Act 6
A/N- The final is near~
|Arthur pov|
I smirked putting the pentagram in from of my throne stairs, "Now I just need to set one in heaven, then Alfred will be mine." I said clenching my fist in victory. "KING ARTHUR!!!!" I turned to my demons and they seemed panicked "What?" I said annoyed and nearly infuriated. "Cupid... He put the Contry Angels under protection, it's going to be hard to complete our task." One of the said "Their also going to war with us." I just growled and told them to leave. I sat in my throne and crossed my legs "Bloody hell. What do I do now? Their going to have the top angel protectors..." I stood up and flew to my room, "Here's what I'll do." I said walking to the cauldron still having the red tar like substance in it. "I'll douse every wepon here, then every time some one is hit, I'll have another demon in my army...this is so perfect, the assholes won't do anythingto stop me, and Alfred. Will. Be. Mine.
|Alfred pov|
"Alfred please don't do this." (Y/n) begged me as I strapped a Glock to my belt. "It's okay (Y/n), nothing will happen me, nor you." I said cupping both his cheeks "I-I just don't want anything bad to happen to you." He said, I looked down and kissed him. His eyes were wide and his face went red, he shyly kissed back. "I promise (Y/n), nothing is going to happen." I said leaving the house and heading for the meeting.
|Time Skip|
As I pushed open the big door the other CA's were waiting. "Alfred." Ludwig said and I just nodded, he slammed a scroll on the table and rolled it out. It was the map of heaven.
"So each perimeter has 100 Guardian angels, along with ours we should be fine. Me and meine bruder vill take the German part of heaven, the rest of you take jour parts of heaven." Ludwig said and we all nodded.
|Arthur pov|
I set the pentagram in the middle of the border, of what uses to be my part of heaven, and Alfred's part of heaven. "This is going to work swimmingly." I said with a cackle. "HEY YOU STO- Arthur!" I turned and saw 6 holy angels. "Oh, did you think I was some lowly demon." I said with an open mouthed smile. One of them put to fingures to their ear "Everyone Arthur is at the Aghh!" I threw a flaming dagger at him. He fell to the floor and started to disintegrate, "Good." I said and the other ones just look at us then 4 attack me while one stayed back."
|3rd pov|
"EVERYONE ARTHUR IS HERE! HE'S AT THE BORDER IN SECTION 28-25-1998!!!" The angel screamed, every angel reported to it with Alfred in front when they landed they saw the angels disintegrate. "Arthur." Alfred said worried "Ello little brother." Arthur replied and snapped his fingures.
In every corner of heaven demons were flying up, shooting fire and acid. Heaven and the angels retaliated with a barrage of ice and water. "Brother please stop this." Alfred pleaded Arthur just laughed. He snapped his fingures and within a second Alfred's support was dead. Alfred took out his Glock but Arthur melted it.
Arthur was now in front of Alfred "You let your guard down to much little brother." Arthur said and put both his hands on Alfred head. "I want you to see the truth Alfred. I want you to see what happens when this earth is gone. I want you to see everything." Alfred eyes started to glow blood red.
|Flash back: Arthurs pov|
I walked through the hall with a bag full of burgers in my right hand "I hope Alfred would like this, I keep passing out during My night work. I know he can't keep being in my place and he's got his own contry to worry about, and on top of that he's a helper angel." I said. I walked passed a room and saw Zeus and God talking. I decided to be a sneaky little bastard and hide behind the corner. "Zeus, this is too much." I heard god say "When the sun explodes what will we do." I heard Zeus chuckle a little "Don't worry God, all the nature gods have it under control. You forget your sister mother nature and her brother and the rest keep replenishing the ozone layer, so there's nothing to panick about." I heard Zeus say to God "But they have earth to worry about as well! They can't keep switching between the ozone layer and then earth." I heard him panick. "So, I guess the nature gods will have to just attend to the human needs instead of earth." I hear Zeus. "There going to leave the earth to die." I said and looked down.
"I cannot let this happen! This... this cannot stand!"
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