Chapter 8
Ok, I'm just going to apologize for not updating in like....5 days. I've been too busy reading Wattpad stories to remember I had a story to write. Anyway....
Marinette's POV
I woke up in the morning and just stared off into space. I mean, I had nothing better to do right now. Chloe's asleep and I don't really have any friends. I guess I could text Damian, but I don't want to wake him up. Maybe I should go for a run. Plagg is the only kwami that's awake. I know, shocker. "Plagg," I whispered, catching his attention. He looked up from his cheese with an annoyed expression. "Wanna go for a run?" He nodded reluctantly. I stood up and grabbed the ring. I wrote a note for Chloe and said the transformation phrase. I turned into LadyNoir and ran out the door, my baton attached to my back. I don't know how I woke up this early, it is hardly light out.
I ran across the rooftops, the wind whipping through my hair. I smiled. I was alone and I was happy. The cold wind felt nice against my face. I did a few flips and landed perfectly on my feet, catlike. I kept feeling like someone was watching me, but just ignored it. I feel like that all the time. Now, I was sprinting across the rooftops. Everything was going so fast, it was blurry. I guess that's a side effect of using the Cat miraculous. You get speed. I did a few more flips and landed in an alley. I detransformed and walked out. "WHOOOO! I never knew you went that fast kitten. That was FUN!"
I chuckled, "You're right. I did have fun. I feel like I just let some of the anger- I've felt in the past few years- out. You should get in my purse, we can't risk anyone seeing you." Plagg nodded, still smiling, and flew into my purse. I walked out of the alleyway, and a man was blocking my path. "Move," I commanded, in a tone that said I wasn't messing around, "I wouldn't think the lowlife's would be out this early in the morning. Life's full of surprises," I said sarcastically.
"Come on. Maybe I can give you a ride to where you're going?" he said in an utterly disgusting voice. I guess Chloe's rubbing off on me.
"I swear. If you touch me, you'll regret it," I said as I walked through him. He grabbed me, and I flipped him over my shoulder. "I said you'd regret it." Then I walked off. I could feel Plagg cackling in my purse, and I just allowed the smirk to make it's way to my face. I didn't see the man there when I looked back behind me, I guess he learned his lesson. I couldn't help but let out a small chuckle. I know it isn't the smartest thing to do, but I decided I'd go for a walk around Gotham. I am under the villains' protection, right? And I have unlimited distraction (not a typo. Plagg is distracting) in my purse. Everything'd be alright.
I walked towards the building, but then decided I wanted to run some more. "Plagg, I want to run some more. What about you?" I asked, knowing what his answer would be.
"Definitely, Kitten!" I transformed, and took a long detour, but made it to Chloe before she woke up. I took the note, and when she started to stir, pretended I was still asleep. I didn't want her to freak out that I was out by myself in the most dangerous city in....I think, in the world.
She woke up looked at me, "Hey," she said, "where are we going today?"
"I don't know. Where do you wanna go?" She shrugged, but I had an idea. "How about we go to the police station and see if there are any posters from when I was a kid and escaped them?"
She looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "Police are supposed to help people. You're not supposed to run away from them."
"Well, it worked wonders for me. I met you, Tikki, Fu-"
"Ok, ok, I get it. It worked that one time. Promise me you won't run away from the police again?"
"Chloe, you know me better than that," I smiled. She fake pouted, but then smiled and I was confused. "What?"
"It's just so good to see you actually happy. The last time I saw you this happy was before we were even friends," she said. I smiled some more. "Now, let's go...and Marinette? What are we going to do exactly? Won't it look suspicious if we just walk in there to walk in there?" I smirked. Chloe groaned.
"Good thing it's too early for them to investigate the "suspicious activity,"" I said in air quotes. Chloe rolled her eyes.
"Marinette," Chloe said, "what if nothings there and we risked our freedom for nothing?"
"Well, you're probably right. But don't you want to do it for the thrill of it?"
I shrugged, basically saying that I didn't care. She quietly groaned. I quietly walked in, and Chloe followed in tail. One guy saw us, but he just waved it off, not caring. Just as I predicted. I walked into a room and looked at the board of people marked "MISSING" and sure enough, my picture was beside a man with a tattoo on his face. I was surprised. I didn't actually think that it would be here. Chloe didn't seem as shocked, but looked at the picture anyway. "Awww, tiny Marinette," she whispered, "you were so cute! What happened?"
I cracked a smile, "Haha, very funny," I said sarcastically. She smiled too.
We were too caught up in the dumb moment to notice a man had spotted us in the dark room. "Hey!" he exclaimed as he came closer. We were cornered. There was no window or door in the room we were in.
I whispered to Chloe, "Sorry, but don't tell them anything. Shrug to every question." She glared at me, and didn't do anything else. The man came closer and brought us into a room for questioning. Apparently we were in the room where all of the evidence was. They thought we were sent to cover something up.
They brought us to the room that records everything, and it has a one-way mirror. They question you in it. You know, the room where people play good-cop bad-cop. Yeah, you know what I'm talking about. Anyway, the same man came in, turned the chair around, and sat in it backwards. He sat down so abruptly that Chloe flinched. I wanted to laugh at her, but this was a serious situation.
Words: 1133
Letter: F
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