Final :3
A/N- Don't worry there's going to be a sequel. Here's the cover for the sequel
|(Y/n) pov|
My stomach kept churning, "I know something bad is going to happen." I said to myself looking out the window to a burning heaven. "Damnit!" I yelled making every thing that had ink in it explode. "Fuck what Alfred said, I'm helping him." I said running out the the house and flying up.
|3rd pov|
Alfred's eyes returned to normal, he looked around and faced Arthur. "Britain... is that true?" He asked in disbelief while Arthur nodded "That may be Arthur... but they have a way to help us and if you think I'm joining you... For. Get. It." Alfred said pointing his sword at Arthurs throat. "Hehe. Your funny Alfred~" Arthur chuckled
|(Y/n) pov|
Matthew, Antonio, Francis, Gilbert, Ludwig and Ivan flew with me to help Alfred. "What do you think their doing?" Matthew asked as Kumajirou asked 'Who are You?' "I really don't now... but I really hope Amérique is Allright... before Angleterre tries anything." Francis said.
We heard the loudest blade clash that's ever been heard in heaven. We look down to see Alfred and... Arthur. "Al-" "Nein!" Ludwig put his hand in front of me "But-" "We have nothing to do, all ve have to do is just watch." He said "But bruder, Alfred needs are help!" Gilbert said looking down. "NEIN!!! LIKE I SAID JOU, AND NO ONE ELSE IS DOING ANYTHING!!!" Ludwig yelled making us jump back.
|Alfred pov|
Arthur threw a dagger at me coated in a wired red liquid, he swung his sword at me again I blocked it but it sent me back a bit. 'Shit if he keeps doing this, the sword might break." I said looking at the cracked blade. "Your a total fool Alfred. Following the gods blindly, they have no reason to listening to anything you CA's have to say." He said swinging once agian cutting my Ahoge a bit as I ducked. "Come on Alfred, I know your not trying to hurt me." Arthur teased as he blocked my slash. "Dude because I know I can change you. Please just stop, I want my big brother back." I said with tears threatening to fall.
I fell to my knees at put my hands to my face "I just want my brother back, I want you back so, the family can be whole once agian." I said looking at the blurry image of Arthur. I wiped my eyes to see he's giving me a look of disgust "Your pathetic Alfred," he said hissing at me "You are no longer a strong contry, your just... weak." He said lifting my chin up with the tip of his blade.
|(Y/n) pov|
My eyes widen like saucers "Ludwig-" "Nein!" he interrupted me. I growled and saw that everyone with me has a pen. I smile darkly and make the pens explode, I then wrap them up in a strong tight Bond of ink "vhat the hell do jou think jour doing?!" Ludwig yelled at me I look at them "I'm helping Alfred." I said.
I turned around and froze. That sword went through Alfred's chests, Arthur then left. I ran to Alfred who was.... Disintegrating? The ink on the others lost its effect. "A-Alfred?" I said putting his head on my lap. "Hey (Y/n)." He said weakly "Alfred, please don't go." I said hugging him. Colorful tears fell from my eyes and painted the clouds beneath me. "What do you mean?" Alfred asked hugging back slowly "Please don't die." I said and he started laughing slowly. I looked at him and his eyes widen a little "Your tears... there diffrent colors." He said. (Here's what the tears look like)
"Alfred don't talk." I said holding his hand. "Hey, Hey, don't cry," he said looking directly at me "You know angels can't die." He said flashing me a smile before he completely disintegrated. "Alfred." I said quietly.
|3rd pov|
The clouds started to loose color as well as everything else's. Everyone lost their skin complexion the only one with color was (Y/n), and something was very off. Black and (F/c) ink was flowing out his mouth his eyes were completely white with diffrent color ink flowing out like water. "Alfred." (Y/n) kept repeating, and every time someone tried to yell or touch him they couldn't talk nor touch him. "ALFRED!!!" (Y/n) screamed and a blast of ink shot everywhere.
Everyone was back to normal, they look to were (Y/n) was and saw a rainbow fire in his place. The fire spun around then bursting. (Y/n) was there his halo was changing colors also on fire along with his wings, they we no longer attached to his back they were also in a flaming Spectrum changing colors. His outfit was diffrent as well.
(That's the outfit)
"What happened?" (Y/n) asked looking at him self and his new attire. "Jou did something after Alfred went away." Ludwig said making (Y/n)'s eyes widen "Alfred? Where is he?!" (Y/n) asked appearing in front of Ludwig beyond any speed. "I don't know." Ludwig replied and (Y/n) sadly frowned "Oh. I see." (Y/n) said then vanished.
|Arthur pov|
Alfred was in front of me "Hey were am I?" Alfred asked panicked "Shh. The transformation is not complete yet." I said and his eyes widen "Transformation?" He said and froze in place the tip of his Ahoge started to turn black, a cracking noise was heard as black horns appear, his canines sharpened like fangs his ear look like an elves, his skin became awfully pale. His eyes glew red as his hair was completely pitch black. He started laughing like a madman and that pleased me. "How did I fall in love with a dumbass angel like that!" He said and I smirked "Welcome home... Alfred."
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