Chapter 1: Shinra Kusakabe Enlists
(A civilian on the Amaterasu train spontaneously combusts.)
Safety Officer A: Get away from the rail lines! It isn't safe here. There's a burning train heading this way! Move!
(Within a panicked crowd is Shinra Kusakabe.)
Shinra: That looks like a serious fire.
(The burning shuttle stops in front of Shinra.)
(The infernal steps out of the shuttle.)
Shinra: Bet it hurts in there. (his shoes begin to smoke) I can help you with that.
???: Special Fire Force! Make way!
(Imagine Ghost is next to Maki.)
Big man: All civilians continue to evacuate. This area's dangerous.
(The big man speaking pushes Shinra back.)
Big man: You too. Don't just stand around here, go and join the others.
Glasses: Wait. Captain, I think--
Big man: Hey, Lieutenant. Care to join us?
Glasses: Yes. Of course, sir.
Ghost: Don't worry, kid, we've got this.
Infernals: [roars]
Big man: Commence the operation. Note the time as O-810.
Squad 8: Yes, sir!
Big man: Sister, would you please begin the prayer, please?
Sister: On it. The flame is the soul's breath.
Ghost: I'll put him out! (transforms into a white gas & passes through the infernal, putting out some the infernal's flames)
Shinra's thoughts: Did he just...?
Sister: The black smoke is the soul's release.
Big guy: I'll bust the core myself!
(The big guy & a brunette girl charge toward the infernal but the infernal shoots some fire at the brunette but she is able to expel the fire.)
Sister: Ashes thou wert and art. May thou soul return...
Big guy: the great flame of fire.
(The infernal explodes after its core is destroyed.)
Sister: Látom.
Big guy: Látom.
Shinra: That was so awesome. What a cool team.
(A light fixture becomes loose and is about to hit the Sister.)
Shinra: [gasps] (blasts over to the Sister & saves her from the falling light fixture)
Shinra: Well, that was close. You aren't injured, are you?
Sister: Oh, no.
Ghost's thoughts: Am I jealous of how he's holding Iris?
Ghost: Yes. Yes I am.
Brunette girl: What was that?
Glasses: [gasps] So you're the one?
Shinra: Yes! Forgive the late intro.
Shinra: As of this morning, I'll be your new third-generation Fire Soldier. I'm Shinra Kusakabe. It's an honor to meet you all.
Big guy: Huh. (looks at Shinra's footprint) So these are the "Devil's Footprints" I've heard about.
(Cut to the Special Fire Cathedral 8 where Shinra has just arrived.)
Shinra: I thought Company Eight was new, so why's it quartered in such an old dump? Too bad.
(Glasses opens the door.)
Glasses: Shinra, right? Follow me.
Shinra: Sir!
(Cut to Glasses & Shinra walking inside of the Cathedral.)
Glasses: An old dump, huh?
Shinra: No, it's got character.
(Cut to Shinra inside of the Big guy's office.)
Shinra: Reporting in, sir!
Big guy: Ah. You made it.
Big guy: I'm the captain of the Special Fire Force's Company Eight. The name's Akitaru Obi.
Glasses: You're greeting a new team member. Let's maybe get off the pullup bar.
Obi: Can do.
Glasses: Takehisa Hinawa. Around this dump, I'm second in command.
Obi: (gets off the pullup bar) So hey, Shinra. About your résumé photo...Why are you smiling?
Shinra: Sir! Apologies. When I'm nervous, my face compulsively tightens in such a way that my teeth are exposed.
Obi: Huh?
Shinra: Uh, that is...I tend to smile when I feel tense. My face--
Obi: (now face to face with Shinra) Hm? Hmm...
(Shinra ends up smiling.)
Obi: [laughing] Sorry about that. Just wanted to see for myself. You get it. I bet that cute little quirk gets you in a lotta trouble.
Shinra: True. It's caused a few misunderstandings.
Obi: Man, your poker face must be somethin' else! [laughing]
Shinra's thoughts: Did he call it cute? Pretty sure he means creepy.
Obi: So tell me, Shinra, why did you decide to join the Fire Force in the first place?
Shinra: Sir! Honestly, I just wanted to be a hero.
Obi: Heh. Well, that's as fine an ambition as any, but don't forget you're part of a team. Cool-headed co-ordination saves more lives than heroics.
Hinawa: A hero, huh? Correct me if I'm wrong, but that's in stark contrast with your nickname. Everybody calls you a devil due to an incident that took place when you were young. If you act like you talk, you'll do fine. But if you're just some delinquent who's trying to clean up his reputation, you may as well walk out now.
(Cut to the Iris & the brunette girl in the showers.)
Brunette girl: Sister.
Iris: Yes, Maki? What is it?
Maki: That new recruit swept you off your feet like you were a princess. He came outta nowhere and saved you from danger, so, uh...Tell me, did he feel like he might be the one?
