Another restless night. As usual Aaron rose from his sleeping place, he stretched, yawned and walked from his den. He left Dwindle to sleep and enjoyed this rare moment of peace and silence. He soaked in the morning sun as its young rays began to warm the earth. The heat felt nice against his fur. Aaron longed for the days in which he could lay in the sun without a care in the world. He hadn't had a chance to do that since Dwindle came along, and yet, it didn't bother him too much. Funny, this little Cyndaquil who had caused him so much grief had also bit by bit stolen into his heart. She was nestled there now, and she wasn't going away anytime soon.
Inside the den Dwindle awoke and began crying. Aaron sighed, he had grown to love his adopted daughter, but a day to himself would be nice. Hm, a day to himself... As Aaron entered his den he began thinking, his brain raced quickly as the idea became a possibility.
Dwindle cried and bawled until suddenly the familiar figure of a Jolteon loomed over her, she giggled happily as she recognised him. Aaron smiled.
"Morning Dwindle. I think it's time you met some Pokémon other than me. What do you think?"
Dwindle just giggled. Aaron chuckled, he fed the child a mixture of smashed berries and gave her some water. "Cynda!" She cried happily as she swallowed the cool, refreshing drink.
Aaron picked up the child in his mouth and placed her gently on his back.
"We're off Dwindle! Hold on tight."
Aaron slowly walked through the woods, careful not to drop Dwindle as she chittered away on his back. It was a beautiful morning, since he'd begun the Cyndaquil he didn't get to see mornings like this anymore. Pokémon slowly awoke throughout the forest and began appearing, they walked the forest floor, climbed in the trees and soared through a vast and cloudless sky.
Aaron smiled as he approached a familiar lake. It was still early and not many Pokémon were awake yet, but he knew she would be. He took Dwindle off his back and placed her on the ground. The baby Cyndaquil began waddling in tiny circles as she taught herself to walk. Aaron chuckled as she fell, plopping onto her round little belly.
Walking towards a tree, Aaron searched its highest branches and called out: "Martha! Are you home?"
There was no response for a second until a voice replied. "Aaron! How good to see you."
Aaron turned to see a Noctowl flying towards him. Martha landed gracefully and smiled. "Really it has been too long," she said.
"Agreed. Sorry, I've had my paws full dealing with that Cyndaquil. Kids are hard."
Martha chuckled as if she knew all too well, which of course, she did. Martha had eight children of her own, though all had long since flown the coup.
"Speaking of the little one, where is she?" Martha asked.
Aaron pointed with his paw. "Oh, she's right over-" Aaron never finished his sentence: Dwindle was gone.
Aaron whipped around in a frenzied panic. Where could she have gotten to? She only has four tiny little stubs, hardly even legs! She had to be close by, if she had been there, then she must be... Aaron spotted her. Martha gasped as Aaron bolted away, quicker than lightning he ran after his daughter.
Dwindle lifted a leg, put it down, one step. She took another step, and another and she kept walking, all the while giggling, completely oblivious to the danger towards which she crawled. She took one final step, leg up, leg down, her foot never touched the ground. She fell towards the icy clutches of the lake. She cried out in fear, toppling towards a watery grave. "Quil! Cynda! Cynda-Quil!"
Aaron dove out over the edge of the lake, he caught Dwindle in his mouth and lifted his head as high as possible. He broke the lake's impenetrable surface and desperately held Dwindle above the water as he frantically swam towards the bank.
Aaron clambered from the water and dropped Dwindle on the ground as he collapsed in a wet, panting mess. Dwindle cried and Aaron lay helplessly trying to catch his breath. Noctowl arrived in a flurry of feathers.
"Oh dear!" Martha exclaimed. The old bird wrapped her large wings around Dwindle and she swaddled the child gently. Martha hummed and whispered quiet promises. Before long, Dwindle was fast asleep in Martha's embrace.
Martha smiled at Aaron. "Would you like me to take her for a few hours?"
Aaron gave one tired nod in response. Martha smiled gently in her understanding. Aaron grunted as he stood and shook the water from his fur; the action didn't stop him from looking like a wet mop. Aaron began to walk away into the forest, but Martha called after him.
"Oh Aaron, one quick thing! Has she begun talking yet?"
"Not a word."
Aaron disappeared into the forest, his fur gradually dried as he walked. He soon found what he'd been looking for, his favourite sunning rock. He lay on the rock and sighed in contentment as another gorgeous day smiled on him from above.
Jolteon soaked in the sun's rays and rested, in his peace he thought to himself of the days when this sunbathing was all he'd done. Those days had been pleasant, but now that he'd met Dwindle they seemed almost empty and meaningless. He hadn't wanted her at first, but now, he loved that little scamp, not that he would ever admit it.
Without Dwindle Aaron had never realised how empty his life truly was, but it would take something more for him to realise the value of simply telling someone how much they mean to you. How much would it take for him to learn that to tell someone how precious they are to you is so, so important. It isn't hard, those words, they're easy. They can change a life or save one, just how much power is in the words 'I love you'?
Aaron awoke with a yawn, he looked around and noticed Martha shaking him gently. Large bags hung under her eyes and the heavy afternoon sun shone above her.
"Cynda! Cyndaquil!" Dwindle cried.
"Oh, Martha, is something the matter?"
"No, but I'm afraid I must return Dwindle to you now. Remember Aaron I'm a creature of the night and need my sleep throughout the day."
Aaron stood and stretched his limbs. "Of-course, thank-you. I needed that."
Martha smiled. "It was my pleasure. Good-day Aaron." With that Martha flew away into the forest, returning to her nest.
Aaron smiled at Dwindle. "Hello, did you enjoy your time with Martha?"
"Good, I'm glad." Aaron was well-rested after his midday nap, but in the life of a Pokémon you can never do too much sunbathing. "Say Dwindle, you must be tired, how's a nap sound?"
Aaron lay down and Dwindle toddled over, she lay against his side and curled into a ball. Her quiet snoring echoed throughout the quiet forest. Aaron could feel her soft heartbeat, it was reassuring, what he'd found in this child, it was precious. He smiled and lay his head down to sleep.
"Goodnight Dwindle."
Aaron smiled, 'oh Martha, you sly old bird' he thought as he drifted off to sleep.
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