Chapter 3: The Rookie Fire Soldier Games
???: You are aware of what's going on in the world? The chaos that consumes it? The planet is in shambles. Space distorts in areas where flames rise, carving up continents. Maps are being redrawn, and many countries that once existed have fallen. These days, there are few places where you can live a decent life--other than the Tokyo Empire.
???: And so, people gather here in the relatively undamaged Tokyo, where the Holy Sol Temple and Haijima Industries have developed Amaterasu, the perpetual thermal energy plant. The empire is the beneficiary of its vast energy, and has made further advancements of its own.
Joker: Can we get down to it, or does this story keep going?
???: Eh. Who can say? Personally, I would like very much like for it to continue. So how'd it go?
Joker: Used the stuff I had you make for me. The results were more than satisfactory.
???: I did a little digging into Special Fire Force Company Eight. I found out something interesting. Their captain, Akitaru Obi, was decorated twice in his firefighter days. He was later stripped of both metals. Both times it was because he defied orders and put human lives first.
Joker: Oh, did he, now? For better or worse, seems the captain was a model firefighter.
???: He's the cornerstone. Company Eight was built around that man's magnetism and strength of character. They're a different breed than the other companies. It's fascinating.
(Joker is looking at both Shinra & Ghost's files.)
(Cut to the Rookie Fire Soldier Games.)
Shinra: Yeah! The Rookie Games are here!
Girl: Tamaki Kotatsu. Ready to kick some butt!
Second Class Fire Soldier, Third-generation pyrokinetic, Tamaki Kotatsu.
(Shinra looks at her cleavage which causes him to smile.)
Tamaki: Huh? Wanna tell me what you're starin' at, loser?
Shinra: Nothing.
(Maki sees the Fire Defense mascots.)
Maki: [gasps]
(Imagine Ghost is next to Shinra.)
Maki: It's Wone Wone Nyine!
Shinra: "Wone Wone" what?
Maki: You don't know them?
Ghost: I don't blame you if you don't.
Maki: They're the Fire Defense Agency's mascots. Wone Wone Nyine!
Shinra: These are our mascots? Even the old dude?
Maki: Oh. His name is Mamoru.
Shinra: Whatever you say.
Maki: Initially the characters were two dogs and a cat, but for whatever reason, the higher-ups at the Agency complained about all of them being animals. So they switched things up a little and made one of them an old man who kinda looks like a dog instead.
Shinra: If you ask me, they'd be better off with the two dogs.
Maki: Uh? But Mamoru is adorable!
Shinra: Him?
Maki: Mh-hm. Mh-hm.
(Cut to Shinra going to talk to the Company One Captain.)
Shinra: Excuse me.
Company One Captain: Hm?
Shinra: Uh.
Company One Captain: Can I help you with something? You one of the new recruits here for the games?
Shinra: (salutes) Yes. Fire Force Company Eight, sir. Shinra Kusakabe. Sorry. Mind if I ask you some questions? It's about that fire 12 years ago.
Company One Captain: I'm afraid I haven't got the time to chat right now. Good luck.
Shinra: I just need a sec--
(Tamaki gets in front of Shinra.)
Tamaki: Watch it! Who exactly do you think you are, talking to my captain like that, you jerk? [yelps, whimpers]
(Pan down to reveal that Shinra is grasping onto Tamaki's right boob.)
Shinra: Uh, my bad. I'm sorry.
Tamaki: Hey! What are smiling at creep?!
(Tamaki now falls towards Shinra which causes Shinra to now grab onto Tamaki's butt.)
Taamki: [squeals] It's not fair! Why does my lucky lecher lure always flare up at the worst possible moment?
Shinra: If your objective was to district me, then you succeeded in a big way.
(Ghost appears behind Shinra & starts dragging Shinra away by his collar.)
Ghost: All right, Shinra. If you've got this much energy to grope your fellow rookies then you should have more than enough energy to finish first in the Rookie Games.
Shinra: Ghost, it was an accident! And besides I've still got more questions for Company One's Captain!
Ghost: Save it for after the Rookie Games, Shinra.
(Cut to the building where the Rookie Games will be held.)
Crewman A: Inside this building, you'll find a simulated fire scene. Your objectives are as follows: Overcome the obstacles within, rescue any one who require it, and be the first one to reach the crewman who's posing as an Infernal.
(The crewman posing as the Infernal waves at the rookies.)
Arthur: So that's it. We storm the castle.
Crewman A: Ready, rookies? Begin!
(The rookies all run towards the building except for Shinra who flies upward toward the building.)
(Cut to Ghost & Maki who are just outside the building.)
Maki: So, Ghost?
Ghost: Yes, Maki?
Maki: I've been wondering something.
Ghost: And that is?
Maki: *small blush* Do you like anybody?
Ghost: Nope.
Maki: Really? Because I thou-
Ghost: I love Iris.
Ghost's thoughts: Crap, I said that out! Maybe she didn't hear me?