Iris: Hm?
Iris' thoughts: Maki always acts so fierce and cool in the field. But the fact is, her head's stuffed with flowers and sparkles.
Maki: Only reason I ask is because when that new recruit was holding you, Ghost looked pretty jealous.
Iris: Really?
(Cut to Ghost, Iris, & Maki in Obi's office.)
(Imagine Ghost is next to Iris.)
Maki & Ghost: Reporting in, sir!
Obi: Hm?
Iris: Hi, I'd like to thank you for helping me earlier.
Shinra: Yeah, sure. I just did what any hero would.
Maki: [gasps] Wow, he really is the one.
(Iris chops Maki.)
(Imagine Ghost is behind Iris with a deadpan expression.)
Ghost's thoughts: Great. A love rival.
Maki: This is a time for love, not war, Iris!
(Iris keeps chopping Maki.)
Maki: And I really don't think you should stoop to violence anyway. I mean you're a nun, you silly goober. Right, Ghost?
Ghost: [laughs] Who says "goober"?
(Hinawa's pencil breaks causing the trio to stop what they're doing.)
Maki & Iris: [whimpering]
Ghost: Sorry, sir!
Maki: (now bend over & looking at Asta's waste) I adjusted the length of your pants to accommodate that ability of yours. Do you think they're gonna work for you? (now face to face with Shinra)
Shinra: Yeah. Thank you very--
Maki: Hm?
Shinra: (smells her)
Shinra's thoughts: Why does she smell so good? (smiles)
Obi: Easy, Turbo. You look like you wanna eat her.
Shinra: Say what? I already explained it's an involuntary--
(Hinawa chucks his clipboard into a wall.)
Obi & Shinra: Hm?
Hinawa: Well, I think it's just about time, Captain.
Obi: Yeah, Everyone's here now, so let's get started.
(Cut to everyone around Obi's desk.)
Obi: All of us know about spontaneous human combustion, but no one, not even us here, knows when it'll happen next, or to whom. And so, we all live in fear. One day, without cause or warning, people the world over began catching fire. These were the first-generation victims of spontaneous human combustion. They, and those like them who've come since, are called Infernals. Having lost all sense of self, they run rampant until they die. Those deaths don't come easy. To put an Infernal to rest, you have to destroy its core by striking where the victim's heart was. The Special Fire Force's main duty is to put Infernals to rest, saving their souls and human lives in the process. But we all have another objective. That's to solve the mystery of what causes human combustion. And with luck, to stop it, and put an end to the terror of the flame for good. As quickly as we can.
Shinra's thoughts: I wanna become a hero. No. I have to become one.
(Cut to Shinra in his room in his bed.)
Shinra: Mother.
(Flashback of young Shinra being disowned by his grandmother.)
Shinra: I made a promise, and I'll keep it.
(The alarm goes off.)
Shinra: The alarm!
Maki: Shinra! Someone just turned Infernal! Be ready in 30 seconds!
Shinra: On it!
(Cut to Squad Eight gearing up.)
Captain Akiharu Obi, Unpowered.
Obi: Our Infernal is in Taito ward, Torigoe District. The fire's at a small factory. The person who turned Infernal is the factory manager's wife.
Sister, Unpowered, Iris.
Lieutenant, Second-generation pyrokinetic, Takehisa Hinawa.
Obi: We'll work with Squad Four of the Fire Defense Agency's Ueno branch and put her to rest.
First Class Fire Soldier, Second-generation pyrokinetic, Maki Oze.
Second Class Fire Soldier, First-generation chemokinetic, Ghost.
Obi: Get in the Matchbox! Let's do this!
Second Class Fire Soldier, Third-generation pyrokinetic, Shinra Kusakabe.
(Squad Eight is now inside of the Matchbox.)
Obi: Special Fire Force Company Eight moving out.
(Cut to the inside of the Matchbox.)
(Imagine Ghost is between Maki & Iris.)
Obi: Here comes your chance to be a hero.
Shinra: [chuckles] Oh, actually I had a question for Ghost.
Ghost: Hit me, Shinra.
Shinra: Well, I was wondering how you could turn yourself into that white gas and what exactly is it? Because it looks like-
Ghost: The stuff that comes out of a fire extinguisher?
Shinra: Yeah!
Ghost: That's because that's exactly what I transform into. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. The church calls me a chemokinetic. I'm the first of my kind.
Shinra: That's so cool!
Ghost: Heh. I suppose. It happened when I was younger.
(Iris looks at Ghost.)
Ghost: I was trapped in a burning building with no way out and then suddenly I appeared outside. But I was still in my gas form so you can imagine my reaction to that. Being white and somewhat see through. But now after proper training I can now transform into my gas form whenever I want. Also that's why everyone calls me Ghost...because I look like a ghost when I transform.
Shinra: Makes sense.
Ghost: Except for Iris, she calls me Marshmallow.
