Chapter 4: The Hero, The Ghost and The Princess
(Cut to the inside of the Holy See.)
Operator B: Continuing to monitor. Forwarding...
???: Don't forward it. I'm enjoying the confusion.
Operator C: Kanda Firefighters requesting instructions.
???: Tell them to stand down.
Member A: Isn't Kanda under Company Eight's jurisdiction?
???: (pinches the his hand) Gravel doesn't get to have opinions. Besides, they asked a question. It was only polite to give them an answer.
Blonde: New message from Haijima Industries.
???: I'll worry about it later. I don't take orders from the main office. I've got a research subject to catch. The Fifth is heading out. I don't care if we have to step on the Eighth's toes, we will secure that Infernal.
Operator B: Object approaching subject at high speed!
Operator A: From the Adolla pattern, I believe it is a third-generation Fire Soldier from the Eighth.
???: Gravel from the Eighth's interfering?
(Cut to Hinawa informing Shinra & Obi that the ashes Joker was using were from Infernals.)
(At the same time as this we see Iris inside of the church part of the Cathedral.)
Iris: [sighs]
Iris: The flames of the original sin.
(Iris looks up from from the photo with a smile on her face.)
(Cut to Arthur, Ghost, Maki, & Shinra doing paperwork.)
Shinra's thoughts: I meant to, but I couldn't bring myself to tell them about Sho.
(Imagine Ghost is sitting next to Shinra.)
Shinra: (looks at Arthur) Wake up! Stop looking like you're about to die of boredom. It's making it hard for me to work.
(The phone rings & Arthur picks it up.)
Arthur: This is Arthur Boyle, valiant knight and lord of Camelot. How can I help you?
Ghost: Girls actually find this guy cool?
(Maki chops Arthur after what he said.)
Maki: I am sorry about that. Special Fire Force Company Eight. Ah, of course. Certainly.
(Ghost sees Arthur & Shinra looking completely out of it.)
Ghost: C'mon, you two, I know doing paperwork and answering the phone sucks but it's part of our job as Fire Soldiers.
Arthur: Yeah.
Shinra: Sure.
Maki: A dog? Right. I understand. Can you please tell me the address?
Shinra: Hey.
Arthur: Yeah, what?
Shinra: Why did you decide to become a Fire Soldier?
Arthur: Easy, 'cause I'm a knight.
Maki: We'll be there right away.
Shinra: How about you, Ghost?
Ghost: I guess becau-
Maki: Sorry to interrupt you, Ghost but look alive you two. We've got a report of a dog stuck up in a tree. Think you brave soldiers can help get him down?
Arthur: Go and rescue a dog? That kinda sounds like a job for regular firefighters.
Ghost: You don't want to be cooped up in here and you get a call to get you out of here and yet, you're still complaining?
Maki: We get calls mistaking Fire Soldiers for firefighters all the time. What's the big deal? I mean, it's not like you guys are making much headway here. Ghost here, has done most of the paperwork.
Ghost: It's no big deal.
Maki: Go on. I'll take care of the rest of this for you. You're about done, Ghost. Why don't you go with them?
Arthur: [gasps]
Shinra: Oh, I'll do it. Tell me where to go.
Ghost: Are you sure, Maki? I don't want to leave you with all this paperwork.
Maki: It's fine, Ghost. [whispering] Just promise me you'll consider confessing to Iris today.
Ghost: *blush* [whispering] Uh, yeah. I promise.
Shinra: It oughta be easy. I'll just fly up and grab the mutt.
(Cut to Arthur, Ghost, & Shinra to where the stuck dog is.)
(Imagine Ghost is in between Arthur & Shinra.)
Shinra: Yeah, so...that's not exactly a dog.
(Turns out to be the human mascot stuck in the tree.)
Shinra: So much as a dog-faced-human.
Ghost's thoughts: How should I confess to Iris?
Mamoru-Kun: Goodness.
(Shinra takes Mamoru-Kun out of the tree.)
Mamoru-Kun: Thank you very much, young man.
Shinra: What were you doing up in a tree?
Mamoru-Kun: I was in the shopping district for an event, passing out balloons, and some local college kids "hip hip hoorayed" me.
Shinra: Why would they do something like that?
Mamoru-Kun: Do you remember the killings carried out by the firefighter?
Shinra: Huh?
Mamoru-Kun: The man's name was Miyamoto. He killed four people for the fun of it. Folks have resented the Fire Defense Agency and firefighters themselves since the murders. Sometimes, they take their aggression out on us like this.
Shinra: So what ended up happening to that firefighter?
Mamoru-Kun: His verdict is scheduled to be announced today. According to the scuttlebut, he'll be found not guilty for psychiatric reasons.
(Miyamoto has been found not guilty but then turns Infernal.)
