"Oh fuck, you've angered the leader," Clyde whispers, "if this place is nice and we get kicked out then I'll hate you for an hour."
The guy puts his axe down and walks over to us. He's taller than me, which is a surprise since I'm the tallest person I know, and he glares at me.
"Stay out of my way and you'll be fine here. We have a s-system and rules, if you can't respect those rules then you'll have to find your own place. My zone is off-limits to almost everyone," he returns to his bench and picks up his axe and bloody cloth, "Butters, get them out of here."
Butters nods and motions for us to follow him down the hallway. It's not a long hallway, but it's long enough to fit in multiple rooms and as we get further down it, the walls begin to become more and more covered in stickers. Horse stickers, super hero stickers, cartoon stickers, you name it.
Some of the stickers look old and are peeling slightly off the wall or losing their colour but some stickers look new and fresh from the packet.
One of the doors has one of those 'princess on board' car things stuck to the window, blue birds painted on the wood and 'Karen' spelled in 3D glittery stickers.
"This is my sister's room," Butters tells us as he pushes the door open, "I don't think she's in right n-"
He's interrupted by an arrow flying past his head. Clyde screams in terror and falls to the floor, I jump slightly in shock, but Butters simply sighs.
He pulls the arrow out of the wall and a pack of stickers from his pocket. He carefully peels off a golden star and places it over the hole.
"Karen, shouldn't you be working?" He asks in a motherly tone, holding the arrow out.
A small girl emerges from the room, a clearly handmade quiver strapped to her back and a bow in her hands. She's got an oversized orange jacket with a fluffy hood, a blue shirt, jeans and pink rain boots. She has a red hairband, and a pink plaster stuck to her face.
Her room is a decent size and has a huge window that takes up most of one of the walls. Her walls are sky blue and have stickers stuck all over them, most likely to cover arrow holes, and, much like the door, there are blue birds painted on.
Her bed is a bunk bed and she's got plump pillows and soft looking blankets. Lucky thing, at our place we only had scratchy blankets and thin, lumpy pillows.
She has a desk against the wall and a wheelie chair, but there's nothing on the desk so it's not very impressive.
Karen takes the arrow from Butters and puts it with the others.
"Ken said I could have a break," she says with a slight shrug, "shouldn't you be working?"
"I am working. I'm showing these guys around," Butters pats my shoulder, "where is your brother by the way?"
The tall blond walks into the room and wraps his arms around Butters' waist. Butters gasps in shock, but leans into him.
"Here he is," he giggles. He turns around and gives the tall guy a kiss on his cheek before turning to us, blushing slightly, "this is Kenny. He's my boyfriend at the moment, and this is Karen, his sister."
Kenny whispers something into Butters' ear.
"Oops, Ken is my girlfriend. Sorry, honey," Butters corrects himself, "Ken is gender-fluid so her pronouns change sometimes."
"Look what I drew, sis!" Karen thrusts a sheet of paper in Kenny's face excitedly, "it took me forever!"
Kenny chuckles and takes the sheet. Whilst they're discussing the drawing, I look for similarities between the two siblings.
Kenny is tall, with short blonde hair and stunning blue eyes, whereas Karen is short, with long brown hair, green eyes and freckles.
"H-hey guys," Jimmy greets us as he enters the room, "Kyle said you might be here."
I assume that Kyle is the ginger guy he was with and give Jimmy a small wave.
"So are you guys moving here?" Karen asks.
"Possibly," I shrug, "we're having a look around the place before we decide."
"Cool. You guys seem cool so it'd be nice to have you around," she smiles, "I just wish you were my age."
At that exact moment, Tricia walks into the room. She's in a blood stained apron with her hair tied back and a large bloody knife in her hands. Karen stares at her, her cheeks beginning to turn red.
"Hey Craig, can you come with me? Wendyl needs your help."
"Uhh sure," I shrug, "don't wait up for me. I'll find you when I'm done."
I follow Tricia to the lab thing where a zombie is strapped to a table. The jaw, teeth and fingers have been removed to prevent injury and the head has been sliced open to reveal the brain.
