you can call me Becky." I gave him a hug and was thankful when he returned the gesture.
I turned my attention to the other unfamiliar face; "You must be Lauren, am I right?" I asked.
"Yeah. I'm glad I can finally meet my sister." She laughed.
"Living with two smelly boys, you poor thing." I said, Lauren giggled and I turned to my mum.
"Where's my room?" I asked politely, my mother looked at Lauren and pointed up the stairs. Lauren gestured for me to follow her and I grabbed my suitcases.
"Can I help?" Harry asked. Aw, he was so cute. I handed him my handbag and he held it for me, I smiled and walked up the stairs with them both. We stopped outside a room and Lauren opened the door.
"It's our guest room, but I guess it's yours at the moment."
"It's great." I smiled, Lauren walked off back towards her room. Harry placed my bag down and sat on the edge of my bed.
I opened my bags and began unpacking it, hanging my clothed in the wardrobe in the corner of the room. I was glad they all seemed to fit, because I brought a lot of clothes. "So how come you don't live with us?" Harry asked.
"Oh, I live with my father." I smiled; he nodded and started playing with his fingers.
"I'm glad you came... Mum always tells me and Lauren stories about you." He said "- I'm going to play some video games, if you need anything just ask."
Once I finished unpacking Ashton walked in. "Yes?" I asked, turning my attention towards him.
"It's just weird, I haven't seen you in such a long time, and you're all grown up and just, I dunno." He smiled, I laughed and shook my head.
"So, how's the celebrity life treating you?"
"We aren't that big of a deal, but it's good."
"When can I meet this band of yours?" I smiled, Ashtons smile disappeared and he gave me a serious look which made me feel confused and uneasy.
"Becky, you are NOT allowed to date any of my friends, I mean it!" He said, the expression on his face was almost too serious. I nodded slowly, why would I want to date his friends anyway?
"Okay." I smiled; he visibly relaxed and then smiled at me.
"Well, they're in the living room right n-" Before he could finish, I sprinted down the stairs, him running after me.
I pushed the door open and four heads shot up and looked at me, wow, they are gorgeous, minus the girl, actually no, she's gorgeous as well.
There were two guys sitting on one couch, one of them had bleach blonde hair, but it wasn't natural blonde, it had clearly been dyed, he had green eyes and was extremely pale. The boy sitting next to him, god he was attractive! He had tanned olive skin, a tattoo on his arm, and he was wearing a black singlet which exposed a second tattoo on his collarbone, he had black hair and gorgeous brown eyes. He flashed me a smile and I smiled shyly back a hint blush raising on my cheeks at the realization of me staring.I looked over to the other couch which had another guy with blonde hair styled in a quiff, and blue eyes. Next to him was a girl who looked a little bit older than me, she had tanned skin, blue eyes and blonde hair. There was a moment of silence before I realized I had just burst into the room and stood there staring like an idiot.
"Uh, Hi!" I smiled. They boys chuckled before refocusing their eyes on the TV. The girl stood up and made her way over to me
"Uh, sorry about them, they're too busy playing FIFA. You must be Rebecca? Ashton's sister?" She smiled.
"Sorry, I feel really bad, but I don't know who you are." She laughed and shook my hand.
"Oh, don't worry about that, I'm Ana." She smiled at me sweetly.
"Ashton never told me he had a girlfriend." I stated.One of the boys scoffed, I looked around Ana to see it was the boy with blue eyes who had scoffed at my statement.
"Oh no!" Ana giggled, "I'm not dating Ashton silly, I'm with Luke over there, I'm also the boys hair stylist." She pointed to blue eyes.
"Boys!" she exclaimed after they went back to playing their game, as if I wasn't there, "Introduce yourselves!" There was no reply, so she went over and planted herself in front of the TV.
"ANA! I was about to win that!" the one with green eyes proclaimed.
"You can play after you introduce – oh, hi Ashton." She interrupted herself mid-sentence, greeting my now fuming brother. I smiled at him innocently as he shook his head and grinned.
"Everyone, this is Rebecca, my sister." Ashton spoke, gesturing towards me with his hands.
"Yeah, but you can call me Becky." I cut in, all the boys stood up and smiled back at me.
"I'm Luke." blue eyes said, giving me a hug.
"I'm Michael." The one with green eyes said, giving me a hug also. God, these boys were huggers!
"Uh, and I'm Calum." The last one said he just stood there; apparently he's NOT a hugger. I nodded, and the other boys looked at Calum.
"Dude hug her!" Michael chuckled, Calum scratched the back of his neck, and came over, wrapping his arms around me, laughing awkwardly. Our hug lasted longer than the others, and I pulled away when Ashton coughed uncomfortably. I looked down at my feet, blushing slightly.
"Ashton you never told us your sister was HOT!" Michael whispered loudly so we could all hear, including me. The boys laughed and Ashton hit the back of Michaels head.
"Shut it Clifford." Ashton ordered. Michael pouted and went and sat back down on the sofa.
"DINNERS READY!" I heard my mother call, Calum and Michael both shot up from the sofa and ran out towards the dining room, and I laughed to myself, following everyone else.
We all began to eat dinner, which may I add was amazing! One thing I did miss and love was my mother's cooking, it was delicious. Throughout the whole dinner I kept catching Calum staring at me, whenever I caught him, he would quickly look down at his plate as if he wasn't staring.
"So are you in college Becky?" Ana questioned
I swallowed my mouthful of food and took a sip of water before speaking. "I'm actually doing school online, I'm a fashion blogger so I'm always really busy, and it was the best option for me." I answered.
