#Day 2
The rays from the window smacks my eyes hard as it flutter and opens wide.
Everything becomes clear when I finally let out a breath that feels like I held it tight even in my sleep.
The tent is like how I setted it two days ago and my clothes are arranged neatly in my leather bag.
I sit upright and feel pains go through my spine as if I got hit by a truck last night.
Phone rings
'Stacy. It's Chloe!'
My girls.
'Chloe! What's up?'
'Just in these two days of your absence, I and the rest have made $400!...'
My eyes widened in surprise!
'Really?! That's amazing!'
'I know right? And not just that... We got sixty plastic chairs as a result of walking dogs and building ice-cream stands'
'WHAT?!' I nearly yell my lungs out.
'That's so great!'
'I know right. How are you and Alex coping there?'
'Great. Yesterday, we went for fishing and the day before we arrived safely, we just rested cause, the journey was pretty lame and in a phobia of silence. I and Alex are okay today'
'Sounds cool... Stacy. Umm... This may sound really lame coming from me but, I don't think this is just a trip. I mean, how many weeks now have we known these guys and we are already getting used to them and...'
'Don't go too far Chloe, I get it. I too, am experiencing it' I say making my voice sound cold.
'Speaking of getting use to... Maria and Max have arranged to go out today in the evening, only them alone'
Oh My G!
'Like a date?'
'Yeah. She is getting teased here. And same for Max' Chloe squeeked.
'I'm so happy for her! Tell her that and I see she got someone. You know, in a teasy manner'
Suddenly, the squeek of a loud micro-speaker, gets loud as I recognize the voice anywhere. Mr Sunny.
'Everyone out with a change of dress and your toothbrush and paste, let's get to this!'
'I'll call you later Chloe, gotta go! My regards to everyone over there!'
I hanged up before her reply even came in.
Sorry Chloe, gotta go.
I quickly wear a short that isn't too short and a t-shirt. My toothpaste rolled itself on the toothbrush as I squeeze it out.
I fetch water in my signature cup and made my way outside, careful not to pour it out.
We finish taking a quick bath and brushing of teeth.
We are all standing in front of a tree that got long and dangerous branches that any type of snake can just curl on.
'The next activity on our list, is to pick up flowers. Of different varieties'
Flowers? Really?
What is the purpose of this trip anyway? All we get to do is to get indulge in different activities and be very constant and friendly. Nothing fun like singing. I mean that's all we came here for.
'The partners of yesterday will be the same today and the rest of the days'
I can hear mumblings and groanings now.
'Why does that guy have to get a girl...?' I heard a whisper from behind me.
Ignore it, Stacy. Just ignore it.
I and Alex set off in a part of the woods where there is little trees and we can see the others.
'Be back in an hour!' mr sunny yell with a squeak of the micro-speaker.
As we walk I look at Alex for split seconds. He seemed lost and downcasted. He looks depressed and unpredictable.
'What's wrong?'
Alex P.O.V
'What's wrong?'
I turn to look at her in a slow manner.
'Nothing, actually'
Oh God! I can't even remember if we greeted this morning.
'You look down'
I rattled my teeth together and stared at her. She sat down on the grass and patted the ground beside her.
She picks head of flowers and hand me one as I succumb and did as I was told.
'Your chest is beating fast. What is bothering you?' she asked staring nowhere in particular.
'Don't tell me that' she said softly looking into my eyes now.
She looks like can she can cry any moment from now and if i'm not careful, I can make her to.
'Am I the cause?' she asked, her voice shattering.
'No. No you're not the reason'
'Then what is it?'
I gulp.
'No...' I mumble.
'If I can't help you I won't have bothered about you, you know that right?'
I look up at her and then notice that her eyes are filled with water.
What am I gonna do?
Stacy's P.O.V
I stared intensely at him and thoughts ran through my mind.
'I can go you know' I say and stand up.
But I stop as a firm hand grabs my elbow and drags me back.
'It's not you, Stacy' he whispers.
'Then why are you looking like this? I never wanted to make you remember all those. I never wanted you you to be related to Sam'
He stare at me and I feel dizzy immediately.
'This isn't you, Alex. What happened to you?'
I forcefully got out of his grip as he stared at me.
'Let's just pick these flowers and get outta here'
I pick some of the flowers into the basket without minding him. He gotta change, and hope he will.
This chapter seems not very good but please manage it cause the ending will be SUPERB!
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