34- Indirect Confessions
---- Tuesday 7:42 AM ----
"Will, You little Vixen!" The curly haired boy poked his side, waiting for over 20 minutes by the school's entrance just to meet Will, the moment he entered the school; a bunch of ridiculous questions on his mind. After all, it wasn't every day when your close friend tells you he has a date with his crush. "I can't believe he asked YOU out!"
"Hey what's that supposed to mean?" The brunette furrowed his brows, slightly offended
"Oh, c'mon Will!" Dustin rolled his eyes "We've both read that comic and we know how Mike acts around other people!" proving his point as Will was the only person who the ravenette is romantic too; not even acting like that with El in the comic, confusing the pair.
"Keep your voice down!" The brunette's eyes bulged out his sockets scanning both ways as there was two secrets he didn't want to spill: the first being Mike's crush and the second is the reality of living in a comic; If others knew it could be catastrophic.
"Don't worry! No one even cares in this school!" The curly haired boy nudged his side
"Yes..." The brunette mocked "But if anyone finds out Mike asked me out... then I'll be hunted like I'm on death row!" Whispering the last sentence
"Fine! Fine!" Dustin rolled his eyes making their way to the classroom
El and Max quickly joined the conversation running behind them, their interest peaked, "Prepare yourself for a night of romance" the redhead teased sitting on his desk nudging his side
"It's not gonna be like that!" Will furrowed his brows at his friend's antics
"It is! It is!" El chanted aloud poking Will's in the side
Suddenly footsteps walked over to them "What is everyone so giggly about?" Lucas questioned resting himself on the table behind the brunette
"Will's got a date!" The doe-eyed girl screamed with a smile on her face, happy to be able to tell others about her brother's successful romantic adventures.
"Oh... date?" Lucas quietly nodded seemingly lost in thought. His heart sinking into his chest, something he couldn't ignore. In the moment he knew exactly who asked Will out, he was so sure of it.
"Who is it with?" The athletic boy attempted to push his feelings down, placing an awkward grin on his face; he already knew the answer, so he didn't understand why he even asked.
"Mike, of course!" Max playfully rolled her eyes, not understanding the weight of her words affecting the athletic boy. It wasn't her fault; she couldn't tell of his secret burrowing feelings for the brunette.
"Oh cool..." Lucas mumbled
"Is something wrong?" The curly haired boy tilted his head.
"Oh, no! Nothing!" The athletic boy waved his arms around his face taking a step back "I just remembered I need to get something from the- from the library!" stammering his words to walk away before his emotions were clear on his face.
Dustin and Will exchanged a look. The brunette could tell something was wrong, jumping from his desk noticing the slumped shoulders, shuffling walk, and lowered gaze of the athletic boy. Concerned, the small boy ran out the doors leaving his friends behind to wonder where they went.
"Lucas! Wait up!" The brunette called out of breath; his voice full of genuine concern. His speed increasing with every step, placing a hand on his heart to feel his elevated heartbeat. He followed the athletic boy around school eventually making their way outside, students scattered the courtyard eating ice-cream; happily chatting before the first lesson of the day.
But Lucas couldn't hear, continuing to walk even pass the library to the bleachers. Being very sporty he was able to easily outrun the small boy; honestly not even noticing he was being trailed the whole time. Sitting down on the school bleachers, Lucas rested his head backward to absorb the rays of sunlight.
The brunette finally caught up a few minutes later completely out of breath, bending over slightly to catch his composure. But upon noticing the slight grey in Lucas's eyes indicating something was wrong, he stood straight not even worrying about the shooting pain in his legs "Is everything okay?" genuine consideration seeping out his every pore.
The athletic boy shrugged brushing off his own feelings "Yeah, I'm fine! I was just caught off guard... that's all" his words quiet
Will's expression softened, not realising the impact of his date on Lucas, stepping closer to offer help, as Lucas would do for others; The brunette wanted to offer a comforting presence, "If something is bothering you... You know you can talk to me, right?"
The athletic boy managed a weak smile, touched by the simple gesture "I know Will... I know!" sighing slightly deep "It's just silly feelings!" Lying to make a believable excuse
Will, the ever so oblivious boy he was tilted his head, furrowing his brows in confusion "Feelings? What feelings?"
Lucas hesitated for a moment, deciding not to burden the small boy with his own emotions "It's nothing, just a silly crush... I'll get over it"
The brunette sunk down to his side, their knees almost touching; empathy flowing through his veins "Lucas..." Sighing softly "It's not silly! Your feelings matter and I care about you. If you need someone to talk to... I'm here for you!" placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
Placing a smile on his face "Thanks Will" Lucas felt touched by the understanding.
