- yeah
it's bored and vaguely sad o'clock
kevin: y'all don't even know about my knife shoes
arnold: ice skates
kevin: blocked.
mckinley: who needs antidepressants?? i'll just listen to hey ya by outkast daily.
narrator: but things were not alright alright alright alright
arnold: are. you okay??
kevin, lying face-down in a walk-in freezer: i'm having me time
arnold: what's going on over there??
nabulungi: whatever it is, i'm sure it's kevin's fault
poptarts: kevin can't be good at everything. he's probably a shitty kisser.
mckinley, sighing enchantedly: well, i sure hope not—
poptarts: stop being gay and focus >:/
mckinley: if anyone needs anything just hit me up
poptarts: poptarts?
mckinley: noted
mckinley, pushing a tear back into his eye: not now >:'/
arnold, trying to be supportive: so uh. you have a boyfriend??
kevin, awkward and caught off guard: *throws up a peace sign*
arnold: two boyfriends??????? nice :D
act one mckinley, @ arnold: who is this..,.,.,,., anxious lost child??
nabulungi: hey, do you hear that? it sounds like... bitterness.
kevin: it's probably me
nabulungi: no, not despair. bitterness
arnold: i'm a hopeless bromantic
arnold: high five me in the rain,,,, fistbump me gently as the sun sets,,,,,,,, *wipes away a tear*
kevin: ghosts are fake. like the moon, and women named barbara.
nabulungi: i'm not sure what part of that we should unpack first—
kevin, concerned: how long have you been awake?
mckinley: time is relative. it's a........ what's the word. ILLUSION!! it's an— *passes out*
nabulungi: wh- i thought you said you were gonna let your feelings out!
mckinley: unfortunately, being aware of my negative patterns doesn't mean i have the slightest idea on how to break em
kevin: i'm kevin price, i just wanna say, if you touch my vape pen, we're gonna have a problem.
kevin: or... *pointed eye contact* if we break the rules!
mckinley, frantically: SIR. sir, i NEED to know. gay?? gayhaps???? gaybe?????? please tell me if this is homosexual behavior-
arnold, right before man up: kevin, you CANT transfer without me— kevin, you're not listening. give me your undivided attention please—
kevin, filing his nails: you couldn't handle my undivided attention
nabulungi: you were wrong.
kevin: i've been wrong a lot this week please be more specific
mckinley: hey, let's slow dance
kevin, who can't dance for shit and refuses to embarrass himself: *does the macarena at 1/4 speed*
arnold: hey, mckinley! i made you a sandwich as an apology
mckinley: oh, thanks—
mckinley: wait what am i mad at you for??
arnold, trying unsuccessfully to hide jsam going on behind him: id uh. hate to ruin the surprise—
mckinley: tomorrow is tomorrow, i'll stay up as late as i want, fuck shit
district nine as a whole: have fun with your bad decisions sir
hell mckinley: *exists*
kevin: well, mark me down as scared AND horny
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