The brain is disgusting. Instead of being pink like you'd expect, it's grey and decaying, with pieces missing or covered in thick blood.
"Ah, Craig," Wendyl smiles as he hands me an apron, "put this on and watch. I've developed something and I want you to witness it."
I pull the apron over my head and tie it behind me whilst Wendyl fills a needle with a weird yellow liquid. He injects it into the left side of the brain very slowly, making sure that it doesn't leak out.
"And now we wait. Shouldn't be too long," Wendyl sits down on a small stool and gestures for me to sit down on a metal table beside the door, "this is Harry, by the way. He's my test subject."
I sit down next to Tricia and wait for something to happen.
Roughly five minutes later, the zombie's skin begins to move. It's hard to describe, but it looks as if there are small animals running around under the skin.
Harry's eyes snap open and they appear human. They're not fully white or glazed over, they're green with specks of brown and are frantically looking around.
"Whoa! That's so cool!" I jump to my feet and rush over to the test subject. I keep my distance since the whole thing sort of creeps me out, but I get close enough to get a good look at him, "how did you do that?"
"Keep watching." Wendyl smiles.
A moment or so later, the brain turn into its original colour and the skin begins to return back to what I assume is its original colour. It stops moving and settles.
Harry looks almost human, since he's missing his jaw, fingers and teeth.
"He can't talk or feel pain, but he's almost back to normal," Wendyl tells me, picking up another needle full of a bubbling green liquid, "this one will turn him back into a human, but his injuries will cause him too much pain, his blood and heart will start working again so there would be blood all over my lab if I did it."
He places it back in a test tube holder and returns said holder to a freezer in the corner of the room. He takes a pair of tweezers and crouches down next to Harry's open head.
"Was that cool or what?" He grins, carefully inserting the tweezers into a hole in Harry's brain, "I've got a bunch of experiments planned for Harry, unless he dies like Gwen or escapes like Frank... I've had a lot of test subjects."
Wendyl gives a nervous laugh, then clears his throat and quietly continues poking into Harry's brain with the tweezers.
I pull the apron over my head and hang it on a hook on the door.
"I'm gonna go and find my group. Thanks for showing me your experiment, that was cool!"
The smile on Wendyl's face brightens my day. I leave his lab and close the door behind me.
I immediately realise that I have no idea where I'm going. Did we go left or right to find Karen's room? I look at the walls in both directions, but I can't find any stickers. Crap.
I decide to go left, no idea why though, and hope that's the way we went.
With each step I panic that the leader of the group will jump out of nowhere and slice me in half with his fire axe or something. He seems dangerous and not trustworthy in the slightest, although he does have amazing eyes.
"Hey you!" I hear that idiot's voice yelling, "where the fuck do you think you're going? You can't be here!"
"I'm sorry, I got lost," I quickly apologise, "if you can just tell me where Butters is I'll lea-"
"No, you literally can't be here! This is a quarantine zone," he walks out of one of the rooms and glares at me, "we've got blood plague shit down here. Fuck, if another survivor dies on me I'll f-fucking shoot myself in the foot."
I try not to panic. That's Clyde's thing, not mine. I'm calm and sensible, he's panicky and gets sweaty hands.
"Since you're here you may as well help me out with something." he grabs me by the arm and pulls me into the room he was previously in, which is smaller than I thought. Must be a supply closet.
"What do you need?" I ask nervously, unsure of whether I want to be stuck in a supply closet with this guy.
Instead of replying to my question, he grabs me by the hips and pulls me into him, slamming his lips against mine.
I'm frozen instantly, unable to move out of shock. I knew this guy was fucking crazy.
"Don't resist." He grunts.
I try to relax, but this doesn't feel right. It feels too weird to be kissing a stranger who seems to be fucking insane.
shIT his hand is on my dick. fuCK he's making me hard. God damnit.
He pulls away from me, but keeps his hands on my hips. I feel my cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he smirks at me.
"Gotcha." He winks.
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