After a lot of complaining from me and a lot of curse words from Tricia, we eventually arrive back at our base.
It's a large bungalow we found with two decently sized bedrooms, a medium sized bathroom, a kitchen and a large living space. It has enough room for all of us and even has a basement for our supplies.
We stare in shock at the base. The front door is wide open, a window has been smashed and the front gate has been broken. Jason's piles of rocks have been kicked over, meaning our tidy garden is now full of rocks.
A red bicycle is leaning against the wall, a bike that nobody in our group owns.
"What the hell has happened?" Tricia gasps, running up to the gate, "a sign of forced entry... Craig, what if someone is in there and has killed Clyde?"
"I doubt that's possible," I frown, "Clyde would hide in a closet somewhere. He's good at hiding despite being an utter idiot."
"His c-crying might give away his l-location." Jimmy jokes.
"I usually love your jokes, but now is not the time, okay?" I tell him gently as I walk towards the gate.
I place Kevin onto the floor and prop him up against the wall. I kneel down beside Tricia and help her pick up all of Jason's rocks.
"What do we do?" She asks, sounding scared. She's only ten, I don't blame her, "Craig, what if someone's in there?"
I take the gun out of my pocket and approach the front door. I hold it so that anyone wanting to jump out at me will know that I am armed.
Tricia watches me carefully and Jimmy makes sure Kevin won't get eaten while our back are turned.
I enter the base and slowly walk further in. Daylight is streaming through the windows, making sure no dark horror cliches happen.
"Is anyone in here? I'm armed and I won't hesitate to shoot!" I call out, warning whoever could be in the house, "just come out slowly and I won't hurt you."
Nobody comes out of the rooms, but I hear muffled cries for help coming from the kitchen.
"I'm coming, Clyde!" I shout, running into the kitchen.
However, Clyde is not the one crying for help. In fact, he's the one they need help from.
He's sat, non sexually, on a small girl and has his hand around her mouth. Her short black hair is in her eyes so she can't see me, but she can hear me and has started shouting for help again.
"What the fuck are you doing?" I ask Clyde, staring at the two of them in shock.
"She was armed! She tried to steal from us, I had to do something!" He panics, nodding at something on the floor. It's a selfie stick which is covered in zombie blood, "she tried to hurt me, man!"
I sigh and open one of the cupboards. I pull out a long piece of rope.
"Get off her and grab a chair. We'll tie her up and question her."
In just under five minutes, we have the girl tied to a chair in the middle of the kitchen. She didn't struggle much, but it was still a difficult task trying to stop her from escaping.
I place a stool in front of her chair and sit down. She rolls her eyes at me, being unable to speak due to a strip of duct tape over her mouth.
"Do you need us here?" Tricia asks me nervously, "I'd rather tend to Kevin than interrogate someone."
"Yeah, sure." I shrug.
She leaves the room hurriedly and closes the door behind her. Jimmy stays in the room, standing beside the door like a body guard. Clyde is also sat with Kevin, waiting for him to wake up. They've really bonded during this whole mess and I think Clyde sees Kevin the same way he saw Token - a mother figure.
The girl clears her throat and attracts my attention again.
"Will you talk to us?" I ask her, and she nods, "okay, I'm going to take off your tape, but I'll put it back if you cause any trouble."
She rolls her eyes and nods again.
I take the tape off her mouth and she hisses in pain.
"So who are you and why were you stealing from us?" I demand, "I would shine a flashlight into your eyes but we don't have one right now."
"I'm Wendyl, a dude by the way, and I'm from a nearby group. We had no idea that there were survivors so close to us."
"How close?"
"A ten minute cycle, half hour walk," He replies, "and I've been gone for around an hour and a half so my people will be sending someone to find me if I'm not back soon."
"And how many people are in your group?" I lean further over in my stool.
"There's seven of us, including me. If I'm not back quickly they're going to send three of them to find me. It's our rules," he says, "please, just let me go and I'll go back without causing any trouble. Trust me, you don't want my people coming after you."
I look to Jimmy for help, but he just shrugs. God, why do I have to make the decisions in this place?
I grab my knife from my pocket and cut Wendyl free. He rubs his sore wrists before heading for the door.
"Y'know," he says, stopping in his tracks, "I could bring you to my group. We have enough food and water for you guys, we're actually running out of space to put our food so you'd be doing us a favour."
I look to Jimmy again, who nods excitedly. He's always been saying we should find a group to join to make surviving easier.
"I'm going to have to talk about this to my friends before I can make a decision." I tell Wendyl.
"Okay," he shrugs, "I'll come back tomorrow, if that's alright with you?"
"Sure." I nod.
Wendyl gives a small wave before leaving the room. I follow him out into the hall, but I enter one of the bedrooms.
Kevin is sitting up on the bed, rubbing his head in pain. The burn on the side of his face looks bad, it's definitely going to scar. He doesn't look up when I enter the room.
Tricia, on the other side of the room, is sorting out some painkillers for him. We use medication sparingly - only for serious emergencies.
"How you feeling, Kev?" I ask, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
He looks up at me, looking startled. A small notebook and pen falls off the bed.
Tricia drops the bottle of pills.
"Craig," she spins around, sounding worried, "we have a huge fucking problem."
"What's wrong? Is he not okay?" I panic.
Tricia shakes her head.
"The explosion... I think it broke his eardrums or something," she says quickly, almost too quickly to understand, "he can't hear anything at all!"
I pick the small notebook up from the floor and flick through the pages. They contain conversations between Kevin and Tricia, his illegible chicken scratch and her swirly cursive taking up most of the pages in an attempt to converse.
Kevin taps my shoulder to get my attention. I look up at him.
He points to the side of his face and mimes flipping a coin, grinning like an idiot.
"Two-face." He croaks.
I roll my eyes and hug him. He's such a nerd.
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