Others P. O.V
Chloe Hart's P. O. V.
'So, you are saying you love music, just because you were raised up with it?' I asked and he shrugged.
'No, just... A hobby of mine and I want to show my talent to the world. I love singing but, not all songs, though' Micheal said as he ran a hand through his hair. I can tell clearly that he is nervous.
'Mind if we seat here?' he asked and I nodded.
'So, what brought you into the music business?' he asked.
My name is Chloe Hart. I'm eighteen by age and I'm born with guts. My parents died when I was nine and it's been a little hectic for me but, I guess it's for good. I joined the merits and everything changed in my life when I was eleven. Stacy have always been there for me ever since. She's a sister. A mentor.
'My parents died in a car accident when I was nine. Things changed when I met Stacy. I joined after Zelda and well...' I turned my head and stared at him as he listened.
'What about you?' I asked.
Micheal Maris P.O.V
Her lips twisted as if she is angry. Her eyes made me dizzy whenever she looked at me. Her ears opened wide to catch every single word that drops out of my mouth.
My name is Micheal Maris, an orphan since childbirth. I'm twenty by age and yeah, I'm part of the New boys.
I became a criminal at six, was taken to jail at fourteen, bla, bla, bla.
But, I don't know... God heard me and sent Alex Cameron. Alex has just become popular by then, he just came to pick some people who had the same experience as him, and he found me.
Now, it is like I am being taken by chloe, but she haven't realized that yet.
'My experience kinda have some vigour in 'em' I said.
'I was criminal, sent to jail and was being found by Alex in my cell. I was picked up from being a nonentity to a popstar' I said and she nodded in thoughts.
Her blue eyes made sense. Her legs were perfect for a model and she looks clever and wonderful, every inch of her was created wisely.
'It's almost four' she said and stood up and I followed.
'Let's go' I said and she nodded with a smile as we left that place with the dog.
Max Marco P.O.V
Her hair swung side by side as I watched her intensely. Her olive coloured eyes caught sights that is relevant and made its way to the dog.
'You have a lovely dog' a guy said and pat the puddle.
'Thanks' she said and I smiled.
As the guy stood erect, he winked at her and smiled. She giggled as he left.
Well, that was rude. I have never seen a guy wink at a girl when he sees her with another guy. It's clumsy.
'Well, what brought you into singing?' I asked.
My name is Max Marco. Nineteen years of age. My parents are divorced and they publicly disowned me as their only son. I've always been a lonely guy with this type of appearance that every lady fell for. I am a guy of loneliness, friendliness, anger and a little bit dispute in things that had to do with romance. It sulks, kinda.
Maria's voice formed as she gave me a reply. Her eyes sparkled with every blink she took and her face is white, white with a type of love that have been written all over. She got a captivating spirit, she doesn't even know about. But trust me when I say, every one does.
'Well, my parents are drug addicts and I was picked by Stacy as a hawker. I hawked bread, bottled water and some beverages, and the money I had, my parents used it to go get drugs.
Sometimes, they smoke. Now they want me to come back home and become their daughter again but, it doesn't work like that, don't you think?' I nodded.
Touchy. My story is almost like hers.
'What about you? What made Max Marco get involved in singing?' she asked and smiled and I returned it in a flirty way.
Maria Mart's P.O.V
His hair fluttered in the wind. He showed total disregard for the place we are sitting on, whether it's private or not, he don't care.
It's obviously obvious that he actually isn't used to a public life. He is too formal and I like him for that.
'My parents got a divorce when I was six. I got publicly disowned and I got picked by Alex one day and, I don't know.. since then, things changed' he said and stared more intensely into my eyes.
His eyes averted mine and went straight down to my lips. As he leaned forward, I could catch a little scent of his cologne and I knew what he wanted.
'It's almost four, let's go' I said. I am seriously nervous around him. And I can't let him know that.
I could sense a sting of disappointment hit him.
But, he covered it up with a dry wry smile.
He got up, gave me a hand and we both left the park.
Phew! That was close!
Zoey Seldon P.O.V
'And well... I was raised up by my Grammy and stuff. I behave seriously mature more than the other girls, except Stacy, of course' I said and we both laughed.
