It's My Decision
Author's P.O.V
Stacy looked down as the car came to a halt.
There was silence for a few seconds till she spoke up.
"Thank you, for dropping me"
Alex didn't respond. Instead he looked out the window.
"And thank you for everything" she whispered.
Alex didn't say anything. He just sighed.
"Goodbye, Alex" she whispered and opened the door.
But a strong hold held her elbow and she turned.
"Promise me... If I do this, you won't be mad" Alex said.
Stacy, in full curiosity that he wants to say something or reply her, nods.
As she nods, he hesitated and looked into her eyes desperately.
Then he raised her hand and kissed it.
They looked at each other, each allowing a smile to break on their lips.
"Thank you" they both whisper in unison and Stacy left the car.
Alex stared at her as she walked to the plane going to Mexico.
"Goodbye..." He whispered and started the car.
Stacy left California to Mexico hoping to see her mum soon.
A Week Later
Stacy's P.O.V
"You what?!" My mum yelled.
I told my mum what happened before I came and she is firing me here!
I told her of the strange feelings. I told her of how we met. I told her of the journeys we had together.
I told her how the girls left me for them and she is absolutely taking sides with them.
"Really Stace?" She asked and I gulped.
"I expected maturity from you!" She yelled.
"Mum I did this to see you..."
"Don't you dare bring me into this, child!"
I shut up immediately.
"He loves you and you being the I knows best shut him up and he felt disappointed..."
She sighed and massaged her forehead like every mother do whenever her children annoys them.
"Have you guys have eye contact before?" She asked and I nodded slowly.
She groaned and mumbled something under her breath.
"This is all my fault. I never thought you how to react when you notice love signs" she said.
Love what?
She sat down beside me on the couch as she pulled a bowl of popcorn.
'Stacy... Remember when Jacob met his wife in the Bible?'
This is real life mum, not the Bible.
'Yeah' I answered with a sigh knowing fully well that she is about to start a lecture.
'He loved her at first sight... This is the case of you and Alexandro...'
'It's Alex, mum'
'All Alex have a full'
I rolled my eyes.
'Alex met you the first time and he offer helping you when your car got a hold...'
'He grew some guts to remove your shades and place it on the car, staring directly into your eyes'
'He smiled whenever you smile and agrees with what you agrees with'
My mum stared at me and sighed.
'Do you know why God brought you together?'
I shook my head in response and she sighed and shook her head.
'Stacy... If I leave this world without seeing your lover, I leave uncompleted...'
I stared directly into my mum's eyes. This is what I don't like!
'I am not forcing you to marry someone you think is a waste of time... That's not what I am saying'
'Alex isn't a waste of time' I whispered.
She smiled and ran a hand through my hair.
'Come here you'
I laid on my mum's shoulder and we both laughed softly.
'It's your decision, Stacy. He loves you... And I bet you do the same'
Do I?
The feeling feel so new like it's just now it hit me.
Do I really love Alex?
Is it love that I budge off all these time?
Flash Back...
1st Encounter
When Stacy and Alex newly met, they stared intensely at each other outside Mr Sunny's office.
2nd Encounter
Stacy and Alex were living in the same neighborhood. When Stacy's Car refused to start, he offered her a ride then the car picked up.
3rd Encounter
When they were both sitting next to each other in the plane to California and he pretended to look for his headphones just to cover up his act of staring at her.
4th Encounter
When both of the groups were contemplating on what to do first. An ice-cream stand or walking dogs. Stacy went for walking dogs and he took her side.
5th Encounter
When finally she got to the Airport of California, she wanted to go out of the car without his reply. But, he grabbed her hand and pulled her back, making her to promise she won't be mad at him for what he was about to do. And he kissed her hand.
From the beginning when he offered me a ride, I liked him. I really did.
But when he opened up his family secrets, that like changed for him. It changed completely.
I Love Him.
I really do and I want to just want to tell him secretly and it's gonna be our own little secret.
I love you, Alex I really do.
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