25th June 2018
After Clyde's grandma's place was a total waste of time, we decided to head out of South Park to find a better place to live. Since half of the town was infested with zombies, it was hard trying to survive out there.
However, we did not expect to have a ten hour drive just to find some decent houses that weren't either completely destroyed or crawling with the dead.
"There's a bloater over there! Don't hit it, I said don't hit it!" Bebe grabbed hold of the wheel and made us swerve away from the gas-filled zombie. In that moment I was truly appreciative of seatbelts, "Jesus, Clyde. You don't need to hit every single zombie on the road."
"Craig says it's okay." Clyde pouted. I know for a fact he would've slouched in his seat if he wasn't driving.
Bebe glared at me in the rear view mirror. I sort of wish we hadn't found her.
"Has anyone seen my lipstick?" She asked, gently patting her dry lips.
"I spilled it in your Valentino white bag." Tricia mumbled, not looking up from her magazine.
"You spilled lipstick in my Valentino white bag?" Bebe shrieked, grabbing said white bag from beside her feet. She looked through it and sighed in relief, "You asshole! I believed you. If that's a vine I'm going to murder you."
"Rest in peace, Tricia." I joked.
Bebe rolled her eyes and shoved her bag back onto the floor.
"C'mon, babe," Clyde took her hand, "they're just trying to lighten the mood. I mean, it's the apocalypse."
Bebe snatched her hand back and shuffled as far away from Clyde as she could get in her seat. I spotted Tricia trying not to laugh out of the corner of my eye and she almost made me laugh.
The drive thereafter was in complete silence and really awkward.
We passed broken down gas stations, abandoned houses, desolate farmhouses,
barns and silos as we began to drive into farmland.
"Guys, I'm getting really tired. I don't think I should be driving anymore." Clyde yawned.
"Well none of us can drive," Bebe pointed out, "and there's nowhere for us to stop for the night."
"There's a barn over there," Tricia rolled down her window and pointed to said barn, "and there's a farmhouse over there with a fence. We could stay there for tonight."
Bebe glared at us in the mirror again and slumped in her seat, defeated.
Clyde drove through a wooden fence and pulled into the driveway of one of the farmhouses. We all got out of the car and cautiously walked to the front door, the driveway's stones crunching under our feet.
The wooden patio steps creaked under our weight, scaring us slightly.
I was in front, as I was the elected leader, so I tried the doorknob.
"Locked." I announced.
"Let's look for a back door." Tricia suggested, jumping off the patio like an excited child.
We quickly made our way around the back of the farmhouse, where there was an open door. I got pushed in front of the line again and I walked up the back steps, then entered the building.
I could hardly see due to the lack of light, but I could tell I was in a kitchen. Each cupboard door had been ripped off and was now dumped on the floor like a pathway in a game of The Floor Is Lava. Tiny refrigerator magnets were also littering the floor, which makes me think that there was some sort of recent struggle in the room.
I stopped in my tracks and held my hand out behind me to stop whoever was following me.
I waited, straining my ears to try and see if I could hear the noise again.
It sounded like someone sniffling, like you do when you have a blocked nose.
"What's going on?" Clyde whispered from somewhere behind me.
I turned around and placed a finger to my lips before turning back. I slowly went further into the house, approaching the doorway leading to the next room. It was dark so I couldn't see inside, but I could've sworn I'd seen something move in there.
Suddenly, someone almost half my size but double my build rolled out of the doorway and aimed a gun at us all.
Bebe screamed and hid behind Tricia, which made no sense since she was a lot taller than Tricia, especially in her current shoes. Clyde also screamed and hid behind me.
"Go!" The stranger yelled.
I assumed he was talking to me and started backing up towards the door, but another stranger slammed the back door shut and double locked it before joining the guy with the gun. The second guy, who was short and skinny, pulled out a hammer.
"What do you want?" The first guy demands.
"We just want to sleep here for the night since our friend is tired," I replied calmly, keeping my hands where he could see them, "we can find another farmhouse if that's a problem. We will be here for just one night, we promise."
