Hegemony Of The Playground
Theme: Lighthearted
One ruled, oversaw, controlled. They were the Judge, Jury, and Executioner. The power shifted from one to the next. These were the rules of the playground. Or so they thought, until one boy exploited a loophole in the system.
For the power to shift, one must beat the current overlord in a game of the overlord's choosing. But, there is no rule that an Overlord can't choose a game that they're proficient at repeatedly.
Alex, the Overlord six months running, was the one who exploited this rule. He chose a game that no-one can best him in.
Alex sat on the swing set, watching the children, his followers, play. Nobody had challenged him in weeks. It was too peaceful for Alex's liking. He was contemplating on whether to join his people in their game, or rather just force them to play in his, when the boy he'd been looking forward to coming, appeared.
The boy and Alex glared at each other, both refusing to back down.
Connor, the other boy, spoke first. "Alex, the kids of this park are sick and tired of your tyranny. You're reign of terror will come to an end, today." He said.
"After six months of trying, what makes you think you can beat me?" Alex asked with a sly grin
"You'll see, soon enough." was all Connor said.
Alex nodded. They both knew the drill. After all, this was Connor's thirty seventh attempt at dethroning Alex.
Alex whistled, and his "friends" gathered around him.
"This is my team, you can make yours. Come back whenever you are ready." Alex said turning around.
Connor made a tsk, tsk, tsk sound. "Gotta tell me the rules, I don't want a change-up in the middle of the game."
Alex groaned, his plan partially foiled. "Fine, Basketball court is Safe-zone. At least two people have to make it there for you guys to win. For us to win, we have to tag all of y'all. Prison-breaks are allowed." He said.
Two..?! It's hard enough for one person to get in without being tagged.. This plan better work.. Connor thought as he agreed to the rules.
"This time though, there will be some.. Special.. Conditions." Alex said, his grin spreading from ear to ear.
"Let's hear 'em" Connor said, trying to act like the proposition didn't phase him.
"If you win, you become the Overlord and I can't compete against you for the role.-"
This is too good to be true..!- Connor thought before he was interrupted.
"-But if I win, you are forever banned from the playground." Alex finished.
Connor was stopped dead in his tracks at hearing this. Banned.. For good..? Connor stopped and thought about what this would mean for him. Any kid's whole life began to unfold here, and he was no exception. But his mind wandered to the reward, if he managed to beat Alex in his game. The kids of the park would rejoice, they would have fun without worrying about Alex's tyranny. He made up his mind then and there.
"We.. We have a deal Alex." Connor said, shaking Alex's hand.
"Alright, may the best man win." Alex said, returning the shake of the hand.
"I plan to." was all Connor said.
As Connor walked away, he thought about what might happen. He had put weeks upon weeks into this plan. He would finally dethrone Alex and bring peace to the playground once more. He hoped this would work.
Connor had gathered his closest friends and brought them to the park. They were going to make playground history.
"You losers ready?" Alex asked with a grin that could be mistaken for the devil's.
"'Been ready for the past few weeks." Connor said with his arms crossed.
"The game starts now." Alex announced.
Connor's group took off running. They had been through this several times beforehand, and knew it by heart. Albert and Sammy would go around the houses, Connor, Tiffany, and Chuck would dart through the forest, and both Kim and Willy would go between the houses. They would circle around and meet up at headquarters, which was a fort in the forest.
"Okay guys, this is not a drill. I repeat! Lets go over the plan one more time." Connor said as he pulled down a sheet of paper.
"Alrighty, so we know that Alex's men are big, but slow. We gotta exploit that. Me and Chuck are gonna be our primaries. Meaning they will be the ones to score. Sammy, Albert, Tiffany, Willy, and Kim will come from different directions as distractions. They're confident, so we can draw them out and away from the safe-zone, and that's when me and Chuck strike." Connor said, confirming their game plan.
"Ya' sure this'll work Con'?" Sammy asked, his voice dripping with excitement.
Connor patted Sammy's shoulder "Yeah Pal, it's our duty to-" Connor was interrupted by giggles.
"Whats so funny" He asked.
"Y..You said duty.." Chuck said between laughs.
That's when Connor broke apart and joined them in the laughter.
When they calmed down, Connor spoke again. "Okay, Okay, all jokes aside, we must do this. It's the only way us and the others will be free to play any game we want, fairly." Connor said, clenching his fist. The others nodded, knowing what he meant first hand.
They were readying up to leave, when they heard a cluster of leaves crunching and tin cans rattling.
Someone had gotten through their defenses.
"Escape Protocol 2!" Connor yelled as he slid through a flap in the tarp.
His slide was short-lived as he run into something hard. By the irregular shape of the object, he knew it was a rock. They.. blocked the exits..! Connor thought as he jumped to his feet.
"So the twerp thinks he can win that easy, huh?" A voice said. Connor instinctively knew it was Alex.
"H..How'd you know?" Was all Connor could muster forth.
