Chapter 30
Hey, guys! It's taken forever.
I am extremely sorry for not updating in a while. Life got in the way, it grabbed me but my lapels and shouted "I'm here, you can't run away from me and hide in Wattpad. You've got to deal with me." And it's taken me a while to give Life the slip.
Here's the first part of Bliss and Harry's third date.
I might as well tell you that regarding this date I was venturing into uncharted territory. Harry was kinda of calling the shots. Truth be told, all things pertaining to Harry seem to belong to the uncharted variety, he always seems to be in control. On this occasion, he was the dater and I was just the datee. My role was to go the ride. I hoped it was a happy ride.
Things did run smoothly, in spite of series circumstances that would never be part of a normal date, threatening to wreck our plans.
I couldn't have asked for a more perfect third date with Harry Styles, my boss, my life-long celebrity crush, my imaginary boyfriend for the last seven years, and my real life boyfriend for the last twenty-four hours.
We managed to prevent, my date's pal and manager from joining us, without Jeff ever finding out we were going on a date. Then we proceeded to hop off stage in San Francisco, jump in a private plane and land in Los Angeles, all this whilst Harry still wearing his stage suite and sweating profusely. Perspiration notwithstanding he did look fabulously, insanely hot.
Nobu was amazing. As soon as we arrived, we were escorted to a small table, in a private setting.
The restaurant was already closed to regular clients, but when Harry had asked for a special order to accommodate his touring schedule they complied.
Surely they were charging him a small fortune. I did feel uncomfortable with him spending this much money on me. But when I told him I'd be perfectly fine eating a microwave dinner at home he simply said. "It's about having a nice time, Bliss. Don't overthink."
We were ushered into the restaurant through the back door. Ever since I began going out with Harry back doors have become our usual port of entry.
The staff was extremely friendly and accommodating, Harry spread his cuddles everywhere as a way of hello, he knew many of them by name and remember bits about their lives:
"One more year of college to go, right?"
"Did your daughter win the spelling bee?"
"Still vegan, or have you gone back to milk?"
The attention he has for small details when it comes to people is just incredible, it's like a superpower he has.
"Bliss, baby," he said turning to me, when he finished the greetings, "I'm gonna excuse myself for a very brief moment and take the fastest possible shower. I always stink after more than ten minutes on stage."
"Sure," I replied, a little taken aback. I mean, I know he had to shower, but we were on a date and I wanted to spend every single second by his side.
"Hey, I don't want to leave your side baby," he said, "I'll be quick. Meanwhile, I've asked the guys to give you a tour of the place. You can even film on your phone."
"Really? That'd be amazing." I answered, chagrined. He's always very thoughtful I shouldn't have doubted him.
"Yeah, really," he smiled at me.
"It must be around nine in the morning back home," I quickly added up the time difference
"Maybe you can face time with her during the restaurant tour," Harry suggested, giving me a peck on the cheek and running off to the staff showers.
I felt secretly proud of him, he was so down to earth and humble. He could have a shower in the most luxurious spa or hotel in the city, but he chose to just use the same one the kitchen staff did as if he was just a dishwasher and not a pop/rock prince.
In spite of Harry's assurances that it'd cause no problems, I did ask the restaurant manager in charge at the moment if I was allowed to facetime my sister. I didn't want to impose on anybody or be told off, he happily agreed.
Felicity's excitement at getting facetime tour of Nobu was off the charts, she politely asked to meet some of the staff (actually she had said "If you don't introduce me I'll slit my wrists), and before you can say sushi roll she befriended Saleem, a dark and handsome Sous Chef. By the time we hang up they had already exchanged phone numbers and were mutual on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. That's Felicity's superpower.
"How is my girl doing?" Harry's smooth voice suddenly whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine and weakening my knees and my hold on reality.
He looked hotter than hell. He had changed into black skinny jeans, brown boots, a plain white tee, and a red coat. It was the outfit he had worn at the beginning of the year to attend a Kings of Leon concert, here in Los Angeles. I felt he wore it for me because I had mentioned I liked how he looked on those clothes when we were going over some wardrobe ideas for the pop star singer character in his sitcom.
I know there's supposed to be people in charge of wardrobe and props in tv shows, but many a time when writing about a character it helps to imagine what he/she would wear, eat, sing in the shower. If you can picture these things in your mind the character takes a life of its own, if not it's time to go back to the drawing board.
"It's been lovely, Harry," I managed to squeak out.
"Did you get a nice restaurant tour?" he asked looking at me, whilst his tongue licked his bottom lip.