???: He still has a sense of self? Hmm...
[chuckles] Fascinating. I want him, whatever it takes. To the control room, quickly!
(Cut to Company Eight getting geared up.)
Hinawa: Where are Shinra, Arthur, and Ghost?
(Cut to Arthur, Ghost, & Shinra handing out balloons.)
Arthur: An emergency dispatch?
Ghost: That can't be good.
Shinra: [gasps] (sees the Matchbox) The Matchbox!
(Cut to Hinawa inside of the Matchbox about to talk into a loudspeaker.)
Hinawa: Shinra. Arthur. I know you punks are around here. Wandering the streets without permission. I know you're with them, Ghost. Stooping to their level. When we get back, I am going to redefine your understanding of the word "punishment."
Arthur, Ghost, & Shinra: [whimper]
(Cut to the inside of the Matchbox.)
Maki: I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! I just couldn't...
Iris: Hey, Maki? Is something the matter?
Shinra: Sorry, Mamoru, but that's all the help I can give you. (fires up his feet & is now hovering) See ya soon, Arthur! Ghost! I'm going on ahead!
(Imagine Ghost is in his gas form, flying next to them.)
Shinra: Hey. What do you think you're doing?
Arthur: I'm coming with you. (gets on top of Shinra) Hi-ho, Silver!
Shinra: No way. Are you serious right now? What's wrong with you?
Ghost: I'd offer to switch with ya, Shinra, but no one can physically touch me in my gas form.
Shinra: Oh, whatever.
(Arthur, Ghost, & Shinra are now flying beside the Matchbox.)
Hinawa: Oh, hey. It's you three. Wait, this is a public road. You shouldn't fly here.
Shinra: Yeah, I'll move higher soon, but could you tell me about the Infernal?
Hinawa: It was a murder defendant. He was being tried at Ueno District Court. He's attacking bystanders as we speak. You three hurry ahead and help out at the scene, okay?
Shinra & Ghost: Yes, sir!
Hinawa: Saving lives should be your top priority!
Shinra: Understood.
(Cut to the trio arriving at the Courthouse where the Infernal is.)
Shinra: Let go! (kicks the Infernal)
Miyamoto: What the hell's your--?
(Arthur punches the Miyamoto sending it back.)
(Imagine Ghost is between Arthur & Shinra with one of his feet foamed up, about to kick Miyamoto.)
Miyamoto: What the hell?
(Miyamoto is hit by the trio sending him back again.)
Miyamoto: What the hell's your problem, ya crazy punks?
Arthur: Our mascot friend Mamoru got hip hip hoorayed into a tree because of you!
Shinra: Yeah, right! Wait, that's your beef?
Miyamoto: Beef is beef I suppose.
Miyamoto: You're Special Fire Soldiers, right? So when you murder someone, you get praised for "saving the day." Must be nice.
Maki: Good, we made it in time. Sputter Comet!
(Miyamoto punches right through Sputter Comet.)
Maki: Sputter Comet, I'm so sorry.
Obi: How can he still speak? He's fully transformed.
Hinawa: When someone has a strong will and attachment to life, some of their traits can survive the change. I've never seen it go far though.
Miyamoto: I don't see any way to escape this. All right, fine! I surrender!
Shinra: What?
Miyamoto: If you're not just a gang of self-righteous murders, you'll let me off, won't you? I was found "not guilty" at my trial, so you can't kill me. It's against the law! Right?
(Hinawa shoots a bullet at Miyamoto & begins to walk towards him.)
Hinawa: You aren't wrong, but I'm not so good-natured as to forgive scum like you.
Miyamoto: You'll kill me even if I don't fight. Welp that settles it--you are just murderers!
(Miyamoto throws some of his fire at Hinawa & starts to get away.)
Hinawa: This isn't good.
Miyamoto: If you guys get to go around killing Infernals, then I'm gonna go around killing humans!
Shinra: What should we do?
Obi: Go on ahead, Shinra. Back him up, Ghost. You two are the only ones fast enough to catch up with him.
Shinra: Yeah, but, sir, he's still self-aware, so should I still--
Ghost: I mean he did just say that he's going to kill humans, so...?
Obi: The fact is, he's no longer human. But even so, I get how you feel.
Hinawa: If I may, sir. Shinra. Pay no attention to the words it says. Dispose of that thing. (places his hand on Shinra's back) On the double. Same goes for you, Ghost.
Shinra & Ghost: Right!
(With that Shinra & Ghost use their powers to fly up into the sky.)
Shinra: Dispose of. Put to rest. This is still a sentient being.
Ghost: Shinra, I respect your feelings on this, I really do. But, if you can't put that Infernal to rest, I will.
(Pan to the rest of Company Eight.)
Obi: Hinawa. I'm sorry.