"Well, one of your 'friends' fed us the information, thanks by the way." Alex said as he pointed to Albert.
Connor turned and looked at Albert in a state of shock. "Albert..? Why? We had a plan, you were in on it.. Why would you help them?" Connor asked in disbelief.
"C'mon Connor.. It was obvious from the beginning that we weren't going to win.. So why try? He even offered me my choice of games every Saturday.. Every Saturday we can play whatever game WE want. That's great isn't it?" Albert said, attempting to defend himself.
"That would be neat, but I made a bet with Alex. If we lose, I can't come to the Playground anymore." Connor said, devastated.
The color flushed from Albert's face. "I..I didn't know.." Albert said guiltily.
"Welp, no take-backsies. Just let me tag you and get it over with." Alex said, extending his arm towards Connor.
Alex's grunts began closing in on them and got Tiffany and Willy. The rest, like cornered animals, did anything to escape. Connor tore down the tarp and ran into the forest. The rest followed in suit.
"Shoot! They got away!" One of Alex's grunts said.
"No Matter, will get 'em sooner or later. Now come, lets bring the prisoners to the prison." Alex said walking away.
"Boss? Where'es the prison?" Another grunt asked.
Alex sighed. "The Jungle Gym.. It would have been cooler-sounding if you just shut your trap though.." He said, obviously annoyed.
"Sorry Boss, wont happen again." The grunt swore.
I can't believe Albert would sell us out like that..! I know it was good intended, but still! Connor thought as he raced through the forest.
He looked over his shoulder to see if anyone was following him. He saw Alex and his followers walking away, and both Tiffany and Willy being shoved along with them.
They got them! We only have four people left, we might not even get one person to the safezone now..! Connor thought as he slowed to a stop.
He scanned his surroundings in hopes of finding a way to go. He saw Sammy gesturing for him to come over. Connor sprinted over to his friend and began to talk about their next step.
"Didja' see that Con'? Al' threw us under the bus! That lil' rat we're gonna have ta' get 'em for that!" Sammy vented, his face turning red from anger.
Connor nodded, knowing where Sammy was coming from. "C'mon Sammy, he was doing what he thought was best for us, he didn't know what was in play here." Connor said trying to calm Sammy down.
"I guess, but what are we gonna' do next?" Sammy asked, changing the subject.
Connor took a minute to think. What are we going to do next? He thought.
Connor's train of thought was stopped by the sound of feet rushing towards them. They barely had enough time to think as the enemy moved with in range. Connor's brain kicked into overdrive as his body moved on it's own. Anti-touch Protocol..! He thought as he dodged a swipe at him. Avoid contact at all costs..!
He quickly saw it was only two of Alex's followers. Easy-Peasy Connor thought as they closed in for another jab.
Right as their hands were about to close in, Connor dropped down and slid between their legs. Sammy wasn't as lucky, and their hands came into contact with him instead.
"They got Sammy!!" Connor yelled in frustration to no-one in particular.
As heart-breaking as this was to Connor, he had to keep going forward. He whipped his head around and fled the scene.
Connor caught his breath behind one of the unoccupied houses. They had made a map of them so if they ever needed someplace to hide, they could go there. He needed to collect his thoughts and proceed. Darn it! I'm supposed to be the leader and we've already lost four people! He thought as sweat dripped from his face. It might be best if we just scrap the plan and wing it.. He thought while getting up.
He tried to stay low to the ground to not draw attention. Going into a light jog, he ventured forth, scouting out the area ahead. He saw the Safezone ahead, through a backyard's chain link fence.He saw one person there, but other than that, there was no one else. He began to tread forward, but Alex emerged from the wooded area with both Connor's friends and Alex's.
"You guys suck! You cornered him and he still got away!" Alex yelled, stomping onto the basketball court.
"Dude, he's slippery. He's like a feral animal that doesn't want to be caged." One said.
"That's why we were supposed to CORNER him!" Alex said back.
"We tried! but hey, At least we got-" One began, but was quickly shushed by Alex.
Alex squinted straight at where Connor was listening from. Connor's heart stopped. He stopped breathing, feeling that that would help.
"Ey Jack, look over there, wouldja'?" Alex said to a grunt.
"It's James.." He said.
"Whatever just do it." Alex snapped while he walked off.
Connor began panicking. His heart beat faster. If he ran now, they would all see him, and he couldn't stay put or they would find him.
As Connor contemplated his decisions, the boy that Alex had told to find Connor, coughed lightly.
He jumped in fear, startled at the boy's sudden appearance. Before Connor could run or say anything, the boy put a finger to his lips.
"W..Why?" Connor asked in a low whisper, confused at the boy's mercy.
"Alex is mean, I don't think he really deserves to be leading any kind of operating around these parts." The boy replied.
"Th..Thanks man, I really appreciate that." Connor said.
The boy nodded and began to walk off.
"My names Connor, whats yours?" Connor asked out of curiosity.
"J..James.. Thanks for asking." James said as he ran back over to safe-zone.
