35- My Body From The Balcony
---- 12:33 PM ----
Will awoke from his nap on edge. As the bell for lunch rung, he jumped up from his seat making a bee-line to the bathroom before El could even turn to him or ask about lunch. The boy rushed pass all his friends including Mike; just wanting to be alone for a few minutes.
Standing in the bathroom, he remained idle checking his reflection, throwing water on his face to feel the coolth of the water calm his nerves. Now you may be asking, why is Will acting... well so strange? and that's a great question! It all started a long, long time ago; many millennia prior...
No... it didn't! He's joking; they say laughter is the medicine of the soul, trying to ease his own nerves making up a joking story but realising it didn't work. Nothing like that happened, the real reason he was acting like this was because...
"Will?" a voice called looking both ways before entering. Dustin had a hunch something was wrong and seeing Will in this state only proved his theory. There, huddling in the corner staring at the sink spaced out was the brunette; his hands under the flowing water from the faucet, he turned around startled hearing footsteps behind.
"Oh... hi" The brunette whispered attempting to portray composure.
"Hey!" The curly haired boy said softly, his voice laced with genuine concern "I noticed you seemed on edge during the whole lesson... is everything okay?"
The brunette sniffled, wiping a hand over his nose leaning against the sink counter. Will's face was red from embarrassment among other reasons. "I'm just a bit homesick! I miss my mum and my brother... sometimes it's too much!"
"Did something happen?" Dustin questioned "Is that why you're here?"
"It's nothing!" The brunette looked up; his eyes teary with droplets threatening to fall. "I just had a dream... about my home and it felt so real!"
The curly haired boy's heart sank, realising the weight of the situation stepping closer to place a hand on Will's shoulder, "I can't imagine how hard it must be for you! But we're here for you... We all are!" Emphasizing his words.
Will nodded, his voice wavering "I know... I just tried to not think about it for the past two weeks and then this dream came out of nowhere and yeah-" Sighing, unable to formulate a logical sentence.
Dustin took a deep breath hoping to find the right words "Dreams can be tricky; sometimes they bring up things you don't want to. But remember, for however long you're here for, this is your new home, and we are your new family!"
The brunette chuckled hearing the words come out of the curly haired boy's mouth, always relying on him when the situation arises, but glad that at least out of everything in this comic, he had friends, ones he could count on. Managing a small smile, the gratitude glimmered in his eyes allowing him to speak "I'm lucky to have friends like you... thanks Dustin, for always being there for me!"
"Anytime dude, anytime" The curly haired boy softly smiled patting the boy's shoulder
"Oh gosh" Will wiped a singular tear of his face, taking a deep breath "How did you know I was here anyway?" retaining composure, crossing his arms
"We went looking for you!" Dustin blinked
"We?" The brunette's eyes widened
"Yeah! Me, Mike, Lucas, El, Max!" The curly haired boy counted the names on his fingers, listing them "We all searched around!"
"Oh... sorry!" Will mumbled "I didn't know I was disrupting their lunch"
"Eh its nothing... you mean a lot to us, you know?" Dustin smiled "We're family remember!" nudging his side
"I know..." The small boy meekly nodded
"Take your time so we can go together for lunch!" The curly haired boy smiled gently; his eyes filled with empathy
"No... I think I'm actually gonna skip lunch" Will avoided eye contact
"Why? Are you feeling sick" Dustin looked up and down crossing his features
"No... No!" The brunette waved his hands around, shaking his head; his voice full of determination "I just want to be alone for a while"
"Are you sure?" The curly haired boy asked concerned
"Very!" Will nodded, a grin plastered on his face "I'll just be on the roof!"
"Okay... please stay safe" Dustin whispered
"Oh Dustin? One last thing!" The brunette questioned seeing the curly haired boy nod "Don't tell the rest where I am... I do really want to be alone for a while"
Dustin understood the need for solitude, although hesitant of his friend being alone with his thoughts but reluctantly agreed "Alright... I won't tell them BUT promise me you'll come back when you're ready... and if you need anything let me know!" urging the words emitting from his mouth.
Will managed a small smile "I will, and I promise!" making his way out the bathroom but hesitating at the door, turning his head to Dustin, "Thank you again for understanding!" trudging away, closing the door behind him. Dustin sighed leaning against the wall, being unable to shake off the worry that gnawed at his core. However, he trusted Will's judgement hoping this would aid in the clarity he was looking for.
The brunette navigated the halls, becoming mostly accustom with the layout of the school as Dustin gave him a little tour in his first week here. The small boy gently opened the door to the rooftop scanning both ways before stepping to approach the edge, leaning on the railing.
Will sighed, watching the students down below in the courtyard, his heart sank "I guess it's easier to live in this comic... at least people are nicer here-" slumping his head to the railing, ducking down to rest his chin on his hand.
Will couldn't help but close his eyes, feeling himself dig deeper into his thoughts; replaying memories of his past. He really missed the warmth of his family; the echoes of his mother's laughter or his brother's silly jokes. It was moments of solitude when he wished he could give his mother a hug, she would know how to deal with this; she would give him advice.
But just as he sunk into his thoughts, the tranquillity shattered upon hearing the door swing open, slamming against the metal door frame. Will flinched. At first, he assumed it to be Dustin or one of his other friends. Quickly turning his head toward the sound, he saw none other than the boys who hated him the most... Troy and James along with 3 other boys, all looking slightly older than the rest of the seniors.
"Well, well if it isn't little Will!" Troy sneered, taking a few steps toward the small boy. "Poor old Willy Byers!" jeering him
The brunette's heart sank, this wasn't the situation he wanted to be in when he was alone; hoping he could have time for reflection but fate had other plans. He took a step back even if their intentions unclear but also secretly taking his phone out his pocket, texting for help on the first contact on his messages without checking the screen.
"Yeah, he was!" Troy scoffed "Until he got replaced!"
"W-what?" Will's face turned white; they couldn't possibly be talking about...
"You destroyed this comic Will!" Troy deadpanned, exchanging a glance with James, relishing in the unsettling environment they've created, approaching closer. "And now... we're finishing the story"
"Finish?" Will's heart raced at the implications of their words. How had they found that out? Why did they find out?
"Yeah... we know we're in a comic! We read that little book and... you fucked up big time" James scoffed
"I did not!" The brunette retorted
"You see Will, we were content to play the villains in this piece-of-shit comic" Troy chuckled "But thanks to you, the story changed, we learnt the truth and found out who we really are." his voice deepening threateningly
"We thrived before you ever got here, but you decided to alter the story" James added, pointing a finger accusingly
"I- I didn't-" The brunette stammered
"SHUT THE FUCK UP WILL!" Troy shouted "We refuse to play second fiddle anymore... haven't you noticed? People are disappearing and I refuse to be the next!" Anger written over his face. "... You need to die for the story to end!"
The brunette's eyes widened, attempting to run pass the boys but James grabbed his hair pulling him back and throwing him toward Troy who gripped his arm twisting it into anunnatural position, dragging him toward the edge...
"Any last words?" Troy smiled sinisterly, wrapping both hands around the small boy's neck pinning him against the railings planning to throw him over
The brunette choked a few words "N-no ple-ase-"
1470 Words
Stay Safe <3
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