Bar Disaster
I wrote on a piece of paper a few words I would use for the next song, when I heard a knock on the door.
I and Alex arrived safely yesterday at a hotel but in a deadly silence.
'The door isn't locked' I said, my voice is actually shaky and I am visibly shaking.
My eyes slightly rise as I heard footsteps enter the room and sat on, maybe the couch.
'You've been acting weird, anything wrong?'
Alex voice is calm and deep.
'I'm fine'
'No, you're not'
'Yes, I...'
He stood up from wherever he sat on.
'Don't tell me that'
I twisted my lips in an odd manner and turned on the wheel chair to face him.
'Then what do you want to know?'
He blinked and I shook my head.
'I'll be at a bar close-by, I'll see you later'
I can't stand looking at those dark eyes for any reason. Grabbing my jacket, I left the room. I hope he understands.
Alex Cameron P.O.V
What am I gonna do?
Sam. Sam. Sam.
She don't really know the identity of him, that's why she acting this way. And what the hell does she want to do with a bar? I thought ladies don't drink.
She do not know what I'm feeling right now. Had it been she does, she wouldn't have acted like that. She just need to know who Sam is and it's over.
Sam is my step-brother, given birth to by the same mum, but different dads.
He left home at the age of seventeen and I followed at sixteen. Now, he is an assassin and a major criminal.
Is he the one she fought with the day we were to leave mexico? How come they're talking now?
She got to understand and I hope she does. I need to look for her. Sam isn't someone she just mess around with.
If I tell her he's a criminal, she will be scared of me cause we are related. Dammit!
I still need to tell her, that's what friends do. Though I'm not sure we are anyway.
'Max, you're in charge!' I yell as I slide on the rail downstairs taking my jacket with me.
'Where you goin'?'
'That's not a question for today, just do as I tell you'
I quickly grab a car key, not knowing exactly which one, all I know it's a car key.
I drove in quite a speed that I do not know why it's like this.
Which of the bars did she even go to? God!
'Where is she?'
My outstretched neck can tell you how determine I am to talk to her.
Then, I caught sight of the girl I'm looking for, talking to... SAM!
Stacy's P.O.V
I can't believe that I just shove him off like that. I owe him an apology, he is worth it. I think I am the one at fault. I shouldn't have just taken off like that. I shouldn't have just taken my burden and placed it on him. I really feel convenient, special and wanted around him but, I don't know why.
My sight diverted to the voice behind me only to see Sam in front of me.
'Oh, hi Sam' I say with a dry voice and wry smile. Hope he doesn't notice anything stupid.
He didn't respond instead, he grabbed me by the wrist and pulled me into a bar labelled "Hot".
He swung me to sit on a chair in the bar.
'Sam. What is this?' anger boiling in me.
'Scooch' he called and a huge guy erupted from under the large desk every bar has.
'Marinj please, two bottles' he said and the guy nodded.
He then faced me and I couldn't differentiate between his face and Alex.
'You have someone in here' he said and placed his index finger on my chest.
'Who is it?'
I stared at him, conscious and knowing fully well he doesn't keep secrets.
'No one'
He raised his eyebrows as he sipped from a foamy and alcoholic drink that got brown colour.
'Then why are you moody?'
I stared into his eyes and I can't just sent the fact that he got the same captivating face as Alex.
'I just...'
Suddenly, the door of the bar split open and Alex and in. Everyone was minding their own business as he searched everywhere in the bar with his catchy eyes.
I soon got captivated in his eyes as his got bonded to mine.
'Excuse me'
Sam nodded and talked to a lady beside him as I made my way to Alex.
'What are you doing here?' I whispered as the light of the bar became red and his face wasn't as pleasant looking as before.
'I came here to pick you up. You know we are leaving tomorrow and this is what you're doing for the preparation?'
I stared at him and slowly slipped my hand into my pockets as I stared at him.
'What exactly do you want?'
He was taken aback by my question and he ran a hand through his hair.
'I just came here to relax and you are saying that...'
'You know what? Fine. I think, it's really not by force to to go, so why am I even bothered any way. How rude of you Alex'.
He retorted and brush past me heading towards Sam.
What the fuck is he trying to do?
Alex's P.O.V
The girl is insane whenever it comes to things important and satisfying. I wonder why.
I brushed past her and headed to my brother, step-brother.
He was a laughing with a lady who, seriously need to go to a psychiatrist. Her dressing is... Off-the-hook!
Immediately he caught sight of me in front of him, he smiled.
'My brother'
I turned to look at Stacy, who's mouth dropped open in surprise.
'Why did you go?'
He stared at me in utter regret and shame.
Sam's P.O.V
He still remember. My brother.
'Do you know the pain you caused mum and I?'
He fallowed in a whisper that made me sink into the chair.
'And now, you're a criminal. How come?'
My head shot up as those words slipped off those pink lips of his.
I never wanted to remember this, but now, I do.
'Shame on you'
I followed his figure as he turned and left me.
When he got yo the door, he stopped beside Stacy.
'Now you know' he said and left the bar as I stared at Stacy.
She squinted her eyes and with a shake of the head, she left me. All alone.
This is not my plan!
I'm so stuck up in this exams, I don't want to keep you guys waiting.
How's this part, good? Perhaps.
Please, read and tell me what you think!
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