Tweek moves to pull away from me, but I wrap my arms around his waist and pull him back in. Our noses bump together in the movement and I hear Tweek giggle.
"So Craig, how do you feel about me?" He whispers.
I copy his answer and pull him in for a kiss. This one is more passionate, fast paced and slightly sloppy.
Tweek's tongue gently slips into my mouth and I let it. He explores with it, claiming every inch for his own. I've never kissed like this before and it's actually pretty awesome, even though I have no idea what to do.
I feel a hand cheekily squeeze my thigh and then Tweek pulls away.
His freckle dusted cheeks are faintly pink and his hazel eyes are gazing at me, but there's a look of disappointment in them too. God, was I that bad?
"We should go for b-breakfast or the others will come looking for us." He sighs.
"Are you sure? We couldn't just... stay here?" I suggest, not caring how needy I sound.
Tweek shakes his head, a smile pulling at his lips.
"Aren't you hungry?" He asks.
Just as I'm about to tell him I'm not, my stomach growls loudly. Traitor.
"Fine, let's go." I sigh, giving up.
I help Tweek to his feet and into the elevator. He still won't use Jimmy's crutches, but he doesn't want me carrying him, so instead he's sort of hopping along on his good leg with me to lean on. Not that I mind, it's nice having him need me.
By the time we get to the kitchen everybody else has almost finished eating.
They look up at us, a suspicious expression on their faces.
"Looks like someone hooked up." Stan smirks.
"F-fuck off." Tweek snaps, but he doesn't deny it.
The tables are set up so that everyone is able to talk to everyone despite their awkward shape. I help Tweek to a chair close to the door then take a seat opposite him with Tricia.
I expected her to be sat with Karen, but Karen isn't sat down. She's stood on a chair stirring something in a large pot on top of the stove.
"What're we having?" I ask.
"Rabbit stew, like every morning," she replies cheerfully, "the boys are going hunting later and they might let me go."
Karen jumps down from her chair and grabs a couple of bowls, then gets back onto the chair.
She takes a ladle, scoops some stew and then pours it into the bowls. Some of it spills over the sides and for some reason it reminds me of elementary school meals.
"Rabbit stew is my speciality. Everyone loves it!" Karen tells me as she pushes my bowl in front of me.
I hesitantly pick up the spoon and stare at the meal, debating eating it. I've never had rabbit before and I can't stop picturing their cute little faces.
When I was a kid, my cousin had a pet rabbit called Fluffy, so now all I can think of is him, but he died years ago so it's stupid to think he's in my bowl.
"It's not as bad as you think," Tricia whispers, "pretend you're eating something else and it tastes pretty good."
Taking a breath, I try some.
And Tricia is right. It isn't as bad as I had thought.
"So Craig," Kenny leans towards me, a slight smirk on his face, "What were you and Tweek doing on the roof earlier?"
"Talking." I reply, and it isn't exactly a lie.
"Bullshit," Kenny grins, "you two made out, didn't you?"
I feel my cheeks beginning to heat up so I look downwards at my bowl. I push around a chunk of meat with my spoon, praying they can't see my blush.
"Craig's blushing!" Kyle points out. Crap! "it's true! They made out!"
"I'm happy for you guys." Butters reaches across the table and pats Tweek's shoulder.
"Finding love in an environment like this isn't easy." Kenny sends his boyfriend a small smile and receives a kiss on the cheek.
"We're n-not in love!" Tweek protests, "we just..."
"Y'know what?" I drop my spoon and get to my feet, "so what if we are? Tweek, you were an utter asshole to me when we first met, but guess what? I like you. There, it's out in the open."
It's not the confession I was hoping would happen, but the smile on Tweek's face makes it worth it.
Tweek opens his mouth to say something in return, but the door suddenly bursts open and Wendyl barges in, followed by Sparky, who is panting excitedly.
"Guys, we've got people at the gate. They want to speak to the leader," Wendyl pants, leaning against the doorframe. Did he really run here? "It's not Mitch's crew, they're from a farm nearby."
"Can't Craig go? I don't fancy walking all the way d-down there with my knee."
Wendyl rolls his eyes, but beckons me to follow him.
Since I'm already on my feet it doesn't take me long to leave the room, but Wendyl is already halfway down the stairs when I catch up go him.
He takes me to the back of the station where the minibus is parked and where a couple of people are stood waiting.
They're young, like us, and they're wearing thick coats and mud covered boots.
One is a girl, with dark hair and dark skin. She's medium height, taller than Kyle but shorter than Stan, and she's carrying a bloody hammer.
The other is a boy, with curly blond hair that's shaven at the edges, blue eyes and heavy eye bags. He's shorter than the girl and is carrying a bloody shovel. He's also biting his nails which can't be hygienic.
"Good morning," the girl greets me, "I'm Nichole and this is my friend Bradley. We live at a farm that's a couple of miles away but we've almost ran out of gas for our truck. Would it be too rude to ask for a can?"
On one hand, I wanna tell them to jog on since it's our gas, not theirs, but on the other hand, I don't want to turn them away with nothing. They've come all this way, so we should at least give them a little something.
I look to Wendyl for help, but he just shrugs.
"Well, you've come all this way so it would be rude to just say no. We can give you a little bit, but we did find all of this ourselves so we can't just give it all away." I tell them.
"Oh of course not. I understand that," Nichole nods, "thank you for giving us anything at all! As a thank you, why don't you come to our farm and have some fresh veggies? We've been growing them for a while and they're finally ready to harvest."
"Sure." I smile.
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