Shinra: Why does she call you Marshmallow?
Iris: I call him Marshmallow becau-
(Ghost covers Iris' mouth.)
Ghost: *small blush* That is a story for another time.
Iris: [muffled] [giggles] Sorry.
(Cut to Ghost, Iris, Maki, & Shinra outside of the burning factory.)
(Imagine Ghost is next to Shinra.)
Manager: Please help my wife, Sister. See that she's put to rest.
Iris: Infernals are lost souls shrouded in flame. We'll offer your wife mercy, and a return to the embrace of the great god Sol.
(Obi & Hinawa are addressing them.)
Obi: Special Fire Force Company Eight, it's time we went in.
Company Eight: Right!
(Cut to Company Eight inside of the burning factory.)
Obi: She's further in.
Maki: These flames, they feel conscious, like they're actively trying to stop us.
Iris: This place must've been important. To the Infernal, I mean.
Ghost: Man, this is crazy.
(Shinra starts to remember what happened to his mom.)
Shinra: (drops to his knees)
Maki: Hey, Shinra! You okay, bud?
Shinra: Huh? I was just...
Obi: (places a hand on Shinra's back) You still want to be a hero, don't you? Listen, Fire Soldiers don't abandon their comrades. When you fall behind, we all do. The bright blue stripes that ring our bodies aren't just for show, they're what bind us all together. In this hellscape of smoke and flame, trust in that bond. The fear you feel is a survival tool. It helps to keep you alive. Just don't let it make you a coward.
Shinra: (sighs) Understood, sir.
Hinawa: Maki! Ghost!
Maki: Right! Clearing a path!
Ghost: On it!
(Maki splits the fire & Ghost puts out the flames that Maki is unable to split.)
(Imagine Ghost is floating around in his gas form putting out some flames.)
Obi: The flames are getting sucked in! Shinra!
(The flames hit Shinra which sent him flying into a pipe.)
Company Eight: Shinra!
(Shinra origin.)
Hinawa: Devil! Hey, Devil! Wake up, you damn delinquent!
Shinra: What's with this blue light?
Hinawa: You know, with a badass nickname like "Devil," I figured you'd be tougher. Try to sit up.
Shinra: I must've been out for a while. How long?
(Imagine Ghost is next to Maki.)
Hinawa: You're fine. It was like five seconds. Now get up already. We're gonna need you in action soon.
Maki: How do you feel? Can you fight?
Ghost: Of course he can. Right, hero?
Shinra: Yeah.
Obi: (pulls out an axe) Everyone, prepare for battle!
(Imagine Ghost is in his gas form next to Iris & behind Maki.)
Obi: Time is 2110. Commencing operation to put Infernal to rest.
Company Eight: Yes, sir!
Obi: Shinra. Ghost, Maki, and I will draw her attention, then you can end this with one good kick.
Shinra: Right.
Obi: Let's do it!
(Obi, Ghost, & Maki charge towards the Infernal to engage in combat with it. Hinawa fires bullets at the Infernal but it is able to dodge them & is quick enough to evade Ghost in his gas form so he can't put out the Infernal's flames. Maki tries to kick the Infernal but misses & in return, the Infernal kicks Maki. The Infernal then jumps onto Obi & starts burning him.)
Obi: [grunting]
(As this is happening Maki comes up behind Obi & expels the Infernal's flames off of him.)
Obi: Thanks. Improved Type Two Fire Ax thrust! (hits the Infernal)
(The Infernal flames back on.)
Shinra's thoughts: I made two promises. That'd I'd be a hero, and that I'd protect my family. Mom. Sho. I'm sorry. I couldn't keep that last promise. But I'll honor your memory by becoming a hero. Hope you're watching. Here I go.
Shinra: I refuse to be what they say I am. No matter what I have to do, I will be a hero!
Hinawa: Sister! Start the prayer!
Iris: Right.
Maki: Captain Obi!
Obi: Good luck, Shinra! Aim for the core!
Ghost: Any day now, Shinra!
(Shinra blasts off.)
Iris: The flame is the soul's breath. The black smoke is the soul's release. Ashes thou wert and art. May thy soul return...
Shinra: I know you're in pain.
Shinra: Just let go!
(The kick shatters the core.)
Maki: Oh, wow. The Third generation's as strong as they say.
Ghost: No kidding...
Shinra: the great flame of fire.
Iris: Látome.
(Cut to Company Eight now outside of the factory.)
Manager: Sister, is-is my wife...?
Iris: Her soul is safe. She's been returned to the Great Fire. Shinra put her to rest swiftly, so she wouldn't suffer.
Manager: (takes Shinra's hand) Thank you, Shinra. I'm grateful. You set her free.
(The crowd cheers.)
Obi: Feels pretty good, right? You'll be receiving cheers like these from now on. I'd say you've taken a pretty big step towards that goal of yours.
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