Act 2
|(Y/n) pov|
I enter the big house, and my eyes widen with glee "This house is so beautiful." I said as it had more than just white and gold as its color. "You like it?" He said closing the door. "Yes there are so many colors." I said walking forward. I hear him let out a little laugh "I'm glad you like it. Say can I get you something to drink?" He asked and I nodded "You artist angels can drink diffrent types of ink right?" He asked and I nodded once more. "Good because I don't have anyone to give this too." He said taking out one of the most expensive bottles of ink. "Whoa this is golden ink." I said looking at the bottle as he handed it to me.
"Hehe yeah. God had given it to, me as a gift thinking I was a artist angel at first." He said slightly embarrassed "I'm suprised, us artist angels only have blue, pink, (E/c), and just plain white." I said as he took out a glass "here." He said sliding it over to me. "Thanks." I said. I starred at the bottle for a moment "Shouldn't you give this to a higher artist angel, I'm just a novice." I said looking at him, all he did was smile and gave a deep laugh "Don't worry about it, there are only so few high ranked AA's (Artist Angel) and I think you should try it." He said.
I took off the cap and poured it in. It glew bright gold that could blind a human. "Drink up." He said with a smile. I drank it and it tasted sweet "What's in this," I said "No ink is supposed to taste this sweet." I said and he laughed "The things in it are," he started to say a list "Golden Apples from the Greek gods,tears from cupid, the kraken ink, and last but not least a drop of holy water and holy gold." He said and he motioned me to follow him.
I followed him into a huge living room that I almost spit out the ink. "It's huge." I said looking around he smiled "Thank you." He said and we sat on the couch. He turned on the huge T.V and there was a breaking broadcast.
"Breaking new the demon known as Arthur Kirkland has killed satan and has taken the throne of hell for himself." The TV then gets turned off. I look at Alfred "Um...Who's Arthur?" I asked and he looked at me "I'll tell you." He said then making the golden ink and something for him to drink out of no were "But it's a long story."
|#1 Flash Back: 3rd pov Before Alfred became the president of heaven|
Alfred wasn't new to the heaven scene, but he wasn't anything, just a simple helper angel with white and blue tipped wings. He walked around the house and walked to were his brother Arthur was "Iggy." He said looking through the crack of the door. "Yes Alfred." The blonde angel replied looking back with a shiny smile "Um I was wondering... how come you never come to the universe meetings? I can't keep covering for you for ever." Alfred said stepping in showing his white bomber jacket and white pants. "Don't worry Alfred that won't last for long." Arthur said. Alfred could have sworn he saw Arthurs Emerald green eyes flash red, but he shrugged it off thinking it's a hallucination.
|#2 Flash Back: 3rd pov| (Alfred got promoted)
Alfred was waiting at the front of the building waiting for Arthur. "Ello Alfred." Alfred jumped to the right and quickly drew his gun. But he soon drew it back seeing as it was only Arthur "Arthur... You scared me dude." He said holding his white T-shirt. "Sorry for that love, shall we go in." Arthur said opening the huge doors and They walked in. They saw the other angels or formally the personification of every contry till they were killed off just to make one big contry. "Ello, sorry I'm late." Arthur apologized as Alfred bowed "Angleterre, you can't be doing that all the time nous all have our own lives to live and work in diffrent areas of heaven just to keep the monde from falling apart." Francis said fixing his white tie. "SHUT UP YA' BLOODY GIT! I DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT THAT, LIKE ME WE ALL HAVE OUR OWN AREA TO WORRY ABOUT, AND UNLIKE YOU, MY AREA IS HAVING MORE TROUBLE THAN YOURS!!" Every one had jumped at Arthurs outburst even Ivan and Natalya. "Sorry I lost my temper there loves, I've just been under so much stress." He said, Alfred could have sworn he saw Arthurs halo dim.
|#3 Flash back: Alfred pov|
Britain has been acting wired.He gets angry every time, even when I try to help him he'll just curse me out. Right now I'm filling in for him at the universal meeting agian, even though I have my own contry to worry about."Um Alfred were is Angleterre?" Francis asked "He's busy... once agian" I said rolling my blue eyes. But right as I said that I saw him burst in "Oh never mind." I said as he took his seat next to me.
Once it was Arthurs time he didn't know "Arthur how many people had died in jour contry?"Ludwig had asked and Arthur just got mad "Does that really matter you damn German." He said with a pool of venom. "Angleterre, what's gotten into you?" Francis said standing up, and putting his hand on Arthurs shoulder. Before we knew it Francis had his arm behind his back with a holy blade to his throat. "Shut the hell up you dirty Frenchman." Arthur said but Ludwig and Berwald tackled him "H-Hey get the hell off me!" Arthur said as they picked him up "VHAT ZHE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?!" Ludwig yelled as Arthur had broken out of their grip and ran away. I could have sworn I saw a red tail.
|Last Flash Back: 3rd pov|
Alfred and every other top angels were at a party every single god is throwing. Everyone was drinking and Ivan was trying to get into Yao's pants. It was going so well. They were giving the gifts to the other gods and praising them. That was until they heard a scream. They all looked in the direction and gasped as god just stood there with his white robe with a growing red stain in it. They look to see Arthur laughing insanely "Britain. Dude?" Alfred said as Arthur looked at them all there eyes glew white for a second while Arthurs glew blood red. "He's a DEMON!" Feliciano yelled as everyone took out s wepon. Bright red flames wrapped around Arthur.
When the flames disappeared Arthur was in a black suit with a red under shirt a black tie and pants and black loafers. He no longer had blonde hair it was red he had fangs and his emerald eyes shined with evil he had horns and a demon tail "I've hated all of you." Arthur said slowly gripping the bloody demon knife. "I've never hated so many people." He said and when they blinked.... he was gone.
|Flash back end: (Y/n) pov|
I noticed Alfred was now crying his tears darkening his white suit and pants "I never knew my, very own brother hated me." He said with his voice cracking. I put my hand under his chin and made him face me "I'm very sorry Alfred." I said "Thank you" He said with a sniffle. Our eyes glew pink for a second, I noticed we were leaning closer to eachother. We closed the gap between us. I kissed him. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his arms slithered around my waits.
He ran his tounge over my lower lip,I opened my mouth and I let him dominate my mouth. He darted his tounge in my mouth hitting the back of my throat. After a few 3 minutes the lack of air got to us Yes angels need to breath. "I love you (Y/n)." He said wiping the drool off his mouth "I love you too." I said wiping my mouth.
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