(Ghost glances over to see a big grin on Maki's face.)
Ghost: Okay, Ma-
(Maki suddenly engulfs Ghost into a big hug.)
Maki: Aw, Ghost! That's so cute! I knew it!
Ghost: Maki, while I appreciate your enthusiasm you're going to break my back if you squeeze any tighter so I'm just gonna...
(Ghost turns into his gas form effectively escape Maki's grasp.)
Ghost: Ah, much better.
Maki: When are you gonna confess to her?
Ghost: I don't know. Could be today or tomorrow or next month or hell, could be next chapter.
Maki: Next chapter?
Ghost: I've just got to build up the courage to do it.
Maki: Well, I'm rooting for you!
Ghost: Thanks, Maki.
(Cut to Shinra meeting Joker.)
Joker: I took the liberty of ensuring our conversation wouldn't be interrupted. I need your full attention, Devil Foot.
Shinra: Uh...
Joker: I have some info about the fire that happened 12 years ago. Would you like to hear it?
Shinra: You what?
Joker: [chuckles]
Shinra: How? Who the hell are you?
Joker: You are curious, right? About the fire that claimed the lives of your mommy and sweet baby brother? About the day that you, yourself, became a devil.
Shinra: Wait, how do you know about that? The fire...and my family? Get away from those crewmen!
Joker: Huh? Really? You're more worried about these two than the mysteries of your past? You Fire Soldiers...I'll tell you what. If these men are making it hard for you to focus...then I guess I'll have to kill them.
(Shinra blasts off towards Joker.)
Shinra: Don't you dare!
(Shinra starts to kick rapidly at Joker but he is able to dodge all the kicks.)
Shinra: Now, what do you know about the fire? Tell me!
Joker: Oh, I'll tell you, but only if you manage to entertain me first. Time to play. Let's see how many moves you can last. (releases some ashes out of a tiny jar)
Shinra: Ashes?
(The ashes exploud in front of Shinra. But is able to back away enough to miss the explosion but Joker is able to punch him. Joker causes another explosion from the ashes which hit Shinra and then he throws flaming playing cards which hit Shinra, dropping him to a knee.)
Joker: Pity. That was disappointingly easy.
Joker: Guess I'll kill you.
Shinra: He...He's gonna kill me.
Joker: Wow, that's a hell of a face you're making. You can smile even at a time like this? You're tougher than I thought. You've earned a reward: I'll tell you something about what really happened in that fire. Here's hint number one: Your little brother is alive.
Shinra: My brother? Sho is still alive? What are you saying? They told me he burned to death, bones and all. Besides, if he is alive, where has he been all this time? He was a when it happened--only one year old!
Joker: It's starting to sound like someone's been hiding something, doesn't it?
Shinra: You expect me to believe that?
(Fires up but then pictures the Company One Captain's face.)
Joker: I saw that look. What's the matter, kid, you have someone in mind?
Shinra: Even if that's really true, how would you know about it? And why would you go out of your way to tell me? What are you after? Why did you come here? What does Ghost have to do with this?
Joker: I'm glad to see I've finally secured your undivided attention. You show promise, and I'd hate for it to go to waste. From the way you're acting, I'm guessing you've got your own suspicions about the noble Fire Force. And who can blame you? Your mother is dead. You wanna know the truth, don't you?
Joker: If you wanna know what happened, you have to quit playing the hero with your Fire Soldier buddies and come be a devil with me.
Shinra: That's my choice, hero or devil? (fires up his feet) Screw you! I don't care who you are or what you know, you still assaulted two Fire Soldiers. So I'm gonna bring you in after I kick your ass!
Joker: Well, you're no fun. I had such high hopes.
(Shinra goes for a flying kick but Joker dodges.)
Joker: A flying kick? That leaves you wide open.
(Shinra goes for more flying kicks & this time they land.)
Shinra: A flying kick is the mark of a true hero!
(A big explosion is caused by Shinra's kick.)
Joker: Now that was impressive. Nice to see a devil's firepower in action.
(Cut to Artthur & Tamaki arriving where Joker & Shinra are where Arthur is able to deflect one of Joker's flaming playing cards.)
Joker: This dragged on too long--now we've got an audience.
Arthur: "Infernal." Sorry to keep you.
Shinra: Arthur! A suspicious man has infiltrated the games and injured two crewmen. Go report to the captains outside!
Arthur: Oh, yeah? [chuckles] Clearly you lie, but I won't be duped.
Shinra: What?
Arthur: Victory is mine!
Shinra: [yells] You stupid knight!
(Arthur swings his sword at Joker but he dodges easily.)
Joker: How's wavin' that sword around like an idiot gonna help catch me?
Tamaki: Out of the way. It's my turn now! [yells]
(Tamaki traps Joker within her flames.)
Tamaki: Ha! Gotcha. Hm?
(Some ashes exploud by her but Shinra is able to get her out of the way.)
