I slammed the alarm and it fell on the floor still ringing. My day have never started with a slamming of alarm clock before and now, it is.
I got up and wore my pink and girly flip flops and made my way to the bathroom.
Staring at the ground and tried to focus on which step to take, my phone beeped.
'What now!' I grunted and made my way to the bed and carried the useless phone and it was a text from Mr sunny.
I slapped my face five times to make sure I wouldn't drop the phone. I inputed the password and read the message. It says:-
"Hello Stacy. I wanted to inform you that the competition is tonight and you guys should get prepared for it. Somthin' tells me tonight I'd gonna be a bang!...'
My eyes widened in joy.
'AAAAAAARGH! ' I screamed at the top of my voice and quickly ran to the bathroom.
Oh! I forgot!
"Girls, meet me by 7 this morning at drake's hall"
I quickly sent the message and left to the bathroom in a rush.
I got ready sooner than expected, locked my house and left to the garage.
As I entered, someone met me at the garage as he started his car.
'Well, well... Look who we have here'
I looked up to see the guy that spoke to me yesterday from the New boys group.
'You...' I whispered.
'A surprise' he said and I stood erect after throwing my purse in the car.
'What the hell are you doing here' I asked as my hand was on waist.
'This is where I live of course, for the time being'
'Time being?' I asked with raised eyebrows.
'Yup. So how are you preparing for the competition tonight?'
Those words stung me. They're are part of it?
I slowly allowed my hands to drop and I stared at him.
'Are you part of it? I asked, not caring for the words that come out.
He smirked.
'Ofcourse I am, I'm sure you already know that'
'And you think I'd waste precious breath on talking to someone like you?' I asked.
He scoffed.
'Maybe. It'd be possible' he said.
I shook my head and got into the car, started it and zoomed off, with him laughing behind me.
I got there and met the girls at the entrance of the hall.
'There they are!' I yelled and ran to them as we all hugged.
'I got news girls... We are part of the national intercontinental singing competition. Tonight is when we leave for the competition!'
'Oh my God!' Zee yelled and the girls screamed in joy and hugged we all hugged each other.
As I turned to face outside we saw the New boys walking towards us with all kind of smirks on their faces. Why can't we just jubilate in peace and not pieces.
'Well, a suprise' a guy in the group said as we were inches away from them.
I licked my lips and placed my hands in my pockets.
'I've seen you today' the leader, I guess, said.
'It's a disgrace that we're living in the same neighborhood' I said and he smiled, a wicked looking one.
He took a step forward and we were inches away that if I stared up at him, my head and his chin would touch, and I froze under his gaze.
'You're not gonna regret that are you?' he whispered in my ear and I stared at him.
'No. No I'm not' I whispered and turned to leave as my girls followed close behind.
'Don't say I didn't warn you girly!' he yelled and they all laughed.
Boys! Some of them are so intimidating!
'Crooks' Merinna said and we all laughed as we zoomed off to the place they hosted the competition.
We got there an hour early.
The place was far and by far, mean a very long distance.
'Wow...' I and the girls kept saying that word until we got backstage where all the groups singing were. I could see the New boys but I avoided that gaze as we scanned the room.
'Hello. You must be the Merits' a lady said.
'Yes we are' chloe answered.
'Your number is 77 and the leader is expected to be at that hall over there' she said and pointed at it.
'Thanks' I said and she left.
We looked around and we're amazed by what we saw.
'Okay, you guys can take a look around and be back in an hour'
'Roger' they said in unison and we separated.
My eyes caught sight of an ice-cream stand which people gathered round.
'Hey, can I get a vanilla?' I asked as I stood erect near the stand pole.
The woman glared at me and placed her hand on the table in front of me.
'Say $50'
Her eyes widened and she raised an eyebrow at me.
'If you can get it at $60, forget it' she said and left to a happy family who wants also vanilla.
'It's $60, sir' she said and looked at me.
'Beat it' she mouthed and turned to the family.
Ostracizing crook!
I spun to leave.
As I spun around, I bumped into someone.
'Hey! Watch...'
The person kept quite.
When I raised my head up, it was him!
'Well, well... If it isn't the bumper' he said with a flirty smirk.
'Can you tell me why we keep bumping into each other?' I asked placing my hands on my waist.
'Maybe it's destiny' he said.
I stared at him from his head to his shoe.
'You're gonna thank me later for bumping into you!' he yelled as I left him.
An hour passed in a jiffy.
I met the girls and we soon got dressed in the uniform we booked for and came out of the dressing room.
'You guys can go backstage, wanna check the outside hall'
They all nodded and I left the hall to the grassy land.
Everything is perfect. Nature. Life. My mum is gonna be proud of me.
I took one last deep breath and stared at the sky.
Time for a show.
I made my way to the backstage and I was just in the to see as the New boys went up stage as people were cheering for them.
'Hoping for life to be easier but it can never be...'
I heard someone sing and I realized it was the leader of the group.
At first, I thought it was a lady's voice, but then I realized there was no lady in that group.
'So I thought you'd be with me at the end of time...'
The new boys rounded up and ended the song.
The crowd was going wild like as if they are fighting for cupcakes.
'Thank you!' the leader yelled as they went to the opposite of where we stood.
'Men, are they good or what?' Celia said and I glared at her. She raised her hands to indicate that she surrender.
The leader half-smiled at us but, I frowned and he smirked.
'Next, the Merits!' the speaker man yelled and the crowd went wild.
My people are still my people!
We took our positions. Celia, the drums, Merinna the electric keyboard, Zee the electric guitar, Chloe and Zoey were beside me and were my back up singers.
The place went extremely dark.
'When we turn on the light we become someone else, but when we are dark inside we sighed and we have this type of gracious sound in our lives and that's when...' I sang those words out loud in the dark.
'We become gracious'
I and the girls sang and the place became lighted up with bright lights and shiny stones and people cheered like mad men that are running for safety afraid a bunch of zombies are after them.
'And then we come out, we are gracious' I ended the song and the crowd stood up and clapped for us.
'Thank you, Mexico!' I yelled and the crowd went wild.
Something I've have seen for eleven years of my life and five years in a stadium.
We walked to the backstage and we gathered round.
We prayed and faced the New boys who smirked at us.
'And the third position goes to the Javanas!' the speaker man yelled and the group came out to collect their award.
'The second, to the Merits!' he yelled.
I scowled. Second Rank?!
When I looked at the New boys, the leader ran a hand through his hair and displayed his charms.
I just rolled my eyes left to collect the award as the crowd stood up and cheered for us.
'And the winner of tonight concert is...'
I squinted my ear to hear what he said because the crowd roared in their various expectations.
'The New Boys!' the speaker yelled and the leader winked at me as I stared at the him and the speaker am in amazement. As I watched the leader of the new boys walk to collect his award, I boiled inside. This is Mr Sunny handiwork, I know it.
'Thank you mexico!' he yelled as came back to his group.
'Ignore their win, this is just the beginning and the last of 'em' Zoey whispered.
She's right. The beginning and the last of it.
We will show them who the Merits are, and they will be shocked...
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