Sitting in silence for a while, the weight of Lucas's unspoken feelings hung in the air, but Will didn't pry, sensing the taller boy needed some time to think about his crush... whoever it was.
Slowly the conversation shifted becoming light-hearted and full of funny banter, reminiscing over the past week with shared laughter.
As the conversation unfolded, Lucas opened up his heart from the caring words. Despite the sadness that lingered within, he felt his spirit lifted, being in the company of his good friend. Even if his feelings couldn't be reciprocated their friendship was truly special. This was all he needed for right now... all he needed!
"Your crush must be some super-human, for you to like them!" The brunette giggled "She must be beautiful too..."
"HE is!" The athletic boy emphasized the gender
"Wait... it's a boy?" Will's eyes widened upon seeing Lucas nod "Sorry... I didn't mean to assume" nervously chuckling to alleviate the pressure
"It's fine" The athletic boy joked "I've never told anyone before, but I think I'm Bisexual"
"Oh, umm cool" The brunette nervously gave a thumbs up, not knowing what to say when someone comes out to you "I'm glad you trust me enough to come out... I'm proud of you"
"Thanks Will... It means a lot" Lucas's lips curled upwards
"Whoever you like is soo stupid!" The brunette joked
"What?" The tall boy furrowed his brow
"I mean how could they choose anyone over you" Will laughed, throwing both hands into the air
"Well, he is pretty dumb when it comes to things like this!" Lucas smiled looking across at the brunette, his eyes widening jumping up from the bleachers hearing the distant cacophony of the ringing school bell, signalling the beginning of lessons.
"Oh no" The athletic boy exclaimed, checking his watch. "We're late for class!"
Realizing the urgency, Will and Lucas quickly gathered themselves hurrying off to their first lesson, leaving their conversation unfinished.
As they rushed through the crowded hallways, Lucas couldn't help but feel a mix of relief and disappointment. He had tried to confess his feelings indirectly so, but it seemed like Will didn't fully grasp his intention; the weight of unrequited love settling upon him once again.
But with a sigh, the athletic boy decided to put his confession on hold for the time being. He couldn't risk jeopardizing their friendship or his friendship with Mike over this. For now, he would focus on cherishing their bond, even if it meant keeping his true emotions under wraps.
---- 10:51 AM ----
When the lesson ended for break, the ravenette excitedly ran up to the brunette's desk. Will lifted his head, drowsy from insomnia; the previous night filled with continuously picturing the date between him and Mike later today. Will didn't want to over hype himself, but honestly felt stressed; yes, although this technically wasn't his 'first' date; it was a date with a guy he liked.
But the ravenette seemed more childlike and on-edge than him for some reason, approaching with a giant grin, "Are you excited for our date tonight?" Mike chirped; his voice full of enthusiasm
"I thought it was a platonic date?" The brunette mocked, deciding to mess around with the ravenette for a few minutes, moving his head around.
"Oh umm... It is!" Mike sighed, slightly disappointed "It totally is platonic"
"I'm just kidding!" The small boy rolled his eyes "No need to look so gloomy!"
"What... I'm not gloomy!" The tall boy crossed his arms defensively
"Really?" Will raised an eyebrow judgmentally "You should have seen the look on your face!"
"I did not have any look on my face!" The ravenette pouted
"Yes, you did... But you know if you want, we could turn this platonic date into a romantic one!" Will mumbled a proposition.
"What?" Mike was taken aback by the suggestion but hoped to hear that
The brunette bit his tongue; this was a dangerous game as though he was playing with fire "Nothing! Forget I said-" taking back the words he said
"No! I like it!" The tall boy cut off "A romantic date!" a clumsy grin spreading across his face.
Will jokingly sighed upon seeing this reaction "I'm gonna regret this, aren't I?"
"Nope!" Mike held a hand to the air "I've already planned everything out! It's going to be an amazing date!"
"Yeah, I can't wait!" The small boy bashfully grinned, using a hand to cover his mouth; sheathing his emotions of glee.
"Just so we're on the same page the date is today at 5:00 right?" The ravenette asked
"Yes, today at 5:00!" Will repeated annoyed of Mike's constant double checking
"Okay!" The tall boy said "Just making sure..." Before randomly changing the subject "Do you want to go to the snack bar? All our friends have gone."
"I'd rather just stay here!" Will mumbled, His legs unable to move from his tired state "I wanna sleep! You can go if you want!"
"No! I'll stay here with you!" The ravenette waved his arms around "You sleep, I'll let you know when the lesson starts again!"
The brunette nodded, placing his head down on the desk knowing he would be safe with Mike by his side...
1793 Words
Bit of a boring chapter, but I promise the next few will more then make up for it
Stay Safe <3
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