Erza woke up to seeing a cerulean haired man holding her waist and a smile reached her face she taught to herself if jellal actually is right that he is not going to have a child with kagura, however her hopes werent very high, "jellal get of me now" trying to push him away, however he just laid there kissing and twisting her hair around, jellal then stood up grabbing erza and shaked her continuously on the bed. "You know what day it is today?" he spoke faster than jojo siwa and james charles, she nodded her head confused "DNA TEST RESULTS!!...thats its NOT my child and your gonna get back with me" he yelled emphasising the word not "jellal you cant be like a child and blame the baby" (see the irony)
"I know erza the baby is innocent but if that bitch spread her legs i aint mine trust me shes like the mall doors on black friday"
Erza shocked at his response "jellal.. dont say that"
"FACTS ERZA THERE FACTS" he just simply replied screaming
"Anyway your coming with me" he grabbed her hand and ran out the doors and left.
At the hospital jellal couldn't control himself he was jumping up and down with excitement "its not my baby and ima be with erzaaaaaaa!!!...shesofuckinghotnoonecanoutshinehershesthemostpreciousthingintheworldandimahugthelivingfuckoutofherandkissherandshesgonnabewithmeandthendosomethingelsebutimsurethatdoesnotneedtobesaid"
"Dont get your hopes up jellal" erza mumbled staring on the ground upset.
He then raised her chin and smiled at her. They sat at the office and waited patiently for the doctor to come, erza sat there upset and feeling a bit guilty. "Isnt it odd we were forced to marriage and fell in love then this happened" jellal said "y-yeah i realised that"
The doctor then stepped out handed jellal the results he held the results but then handed them to erza to open and smiled "i want you to see it first" erza was shocked she stared at him with her eyes open wide and then she slowly slipped her finger and slit the paper through the envelope and read the paper
Jellal fernandes you are supposably are suppose to be the father of Mia fernandes the babies blood group is a O and yours is a A however this does mean it could still be yours baby this is a 99% accurate test and theres always that 1% percent that could be predicted as wrong however you are from the fernandes family were the child has a mark on there eye this means it might be the mothers dominant gene however you are know for having a dominant gene.
Jellal fernandes Mia fernandes is NOT your offspring and the father is someone else.
~~end of paper~~
Erza sighed of relief and guilt hit her how she just left without thinking how she just let him suffer for so long and even made him loose his fucking mind, she should've believed him but her ego clearly drove her insane, a tear dropped down her eye making jellal concerned he checked the paper to only see he was right he signed and hugged erza.
As they hed back, they packed there clothes and were ready to head back to their home, as they stepped in erzas face was still down feeling guilty remembering what heart break she cause him, "whats wrong?" Jellal tried to comfort her she just nodded her head and said shes going to sleep.
It was already night kagura left to her mother and left stealing some of jellals money, jellals father apologised for not believing him.
Erza got in the shower and cried her heart out, she washed her hair and cried just thinking about what she did, how she just left, she realised if jellal was in her case he would believe erza and try his best to move on. She felt so bad it was like she was begin suffocated by guilt her chest felt pressure and pain, her mind was replaying those terrible times. Erza came out the shower wiping her eyes seeing jellal playing video games, jellal then noticed erza looking upset.
He turned of the tv and stood up "are you ok erza?"
She nodded and then walked away, jellal caught her hand right in time and pressed him against him leaving her in shock, "your not going anywhere my scarlet" he whispered seductively in her ear pulling her towards him and caressing her thighs...
*cough cough* lemons up ahead next chaper ;)
Sorry if u didnt want me to do a lemon but i dont see the fun in that muhahaha (my evil laugh)
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