Chapter 19
Good morning everybody!! It's 2019 already!!!
I'm really glad my update day (Tuesdays) fell on the same day as New Year!!
Wishing you all a very eventful year, full of laughter and happy moments. Hopefully HS2!
As for this chapter, just remember is happening in 2017. Harry is just kicking off his tour. We only learned about the CHASM monicker after H posted it on Insta after his first show in San Francisco. And it hasn't happened yet in the story, so Bliss is just learning about it.
As for reading recommendations this week, go check out Sammi jack. Her new story "Love For Sale" is so gripping!
The next few minutes passed in complete silence, as Joy watched me remove the engagement ring and fish my graduation ring out of my handbag.
My naked finger felt strange, so replacing The Duck's ring with the one my parents gifted me seemed right. It was a little loose, I never had it resized. So, Joy also watched as I wrapped sellotape around the ring to make it smaller.
"Bliss, are you sure you're all right?" she asked, carefully.
"I am," I assured her, "I need to ring Felicity. I have a small video of Café Habana that includes the Crawford-Gerbers." (I know, they're just the Gerbers. But we liked to call them the Crawford-Gerbers because we were all in awe of how amazing Cindy Crawford is).
"She's right here," Joy said turning the phone screen to the side, and both Felicity and Allegra came into view.
"Are you guys having a sleepover?" I asked.
"Of sorts." Joy answered, and then went on to explain that her parents hadn't taken the news of her going to work in beauty very well. They wanted her to go into banking. There had been a few times in the past when Joy's conservative, business-minded parents hadn't been too pleased with their daughter wanting to become a make-up artist. They were hoping it'd be a teenage phase she'd outgrow sooner or later. When things became too tense at her home, Joy would spend a couple of days at our house.
"I just think that you should tell your parents about the financial side of the beauty business," I told Jo. "It has massive revenues. Maybe if you show them the numbers they'll come around."
"Maybe you are right," Joy answered, sighing, "but they'll want me to go into the financial side of the business, and I want to work on the creative aspect."
We commiserated for a while, and were about to move to happier conversation topics when Mum popped in "How are you, puppet?" I just held up my hand with the signet ring, which pleased her no end. "I knew it would come in handy. Everything will be all right now. You just wait and see."
The Café Habana video was very well received, as were the news that I was going to Chateau Marmont that evening. "Please tell us if it is in any way similar to Chiltern Firehouse" Felicity pleaded. Leave it to her to find out that both places had the same owner.
The conversation carried on for a while, everybody had something to contribute. Joy had found a flat and a flatmate in London, where she was relocating for her new job. Allegra was on her last year of fashion at uni, and she had secured herself an internship with Temperley for half a year. Felicity had switched jobs and was now working for a company that did hen weekends; almost all of which were booked online, so she could work around her university schedule. I think I might have told you, this but just in case I haven't I'll give it another go. You see, when my parents had their firstborn (that'd be me), the got carried away with the parenthood idea and wasted neither time nor effort producing two more daughters, with thirteen months difference between each of us. I had graduated from University last year, now it was Allegra's turn, and next year it will be Felicity's.
Allegra insisted on styling my outfit for coffee later tonight, at the Chateau. She settled on a burnt orange jumpsuit with spaghetti straps and paired it with my Vans and a white tee to be worn underneath, during the day. When leaving for coffee I was ordered to strip out of the tee "let your shoulders show, it's more of an evening look," and change into black sandals with a gold block heel. A black envelope clutch and gold drop earrings were also added. I was to take the extra things in my rucksack, which I would leave in the car whilst going for coffee.
I went to shower quickly and FacedTimed the girls again, so Joy would be able to talk me through applying my makeup and because it felt nice to have them as a support system, to tell me I looked all right.
Soon it was time to leave. Harry had mentioned that he always made it a point to be the venue extra early to be sure there was plenty of time to fix anything that might not be working.
In the weeks that had gone by since I started my job with Harry, I had grown used to driving to and from places with him, except for a couple of occasions, it had always been me and him in the car. This time it was different. Two massive black cars, with black tinted windows, were waiting to take us to the venue, each car came equipped with a security person and a driver. I was beginning to experience the part of Harry Styles pop/rock star life full on. Up until now, I had just been shown a preview.