The two strangers exchanged a quick glance before lowering their weapons slightly.
They appeared to be roughly our age, although they had heavy bags under their eyes from lack of sleep and some wrinkles on their face which made them look slightly older.
The guy with the gun had brown hair which reached his shoulders, green eyes, and a purple sweater.
The guy with the hammer had black hair, brown eyes, and a sky blue jacket with black sweatpants.
"My name's Craig. My sister is Tricia and these are my friends Bebe and Clyde," I introduced us to the strangers to try and help convince them to let us stay, "we're sorry for bursting in, we're all tired and we don't want to cause trouble."
" 's that your car in the drive?" The first guy asked.
I nodded.
The two guys reluctantly put their weapons down and stood up.
"I'm Jason." The first guy shook my hand.
"And I'm Kevin Stoley!" The other guy added excitedly, grabbing Clyde's hand and shaking it enthusiastically.
Clyde's face blushed slightly as he returned the over the top greeting. Bebe scowled and thrust her handbag into Kevin's arms.
"Put this in your safest spot. I don't want this getting lost." She ordered, flipping her hair as she pushed past Jason to get to the next room.
We awkwardly followed her, apologising to Kevin and Jason on her behalf.
The rest of the farmhouse was as broken down and damaged as the kitchen. The living room appeared to be suffering from water damage and one of the walls had a huge hole that was patched up by damp pieces of wood. All of the furniture seemed to be stained by thick zombie blood which left the room smelling like rotting eggs mixed with dog shit.
"Gross!" Tricia wrinkled her nose at the smell, "this gloopy stuff smells real bad. Hey, that's what we should call it!"
"Why can't we just call it zombie blood?" I raised an eyebrow.
"Because that's boring! In all zombie games and movies they have names for things. Take The Walking Dead games for example, they call zombies 'walkers'. Why can't we have a fun name?"
"I mean, why not?" Clyde shrugged, "it is super gloopy after all."
"Okay, whatever. We'll call it gloop." I sighed.
Tricia and Clyde hi-fived quickly before hurrying after Bebe as she started heading upstairs.
Kevin dropped her handbag on the table, then flopped onto the sofa and pulled out a pack of Star Wars Top Trumps cards.
I ran up the stairs after my friends before I lost them. Luckily they were only trying to find the bedrooms, so I probably wouldn't have lost them.
"Okay so there's four rooms up here and four of us. Everyone take a door and see if it's a bedroom." Clyde said as he ran off to the furthest door.
Tricia took the one next to his, Bebe took the one at the other end of the house and I took the one in front of the stairs.
It was a bedroom, however it was so bloodstained and broken up that it couldn't possibly be safe to sleep in.
There was no bed, only a bloody mattress on the floor with a scratchy-looking blanket on top. No pillows in sight. 'Gloop' covered the rotting floorboards and the peeling walls, but it didn't smell as bad as the stuff downstairs so I figured it had been there longer.
I carefully shut the door and waited for the rest of my group to return.
Tricia was the first to join me. Her room was also a bedroom and wasn't as bad looking as mine, however there was a lot of insects crawling around the bed so it did not seem like a good decision to sleep in there for the night.
Bebe emerged from her room next. She looked slightly green and was covering her mouth with her hand as she ran back to us.
"Do not go in that room," she warned, "it's a bathroom and whoever was in there last did not flush."
"My room was just a closet. It didn't look like it could fit any of us." Clyde frowned as he made his way back to us.
"Great. This place is shit." Bebe scowled.
"You could sleep in the attic. That's where Kevin and I are sleeping," Jason suggested as he walked up the stairs, "it's in surprisingly good conditions. I'll even let you sleep on the bed."
"Thanks, man!" Clyde grinned.
Jason walked to the middle of the hallway and jumped up, grabbing a small handle on the attic hatch. The ladder fell down with a worryingly loud crash and a cloud of dust fell from the hole.
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