Connor watched as James told Alex that nobody was over there. Good, another ally.. Those are hard to come by these days.. Connor thought.
As Connor was just about to move, a felt a light tap on his shoulder. He violently turned himself around and jumped back, just to realize it was Chuck and Kim.
Connor let out a sigh of relief. "You guys scared the piss out of me, say something next time." he said.
"Yeah, well at least we're here." Chuck whispered back.
"Great thing there, I'll tell you that much." Connor said in a joking manner.
"Whatever, anyways we just have to have two of us make it to that basketball court. And I think I know how." Kim said as she began to whisper the plan into her comrades ears.
"Sucks that it wasn't my Idea.."
They nodded and agreed on the specifics of the plan. Chuck and Connor ran off as Kim walked into the open with her hands up.
Alex noticed her immediately and sent his men for her.
She waved her hands, trying to calm them down and say she was a friend.
"I just want to bargain." She said. "If I tell you where Connor and Chuck are, you let me have a choice in games from time to time." Kim finished.
Like the idiot Alex was, he accepted. "Sure sure, just tell me where they are!" Alex said, eager to catch the two boys.
"Alright, they're both over by the swing-set. They were gonna rush in when you weren't looking." Kim said.
"Alright! You, You, and You, go tag those sack-suckers!" Alex yelled, pointing towards the swings.
The three boys trotted over to the swings, and found no trace of anyone being there.
"Boss, there's no one here!" One yelled.
Alex snarled and glared at Kim, looking like he was about to attack her. He didn't have time to though, since Connor and Chuck were coming in from the opposite side from the swings.
"They're coming!" He yelled as he tagged Kim and ran over to Connor and Chuck.
Connor was prepared. All of them were big and clumsy, where Connor was small and fast. The other boys began to close in on Connor and Chuck, but they responded by splitting up. Connor going left, Chuck going right.
The other boys split up and chased after them. Connor smiled in anticipation as they gathered around him.
They all rushed at him from different angles, their hands outstretched. Connor slid under them, and the other boys collided into each other. Connor kept sprinting forward.
Alex looked over at Connor, and peeled away from the chase with Chuck.
"Stop right there!" Alex said as Connor was about to get into the safe-zone.
"Why should I?" Connor said with a smirk.
"'Cause.. 'Cause.. I said so." Alex said, not really knowing how to reply.
"That's dumb." Connor said as he stepped forward.
"Don't move closer!" Alex said with his arms open, as if he were a wall protecting the Safe-zone.
"No." Was all Connor said as he ran forward.
Alex tried to stop Connor, but Connor avoided his swipes and barreled through Alex.
Connor had his eyes closed the whole encounter. He only opened them when he felt concrete under his feet.
"Yes!" He shouted with glee.
Alex got up and dusted his cloths off. "Good job, I'm impressed. Doesn't really matter since you're whole team has been captured.
Connor's facial expression warped from one of accomplishment and glee to sadness and confusion.
"B..But.." Connor started, but he looked over at Chuck and Kim to see that they were tagged too. "Oh.." Connor said in a defeated tone.
"I guess the great Connor isn't so great now, huh?" Alex said laughing.
"He's still pretty cool." One voice said.
Alex whipped around to see who said that.
It was Albert. "I think we won."
"What are you, an Idiot? Only one person made it on, and you have no more players." Alex said.
"He's right Albert, I don't blame you for this.." Connor said, completely and utterly defeated.
"I was never tagged, and I'm on safe-zone right now." Albert said, puffing his chest out a bit.
The color drained from Alex's face. "W..We did.. Right guys..?" Alex said as he turned around to look at his men.
"'fraid not. You shouldn't have trusted me with that deal." Albert said.
Alex got up and rushed at Albert, screaming with his fist cocked.
As Alex was about to strike, a voice that could shatter the very heavens themselves spoke.
"BOY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!" Asked a very angry female voice.
Alex stopped dead in his tracks. "M..Mom it's not what it looks like..!
"Not what it looks like my Ass! Get over here this instant!" She commanded.
Alex growled at them, and ran over to his mother. She pinched his ear and asked "Was he bothering you? I'll tell him to say sorry. Just give me a moment."
She turned to Alex and whispered violently into Alex's ear.
A look of horror spread across Alex's face. "I..I'm sorry!" He said.
"Good! Now you're grounded!" His mother said as she dragged him inside.
"B..But Mom!" Alex whined.
"No buts! Get your's inside. NOW!" She said as she dragged him inside.
"I'll get you Connor!" was the last words the playground heard from Alex.
"So Con', now that you're Overlord, what are ya' gonna' do?" Sammy asked.
"I'll make it fair for any kid in the playground. From now on, there will be no Overlord!" Connor announced.
"But Connor! You worked so hard for it!" Chuck said.
"And? The old rules were dumb. They favored one person, which was the Overlord. Without one, any kid can have fun in any game." Connor replied.
"I guess.." Albert said.
"Now that that's settled, anyone up for a game of Manhunt?"
Word Count: 2969
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