Act 1
A/N- Alfred is going to be a gentleman instead of a douche, also I'm adding a bunch of sorta kinda religious stuff.
|(Y/n) pov|
I sat atop a fluffy white cloud, looking down on earth. "It's so beautiful down there" I said kicking my feet. "It is isn't it" I hear a voice next to me making me jump, it was a man in a white suit, he had a pin on the left side, he had handsome sparkling eyes, and blonde hair that could put the suns shining yellow to shame. "Sorry did I scare you?" He said and I nodded timidly. "Sorry, I'm Alfred F. Jones what's yours?" He asked as I grasped his white gloved hand "(Y-Y/n)" I said looking at him. "Nice to meet you (Y/n)" he said "You look awfully familiar" I said and he chuckled "You should know who I am," he said pushing up his glasses "I'm the president of heaven, I work besides my boss, god." He said and my eyes widen "Your the Alfred F. Jones?!" I said in shock. He chuckled and put his gloved hand on my white Jacket.
"You seemed suprised." He said showing off a pearly white smile "W-Well yes," I said "I never expected for the PRESIDENT OF HEAVEN!!! To talk to some one as a lowly of an angel like me." I said holding my head down. He put his hand under my chin and made me face him, I felt a bunch of heat rise to my face. "U-Um..." I stuttered trying to get any words out. "Your wings are pretty." He said and I looked back, my wings aren't nothing special it's just white with each of the tips are the color (F/c). That means I'm an artist angel "I-I like yours too." I said, his were white with golden tips. He was a leader an political angel. "Hey, we're do you live?" He asked me "I live on 85." His eyes widen a bit "You live in the garden of Eden?" He asked and I nodded.
"I live in that area too." He said and I just slapped myself in the face "Your the man that lives in the big house above us?!" I said in shock he chuckled "Yeah, wanna come." He said as his wings spread covering me in a shadow. He held out his white gloved hand "Come on." He said once I grabbed his hand we flew off.
This is going to be a short series.
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