"Sorry about all the fuss with the cars," Harry said sheepishly, as soon as we had taken our seats inside the vehicles. "It's just that people know I'm in L.A., and there's bound to be press and fans on the lookout."
"No need to apologize, it's to be expected," I said, trying to appear complete unfazed by it all.
"By the way, I read your book, Bliss. Loved it!" Harry said, delightedly, "I do have a suggestion, more like a request if you will. But I think it's best we talk about it later, over coffee at the Chateau."
"I don't know if I'd like that, Harry" I replied, "I mean, you reading my writing is one thing, but to having it discussed over coffee with your band and people on tour is a bit much."
"Relax, Bliss." he answered, "CHASM, or anybody else on tour for that matter, aren't invited to coffee, it's just the two of us."
"Who's CHASM?" I asked, confused. It must be a friend of Harry's I hadn't yet met.
"Is just an acronym for me and the band," he said shyly, "we played around with our initials to try and come up with a kind of ship name, and that's what sounded best."
"If you start using that term, I mean CHASM, soon enough everybody will be calling you and the guys that," I said, and couldn't help but to smile at the name. He could be so endearingly childish at times.
When we arrived at the gig's location, we exchanged cuddles with the band members, and I was delighted to find out Lambert and Lou Teasdale were also there.
"Fancy meeting you here, Bliss." Lambert said excitedly, "Has our boy H behaved?"
"It's nice to see you again, too," I told him. "And yes, Harry has been exceedingly good".
"You're only saying that because he pays you." Lambert teased.
"No, I'm saying this because it's true," I answered.
"Well I'm glad to know his charm is working on you," he replied, "because my boy H is really taken with you."
"What's H wearing tonight?" I said to Lambert trying to steer the conversation another way and immediately felt foolish for asking, it was not my place to know. I should curve in my curiosity.
"Well, we're kinda keeping it under wraps and being a little deceiving about that," Lambert said, grinning mischievously, "You see, Harry was known for wearing boots, skinny jeans and a tee on stage during 1D. Now, as a solo and more mature artist, he'll wear suits. But for his two performances prior to the tour, he'll wear the skinnies." Apparently, it was all right for me to ask about tour details. I breathed relieved, as you see I had been holding my breath out of worry. I'm a walking cliché, I know.
"Mmm, sneaky! I hope fans won't be asking for your head, they are all in love with Harry in skinnies." I teased him.
"He's not a teenager anymore, darling! He's a full-grown man!" he shot back at me.
"Don't I know it!" moaned Lou, "All his lovely hair gone! I've so little left to work with."
"Yeah, especially because I don't wear make-up," Harry said, joining in the banter.
"You always say that," said Lou, slapping him on the arm, "and you know it's not true, Harold.
"What did you do that for?" Harry complained, rubbing his arm. "Just you wait, mum arrives tomorrow, and she won't let you inflict any bodily harm on me."
"Anne is coming?" I asked.
"Yeah, she flies in tomorrow with Gemma. They both wanted to be here for my opening night."
"That's nice of them. Them being here makes you more or less nervous?" I asked. I seemed to be on Harry asking mode today. First Lambert, now Styles. I deserved to get told off for being impertinent.
"Oh, it's great! Besides Mum is turning fifty this year and is her first birthday without Robin, so I'm treating her and some of her friends to a trip to America, and Gemma being the busybody that she is had to tag along." Harry said.
"That's awfully generous of you," I told him.
"It's rather selfish on my part. Having her here, on her birthday sets my mind at ease; I can check she doesn't go into a depressed state. So, I'm forcing her to fly here, she'd rather stay at home, I reckon." He said, shyly.
"You're a great son, Harry," I said, feeling he needed a little praise.
"I thought I had told you about Mum coming," Harry said in an apologetic tone, placing an arm around my shoulders and flipping the tip of my nose with his thumb. "I did tell the band, sorry I forgot about you."
"That's okay," I answered.
"She's the forgiving kind, Harry!" Lambert said, smiling. "Just don't make a habit of keeping information from her. She's one of the good ones, you're lucky."