Hinawa: It's fine. That needed to be said, but not by our shining light.
(Cut Shinra & Ghost flying to catch up with the Infernal.)
Shinra's thoughts: If I back down from this, then more innocent people are going to get hurt.
Shinra: So I'll do it! I'll put him to rest!
Ghost: Good man!
(Cut to the Miyamoto dropping in Taito-ku.)
Miyamoto: This city's startin' to feel like a great big box o' toys. Who should I play with first?
(Shinra & Ghost drop in right in front of the Infernal.)
(Imagine Ghost is next to Shinra on the right.)
Miyamoto: Hm? Hm!?
(Shinra kicks Miyamoto and Ghost attempts to catch him with his foam but Miyamoto moves just in time.)
Miyamoto: Where do you two get off interrupting my good time, kids? Do you have any idea how many people I saved in my firefighter days? Now that I've turned Infernal, it's only fitting I should kill a few.
Ghost: That's some twisted logic.
Shinra: But you killed people as a firefighter, too, right?
Miyamoto: Guess basic math is too much for dumb grunts like you. (fires up his fists) That isn't even close to the number I saved.
(Miyamoto punches a car towards Shinra & Ghost but Shinra is able to kick the car up in the air & kick it straight down at Miyamoto which he dodges. Then suddenly Ghost punches Miyamoto with a foamed up fist.)
Miyamoto: Who the hell are these guys?
(It starts to rain.)
Miyamoto: I don't understand. How are you two so strong?
Miyamoto: You're some kind of devil. (looks at Ghost) I have no idea what you are.
Ghost: I'm just a Fire Soldier doing his job.
Shinra: And I'm no devil. I'm a brave hero!
(Imagine Ghost is standing in front of the car.)
(Off in the distance, Company Five is watching what's happening.)
Conehead: I believe I just observed a second Adolla Burst coming from that rookie Fire Soldier. And I believe that the Fire Soldier with him his-
???: Yes, it's him. But it seems that rookie's the more valuable specimen. For now, let's focus on capturing that self-aware Infernal alive. Retrieve him at once!
(Cut back to Shinra & Ghost about to put the Infernal to rest.)
Shinra: The flame is the soul's breath.
Ghost: The black smoke is the soul's release.
Miyamoto: No! Please! Don't do this! Hold on a second!
Shinra: The Sister isn't here to pray for you, so you'll have to settle for us.
Ghost: Be glad that we're even praying for you.
Shinra: Ashes thou wert and art.
Miyamoto: Wait, please, no! Don't kill me! I'm scared. Can't you at least let me meet my end to the sound of a Sister's prayer of peace! Please!
Shinra: Whatever, I guess that's fine.
Ghost: I'm just gonna foam you where you are just in case you try anything.
(Shinra stops Ghost before he can create some foam.)
Shinra: Hold on, Ghost. The Sister and the others should catch up with us before long.
Ghost: All right...
Shinra: Stay still and repent till they get here.
Miyamoto: 'Kay. That's what I'll do.
(Miyamoto tries a sneak attack but Shinra kicks his arm off.)
Shinra: I doubt a soul like yours can be saved.
Ghost: [laughs] Not bad, Shinra!
Miyamoto: You aren't anyone's hero. You're just a half-cocked wannabe!
Shinra: Shut your mouth! You've lied enough. I'm putting you to rest.
(A pink haired woman appears between Miyamoto & Shinra & Ghost.)
???: I am the Captain of Special Fire Force Company Five, known as Princess Hibana.
Captain, Third-generation pyrokinetic, Princess Hibana.
Hibana: Zakando.
Ghost: Hello, sister.
Shinra: Zakando?! Sister?!
Hibana: Hm. It seems we can't track you when you're in your gas form, brother. No matter, the Fifth will handle this Infernal's disposal.
(Some Company Five soldiers put a straight jacket on Miyamoto.)
Miyamoto: What the hell did you put on me? Let me go!
Hibana: Take him away!
Crewman A: Ma'am!
Shinra: Hold on! The Eighth is already taking care of this. Your help isn't needed, so get out of here.
Ghost: You're in our district.
Hibana: You miss the part where I gave my rank? Don't defy my orders. (looks at Ghost) Or your onee-chan.
Ghost: Shut up!
Shinra: You might be their captain, but you aren't ours!
(Hibana uses her power to cause Shinra to collapse.)
Ghost: Aw, crap! Shinra!
Shinra: Damn you. What did you do to me?
Hibana: You pathetic lump of Eighth Company gravel. Don't you know your place is on the ground beneath my feet? The only sound I care to hear from you is the crunch, crunch, crunch of my heels being pressed into your back. Now, lick my shoe. And Zakando, it breaks my heart to see you slum it with gravel such as him.
Ghost: [growls] That's not my name anymore!
