The girl holds out her wrist to show me her bite mark. The wound is purple with tints of black and her veins are sticking up so much they're almost breaking through her skin.
The bite appears to be throbbing and faint red steam is rising from it.
"It doesn't actually hurt," she pokes it with a jagged fingernail from her other hand, "I can't feel anything. Stab it."
"Stab me." She repeats, looking right into my eyes.
I shrug and plunge my knife into her wrist. She doesn't even blink.
"Damn. How long ago were you bitten?" I ask, pulling my knife out of her arm.
"Last week. I've been living on whatever food I can find. Did you know one of the residents had seventeen unopened tins of tuna in her bedroom?" She laughs.
The blood on my knife is much thinner than regular blood. It's a dirty brown colour, almost like shit, and it stinks of shit too.
The girl brushes some of her long ginger hair out of her eyes and cups my cheek.
"You seem like a really nice guy, but you can't help me," she gives me a sad smile as a small tear rolls down her cheek, "but could you do one thing for me? Before I die?"
"Whoa, who says you're going to die?"
"Come on, Craig. It's obvious. I've been bitten multiple times," she lifts her torn shirt slightly to show me a bite on her waist and tilts her head to show me one on her neck, "I'm going to die. Just please, give the dying girl one wish."
I sigh.
"What's your wish?" I ask.
"I never had my first kiss off a boy. Could you do me the honour?" She asks shyly, "no tongue, it sounds sooo gross!"
I laugh. I totally agree though, it sounds so disgusting.
She stands up on her tiptoes and presses her lips to mine. The kiss is short and bittersweet, tasting of salty tears. I don't know whose tears they are.
"There you go. Is you wish granted..?" I trail off, having not learned her name.
"Lexus. And yeah, that was great," she smiles again, "do you... have a gun I could borrow? I don't want to turn."
I grab my gun from my back pocket and hand it to her. She checks the bullets quickly before pressing it to her temple.
"I'm going out with a bang," She jokes, "you might wanna close your eyes."
I cover my eyes with my hand and take a few steps backwards. I hear her take a deep, shaky breath before pulling the trigger.
The sound echoes in the small hallway and causes some zombie groans nearby, but not nearby enough to be concerned.
Still covering my eyes, I kneel down and feel around for my gun. My hand brushes against her smooth skin and I feel tears well up in my eyes.
I've seen more deaths than I can count on my hands but it never gets any easier.
I finally find my gun and place it back in my back pocket. I turn my back on Lexus' body and head down the stairs.
Halfway down the stairs, I bump into Tricia. I assume Jimmy is waiting at the bottom since stairs are a little difficult for him to go up.
"Hey Craig. Did you find anything?" She asks.
"I dunno. I didn't check," I admit, "I found a survivor but she was infected. I can't go back there, you can search instead."
I push past her and return to the car.
Around half an hour later, Tricia and the others return to the car, loudly chattering once again about Marvel characters. The guys put their backpacks in the trunk, but Tricia keeps hers on.
They all get into the car and fasten their seatbelts.
"It's clearly Peter Quill," Jason states, "he's just a human with no powers."
"So is Iron-Man." Kevin points out.
"And Hawk-Eye." Tricia adds.
"And Nata-N-Natasha." Jimmy stutters.
"Okay guys, I take it ba-" Jason begins.
"And War Machine," I interrupt him. They all give me a surprised look, "what? I had to drag Trish to most of the marvel movies, I know my shit."
I start the car and leave them to their arguing. Before I can start moving, Tricia opens the passenger door and exits the car. She takes off running as fast as she can, but doesn't seem to have any clear destination.
"Tricia! Get your ass back here!" I shout after her, "the fuck are you doing?"
Just as I'm about to leave the car, I hear the loud, rumbling, tell-tale roar of what she is running from.
The ground shakes as it runs towards us, pushing cars and trees out of its way.
"Shit!" I yell. I start driving as fast as the car will go, "shit shit shit!"
Everyone quickly buckles their seatbelts and duck their heads as much as they can whilst still being upright in the seat, although it doesn't really matter since the car is grabbing the thing's attention. Either the car or Tricia, but I hope it's the car.
The passenger side door is still open and I have to constantly swerve to avoid breaking it off with a building or a tree. I slow down slightly to yell at my sister.
"Tricia!" I yell, "get in the car, we can escape! I know somewhere it won't be able to go."
I can tell she's struggling to continue running. She's never been much of a runner, especially not for long distances. PE was her least favourite school subject and running was her least favourite sport. Her heavy backpack definitely isn't helping.
Despite this, she flips me off and continues running.
"Tricia it's dangerous out there, get in the fucking car!"
I swerve again to avoid hitting a tree.
"Trish!" I yell again.
The thing roars again and Tricia screams. She runs towards the car and somehow slides into it whilst it's still moving. She takes off her backpack and shoves it onto Kevin's lap before buckling herself in and closing the door.
I press my foot down and we drive as fast as possible away. We end up hitting or running over zombies, possibly a wild dog, but we don't stop. I don't even look behind us to see if it's still following us. We just keep going.
I take a right turn into a small alley and slow down just before we hit a wall.
The alley is too small for the thing to follow us, but it's got a dead end so we can't escape. We're trapped, but at least we're safe.
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