"I know," Harry said, and it seemed as though he was blushing a little.
Lambert also seemed to be blushing a little. I was definitely blushing more than a little. What had just happened? Were they talking about me? Surely not.
Mercifully, Lou dragged Harry away "Enough talk, off we go to hair and that makeup you don't wear."
They most definitely were talking about Lou, she hadn't known Anna was coming either.
Things proceeded spectacularly well. In true Harry Styles form, he charmed everybody. The band was angsty, they had performed about ten times before audiences before, but they still were a bit nervous. Harry joked around and calmed them down.
He was interviewed by Smallzy, from the Australian Nova radio station and he told the DJ how happy he was to see him again, and how much he'd missed traveling to Australia. The interview ran smoothly after that.
When it came to the fans, he outdid himself. His rapport with them flowed easily, and everyone felt included. He agreed to every single selfie and autograph request, some fans asking more than once. By the time he performed five out of the ten songs in his album, everybody sang along with him and danced to his music. Some people were even crying out of sheer happiness. Some were singing, crying and dancing at the same time, don't ask me how they managed.
I hurried into the bathroom as soon as Harry started to thank everyone for coming. It meant the show was over, and we'd be leaving soon.
Following the instructions, I had been given, I proceeded to take off my tee, reapply deodorant and perfume and change into my heels; only to come out the bathroom and find Harry standing there, pressing a towel to his face to wipe away his sweat. I'm not going to lie to you, I did consider for a microsecond stealing that towel and posting it on E-Bay for sale with a card that read "Genuine Harry Styles sweat," but I came quickly to my senses and entertained keeping the towel for myself after stealing it.
"Wow, Bliss! You look so fit!" Harry said, opening up his eyes, "I'm glad we have security with us for tonight. I'm sure gonna need help fighting all the guys off you."
"Don't tease, Harry," I told him. "You damn well know everybody falls over you everywhere you go."
"Bliss, you do look amazing!" he answered, "Give me a few minutes to wash up a bit and change, will you? I positively stink."
He was true to his word and came out a few minutes later, looking and smelling amazing. He had changed from the yellow Patterson dental t-shirt he wore to perform into a yellow Hawaiian print shirt thrown over a white tee. He kept all of his rings on his fingers, and it seemed as though he had also kept the black skinny jeans and boots, he wore during the show. Not that I'm complaining. Hey, it's Harry Styles in skinny jeans and boots, what's there to complain about? The only thing better would be Harry without the skinnies, just in his underpants. "Stop thinking about Harry's pants!" I told myself.
"Let's go!" he said, grabbing my hand and guiding me to the exit door. One of his massive black cars was parked outside, waiting. The security person opened the back door for us immediately, and took the passenger seat up front, once he made sure we were seated and buckled up.
"I always thought you left the venue as soon as you finished singing, with the band still playing a bit more," I said.
"That's correct, I do that most of the time," he answered, "but I needed to shower and change today, and going back to my place would have taken too long. So instead, more cars were sent in place. One left when I finished the gig, and others have left at different times, with a person wearing a yellow T inside, that could be mistaken for me. That way people won't really know which car I'm in. Hopefully, this little trick will grant us some privacy tonight."
"We're using decoys!" I said excitedly, "I kinda feel as if we are working for M16 carrying out a covert operation."
"I'm glad you're enjoying this," said Harry, taking my hand in his once again, "I see there is no diamond ring here anymore. Care to share the reason for that with me?"
"I'm using this one my parents gave me for my Uni graduation, instead," I told him.
"That's nice. I did worry for a bit you might have lost it." he said, "The house is cleaned once a week by a professional service. I was going to ask them to do an extra shift tomorrow and try and locate your ring."
"Oh, Harry! That's so thoughtful and kind of you." I cried out, touched by how considerate he is. "There's no need, though. There's no reason for me to keep on wearing that ring."
"Why would that be, Bliss?" Harry asked, "I've no doubt you talk to your girls back home, and that they have your back. But if you need to vent, I'm a good listener."
I'm just takin a minute to thank you all for reading. Hope you like it and vote!!
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