Tamaki: This kinda seems like overkill for the Rookie Games.
Shinra: Like I told you before: he's not part of the games.
Joker: Okay, Shinra, if you really are that determined to be a hero, then let's see if you can get every person out of this building alive. (reveals two more tiny empty jars)
Shinra: Hm? More of that stuff?
(Arthur & Tamaki notice the ashes floating about the room.)
Arthur: What's that?
Tamaki: Ashes?
Joker: Well, catch ya later, Devil. Tell the Suppressant that I'm looking forward to our chat. Remember, if you ever wanna team up with the Joker, I'll be happy to take you in. Good luck.
(With that Joker disappears.)
Shinra: We have to get out of here! It's gonna blow! (picks up the two knocked out crewmen) Arthur, the ceiling! We'll go that way.
Arthur: (lights up Excalibur) Who are you to give orders to me? You're no fair princess!
(Cut to Shinra, Arthur, & Tamaki in the air after escaping the explosion.)
(The Company One Captain whose name is to be revealed as Burns jumps into the air & catches Tamaki.)
Burns: She's okay. Make sure those two reach the ground safely.
Shinra: Right!
Arthur: So what about me?
Burns: Look down.
(Arthur looks down to see Ghost, Hinawa, Maki, & Obi holding a tarp ready to catch him.)
(Instead of Obi holding both ends just imagine Ghost is holding one of the other ends.)
Obi: Don't you punk out on us, Arthur! Show us the Fighting Spirit of the Eighth!
Arthur: Not too sure what he means. How am I supposed to fall with spirit?
(Burns lands easily with Tamaki while Arthur thuds to ground with Ghost, Hinawa, & Maki struggling to keep him up.)
Arthur: Ow. It's pretty lucky that you're all so muscular.
Maki: Who are you calling a doped-up neanderthal? (flips Arthur off of the tarp)
Arthur: That's not what I said.
Ghost: I think he gave us all a complement, Maki.
(Cut to Captain Burns & Tamaki walking up to Shinra.)
Burns: Thanks for takin' care of subordinate here.
Tamaki: But for the record, I could've gotten out myself.
Burns: That was impressive, Shinra. You did well.
Shinra: You're giving me more credit than I deserve. But thanks anyway.
(Obi runs up to Shinra.)
Obi: Shinra, there you are! Not too shabby. You saved four more people! Might have to get you a cape soon.
Shinra: I appreciate it, sir.
Burns: Well, we'll be going now. Tamaki, I'll need a full report on what happened.
Tamaki: Yes, sir!
Burns: That's a good soldier you've got.
(Cut to Obi & Shinra where the building is now being investigated.)
Shinra: [grunts]
Obi: Hm?
Shinra: I ran into a strange man in there. Someone who could control explosions with some kind of powder. What I saw from him was a lot like what I saw at that fire scene the other day. Also, he seemed to know something. Captain, I have to ask. Is the Special Fire Force hiding anything?
Obi: Look, Shinra--
Shinra: Before you tell me something else, the Special Fire Force really is fighting for the good of everyone, right? I joined up to keep people safe, sir. Tell me we're heroes. Please tell me we're fighting back the terror of the flame.
Obi: Yes, we are. That said, the special Fire Force isn't exactly one monolithic organization. It was formed with personnel from three factions: The Holy Sol Temple, the Tokyo Armed Forces, and the Fire Defense Agency. Fact is, most companies still answer to one entity or another. The influence of the Temple is strong at the First. The Second reports directly to the Tokyo Armed Forces. And at the Fifth Company, the real power is held by Haijima Industries.
Shinra: Haijima? How do they play into this?
Obi: All the equipment we Fire Soldiers use is made by Haijima. Ever wonder how Ghost's uniform is able to transform with him when he goes into his gas form? That's because Haijima specifically created that uniform for him. They're more than just some corporation. We need them to operate. They have interests throughout the nation, and lots of capital, so they've become our sole supplier. It's true that each company does its duty to fight for the people and put Infernals to rest, while seeking the cause of spontaneous human combustion. However, the companies see each other as rivals and keep what knowledge they gain to themselves. Nothing is shared between them. Not even information about the truth behind human combustion. I believe in this organization, but some companies may have their own dubious motives. Since I can't trust all its members, I'm forced to be suspicious of the larger group.
Shinra: Wait a second. Does Company Eight have its own motives, too?
Obi: Yeah, I suppose you could say that. A group within the agency strong-armed us into existence. They wanted a team led by me. One they could trust completely. Our goal is to investigate Companies One through Seven so we can zero in on the truth.
Shinra: What truth?
Obi: Somebody in the Special Fire Force should already know what's causing the Infernals to appear. If I can force them to reveal it, I'll save some lives.
Shinra: With your leave, sir, I'd be honored to assist with that.
Obi: Thanks, Shinra. I'm proud to call you a member of Company Eight.
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