Chapter 1
When I first got on that plane, I had no idea where I was going. It was definitely a shocker when I found out I was on the other side of the globe. Now the hard part, was not to get caught. I've never had a problem with that, Jason had taught me everything I know, and Jason never got caught. But now? In an entire different country? This was going to be trickier.
I looked at the man who was getting the bags and saw an opening where I wouldn't get caught. Luckily, I had grown up on the streets where you had to steal to survive, and to steal, you have to be fast enough to get away with it. I ran past the man who was bent over, with three things of luggage. I was tempted to steal a bag or two but I thought that maybe, I should just steal smaller portions at a time. It would be easier to hide.
I jumped over the fence and made a run for it. Only one guy saw me and I pulled out my gun to make him quiet. Coward. I was able to successfully leave without hurting anyone.
Now, I was just walking on the streets, tinkering with my gun. The first one Jason got me. I could never forget that day. Then, I see and old man walking across the road. A car was about to hit him, so I did the first thing that came to mind. I ran over and saved him. Luckily, I am strong enough. He looked at me kindly, though, he looked as if I'm not the one he was looking for. "Thank you, miss. Where are your parents?" the old man asked me.
I hesitated, "Died a long time ago, sir."
The man pat my shoulder. I think he could tell that I was homeless. I mean, I've never had a shower in my life, the only shower I get is the rain. He could probably also tell the despair in my voice. Well, my brother did just die. "I'm sorry to hear that. I know this question is going to sound...what do the young ones say? Weird? Well, this question is going to sound weird, but would you like to stay with me? I could use the company."
I smiled for the first time since Jason died, "Yes, thank you sir!" He smiled and the corners of his eyes crinkled, as if this were the hundredth time today smiling.
We walked down towards his home. It was a small little massage shop that had a few rooms in the back. It was a cute home, way better than anything I'm used to. "Oh, and by the way, what is your name, miss?" He asked me.
"Oh, my name is Marinette Todd, you?"
"Wang Fu. But you may call me Wang," he said as he smiled another one of those heart-warming smiles.
3 Years Later- Marinette is 12
Over the years, Fu had introduced Marinette to the miraculouses. Marinette has found out she is the true weirder of the Ladybug miraculous. Marinette goes to school and is the top of her class. The reason Fu told Marinette about the miraculouses, is because he has felt a strange presence that only brings evil. Master Fu knows everything about Marinette, except Jason and how she used to live in Gotham.
While the two were eating breakfast one day before school, Marinette decided to tell him. "Wang? There is something you don't know about me, and I think it's time to tell you."
"What would that be, Marinette?"
"It's about what happened to me before we met," I said. He choked on his morning tea, because he knew it was a touchy subject. He gave me a look, saying he was paying attention. "I...I used to live in Gotham, America... My mother got killed in an alley by my father, w-with me in her arms...then he was going to kill me, but was" tears started to fog up her vision, and Wang walked over to give her a hug. "He was stopped by a boy named Jason Todd. He was five at the time, but he shot my father in the head to p-protect me." She looked over to Fu, to see a very shocked expression on his face. "Jason was my brother. He taught me how to use a gun when I was two," she cried a little, remembering. Yes, she was just two, but that was one of the only things she remembers when she was that age. "We were homeless together, lived together, stole together..." Fu looked at Marinette again, not quite as shocked, but his face gets funnier each word she says. Her smile faltered. "One day......we were out pick-pocketing and a man.....some drunk man decided to grab Jason out of no where. I see them in an alley and the man was-he was holding a-a gun to Jason's head. I aimed my gun for the man and told him to let him g-go. He didn't. I pulled the trigger. The man put Jason in front of him. One thing led to another and Jason was dead. Keep in mind, this is the boy who decided to feed me and raise me, when he was five."
"I'm sorry, Marinette," Wang told her. She wiped the tears that managed to escape her eyes and looked at her new 'grandfather'.
"Wang? Can I skip school today and just hang out with Tikki and you?"
"Of course, Marinette. Besides, I have something I want to tell you."
"I want you to be the next guardian. When I pass, or if there is something that makes me have to transfer guardianship, will you become the next guardian of the miracle box?"
She looked shocked, "O-of course, Wang,"she stuttered.
He smiled, "I hoped you would agree. Plus, you get to learn a whole bunch of cool things, like, different languages, how to do different fighting styles, chi blocking, you develop powers, and I whole lot more."
Marinette giggled, "Geez, I thought I was the one that rambles!" The two laugh and soon started Marinette's training.
4 Years Later- Marinette is 16
Life has gone downhill for Marinette. For the past three years, she has been tortured by a girl named Lila. It was all because she was smart enough to not believe her lies. Now, you would think that Fu would be with Marinette during this hard time, but he wasn't. I mean, it wasn't really his choice. He had to transfer guardianship to Marinette during an akuma battle, and he lost his memory in the process. Now, Marinette is all alone, with no one. This is just like what happened with Jason. Why can't she ever be happy? It seems that whenever she gets close to someone, that person has to basically die.
Because of that event from two years ago, Marinette turned cold. Sadly, she fell back into her old habits and found someone else. Chloe Bourgeois. Chloe and Marinette have been best friends since Lila started lying about them. The only person she is nice towards, is Chloe. But Marinette has decided that she will NOT get too attached because that is what happened to Jason and Wang Fu, and look at where they are now. She also won't tell Chloe about her past, or what happened to Wang Fu, even though Lila started the rumor that Marinette "killed" her own grandfather. And now she lives alone. Chloe has offered for Marinette to stay with her, but Marinette refused, saying it was too dangerous. I bet you can guess what she meant by that, both of the people she lost, she lived with. Chloe was always confused about that, but payed it no mind. Though, when she asked, Marinette responded with, 'Another story, for another day.'
Marinette gave the Bee miraculous to Chloe, even though she's the one who made Fu loose his memory. Marinette forgave her, but some part of her will still be furious with Chloe until the day she dies.
The two heroines were jumping around the rooftops, searching for anything out of the ordinary. "Queenie, go that way," Ladybug ordered in her cold tone. Everyone has noticed that Ladybug isn't as warm and friendly as she used to be. She still saves people, some might even say that she is a little paranoid, and others say she is just really good at her job. Chloe knows how it feels to loose someone, but she didn't know it could turn the nicest person in the world into this.
The day came to a close, and the two were just sitting at the top of the Eiffel Tower. "Chlo-" she cut herself off, regretting her decision to suggest this. But, Chloe heard her, and she looked at her friend expectantly. Ladybug looked away. "You know I didn't always live in Paris, right?"
"Oh, I didn't know that."
"Well, I used to live in America, and I was thinking....I want to go visit home and just.."
Chloe knew what her best friend was trying to say. "Sure, do you want me to come with you?" Marinette had the smallest upturn on the right side of her lip, and Chloe smiled. "So, when do you want to go?"
"...How about tomorrow?"
"What?! I mean, don't you want to have time to pack?"
"We'll have time. Just hurry and meet me at my place tomorrow, whenever you wake up. We'll go to the airport at eight."
"Why can't we just use Kalkki?" Chloe asked.
"Because I wanted to go back the way I came," she smirked.
Chloe rolled her eyes, "Whatever, Mari-bug."
1673 Words
Ok, I just wanted to say that MT is a thing, whoever doesn't know what is means, it stands for Marinette Todd. She is a fashion designer and is really good at her work.
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