chapter seven
DOMINIC WAS SURPRISED TO see that john b was the friend sarah had been planning to meet up with. he was on the beach watching people surf in the water and dominic couldn't help but wonder if jj was one of the people on their board. he'd never seen the boy surf before, but had heard many rumors that he was one of the best surfers in the outer banks. his heart started to beat fast in his chest as he tried to spot the blond haired boy out in the ocean.
"john b, this is dom. dom, this is john b." sarah introduced with a smile.
john b laughed, "we've met. dom is jj's new friend that i was telling you about."
"i didn't know you guys were friends." dom commented, looking between the two.
"—been for a little while now." sarah smiled sweetly at the boy. "i didn't know you and jj were friends."
john b let out a fake cough. "might be a little more than that."
"really?" sarah raised an eyebrow and smirked. "no wonder you're letting rafe hang all over that girl tonight."
dom rolled his eyes, "there's nothing going on between jj and me. we're just friends."
"friends that kiss?" john b laughed, stepping closer to the boy. he moved the hair by his ear, displaying the hickey jj had left on the boy for sarah to see. "and leave hickeys?"
"shut up." dom laughed, shoving his hands in his pockets.
"it's nice to see you playing the field, dom." sarah spoke. "honestly. i don't want you moping around because of my stupid brother and his ways."
dom didn't really have a response to that, so he licked his lips and awkwardly cleared his throat. "so, beer?"
sarah let out a laugh, "i think you should hold off for a little while." she eyed the older boy. "i'm waiting for those two cups of vodka to kick in."
john b raised an eyebrow. "what's got you drinking that much?"
"rafe had his hands all over some girl." sarah stated.
'i don't care that rafe has his hands all over some girl." dom rolled his eyes, growing rather annoyed with everyone assuming things. his head was starting to hurt and he wasn't sure if it was because of the alcohol or just from being so annoyed and stressed. "we're in an open relationship for a reason."
sarah crossed her arms over her chest. "please enlighten us on what that reason really is, dom." she was definitely pushing his buttons, but it was a question he had simply been avoiding for over a year now. he didn't have an answer for them and he hated that he was basically falling into sarah's trap. she wasn't trying to be mean—she was simply trying to get him to understand himself.
"you're annoying." dom muttered to the blonde girl. "leave me alone." he glared at the girl, but it was interrupted by a familiar laugh.
"if looks could kill, sarah would be dead." jj's angelic voice brought the brunet out of his angry state and his heart started to hurt—plus his head even more. dom cursed lightly as he pinched the bridge of his nose and jj gave him a concerned look.
"he's fine." sarah commented with a sweet smile. "he's just drunk."
"i'm—" dom looked up to fast and stumbled a bit, but jj's hands on his biceps kept him standing. "i'm fine, sarah."
"where were you that you were drinking?" jj questioned.
"topper's party." sarah answered for the boy that was now rubbing his temples. dom hated that he could drink so much, but then have it hit him like a brick at the worst times possible.
"oh," jj searched for the boy's eyes. "are you okay?"
"i'm fine!" dom groaned, shoving the boy away. "you guys are frustrating!" he turned and made his way towards the parking lot, away from the three.
"dom, wait!" jj easily caught up to the older boy because he was drunkenly stumbling through the sand. "hey, just relax for a second."
dom fell to the ground and just sat there, letting a small whimper escape his lips as jj sat down next to him. sarah and john b moved along to give the two more privacy, and dominic let out a angry sigh as he raked his fingers through his hair. "i don't know why i'm in this kind of relationship with rafe." he began and jj only nodded, letting the boy talk. "i like calling him my boyfriend and spending time with him, and the sex—holy shit, the sex—is so good." jj clenched is jaw at that comment, but didn't speak. "but at the same time i don't really care that he hooks up with other people." there was a small silence. "like, it only sets me off because of the fact that he's giving himself such a bad reputation being in this open relationship. he should have the freedom to go out and do whatever without feeling tied down to someone, you know?" jj nodded and another groan fell from dominic's lips as he rested his head on jj's shoulder. it was in that moment that dom realized the boy was shirtless and smelt of salt water. "god, you're so hot."
the blond boy let out a chuckle, "you're so drunk."
"i'm fine." dom mumbled as his lips brushed against the boy's neck. "can you—can you prove something to me?"
jj furrowed his eyebrows, looking down at the boy laying his head on his shoulder. "what?"
"prove that it's not just the quiet ones that are good in bed." he nipped at jj's skin and the older boy let out a noticeably shaky breath.
"i don't—i don't think right now is the best time for that, dom. you—shit—you're wasted." dom's nipping at jj's neck was making the younger boy sexually frustrated and he hated it. he was not going to take advantage of dominic while he was drunk; he refused to.
"please, jj." dominic whined. jj only shook his head and dom huffed, trying to stand. "fine. i'll go find rafe. he'll fuck me."
"mother fucker," jj mumbled, grabbing dom's arm to make him sit back down. "please, just stay."
"jj, i—" dominic grew silent as he sat back down and looked out at the water. "why am i doing this?"
"doing what?" jj asked, lacing his fingers with dom's so that the boy wouldn't get anymore ideas to walk away.
"why am i with rafe?" jj didn't know how to respond. "why do i keep putting myself in these kinds of situations?" his eyes began to water and he sighed, resting his head on jj's shoulder again. "maybe i should break up with him." jj opened his mouth to respond, but didn't. he didn't know what to say.
there was a small silence between the two of them before jj shivered from the cool night air. "let's get you to bed."
dom sighed again, "okay."
i stopped writing for like
3 hours lmao help
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