"Really? That's amazing!" She smiled
"It's actually really embarrassing, it's not exactly a real job, Also it involves me taking so many photos of myself, and I'm not exactly model material, so it's still weird and funny that people like looking at my face."
"Oh please, your beautiful, isn't she Calum?" Ana asked Calum.
"Earth to Calum... Stop staring and say she's pretty." Michael laughed.
"Sorry what?" Calum said finally snapping out of his gaze, we all started laughing.
"Well you are beautiful." Michael smiled at me,
"Thanks Mike," I said smiling, ruffling his hair. Ashtons' jaw was clenched and I rolled my eyes, he is ridiculous.
After we all ate, I helped out with the washing up then made my way back into the living room. I sat in between Calum and Michael and sighed.
"What's wrong?" Michael asked.
"Oh, I'm just bored." I said
"LET'S PLAY A GAME!" Ana yelled, wow this one was a bubble of joy.
"Sure, what game?" I asked.
"I say we play 20 questions on Becky." Calum suggested, smirking, I shrugged my shoulders and got off the sofa onto the floor.
"Everyone in a circle!" Michael Cheered. We all sat in a circle, and I was dreading the next 20 questions.
"Full name," Michael asked.
"Rebecca Grace Irwin." I answer.
"Birthday?" Ana asks.
"May 16th 1995" I say
"Single or taken?" Calum winked at me, I face palmed and giggled.
"Single of course." I smiled back; Michael nudged Calum and wiggled his eyebrows.
There were a few more questions and of course I answered truthfully until Michael asked a question that tied my tongue.
"Which one of us boys would you date?" he asked. Ashtons eyes narrowed and he gave me a 'don't you dare' glare, sighed.
"Like hell I'm answering that." I snapped.
"Why not?" Michael questioned.
"Because, I barely know you guys, and you're my brothers' friends, so it'd be kinda weird." I explain
"It's okay, she doesn't need to answer, it's obviously me." Calum winked.
"In your dreams." I winked back as Calum laughed.
"So Becky, are you a virgin?" Calum asked? This boy's nerve! Seriously.
"I think that's enough." Ashton cut in before I could answer.
"What?" Calum laughed
"I don't need to know what my sister has been doing in that department."
The boys and Ana finished asking me questions. We decided on watching a movie.
"What movie should we watch?" Ana asked, before picking up a dvd case with some dead girl on it.
''i'm tired, I think I'm going to head to bed," I say, faking a yawn and stretching my arms.
"Aw, is little Becca scared?" Calum teased, pouting. I rolled my eyes, "No."
"Prove it."
"Fine! I'll stay." I said, sitting down on the opposite end of the sofa to Ashton, Michael had jumped on the armchair, and Calum sat on the floor in front of me.
"I'm going to get some blankets and snacks." Ashton announces, before walking out of the room. Calum jumps up and steals Ashtons' seat, making me a little bit nervous. When Ashton comes back he mumbles something but doesn't argue. He sits in the middle of the living room. We all get comfortable and Ashton turns the movie on.
I couldn't help but notice Rebecca jump whenever the movie had a scary scene. She would jump and then hide under the blankets. It was actually pretty funny. I casually moved closer to her, and threw my arm over her shoulder discreetly.
"It's okay, you're safe with me." I whispered in her ear jokingly. She giggled and rested her head on my chest.
"You're warm." She mumbles.
"I know I'm hot." I wink.
"Okay, big head." She rolled her eyes at me and then graced me with a beautiful smile.
By the time the movie is finished, Rebecca was fast asleep. I smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear.
"Ash, should I wake her up?" I asked. Ashton turned around and scrunched his face up in thought.
"Just carry her up; she's staying in the guest bedroom, no funny business." He orders. I nod and lift her off the couch, and up the stairs. I place her on her bed and tuck her in.
"Night Becky." I whisper. I was at the door when I heard a faint whisper;
"Stay." I turned my head to look at the beautiful, innocent body lying on the bed, her eyes were closed, but I knew she was talking to me.
"You sure, Ashton will go crazy, and you've only met me today, I could be a psycho killer." I reply, scratching the back of my neck nervously.
"I didn't mean it like that; it's just that the movie kinda scared me-"
"Alright." I cut her off. Grabbing a pillow and placing it on the floor.
"What are you doing?" She questions, her eyes are now open, and staring at me as if she was confused.
"You can sleep here." She gestures to the empty space next to her.
"Are you sure?"
"Don't be silly Calum, I don't mind and I'm pretty sure it's softer than the floor."
"Okay then, I'll just go tell the others."
"What are you going to say?" She inquires.
"I'll just say you're scared and I'm going to chill with you until you fall asleep."
"Okay." She nods into her pillow.
I walk down the stairs and let the boys know that she's scared, and I'm gonna stay with her until she's asleep. They all seem convinced, and Ashton is fine with it, so I make my way back upstairs after removing my shirt, and swapping my jeans for sweats.
"What did Ash say?" She questions
"Just that I should be downstairs by morning, so I'll stay with you until you fall asleep." I explained, she nodded and pat the empty space again. "Do you mind if I sleep like this?" I gestured to my naked upper half.
Rebecca's eyes immediately averted from where they had previously been staring at my chest. "Uh, no." She answers.
"Like what you see?" I tease.
"Uh huh." She bites her li and nods her head, as if agreeing with herself. I pull the doona back and notice that she is wearing an oversized Ramones shirt that reaches her mid-thigh. I gulp and lay down next to her, pulling the doona back over us.
"You're so beautiful," I whisper. Oops. Did I really just say that? That was supposed to stay in my head I cringe.
"Thanks, night Calum." She yawns, and turns around, so her back was now facing me.
"Goodnight." I smile to myself, and with that, we both fell asleep.
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