Chapter 2
"This is NOT what I had in mind when you told me we were going to take a plane!" Chloe told me as we jumped over the fence I jumped over those many years ago. "Is THIS how you came to France?!"
I smirked for the first time since Wang left with his 'girlfriend' (AN: Ok, I don't know what she was to him). "Yeah, Chlo."
"How old were you?!" She screeched. I sent her a look, telling her to be quiet. "Well, tell me!"
"I was nine. Now, go over there and go in, I'll be there in a minute. And Chloe...stay out of sight. We could go to jail for this." She looked at me like I grew two heads and nodded. She ran over to the wrong plane, and I had to yell, "Chloe!" She looked at me, and I rolled my eyes. I pointed to the other one and she ran in.
A man saw me, so I glared at him and told him to come over. "Tell anyone I'm here, I shoot you. Now, give me your hat," I said. The wimp stared at me with a dumbstruck expression before handing the hat over. "Stay. Here. Until the plane leaves at least." He nodded and I ran over to the plane heading to Gotham city.
"Sorry, Mari. Didn't know," Chloe told me.
"It's fine."
"Well, there's something I want to ask you." I nodded for her to continue. "Why did you sneak on a plane in the first place?" I was shocked by her question, and I think she saw it on my face. "Y-you don't have to answer me if you don't want to..."she drifted off.
"No, you'll probably find out later anyway. I've just been trying to stall from telling you. It's not that I don't want to tell you, it's just, the last person I told was Fu, and now..." I paused, "I don't want anything to happen to you." She looked at me confused. I sighed, then I started from the beginning. I told her how Jason shot my dad, how we grew up together, how I shot him, how I took a plane, how I was probably wanted in Gotham, how Wang took me in, and finally, I told her that I didn't want to loose her too because everyone I get close to either dies or disappears. Then, I hugged my jacket, the one I ran away from Gotham in, the one that was Jason's favorite.
Chloe wiped the tears that were overflowing my eyes away. I didn't even know they were there. "Why don't we sleep, Marinette. This is going to be a long flight," Tikki told me. I smiled and nodded. Chloe gasped and hugged me. I lied down and Tikki nestled in my hair.
I woke up, and Chloe was right beside me. "Passengers, buckle your seatbelts, were landing in five minutes," an automated voice says through the speakers. Chloe was still sleeping.
"Chloe, wake up. We have to get our stuff. We have to get out of the airport before anyone sees us," I said. She jolted up, and picked up all of our things. "I got this. People in Gotham aren't wimps like Parisians," I said handing her a ski mask.
"No way. That thing is utterly ridiculous. I'm not wearing it," she told me.
"Chloe, put it on. Would you rather end up in a jail cell? Police people over here are over dramatic." She pouted, but decided to put it on anyway. "Thank you," I said. She just scoffed and muttered another 'utterly ridiculous'. Soon enough, a man opened the door to the plane. I made sure to stay out of sight, and ended up at the gate, hidden from view. I looked to my right, and saw that Chloe wasn't with me. The man that I snuck past earlier was holding her hands behind her back. Seriously? Handcuffs? They were about to lift her mask off of her head, but I yelled, "Stop!" the man looked over to me. "I swear. If you touch her, I'll shoot!" I screamed at him.
"Your not gonna shoot me," the man said to me. I inwardly laughed.
"Wanna bet," I said. Then, I lowered my gun. I realized, this is just how Jason died. I shot Jason, but I'm not going to kill Chloe. The man cackled, just like that drunk man did that night. I had enough, I pulled the trigger and shot him in the leg. He screamed in agony, but I ran over to them and grabbed Chloe. "Come," I said, my nostrils flaring in anger. I know Chloe never saw me this mad before, so she followed me over to the gate. "This is gonna hurt," I said. She looked confused, then I dislocated her wrists. She screamed and I put my hand over her mouth. "Shhh," I said. I popped them into place again and she held back another scream. "Sorry, Chloe. Your the one who got caught." Said girl glared at me. She threw her suitcase over the gate and so did I. We jumped over together and landed perfectly. We each picked up our suitcases and fled the airport with no more people spotting us.
I smiled. This is the kind of thing that happened when I was with Jason. Chloe saw me smiling, "What are you so happy about!?" I burst into laughter and hugged Chloe.
She started to cry, "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Y-you're laughing! Oh Marinette!" She excitedly yelled. I smiled.
"You are so weird, Chloe. Come on, let's go to the building I grew up with Jason in!" I said happily. She nodded and we ran through the crowds of people. When we arrived, the door was completely off the hinges and laying down in the doorway. We walked in, and I went over to where our bed used to be. Most of the clothes were missing from where people stumbled across this place and stole them. I would have too, but that still doesn't make it hurt any less. I moved the pile in the corner, and saw something that I forgot all about. Tears started to prick at my eyes and I quickly wiped them out of the way.
1054 Words
Ok, I just want to say something. My name starts with "M" and my brother's name starts with "J" and that is just SO weird.
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