I wake up early the next morning, the sun streaming through my curtainless window. We eventually found my mattress at the back of the moving van but I had to borrow my mom's pillow and blanket because mine were nowhere to be found.
I get up and go to my closet. None of my clothes have been hung up, we just shoved the boxes full of my clothes at the bottom to save time.
I open up the boxes and start unfolding all the shirts to see which one I want to wear.
I eventually pick out a blue Hello Kitty t-shirt and a pair of blue jeans to match.
I quickly get changed, hoping nobody can see me through the window, and fold my white spotty onesie when I'm done.
"Butters, are you awake?" My mom knocks on the door.
"Yeah, I am." I reply, opening the door.
We go downstairs together. There are still boxes all over the house since we didn't have time to put them away yesterday, but we plan to spend today sorting out all of our stuff.
I sit on the sofa, which is in the middle of the living room, and take my phone out of my pocket. I've got dozens of text messages from my old friends from North Park, but I didn't particularly like any of them all that much so I don't reply to any of them.
"I hear there's a coffee shop nearby," mom says, applying her favourite red lipstick, "I was thinking that we could go there and have a drink."
"Sounds good." I smile.
Since we don't have any food in the house we can't have any breakfast, so we just head straight out.
We walk for a while, chatting about where we could put our furniture, but not really knowing where we're going. We turn corners, cross streets, but we never find the stupid coffee shop.
"Maybe we should ask someone?" I suggest, "look, there's someone you could ask."
A group of people turn the nearest corner, all of them laughing and shoving each other around. Well, all but a tall boy with a blue hat and a blank expression.
Mom walks over to them.
"Hi, sorry to disturb you boys but I was wondering if you could direct me to the coffee shop?" She asks. "We just moved in and we don't know our way around."
"Sure thing," the black boy smiles. "Turn back around, keep going until you see Tom's Rhinoplasty, then that corner and you'll be there."
"Thank you."
We follow his directions and reach the coffee shop. It's a small building with large windows and a big sign that says 'Tweek Bros. Coffee.'
I run over and hold the door open for my mom. A short, brown haired woman 'awww's at me, making me smile.
We take a seat in the corner of the shop, waiting to be served.
"Hi, welcome t-to Tweek Bros. C-Coffee. My name is Tweek, what c-can I get you?" A twitchy blond asks us, his hands shaking so much he almost drops his notepad.
"I'll have a latte and my son will have a black coffee."
Tweek writes down our orders on his notepad, although judging by his twitching I'd assume that his handwriting would be awful. He rips off the page and hands it to the short brunette lady.
She hands him a mug and he drinks it all in one go.
"This is a nice place." Mom says, looking around.
I have to admit, it is really nice. I spent a lot of time at the local coffee shop in North Park, but compared to this place it was a dump.
The windows are so clean they're almost sparking, no dust or dirt to be seen.
The tables have cute little heart shaped napkins, heart shaped coasters and the spoons have little hearts on the ends of the handles.
Gentle classical music plays through speakers in the ceiling, creating a calm atmosphere.
Tweek returns to our table with two cups. His shaking hands have steadied, which is good news since I didn't really want to drink my coffee off the floor.
We take the coffee off him and thank him.
"I haven't seen you around here b-before," he says, not stuttering as much as before. "Are you n-new?"
"Yes we are. We moved here yesterday," Mom replies, taking a dainty sip of her drink. "I'm guessing you go to South Park High School, if you do you go to the same school Butters is going to."
"Huh? Oh. Yeah," Tweek scratches the back of his neck, "I should go, there's n-new customers."
He leaves our table to take the orders of the group of giggling girls that just walked into the building.
"He seems nice." Mom states, taking a sip of her latte.
"I guess," I shrug. "He doesn't seem like my type of friend though."
"What is your type? Someone who uses you and then throws you away?" She asks, remembering my old friends from North Park.
"Can we not talk about that? You know I hate talking about it." I plead, tightening my grip on the red-hot coffee cup.
"Butters, they k-"
I put my hand over her mouth to stop her talking. A couple of people stare at us, but soon get back to their own conversations.
I blush in embarrassment and retract my hand.
"Sorry." I mumble.
"It's fine," she sighs, "I went too far. I didn't mean to bring it up again, I just get so mad when I remember what they did to you."
"Its okay. Can we go home now?" I ask, finishing the last of my drink.
Mom pulls out a $10 bill (idk how much coffee costs. Fight me) and leaves it on the table before getting up and leaving the shop. As I follow her, I notice a flash of orange out of the corner of my eye. I turn around, trying to spot it again to see if it was the mysterious figure from last night, but I don't see it.
Frowning, I leave the coffee shop and head home with my mom.
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