Shinra: I get that you're tryin' to put me in my place, but isn't this going a little far?
Hibana: Do as you're told and lick my shoe.
Ghost's thoughts: I know I have to help Shinra. Move dammit! To think that she can still send shivers down my spine and with only her words can cause me to react in such a manner.
Shinra: I'm trying to talk to you seriously!
(Shinra looks up to see Hibana's knees & thighs causing him to smile & causes Hibana to blush.)
Ghost's thoughts: Did she just blush?
Hibana: Hold him down!
(The Fifth Angels drop in.)
Angels: The Fifth Angels Three are here. Ready for action. Hey, Zakando.
Ghost: [groans]
Shinra: A little help here, Ghost?
(Ghost finally transforms into his gas form & flies towards Hibana.)
Ghost's thoughts: I'll just foam her up and then her and Company Five will ba-
(As Ghost flies up to Hibana, she grabs Ghost by the throat in his gas form. As a result of this Ghost transforms back to normal.)
Hibana: Oh, Zakando. You out of all people should know I research just about anything, so of course I researched everything I could about your power. As you can see I was able to find a way to grab you.
Ghost: Let me go!
(A Company Five Soldier pushes through the crowd to reach the rest of Company Five causing a small child to fall which Shinra sees.)
Shinra: Okay. (looks up at Hibana) Hey, you! Fire Soldiers are supposed to keep people safe. Have you dirtbags at the Fifth forgotten that?
Angel: C'mon, it's not like we used the brat for kindling. We'd have to dry him out first.
(Shinra spins the Angels off of him.)
Shinra: Don't even crack jokes about burning children. Not ever! Now, put Ghost down!
Hibana: Oh?
Shinra: I don't care if you are Ghost's sister. I'm about to show you what a Fire Soldier should be. Come at me, Company Five! You're up against Shinra Kusakabe, Second Class Fire Soldier from the Eighth!
(Company Five surrounds Hibana.)
Hibana: This should be fun.
(Just then Company Eight arrives.)
Obi: What happened?
(The rain stops.)
(Imagine Ghost is between Hinawa & Iris.)
Hibana: It's unusual for an Infernal to be lucid as this one. Simply killing him would be a waste. Our research team will make use of him.
Obi: You must know you're in the Eighth's jurisdiction. Yet it feels like you're trying to call the shots.
Hibana: Legally, this man has been deceased since the moment he transformed. You could have Zakando extinguish him and return him to ash, but you'll agree that this corpse would be easier to study in its current state. And the Eighth is a newer company.
Ghost: [growls]
Hibana: I'm told that you've yet to recruit a science team. This is quite the rare specimen. If solving the mystery of human combustion is a goal we share, then you should want this Infernal to be researched by the Fifth.
Obi: Can I take that as a promise that you'll share the results of your research with us?
Hibana: Oh, absolutely! Anything to help Zakando's company.
Ghost: You don't mean that.
Obi: Very well. I'll leave the Infernal in your custody.
Company Five blonde guy: Someone's scared.
Arthur: Huh?
Toru: I hear you're a powerless nobody, Captain. So it's no wonder you backed down. The mayor of Loserville.
(Arthur & Shinra are now in Toru's face.)
Arthur: You better watch your mouth, or else.
Shinra: You wanna fight, punk?
Toru: Oh, dear me, I've pissed off Captain Nobody's Second-Class lackies.
Ghost: Shut your mouth, Toru! Before I shove some foam down your throat.
Toru: Come and try it, Fallen Prince!
Maki: Shinra! Arthur! Ghost! Break it up!
(Maki secretly punches Toru.)
Arthur, Ghost, & Shinra: Uhh.
(Maki & Hinawa give each thumbs up after this.)
Hibana: A quick warning. If a brave little firefighter should stick his nose where it doesn't belong, he'll run the risk of being extinguished himself.
Obi: Well, thanks for the tip. It sounds like I've been blowin' smoke in somebody's face.
Obi: Thing is, my flame is Company Eight's.
(Imagine Ghost is standing between Iris & Shinra.)
Obi: And it won't go out easy.
Hibana: [chuckles]
(Iris & Ghost are staring at Hibana & she's staring right back at them.)
Hibana: Special Fire Force Company Five, we're leaving.
(Company Five drives off.)
Ghost: Hey, Shinra.
Shinra: Hm?
Ghost: You probably have a lot of questions so I'm gonna try to answer them before you ask. You heard right, Hibana and I are siblings. And my name is Zakando...which you probably already knew?
Shinra: I didn't know you had a sister, Gho...Zak...anyway that's pretty cool!
Ghost: Please, keep referring to me as Ghost.
Shinra: Okay, but why? I think Zakando sounds way cooler!
Ghost: I...I have my reasons.
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