"Yes, I did. They were all extremely nice, Felicity was ecstatic. Thank you so much, Harry" I enthused.
"So," he began, "you wouldn't be terribly disappointed if instead of eating here we grabbed our food and went back home?"
"Of course not," I said, trying to sound supportive and struggling to keep the disappointment out of my voice. It was obvious Harry was shattered after his concert, and needed his rest, and although I understood this and wanted him rested, it also meant our date was over. And that was a massive disappointment since it hadn't really started.
"Heey," he said soothingly, placing his arm on my shoulder pulling me closer. "it's not that I want the date to be over, it's just that I want to pick up from where we left yesterday I don't think undressing you in the restaurant will be appreciated. Although it is LA after all, maybe it's been overdone."
He placed a soft, lingering kiss on my cheek after he finished talking, which made me whimper "let's go."
During the drive home, Harry placed his hand on my thigh and started to faintly stroke my exposed skin with his. I mentally high fived myself for choosing to wear a mini skirt today. As nice as Harry's hand felt, it was also a bit disturbing. I just didn't know what to do.
I had my legs, crossed. One on top of the other. Should I uncross them?
If I uncrossed them, should I keep them together, locked at the knees? Or should I open them?
If I opened them, how big should that opening be? Just a bit, and then wait for his hands to travel up searching for more? An entire, full on opening?
I opted for conversation as a stalling tactic. Hoping I'd gain some minutes, to correctly assess the leg situation.
"I'm very grateful for Nobu tonight, Harry," I began, "but won't your family and friends hate me?"
"Why should they, love?" he asked, in a soft purring voice.
"Well, it's just that today is the opening night of your very first solo tour." I explained, "surely the wanted to celebrate with you afterward."
"Don't fret," he answered, "they know I never do opening night parties."
"You don't?"
"No, I don't. Nerves often hit me very hard at opening night. It's no fun to spend the party throwing up or worse."
"Oh, I did not know that."
"Yeah, now you can write it in the journal. That's one of the reasons why I asked you out tonight. Knowing I had a date with you after the show, worked amazingly well settling my nerves."
"Glad I could help" I answered.
All right, at this point, I did uncross my legs. How could I not?
But Harry instead of going up my thigh took my hand, planted little kisses on my knuckles and smiled at me.
"We will have a full-fledged tour opening party tomorrow, though," he told me. "Tomorrow's show will be here in LA. Some friends will be attending, so it made sense to celebrate then."
"That sounds amazing" I replied, "will there be somebody I know amongst these friends who will attend?" I admit I was getting a little worried, maybe some of the friends he mentioned would be the supermodel, ex-girlfriend type.
"I'd say you will most definitely know who some of them are." He said, mysteriously.
"I'm guessing you are talking about celebrity friends of yours," I said, "can you tell me who, please?"
"I'm not sure if that is a good idea." He teased, "it'll ruin the surprise."
"Come on! Please! I need to know!"
"All right," he conceded, grinning "I'll tell you because I'm dying to get into your pants."
"Oh, Harry! That's not a nice thing to say."
By this time we had arrived, and we were both sitting inside a securely parked car in Harry's garage.
"Believe me, baby, you'll find everything I do to you tonight very, very nice," Harry said, unfastening his seatbelt, coming closer and running his mouth all over my neck.
"Don't tease and just tell me who is going tomorrow." I said, mustering every thread of self-control I possessed, to stop myself from yelling "Take me now, Harry."
I mean, after all, it was our first time. I didn't want to seem over anxious.
"Niall will be there, and Stevie Nicks, and Mike Fleetwood." He said between kisses.
"What? No Ashton Irwin?" I teased him.
He pulled his face away from my neck to stare at me.
"Would you rather have Ashton than me?" he asked, trying to hide his annoyance.
"Of course not silly," I said, getting off the car. "I was just having fun at your expense."
"It wasn't funny, don't do it again Bliss, please."
"Fine, shall we eat now?"
"I'm not really hungry. But I'll keep you company whilst you eat."
"I'm not hungry either. So shall we put this food on the fridge and carry on with the rest of the date?"
"Done!" Harry cried eagerly, "but let's go straight to the bedroom, there's a mini fridge there where we can chuck the food."
I agreed and Harry playfully carried me on his back piggyback style up the stairs and down the hall to his room.
I appreciated each comment and like very, very much.
I do hope to have the next, and racy, part of the date up very, very soon.
Remember to hit the star!!
Loads of love,
E, xoxoxo
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