He looks so cute when he smiles.
His eyes shines whenever it has the opportunity to. He made me feel dizzy and whenever hope's gone, his behavior can bring it back.
I'm Zoey Seldon. 19 years of age and I lived my whole life with my grammy until Stacy came to pick me up.
I have been performing since I was a little girl. My audience was my grammy and some schoolmates, teachers, classmates.
Stacy picked me up ever since I was three. We schooled together and well... The relationship has lasted for sixteen years.
My parents were the busy types. I learned so much from grammy.
The day I grieved and regrets flooded my head was when I received a call early on a Saturday morning and was told my grammy had died. I couldn't recover for months and I was in a coma. Everything changed for me. Everything.
'Well, you can say that, but... I guess, Music have been a great gift of mine, and I used it to become who I am today' he said and stared at me.
Zac Nrim P.O.V
I stared deeply at her. I could see from her eyes, she had a nervous spirit in her.
Zac Nrim is my name. I'm twenty in three hundred level in the university. My parents are exporters of drugs and I haven't seen them my whole life. I was brought up by a nanny in a catherine's kitchen which was popular and now, I'm a rich guy.
Ever since we met the merits, things seems to go smoothly and roughly at the same time for me.
'It's almost four, let's go' zoey said and led me off.
The way she walks, everything about her. It's just... Beautiful!
Celia Hel Heart P.O.V
The scene is lovely.
The birds singing their twittering type of pleasant sounds makes it more lovelier. My eyes turned to look at Cameron, who I found staring at the other side of the road, made me uncomfortable.
'You okay?' what the hell is wrong with me?!
I silently prayed that he shouldn't hear me. For a moment he didn't respond so I looked down.
Celia Hel Heart is my name. I'm seventeen, the youngest in the merits. My parents are dead, due to stories from my aunt, they died in space, cause they were astronauts.
I have lived my whole life in Mexico with my aunt and step uncle and I really enjoyed them. But, I guess I gotta move on.
'Nothing is wrong' I heard him say silently.
'How did you join the Merits?' he asked.
Oh, Shit!
Cameron Louise
Cameron Louise Is my name.
I'm eighteen, I'm the youngest in the New boys.
I left my home at the age of eight, due to bad parental training. My mum is a prostitute and my dad, he actually works and sweats for us to get what we will eat.
I stared at Celia for once.
She looks so much like my mum but, she's different.
Whenever I look at her, she reminds me of the good things I do with my mum before I realized the stupid things she's doing.
'Nothing is wrong' I mumbled and she stared down at her palms.
'How did you join the merits?' I asked and she looked up.
'Through experience. My life hasn't been on the bright side, but ever since I came in contact with Stacy. Things changed for the better' she sighed.
'It's almost four, let's head back to that couple's house' she said.
'C'mon, I know a shortcut' I said and she followed with the dog.
Zelda Zari's P.O.V
Zelda Zari is my name but, my friends call me Zee.
My parents are dead and I was adopted by Stacy's mum as her daughter. Stacy and I have been friends since when we knew how to walk.
Ever since we've been close sisters.
'So...' I turned my head in the direction of Louis. We have been walking in some sort of silence that's so inconvenient. I stared at him as he continued.
'What made you to be a Merit?'
Louis Anderson P.O.V
Louis Anderson is my name.
I'm twenty and a New Boy.
I have been a New boy Ever since I was a kid.
I was raised by my grandpa who died last year. It was a sorrowful moment for I and my sister.
'My parents are dead. I was made to be adopted by Stacy's mum, who reluctantly took me in, but she never regretted it.' she said.
As she bent forward, her clothes scrambled with the wind as I saw her red, dyed hair being chased by the wind.
'We should be going, it's almost four' she mumbled and I smiled and wrapped her shoulders with my arms.
She blushed in a shy manner and leaned on me as we walked back to the venue of the couple.
Author's P.O.V
Stacy and the rest returned the dogs and they got $280 from the couple. Let's see what the next chapter will be...
Hello folks!
I did a quick writing for the story before my study!
Thanks for the votes, comments and follows, I appreciate it! You think the story is nice? Let's get to the ending then we'll know, have a nice day!
- Goodness.
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