Tweek leaves the supply closet right at the moment my legs decide to give out. I fall onto my butt, my heart pounding in my chest as I try to wrap my head around what just happened.
The door slowly shuts and leaves me in complete darkness since there's no light in the closet.
"Hey S-Stan," I hear Tweek greet someone, "you owe me ten bucks."
I somehow manage to get back onto my feet and I push the door open with my slightly sweaty hand. It creeks slightly as it opens, but not loud enough to interrupt Tweek's conversation.
He's talking to the football player looking guy from earlier today, who has changed into a pair of paint stained sweatpants, a loose t-shirt and an apron. He must be doing some kind of work down here, unless this is some kind of apocalypse fashion wave I haven't caught up with.
"You did it? Shit, dude. I can't believe he fell for it!" Stan laughs, pulling his wallet out of his pocket. People still carry money? "Alright, here's your ten dollars, dude."
He hands Tweek the ten dollars, returns his wallet to his back pocket and walks off further down the forbidden hallway.
I finally get the courage to leave the closet and I walk behind Tweek. He hears my footsteps and spins around, a friendly grin on his face.
"Hey, what's u-"
I swing my fist and punch him in the jaw. He staggers backwards slightly, hissing in pain and gently touching his jaw to check the extent of his injury.
"The fuck, m-man?" He spits a tooth into the floor and glares at me, "are y-you trying to get kicked out or s-something?"
"That's for kissing me in the closet for a fucking bet, you tone deaf boner waffle." I snarl, using one of Tricia's insults for emphasis.
I flip him off and storm off to try to find my group again. I walk back to Wendyl's lab and try to find my way from there.
"Craig! There you are," Clyde waves his arms to grab my attention. He runs over from the end of the right hallway and playfully punches me, "You had me worried. Don't do that again!"
"Sorry, I got lost." I admit.
Clyde's eyes widen and he grabs my hand.
"Is this blood? What happened?" He gasps.
"Uhh... I kinda punched Tweek."
"You did WHAT?" Butters demands, almost making me jump out of my skin in shock.
He storms over to me, Kenny and Karen following him. They don't stop him grabbing me by my shoulders and demanding why I punched their leader.
He may look like a tiny innocent kid, but his grip is strong.
"Get off me, you crazy asshole," I shove him off me, "he's the one you should be questioning. He fucking kissed me for a bet. What kind of douche does that?"
Kenny pulls Butters behind her and Karen holds onto his arm so he can't attack me or anything.
He seems calmer now, possibly by the presence of his family, but I'm not taking any chances with him again.
Kenny walks over to me and gently places a hand on my shoulder.
"Tweek is a douche. He did the same to me," she rolls her eyes, "lemme guess, he made the bet with Stan?"
I nod my head and Kenny rolls her eyes again.
"It's just some fucked up fun. Take no notice of him, if you join us you'll probably never see him anyway since he's always busy working," Kenny says, some hope in her voice, "come on, I'll make us some hot chocolates to calm us all down."
Karen gasps in delight and claps her hands excitedly.
"Can I have marshmallows?" She asks, skipping alongside Kenny as she leads us to where I assume is a kitchen.
"Sure, princess." Kenny chuckles.
Twenty minutes later, we're all sat in a small break-room with hot chocolates (with whipped cream and pink marshmallows) and chocolate chip cookies. Somehow this place has refrigerators and electricity.
We're sat at a round table on precarious stools, sipping at our drinks quietly.
"So where are y'all from?" Butters asks, finally having calmed down enough to sit with us.
"South Park, Colorado," Clyde answers, "but Craig is like, a fourth Peruvian."
"Where's Peruvian?" Karen asks.
Everyone laughs, but she doesn't seem to understand why. She crunches her cookie loudly, pouting like a five year old.
"Anyway," Butters giggles, "I'm from down south, but we moved around a lot because of mom's job so I never really had a stable home. I met Ken at a gas station one day and I decided to run away with her. Best decision of my life."
He leans his head on Kenny's shoulder and laces their fingers together on the table.
"It was the best decision of my life too. The sex is great," Kenny adds, receiving a slap on the arm from Butters and a shocked giggle from Karen, "so how long have you two been together?"
I exchange an embarrassed look with Clyde, a smile threatening my lips. He looks like he's about to burst into laughter but is trying to himself.
"We've been together for..." I trail off, my mind blank.
"A year. He's not good with dates," Clyde finishes, grabbing my hand from under the table. He kisses it, smirking mischievously, "he's obsessed with space so I took him to a planetarium and asked him out."
"It was amazing," I smile, playing along with it, "out of this world, if you will."
Everyone groans at my pun, but Butters and Kenny are hanging onto our every word. They genuinely believe we're together.
Clyde leans into me and brushes his lips against my cheek, pretending to kiss me.
"This is hilarious." He whispers in my ear.
I try to contain my laughter as I cup his cheeks and bring my face closer to his. Clyde's freckle-dusted cheeks begin to blush as he too leans in even closer. Our lips touch for less than two seconds, but I know it was convincing enough for our audience.
It's probably wrong to do this, especially since I kicked off for Tweek kissing me, but I can't contain myself. It's too funny to just admit the truth just yet.
"Aww, you guys are the sweetest!" Karen squeals, "I'm so happy for you."
Clyde chuckles and nudges my arm slightly with his shoulder.
"We should tell them now." He mutters under his breath, barely loud enough for me to hear.
I nod.
"Okay guys, we kind of did that as a joke. We're not really t-"
Suddenly, the door bursts open and hits the wall, leaving a large dent. Tweek is there, doubled over and panting as he tries to get his breath back, his jaw bruised from where I punched him.
"Guys... the fence..." he pants, "broken into. Z-zombies inside."
"Shit! Are you kidding me?" Kenny curses as she jumps to her feet, her chair falling over behind her as she runs past Tweek into the hallway.
Karen grabs her arrow from the counter and runs after her sister. Tweek follows them.
"You guys need to come with me. I'll take you somewhere safe." Butters jerks his thumb in the direction of the door.
"No way, I want to help," I pull my gun out of my pocket (I put more bullets in, don't panic), "this will be a great way to show that we'll be able to help out if we decide to stay."
Butters hesitates, but nods.
"Follow the others. I'll take Clyde to the safe room."
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